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His Beauty

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Last night hadn’t been force.

  She’d given herself to him willingly, and it grated on her last nerve that he knew that.

  With his arm across her stomach, there was no chance of getting away.

  After the shower he’d given her, he’d dried her body. He’d been kind of sweet, taking over, looking after her, taking care of her. She hadn’t been around someone who cared about her since the deaths of her parents.

  Rose was useless, and look where her sister had gotten her for her troubles. She was in the lion’s den with no way out.

  Slowly, she tried to pull away from him. She needed to use the bathroom, and even as she moved, she held in a whimper. She was so sore.

  He’d not fucked her again, but he’d given her a right good pounding that first time. When she walked, she was going to feel him. Was that his intention?

  Pushing the thoughts from her mind, she tried to move again, but he only tightened his hold on her.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Damon said.

  Shit! He was awake.

  “I need to use the bathroom. Don’t I get my own room?” she asked. She tried to think of something to say to unnerve him or at the very least, let her go.


  “I can’t use the bathroom?”

  “You don’t go to your own room. Wherever I go, you go.”

  “What about work?” she asked.

  “You quit today. Simple as.”

  “You’re not going to keep me forever,” she said. “I’ve got to work.”

  “That’s true. I tend to get bored quite quickly. Women are all the same, and once I’ve had my fill, I don’t keep them around very often.”

  You’re a fucking pig.

  “When you’re bored, I’ll have nothing?”

  “I’ll make sure you find a job.”

  “It better not be spreading my legs. That I don’t do.” Her cheeks heated as she thought about last night.

  She’d been a virgin.

  No man had ever made her feel so reckless as to have sex with them. Maybe growing up with Rose had turned her into a bit of a prude. The eight-year age gap had been glaringly obvious at times.

  Whenever Rose was supposed to be taking care of her, Meghan would enter a room and find boys from high school, and even a couple of teachers, screwing Rose.

  With her sister’s reputation, Meghan had wanted to prove she was nothing like her sister, so she never even entertained the idea of a boyfriend. The few kisses she’d experienced were the extent of her sexual education. She knew what to expect and had seen porn, and knew all the dirty stuff available to her, but she’d never found someone she trusted.

  “No, you’re not used to spreading those pretty thighs, are you? My sweet little virgin sacrifice.”

  “I’m not a virgin anymore. You can stop saying it.”

  “Were you saving yourself for anyone special?” he asked.

  She couldn’t believe she was having this conversation with him. “And if I was, would you even care?”

  “Nope, but I’d love to gloat. I’d send him the sheets that I fucked you on.”

  “You’re a pig. Let me up. You better burn those sheets.”

  When they’d come back from their shower, she’d freaked out when she caught sight of the blood and cum that had mingled on the sheet. Damon had taken over. He’d pulled the sheets from the bed, and much to her dismay, he’d tossed them in the laundry basket, but she’d wanted them burned.

  “Not going to happen. I’m keeping those sheets. Probably won’t even wash them.”

  “You’re sick. I need to go to the bathroom.”

  “You do realize men pay a lot of money to bed a virgin,” he said.

  He still hadn’t let her go.

  Turning her head, she gritted her teeth. Speaking was so hard for her. “Don’t you realize, I did sell mine, but I’m never going to see any of that money. My sister spent it, remember? Either impressing a boyfriend or snorting it up her nose. Hey, maybe this went in her vein.” Tears filled her eyes as she thought about it, and she needed to get away from him. “Let me go. I get it. You’re a big strong man, but I need to use the damn bathroom and that requires you to let me the fuck go.” She rarely cursed, but right now, she was losing it, big time. She needed to get away from him, and that meant going somewhere else, and just trying to collect her thoughts or at the very least, stop crying.

  She hadn’t cried in a really long time, and she didn’t want to start now.

  “I’m not letting you go.” He cupped her face and forced her to turn to look at him.

  She didn’t want to look into his eyes, so she forced hers shut. It wasn’t the brightest idea, but it worked.

  Tears leaked out of her eyes though, and against all of her fighting, she opened them to stare at him.

  “Please don’t look at me,” she said.

  She placed a hand on his face and she expected his laughter or mocking, but when he grabbed her wrist and pressed a kiss to her palm, she knew he wasn’t going to tease her about this moment.

  “I don’t know why I’m doing this. It’s crazy,” she said.

  “Last night was a lot to take in.”

  “And you’re an expert.”

  “You’ve nothing to do with your sister, and yet here you are, taking her place. You should have let me take her last night and do what I had to do.”

  “I couldn’t stand by and let you hurt her.” She shook her head.

  “Is that why you take care of Alex?”

  She frowned. “Alex? You left him alone.”

  “But he was ready to get himself killed.”

  “I came home late from a night shift at a lawyer’s office where I worked, and he was sitting in the stairwell, cold, shivering, starving. His mother didn’t care, and I took him in. He had a warm couch to sleep on, and some hot soup. I did what anyone would have done.”

  “You’re a fool to think that anyone would have done that.”

  “It’s what nice people would have done.”

