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Wicked Sinner

Page 12

by Stacey Kennedy

  “Glad to hear it,” Asher said.

  “How’s—” The telephone on her desk rang and she smiled softly. “Let’s catch up when we can.” She gave him a wave and then answered the phone.

  Asher turned away, fighting against the tightness in his chest. While he appreciated Gianna, seeing her was hard. Years had gone by since Mom died, but it felt like she’d passed away yesterday. His world never quite looked the same without her there. He missed how she’d light up and hug him whenever she saw him. He missed the smell of her cooking. He missed the way that, no matter what happened, she’d always made him feel like everything was going to be fine.

  Until, it wasn’t fine at all.

  Through the glass windows, he found Rhett and Boone already waiting for him in the command center. Rhett noticed his arrival first. He looked at Asher’s hand and then said, deadly serious, “Breakfast burritos. You’re either buttering us up or want forgiveness.”

  Asher snorted a laugh. “Neither. Call it being grateful.” When Asher woke up bright and early this morning, he knew he needed more than coffees to get Boone and Rhett into work at seven thirty. “Thanks for coming. I know it’s early.”

  Boone grabbed a burrito out of the bag, then handed the bag to Asher. “I’m guessing this has something to do with Remy.”

  Asher took his burrito out before handing the bag off to Rhett. “The guy I had you look into for me, Lars Violi, came into Remy’s shop and scared her.”

  Boone froze, halfway to taking a bite of his burrito. “This Violi doesn’t have any connection to the phone call you made last night about Antonio’s?”

  “Yeah, he does,” Asher said.

  Boone set his burrito down, his brow furrowing. “How did Violi scare Remy?”

  “Just came in asking about Damon and where he was, but she was shaken,” Asher explained, then took a sip of his coffee. “What did you get from the photograph I sent last night?”

  “What photograph?” Rhett asked with a full mouth.

  Asher grabbed his phone from his back pocket and brought up the picture. “Remy and I followed Violi when he left the B and B where he’s staying.” Both men went brows up. Asher snorted and went on. “Kill the lecture you’re about to give me. Remy wants to be involved. Until it’s not safe for her to be, I’m letting her.”

  Rhett whistled.

  Boone’s mouth twitched.

  Yeah, Asher had gone totally soft. He already knew that. “The photograph,” he repeated, staying on task.

  Boone finally reached for his burrito again, and said, “The other two guys in the picture you sent me are big players in some underground crime. Money laundering. Dirty business.”

  Asher finished off his bite and then dropped the burrito to reach for his napkin. “I don’t want this prick anywhere near her. We need to find out the connection here. Anything that can help us ensure we get this guy moving on from here and back to where he came from.”

  Boone watched Asher a moment, then nodded. “I couldn’t agree more. What do we know about Violi?”

  “I’ve dug around,” Rhett said, reaching into his backpack and pulling out a file. “I found out some interesting things about him last night.” He handed the file to Asher. “He’s got a rap sheet a mile long, connections to people you don’t want on your bad side, all matched with a terrible attitude.”

  Asher opened the file and stared down at Violi’s cold, dead eyes in his mug shot. Rhett wasn’t wrong. Aggravated assault, harassment, the list went on and on. And the more Asher read, the more he wanted this guy far away from Remy. Dammit. He should have demanded she stayed with him last night. He reached for his cell phone, then texted Remy: Rise and shine.

  A second later, she texted back: I’m rising but I’m not shining.

  Asher smiled. Hope the grand opening at the shop today goes well.

  She sent him a kiss emoji. Now he was really smiling as he tucked his phone back into his pocket, and he became aware of the silence around him.

  Boone was hiding his laughter with a cough.

  Rhett was outright grinning.

  “Shut up,” Asher told them both and then tapped his finger against the file folder. “We need to find out why this guy is here.”

  Boone finally stopped smiling and reached for his coffee cup. Before taking a sip, he asked, “How do you want to proceed from here?”

