Book Read Free

His Beauty

Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2018 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-836-5

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  “No. No. No. No!”

  Meghan Bell looked at her sister Rose, and didn’t know what the hell to do. The moment someone started banging on their apartment door, Rose started to act crazy. Tucking her hair behind her ears, Meghan stared at her sister, then at the door.

  “What the hell is going on?” she asked. She’d never seen her sister like this before. Meghan made a step toward the door, but Rose caught her arm.

  “You can’t go.”


  “You can’t let them in.”

  “Take a look, Rose. They’re coming in one way or the other.” She stared at her sister. Rose’s brown eyes were dilated, and Meghan saw the panic inside them. “No, Rose, tell me you don’t have a clue who that is trying to get inside our place.”

  Rose was eight years older than she was. At twenty-two years old, Meghan was more the grownup than her sister. She’d bailed her out of so much. Since their parents died when Meghan was eighteen, they’d only had each other.

  While she’d devoted her time to her studies and work, Rose went the other way, drinking, partying and discovering a love of heroin, cocaine, pills of any kind.

  “I … erm … I needed the money, Meg. You know what it’s like.”

  “I gave you money yesterday.”

  “I … you don’t know what it’s like to be me. To feel everything that I’m going through. I need the pills, and the measly two hundred dollars isn’t going to cut it, Meghan. I needed it so badly. You know how I get.”

  Meghan didn’t even know who she was looking at anymore. This sister of hers didn’t care about her at all.

  “Open the door,” Meghan said.

  “No, we can’t. We have to hide.”

  “Who did you take the money from?” Meghan glared at her sister, waiting for an answer. Living in the city, she knew without a doubt there were a lot of people who’d be more than happy to break down the door in the middle of the night. They were two women, and rape wasn’t beneath a lot of loan sharks. This couldn’t be happening. Not now. Not ever. Her anger came to her instantly. She didn’t want to hate her sister, but right then, right there, she felt it coiling inside her, threatening to spill out.

  Rose bit her lip, her eyes looking wild as if she was on something. Fear raced down Meghan’s spine, but she refused to think about what could possibly scare her sister this badly.

  “Damon Travers.”

  The fear was necessary.

  She’d never personally met the man, but he was a big deal around these parts, and by these parts, she meant the poorest section of the city. Where people were willing to sell their souls or their kids just to get by. She hated it, but there was nowhere else they could afford. Not after Rose used their inheritance to snort up her nose or inject into a vein. She was flashing the cash over four years ago but not now.

  It sucked big time.

  “Are you serious right now?”

  “I’m so sorry, Meg. You know what it’s like.”

  “No. I don’t know what it’s like. I don’t know what any of this is like.” She ran fingers through her bed hair, hating everything right now. “We can’t ignore it.” She was shocked they hadn’t barged through yet.

  “We’ve got to run.”

  “There’s no running.” She knew enough that running from Damon would only make it worse. Pulling out of her sister’s hold, she charged toward the door. “Please stop banging or whatever it is you’re doing. I’m about to open the door.” She called out loud enough to be heard.

  The banging ceased, and her heart raced.

  Closing her eyes, she sent a little prayer in the hope their parents were watching them.

  Removing the lock, she flicked the catch and opened the door.

  Three huge men marched inside, and she moved quickly out of the way as they charged her sister. Within a matter of seconds, one of them had Rose, one hand at her throat, the other banded around her waist.

  Her hands shook as the man she assumed was Damon Travers entered in behind everyone else.

  Considering the size of him, she was a little shocked that he needed guards. He was fucking huge, and that was putting it lightly. The suit looked like it was going to tear any second with the expanse of his muscles. He frowned as he stepped into the apartment. Not wanting anyone to know their business, she closed the door and moved as far away as she could get.

  “What took you so long?” he asked. His voice was laced with anger.

  Folding her arms across her chest, she watched her sister. Rose looked completely helpless, and it was a struggle to stand in the one spot to see her so afraid.

  She’s older than you.

  She borrowed money.

  “I’m sorry,” Rose said.

  “Where’s my money?” Damon asked.

  “I don’t have it.” Rose screamed as the big guy gripped her throat even tighter.

  Meghan had no choice but to cover her mouth as it would be so easy to yell at them. To tell them all to get out of her shitty apartment. Gritting her teeth, she watched as Damon approached Rose.

  Her sister let out a whimper.

  “You promised me payment tonight. You think because you’ve got a cunt, you’re not going to get punished. Anyone who owes me money and fails to pay always gets what is coming to them.”

  Rose started to claw at the hand of the man holding her.

  He was choking her.

  “Stop! Stop!” Meghan charged forward, about to kick him in the nuts when someone grabbed her around the waist. She lifted her elbow and clocked him in the face. No one touched her. No one manhandled her. While on college grounds, she’d taken several self-defense classes, and right now they were really paying off. “Get off me. Get off!” She started to hit at the arm holding her. She wanted no part of this. Nothing at all. “Get off.” She couldn’t see her sister being hurt. Even though there were times she wanted to hit her, she kept that voice and that anger to herself.