  “You don’t fit in with the apartment building you’re living at. Your sister responsible for that, too?”

  “You have no idea.” She covered her face, wiping the tears away. “Can I please use the bathroom?”

  “Tell me why you were saving your virginity and I’ll see about letting you go.”


  “You can go as soon as you answer my questions.”

  “This really bugs you, doesn’t it?”

  “I’m a curious guy.”

  “Curiosity killed the cat, you know.”

  “Or it keeps them out of bad situations. Come on, tell me.”

  “It’s not for a guy or anything. To be honest, it’s lame.”

  “Tell me.”

  “There’s eight years between us. Rose is older, and she was always having sex with everyone. I saw it so many times, and I guess I just … I didn’t want to be someone who was thrown away. I wanted to be someone that was cherished.” She shrugged. “It doesn’t matter anymore. I’m not a virgin.”

  “But you’ll always be a virgin to me.” His arms loosened. “See, that wasn’t so hard.”

  Rather than stay and ask him about that, she escaped the bed and headed to the toilet. Some things in life didn’t need answers.


  Walking into his kitchen, Damon flicked on the coffee machine and listened as it started to whir. Last night was a lot of firsts for him.

  First virgin.

  First shower together where he took care of her.

  First snuggle.

  First night in bed with a woman in his arms.

  So many firsts, and this morning was filled with them too.

  First time a woman tried to get away from him.

  The first time a woman couldn’t stand to be in his arms.

  It was also the first time he’d been concerned about a woman’s tears.

  When a woman started to cry, he was always out of there.<
br />
  The sound of his door being knocked on filled the apartment. It had to be one of the guards he kept close and who worked for him. They were the only ones who knew of his apartments around the city.

  Dan and Rex were the only two there, and he nodded at each of them, letting them in.

  “Update?” he asked.

  “We’re safe to talk?” Rex asked.

  “Yes. I wouldn’t have asked for an update if it wasn’t.” He pulled down two cups from the cupboard and listened as they filled him in on last night.

  “Rose is all bandaged up by the doctor. It was a clean break, and she’ll be good to get to work as soon as you say.”

  “Make it tonight,” he said. Glancing back at them, he saw they were looking around the apartment. “I’ve not killed her, if that’s what you’re wondering. Speaking of the Bell sister, I want a full background check on Meghan. The works. I want to know where she grew up. Her family. Why she was living with her sister. I want it all. Nothing left out.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Do I need to make myself clear on how fucking serious I’m being?” Damon asked.

  “What about the agreement you made last night? Does she know you’re going to be putting her sister to work?” Rex asked.

  “Rose owes me a lot of money, and I got her sister as collateral. You tell her to keep that in mind as she’s working.”

  “Sir, I hate to break it to you, but Rose doesn’t care,” Rex said.

  “Excuse me?” He stared at Rex, waiting to hear the response.

  “The moment you left, Rose started to laugh. She asked for another ten grand. Said if you got her sister, she may as well get compensated for it. That girl in there means nothing to her.”

  Damon didn’t like that.

  “Then make it clear to her that she’s on her own. That her sister isn’t paying a dime for her, you understand?”

  Rex and Dan nodded.

  Business was all cleared up by the time Meghan walked around the corner. She’d pulled on one of his shirts and a pair of sweatpants, and she looked so sexy in his clothes. He’d need to take her shopping.

  “I thought I smelled coffee.” She went pale the moment she caught sight of Rex and Dan.

  “They’re about to leave,” Damon said.

  He didn’t care if she was comfortable or not. He kept telling himself that in the hope he’d believe it.

  This woman was messing with his fucking head, and he didn’t like it.

  “Wait. Rose, is she okay?”

  Fuck! This woman didn’t let up with the surprises. Even though he got the sense that she didn’t like her sister, she was still making sure she was okay. He nodded at Rex.

  “She’s doing well. Her hand is healing.”

  “Good. That’s good.”

  She tucked some hair behind her ear and walked behind the kitchen counter, creating a lot of distance between them.

  He told them to leave.

  Neither of them spoke until he heard the door close.

  “Why do you care about your sister so much after everything she put you through?” he asked.

  She poured out two coffees. “She’s family. Do you take sugar?”

  “Two. There’s got to be something she’d do that would turn your back on her?” he asked.

  “Why do you care if I turn my back on her or not? This isn’t about my family. You want sex, and you want it easy.”

  “You’re not easy.” He stared back at her as she offered him a drink.

  “You got me in one night. I’d say that was pretty easy.”

  “If it wasn’t for your sister, would you have fucked me last night?”

  “Hell, no.” She snorted. “It doesn’t matter anyway.” She shrugged.

  He saw the sadness in her gaze and wished he could take it away.

  What the fuck?

  You’re not a miracle worker.

  She’s here to amuse you.

  “Just out of curiosity though, how long will I be staying here?”

  “You got somewhere else to be?”

  “I’ve got places I’d like to go, yes. A life to live.”

  She took a sip of her coffee.