  That was precisely the problem. Asher didn’t know. “Get some eyes on him. He’s staying at the B and B. I want to know when he leaves and what he’s doing. There’s gotta be a reason he’s come to town. If he’s partnered with Fanning, the last thing he’d want to do is draw attention to himself after Fanning’s arrest.”

  Boone and Rhett nodded agreement.

  Asher ran his hands over his tired eyes. “There’s gotta be something we’re missing about him. We need to find out what that is, and what the hell he wants.”

  “You’re all in early.”

  Asher glanced over his shoulder, finding Hank. “I called them in,” Asher explained. “We’ve got a situation.”

  At that, Hank’s head cocked. “Anything to worry about?”

  Boone explained, “Remy’s got a visitor we don’t want her to have.”

  “Oh,” Hank said, moving in to sit at the head of the table. “Tell me everything.”

  It came as no surprise that Hank would want every single detail. Remy was like a second daughter to him, growing up right alongside Kinsley. Asher recounted what had happened and left out no detail of what had unfolded so far.

  When Asher finished, Hank rubbed his jaw and said, “It’s odd that Fanning would be connected to anyone in the dark underbelly of Whitby Falls.”

  Boone agreed with a firm nod, then turned to Asher. “After you sent that picture, I had a look to see if there was any connection between Fanning and that group, but I couldn’t find anything.”

  “And,” Rhett added, “Fanning scammed money off women. I couldn’t find anything in Violi’s record showing a mutual affection for that particular crime.”

  “Another mystery then,” Hank said, rising to push his chair back under the table.

  “A mystery we don’t want Remy involved in,” Asher said, now rubbing at the building tension across his neck. “If it’s all right, boss, I’d like to take a few days to sort this out. I’ll take some vacation time.”

  “Nah, it’s all right,” Hank said, moving toward the door. He stopped in the doorway, then looked back at Asher. “Clean this up for Remy. See that all this shit gets put behind her.” To Boone and Rhett, he said, “I’ve got a new case. Come to my office when you’re done here.”

  Boone nodded at his father, then waited until Hank left the room before tossing the last bit of burrito into his mouth. “You need to watch your step with these guys,” he told Asher firmly. “They’re well connected and dangerous. If you need us, bring us in on this.”

  “Yes. Please.” Rhett grinned, his gaze all but twinkling. “Please bring us in on this.”

  Asher chuckled, leaning back in his chair and stretching his arms. “If I have my way, Violi will see Fanning in jail, then he’ll leave, and that will be the end of this.”

  Rhett arched an eyebrow. “And if that doesn’t happen?”

  “Then I’ll tell him to leave,” Asher stated.

  Boone snorted. “You’ll ask him nicely.”

  Asher grabbed the file to take back to his office to learn as much as he could about Lars Violi. “Now that I can’t promise.”

  Boone gave him a level look. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

  “Yeah, like piss off mobsters because you’re trying to right a wrong from your past,” Rhett offered.

  Asher frowned and rose. “When have I ever done anything stupid?”

  “When we went joyriding when we were thirteen,” Boone said.

  Rhett nodded and added, “When you thought building that skateboarding ramp was a good idea and broke your arm.”

  “Ah, yeah, good one.” Boone barked a
laugh. “How about when you were sure the lake was frozen enough to handle the snow mobile and lost it in the water.”

  Asher flipped them the bird and grinned before heading to his office, hearing them laughing behind him, calling out more stupid shit he’d done as a kid. They weren’t wrong—he was reckless and foolish as a teenager.

  But he wasn’t that kid anymore.

  * * *

  Lemon incense infused the air as Remy rang up another customer. Two hours she’d been open, and the store hadn’t slowed down yet. Most of the people Remy recognized, the townsfolk coming out to support her. Customers were standing around the small table that had cookies and a large thermos of hot apple cider, grand opening gifts from the owners of the bakery down the street. All of the shelves were being restocked by Kinsley and Peyton, who’d pitched in to help today. Asher had stopped in and then had to run to Remy’s loft to grab more of the healing oil. Sales were off the charts, and at this point, Remy hoped she could keep up with demand.