  This was not good.

  She was suddenly held, her arms trapped at her sides. Nowhere to go.

  “Who is this?” Damon asked, coming to stand in front of her.

  “No one you know.”

  A hand covered her mouth, stopping her from speaking.

  “She’s my sister,” Rose said on a gasp.

  “I wonder if Mommy was naughty, because she looks nothing like you.” He reached out, and his fingers tucked her blonde hair out of her face.

  A lot of people would often say they weren’t related. Where Rose was brown-haired and brown-eyed, she was blonde and blue. Her mother was blonde and blue while Rose took after their father. That’s what they were told by their parents.

  She wanted to bite the man’s hand off who was holding her back.

  “What’s her name?” he asked.

  Glaring at him, she hoped her sister wouldn’t tell him.

  “Meghan. Her name is Meghan.”

  “Pretty name.” His eyes were dark, looking almost b
lack in the light cast from the lamp that was on. “Tell me, Meghan, how do you feel about working off your sister’s debt?”

  This made her pause in her struggles.

  He continued to stare at her, and she hated feeling like a bug under a microscope.

  “Ah, I see that got your attention, didn’t it?”

  Staring at her sister, her eyes wide. Rose looked at her, pleading.

  Do what he says. Please.

  “Let her speak.” He nodded at the man who had his hand over her mouth.

  “How?” she asked, licking her lips.

  “The good old-fashioned way.”

  Her cheeks heated as she heard the chuckling from the men in the room. “I’m not a whore.”

  “I didn’t say you were going to be whoring out for anyone but me?”

  This made the men stop laughing. Clearly, they were as shocked as she was. “What?”

  “Simple. I’m in need of a woman to fuck, and I don’t want to work for it. Fuck me and it will help work off your sister’s fifty-thousand debt.”

  Her eyes went wide. “Fifty thousand? What the hell were you doing with fifty grand? When?”

  “You were gone, and I needed money.”

  “Then do what normal people do. Earn it.” Her sister must have gotten it when she’d been away for a weekend on an experience event with the local college. They went to help and build houses in a third world country. It had changed her entire life, or at least she thought it had. Right now, she still wanted to kill her sister.

  “No,” she said. There was no way she’d whore out her body even to this one man. Just one look at him and regardless of his sexy, dirty, good looks, he was a monster.

  “That your answer?”

  “Meg, please,” Rose said.

  “I begged you not to, and this is what you did. Why should I help you?”

  “You’re my sister!”

  “It’s done. Rex, do it,” Damon said, cutting through their crossed words.

  Before she even knew what was happening, the man took hold of her sister’s hand and within the next second, she heard it break.


  The sister had been a surprise. Damon heard the pain spill from Rose’s lips. She’d promised him, and regardless of if she had a pussy or not, she should have paid him. It was as simple as that. He wished he’d known she had a sister though.

  Meghan was a beauty.

  She was so fucking sexy as well.

  Even in the large-assed shirt that she wore, which came to mid-thigh, he saw the curvy body beneath. The full, ripe tits that made him want to break Dan’s arm holding her at bay. The moment the bone breaking echoed around the room, Meghan turned into a little hellcat. She kept trying to move, but he caught hold of her. Damon loved watching her.

  The fire blazing in her eyes.

  She’d be passion in his bed, and it had been a long time since he’d wanted to fuck a woman on sight.

  Meghan Bell, the new beauty in his life. He didn’t imagine for a second he’d actually keep her. He got bored after a few rounds of fucking. It was always the same.

  He relished the excitement, the fear of the unknown, and staring at Megan, he knew she was a ball of excitement waiting to happen.

  Rex was about to break Rose’s leg, and the little druggie didn’t even put up a fight as she cradled her arm.

  “No, no, no, stop. Please, stop. Please. No more. Stop. I’ll do it!”

  Those words had him holding his hand up.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Stop hurting her. I’ll do it. I’ll do whatever it is you want. Just don’t break anything else. Please.”

  He stared at Meghan. He didn’t like Rose calling her Meg. It didn’t suit her.

  “This is not some bullshit agreement, Meghan. Before we leave this apartment, you will agree to everything and know what is expected of you.”

  “Leave the apartment?”

  He snorted. “You don’t think I intend to stay here for you to live out your debt, do you?”

  “We’re good enough to exploit but not to hang out with.”

  “Sweetheart, this is all business. If you want to survive in this world, you’ve got to realize it comes with a price. You have to learn to do a lot of bad things.”

  “A dog eat dog world?”