  “Well, for the foreseeable future, you’ve got to put those plans on hold.” He stepped up toward her and slid a hand down her stomach. She froze into place, and he kept on going. With his hand inside her pants, he found her wet heat. “How are you feeling today?”


  “Not too sore?”

  “A little.”

  He smiled. He couldn’t help it. “You have no idea how much I love being the only man that has been inside your pussy.” Nor how much he wanted to keep her because of it.

  “I can see you’re happy about that with the look on your face.” She finished the last with a moan as he filled her cunt with one single finger. She was still so incredibly tight, shockingly so.

  He took the cup out of her hands, putting it down on the counter. Spinning her around, he lifted her up. She let out a little squeal, but he didn’t mind as he placed her on the counter.

  As he pulled the sweatpants from her body, she lifted up enough so that he could remove them quickly with ease. She wasn’t wearing any panties, and as he spread her legs wide, he stared at her pussy. Sliding a single digit back inside her cunt, he watched her open up and take him.

  “The only thing you’ve got to worry about from now until I say is amusing me. Whatever I say goes. That’s all I want you to focus on. You think you can handle that?”

  He added a second finger and relished her pleasured cries as he stroked her clit with his thumb. The instant her touched her nub, her cunt tightened around his fingers, and he wanted it to be his cock, naked, no condom between them.

  “Are you on the pill?”


  “We’re going to resolve that problem.”

  “It’s not a problem.”

  “It is when I want to fill you with my cum and I can’t do it because there’s a risk you might get pregnant. You’d look sexy as fuck with my kid, but I’m not ready for that. We’ll make you an appointment and you can get a prescription and start taking it.”

  “The pill is not always a good option. Kids have been born that way.”

  “It’s better than nothing.” He’d deal with any other problem as it arose.

  Now though, he wanted to taste this pretty pussy.

  He pulled his fingers from her hole and spread the lips of her pussy. Sliding his tongue across her clit, he stroked down to circle her entrance, pushing the tip inside, and she cried out.

  Pulling away, he stared up at her.

  “It looks to me like I’m going to be a whole lot of firsts.”

  “Don’t think it’ll mean anything.”

  “It’ll mean something, baby.”

  He fucked her with his tongue, silencing any protest from her lips. He wasn’t interested in hearing anything she had to say.

  For the time that she was with him, he intended to show her everything. To give her every little dirty thrill that he could think of. He’d claim her mouth, her ass, he would ruin her for every other man and know for eternity he’d left his mark on her.

  Gliding his tongue up, he flicked her clit several times before sucking the swollen bud into his mouth. He bit down hard, creating enough pain to make her jerk, and as she tried to get away, he soothed the pain by teasing her with his tongue.

  Working two fingers inside her, he began to fuck her with them, making her take it, stretching her open.

  She was going to have to get used to having his dick inside her because he was hungry for her.

  She had become his new little toy, and the thing he liked to do most was play.

  When her pussy started to tighten around his fingers, he drove them in and out of her, watching her come apart as he licked her, drawing her closer, and she reached orgasm. The taste of her sweet honey would stay with him all day. He’d never liked going down on a woman, but when it came
to Meghan, he was going to enjoy the experience every chance he got.

  Chapter Four

  Wearing Damon’s clothes wasn’t so bad. Meghan hadn’t been able to get any of her own clothes and so was borrowing from the man who currently owned her. The same man who had put her on the kitchen counter and had her screaming in pleasure.

  Just the memory of his lips was enough for her to squeeze her thighs and want him there again. In a matter of hours, he’d taken her carefully organized world, turned it upside down, and now she followed him as they made their way into a gym. It was one of those large, flashy kind of gyms. Several guys were working out.

  Damon placed a hand at her back and kept her by his side, not that she’d escape. She had no car, no money, and probably no apartment.

  She didn’t trust Rose not to pawn all of their stuff to whatever place would take it. After he’d licked her pussy and brought her to a mind-numbing orgasm, he’d told her to phone work and quit. If they were to give her any shit, she was to drop his name into the conversation.

  It worked.

  They had told her what a rare opportunity it was working for then and she was making a big mistake, a huge one. The moment she mentioned working with Damon Travers, it was like a switch had turned on, and their protests became silent.

  She wasn’t impressed.

  She was angry.

  Entering his office, he nodded for her to sit on the sofa, and she did so, arms folded.

  “Do you drag all of your women around the place?” she asked.

  “Believe it or not, sweetheart, you’re the first woman I’ve taken as payment.”

  “I’m not the only one who’s been offered though, I bet.”

  He chuckled. “You’re right about that. It seems men like to trade in pussy a lot more than I like to deal in it.”

  “You have women working for you though, right?”

  “I offer a certain clientele what they want.”

  “Being a loan shark isn’t enough?” she asked.

  “Money and sex sell, babe. You know that. I own a few strip clubs that offer a little behind the curtain action for a reasonable price.”

  She watched as he grabbed a stress ball, leaned against the desk, and stared at her.

  “You’re so willing to make money however you see fit?”

  “If I wasn’t doing it, someone else would.” He tossed the ball up in the air before catching it.


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