  She stared out at her shop, her heart in her throat. So many bad decisions along the way that lead Remy to a place in her life when she thought her dreams would never come true, and now they had. Though she couldn’t stop the slight pain in her heart that when she used to dream of this moment as a teenager, she thought she and Asher would be married with a couple of kids. She always knew Asher would have been an amazing father, even if he obviously feared fatherhood because of his own dad. But as she looked around at Kinsley and Peyton, and having Asher back in her life now—just in a different way—she realized how lucky she was. No matter how much life wanted to sink her, she kept treading the water and somehow made it out alive.

  I did it.

  A loud meow caught Remy’s attention. She glanced down, finding Salem sitting on the counter looking proud and handsome as always. “I know, it’s fun, isn’t it?” Remy asked him, not surprised when he meowed back in answer. Which had been his answer when she tried to leave him at home this morning. Maybe she was nervous and he felt that. Or maybe he knew the store was Remy’s life now. Salem always squeezed himself into her life from the very first day he showed up at her doorstep as a sick kitten needing help.

  The bell above the door chimed when another customer left. Remy gave Salem a final pat, then moved around the counter and sidled up to Peyton and Kinsley near the bookshelves. “I can’t believe how busy it’s been.”

  Kinsley tucked her arm through Remy’s. Peyton did the same on the other arm and said, “It’s because this shop came from a really good place. Your grandmother’s love and all her knowledge is wrapped up in this entire store.”

  Kinsley nodded. “People will gravitate to that.”

  “Nana would be so proud of this little shop,” Remy said, emotion creeping up in her throat. “All her spells being put to use to actually help people. I’m seriously still pinching myself this has finally happened.” Her dream happened. Her life was finally looking up. Life was actually giving her the break she’d always wanted. Gratefulness touched every part of her soul right down to the tips of her toes.

  “Remy.” Betty-Anne, the dental hygienist who cleaned Remy’s teeth every six months, called her over with a wave. “Will this oil really help me with luck?”

  Remy nodded. “If you gamble or bet, most definitely.”

  “Oh, I’m so getting this, then,” Betty-Anne said, eyes twinkling. “I can’t wait to beat everyone at bingo.”

  Remy laughed.

  “I’ll ring you out, Betty-Anne,” Peyton said, moving toward the counter.

  Another lady stood on her tiptoes, attempting to reach a glass jar on one of the bookshelves. “Oh, be careful there, I can help with that,” Kinsley called. “Let me grab a stool.”

  Remy stood in the center of the shop and exhaled deeply. Life had dealt a couple hard blows over the years. Sure, she had a mom who wasn’t around much and a father who never acknowledged her existence, but she had Asher, Kinsley, Peyton, the guys, and Salem. What else did a girl need but that? And now her grandmother’s spells could heal, could inspire, and could bring happiness. Maybe the hard road was worth it because it all led her here to this moment, where she felt stronger than she had in a long time.

  The front door opened again, and time seemed to slow. Her heart rate spiked, nearly exploding from her chest when Lars stepped into her store. All the happiness that had floated through her a minute ago suddenly vanished when she caught his gaze and he gave a smile that held no warmth. He approached her with his back ramrod straight. For one split second, darkness nearly flickered, giving the reminder that nothing in Remy’s life could simply be happy, but she shoved that thought aside.

  Today was her day. Nothing would ruin that.

  “Hi,” she said, forcing her voice not to shake. “Welcome to Black Cat’s Cauldron’s grand opening. Is there anything I can help you find?” She suddenly wondered if he’d seen her and Asher last night following him. “We’ve got great salves for sore muscles from the gym. Would that be of interest to you?” The guy was all muscle. Scary big muscles.

  “Nah, I’ve got no interest in that.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his black tailored suit. “I’ll tell you what does interest me, though: this shop.”

  Her stomach tightened like a rock when she processed what he’d said. “What about it?”

  “I inquired over the property,” he said.

  She clenched her hands to not let him see her shaking. “Okay, well, it’s mine now. So…sorry that you lost the chance to buy it.”

  A crooked smile tugged on his lips.