  “Exactly, only I’m one of the biggest fucking dogs out there. I give people a dream. A new car. A fancy vacation. Time off. Whatever it is they want, so long as they learn to pay me back. Those that do, I leave alone. They pay me what I’m due, and their debt goes away. They don’t, I demand payment.”

  “What do you want?”

  Even with her being held by a man who could easily snap her neck, she was giving him attitude, and what was more, he liked it, a lot. He couldn’t wait to break her down, to make her beg for him, to want him, and when the time finally came, he was going to shatter her world, toss her out, and never look back.

  Women meant nothing to him.

  He’d found them to be nothing more than disappointment. It’s why he never kept them around for long.

  “Simple. I want everything. Your mouth, your pussy, your ass. For as long as I want, you’ll belong to me, and what I say goes. If I tell you to get on your knees and suck my cock, you’ll do it. It’s all on the table, your body.” He stepped close to her, and Dan knew to step back. Cupping her cheek, he tilted her head back with his thumb beneath her chin.

  “You’ll leave Rose alone?”

  She didn’t want to agree. He saw that in her eyes. She hated this, hated being cornered, and it was all because of her blood. Rose’s whimpers filled the space between them.

  “Yes. You have my word.” His word meant shit. As far as he was concerned, Rose would be working off her debt the good old-fashioned way, and he already knew where to dump her pussy to get to work.

  “Please, Meg, please,” Rose said.

  “Don’t … talk to me right now. Leave me the fuck alone. Can I grab a bag?” she asked.

  “No. Anything you need can be purchased when you need it. Bring her, Dan.” He nodded at Rex.

  His guard would know what to do with her, and she’d get fixed up. Any cost she incurred would add up and she’d work it all off.

  He heard Meghan complaining, but she was no match for Dan, who simply picked her up and carried her over his shoulder as if she weighed nothing.

  No one stopped them as they made their way down to the street.

  One kid, no older than fifteen, approached.

  “Miss Bell, are you okay?”

  “Shit, don’t worry about this, Alex. Okay. Go back inside.”


  “No buts, just do as I ask. Go back inside. It’s not safe.”

  He found it interesting that this woman was worried about this teenage boy.

  One look at Alex and Damon saw the interest in the kid’s eyes. He had a little crush on Meghan. How interesting.

  Stepping up to the young boy, he smirked.

  “You leave him alone. Alex, do as I ask.” Meghan let out a scream, which came to an abrupt end when Dan slammed the car door closed.

  Once glance back at the car and he smiled. She was banging against the glass, her feet trying to break the window. It was … cute. Her gaze was on Alex, and he realized she was worried about the young boy.

  “Please don’t hurt her.”

  “You know her?” he asked.

  “She’s nice, sir.”

  “Do you know who I am?” Damon asked. Most people knew him in these parts, but he didn’t put it past some that don’t. Alex was young though.

  “You’re Damon Travers.”

  The boy had some sense.

  “You like Meghan?”

  “She’s the nicest person in these parts. She takes care of me when my mom forgets. Please, I can work for you.”

  “You’re too young, kid. Don’t worry about Meghan. I’ll take care of her.” Holding out some cash, which he got from inside his jacket pocket, he waite
d for the boy to take it.

  Alex shook his head. “I don’t want money.”

  “You’ll be a fool not to take it. Do so for Meghan. I don’t want her worrying about you.”

  Finally, after a few minutes, Alex took the money, and it was interesting to Damon as he saw the shame on the boy’s face. He didn’t expect to see that. Alex left seconds later, and he watched him go.

  How interesting.

  He didn’t linger through.

  When he climbed into the back of the car, Meghan launched herself at him. “You leave that boy alone. He’s innocent and doesn’t need to get meddled with by the likes of you.”

  She wasn’t strong enough to take him on. Grabbing her arms, he pressed her to the back of the seat, his body settling between her spread legs. She felt so nice and soft against him, and he loved the feel of her and couldn’t get enough. The scent of her was already driving him crazy. It was something rich and fruity that made him want to sink his teeth into her flesh.

  With her hands above her head, her legs open for him, his cock was nestled right between her thighs, exactly where it should be.

  “I don’t think you’re in any position to tell me what to do.”

  She tried to get her hands from him, but all it served to do was arch her chest up. Those delicious tits would soon belong to him.

  “Let me go.”

  “Nope. You gave yourself to me.” And there, in the back of the car while Dan pulled away from the apartment block, he took one of her nipples into his mouth through her shirt. She let out a gasp, and the moment he touched her, she immediately stopped fighting him. He could get used to this. No doubt about it.

  Biting down hard, he heard her cry out. She tried to fight against his touch, but again, he wasn’t letting her get very far. She was going to stay right where she was so that he could touch her.

  She’d have bruises tomorrow, but he didn’t care.

  This was her fault.

  Moving onto the next nipple, he did the same, biting down on the hardened bud before sucking it into his mouth.

  She let out a moan, the sound filling the air.


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