  The air shifted around her, the iciness of the danger filling the space between them. She glanced around, finding no one near her, though Peyton was staring hard at this exchange while she checked Betty-Anne out, then Remy moved closer. “Listen, I told you before, I have nothing to do with Damon. He tried to swindle my inheritance. Now he’s in prison. That’s all. Like I said, I have nothing to do with him.”

  Lars dropped his eye level to hers. “That is still left to be seen.”

  Remy’s heart promptly landed in her throat and her insides felt like they were quivering. Before she could even find the words to answer him, another voice said, “We haven’t met.”

  Remy slowly turned, hearing the absolute control in Asher’s voice. She realized he must have come through the back door, and she found his expression blank. He slung his arm around her, tugging her back to him, stealing the fear that crept up.

  He offered his hand to Lars, like he had no idea who he was. “Detective Asher Sullivan.”

  As cool and collected as Asher, Lars shook his hand. “Lars Violi.” His gaze swept over Asher’s protective arm around Remy before settling on Asher again.

  “Thank you for coming out today to support the grand opening,” Asher said. “Do you need any help finding anything?”

  Lars’s gaze flicked to Remy. “Nah, I’ve found everything that I’ve needed.” He smiled at Asher, all teeth and coldness. “Enjoy the rest of your day, Detective.” To Remy, he dipped his chin a little. “I’ve got no doubt I’ll see you again.”

  “I would advise against that,” Asher warned.

  Lars’s gaze cut back to Asher. “I’m sure you would.” He left as calmly through the front door as he’d walked in.

  “Who was that?” Peyton said behind Remy.

  “Trouble,” Asher said, then ran his hands down Remy’s arms as if he knew she was chilled to her bones. “What did he say to you?” he asked gently.

  Her mind felt scattered, lost of all things but the honest fear raging through her veins. “He said he had inquired about my shop.”

  “To buy it, you mean?” Asher asked.

  Remy shrugged. “It kind of sounded like that.”

  “Well, whatever it is, I don’t like it,” Peyton said. “That guy gave me the total creeps.”

  “You and me both,” Remy agreed. She turned to Asher. “You still can’t find out a connection to him and Damon?”

  Asher ex
haled a long breath before responding. “Not yet.” He must have seen her worry, because he tugged her into his embrace, and she went willingly, needing his warmth. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t find out why he’s here and what in the hell he wants.” He stared down at her, tucking her hair behind her ear. “He won’t get close again. I promise you that.”

  “Remy,” Kinsley called, standing on the other side of the store. “Can we get some help over here?”

  “Yes. Yes, of course,” Remy said. She stepped out of Asher’s arms and asked, “Do you think I should start worrying now?”

  Asher hesitated, then offered, “I’m going to get a cruiser to sit outside your place, just to keep an eye on things, until we know what we’re facing. All right?”

  Of course that only told her that yes, she totally had something to worry about. Not a very settling thought.

  It took everything inside of her to fully step away, not really wanting to create distance between her and his strength. There was no denying that she’d always felt better in his arms than out of them. And Lars was scary. Really scary.

  Her emotions must have showed, since Asher squeezed her hand. “You’re going to be okay.”

  She drew in a long breath and put on a brave face, then turned to face him. “I know. I’ve got you watching my back, how could anything go wrong?”

  The quick flash of surprise and honest warmth in Asher’s expression made the chill from Lars quickly vanish. Remy smiled at him, then strode toward Kinsley and the customer waiting, trying so desperately not to allow Lars to ruin the best day of her life.

  Chapter 12

  Later that night, Asher pulled his Camaro into the parking spot next to Remy’s Honda Civic. He grabbed the brown paper bag holding Thai takeout—Remy’s favorite—off the passenger seat and then got out of his car. Next to Remy’s car, he found the patrol car resting with the rookie Ian sitting in the driver’s seat. Hank had been on board with giving her protective detail after he learned of Violi’s second visit to the shop, as Asher knew he would. “Hey,” Asher said, sidling up to the window. “Things been quiet?”


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