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His Beauty

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “I get it. No fighting for you.”

  “No more fighting. I thought I was going to be sick tonight.”

  He kept the peas on the foot and ran his hands up and down her thigh. His movements were slow, giving her a chance to ignore the pain and to start feeling the pleasure of his touch.

  The dress she wore felt so incredibly soft.

  “I know what you’re doing.”

  “So relax and enjoy it.”

  “It’s impossible to relax with you touching me like that.”

  He moved her dress up her thighs, teasing up the inside of her legs, stroking her, taking his time. He didn’t touch her pussy, but he knew she wasn’t wearing any panties. The way the dress fell on her, it would be next to impossible to wear them without them showing.

  She let out a gasp as he moved back up, getting just a little closer before pulling away, and not even touching her.

  “You’re doing this on purpose!”

  “I’m not. I’m just enjoying you, baby.” He did it again and again, not touching her, but he knew she wanted his touch. “Tell me what you want.”

  “You know what I want.”

  “Then tell me.”

  “I want your hand on my pussy.”

  He placed his hand on her pussy exactly how she asked.

  “Please, Damon. Touch me.”

  “You want me to play with this wet cunt?”

  She groaned. “Why do you have to say dirty things?”

  “Because you love it.” He slid his fingers between her slit, teasing across her clit before moving down to finger her entrance. Lifting the dress out of the way so that it was at her hips, he lifted one of her legs to rest on the sofa behind his head, and the other on his lap, still with the peas.

  With her legs spread, he got to see her beautiful pussy with her lips open, showing off her clit and hole.

  He slid two fingers inside her tight heat, stretching her open. Pressing his thumb against her clit, he moved it from side to side, feeling her cunt squeeze him as he played with her.

  Watching her with her head flung back, legs wide, and pussy dripping wet, he felt an answering pull as his cock started to swell. He wanted inside her, fucking her, taking her, making her his.

  “You feel so good,” he said.

  “Please, Damon.”

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I want your cock inside me. I need to feel you in deep.”

  He moved her foot out of the way, being careful not to hurt her. Pulling his cock out, he helped her move over him so that she straddled his waist. He lifted the dress up and over her head, quickly unlatching the catch at the back of her bra so her tits fell free. He felt like a randy boy, trying to get her naked for him.

  With her entrance at his tip, he slowly lowered her over his dick, taking his time as she took him, inch by glorious fucking inch until he was seated to the hilt inside her.

  They both moaned, and he ran his hands down her back, gripping her ass. He didn’t want her to move. He wanted to just bask in the pleasure of her tight heat wrapped around his length as he filled her.

  Drawing her close, he rested his head against her tits, kissing those tight buds.

  Running his hands up and down her back, he marveled at this woman. She was all woman. All his.

  He wasn’t letting her go. Not for a second.

  Gripping her hips, he began to show her exactly how to ride his cock, how to take him, how to let him fill her pussy, and make them both moan and ache.

  She whimpered, her hands going to his shoulders, holding onto him as he filled her. Each time he slammed in deep, she tightened around him. Sliding one of his hands up into her hair, he gripped the back of her head, holding her to him as he ravished her lips.

  He wanted everything from her.

  He wanted to take, to taste, to enjoy, to give her everything she’d been denied. To completely destroy the sweet little virgin but to show her exactly what she’d been missing.

  She gripped his shirt as she kissed him back with a passion that rocked him.

  He was so close to coming.

  Reaching down between them, he started to tease her clit, feeling her arousal start to peak as he played with her.

  “You’re so fucking perfect. So beautiful. I love fucking your wet pussy. You want my cock, baby? You want me to fill you with my cum?” He’d noticed that she loved it when he talked dirty to her, and he could do it all day long. Especially as her cunt squeezed his dick, setting off his own release. He flooded her pussy, and seconds later, she joined him, their release echoing in the air from their pleasured cries.

  Chapter Eight

  Two months with Damon

  Meghan twirled her hair around the curling iron, aware of Damon as he paced up and down the bedroom. He was on the telephone arguing about something to do with one of the women who worked for him. Every now and then, he kept on glancing over at her.

  Two months ago, on this very day, he’d barged into her apartment and taken complete control of her life. She released her hair and watched the curl bounce along with the others. She finished the last few strands and stood back, fingering her hair to make sure it looked okay.

  The robe she wore was covering the sexy lingerie he’d also purchased for her today. Seeing as he didn’t show any signs of letting her go, she’d been able to negotiate with her professors to allow her to finish her classes online. At first, they’d refused her request, but given that the notes of each lecture and in fact the lecture itself was posted online, she didn’t see a problem.

  Damon had made sure she got what she wanted. One trip to the campus from him, and she’d been allowed to continue her studies. She was so close to finishing, she could almost taste it.

  A degree and soon she’d be able to start looking at prospective jobs. Of course, she needed Damon to give her a date as to when he’d be done with her. Thinking about the time he’d give her those marching orders gave her a sharp pain right in the chest.

  No, she didn’t want to think about how gutted she’d be when he finally got rid of her. This would be a good thing. She’d be able to move on with her life.

  You’ve still not heard from Rose.

  She’d expected to have gotten a text or something from her sister rather than complete silence.

  Her life had been completely turned upside down, and for the most part she loved this life she lived with Damon, but it wasn’t going to last. He’d told her that in the beginning.

  She refused to get comfortable, especially as any second he could throw her out on her ass.

  Releasing the belt on the robe, she let it drop to the floor. She heard Damon falter in his speaking, and she looked at him in the mirror. He was staring right at her.

  She picked up the robe, putting it back on the hanger and placing it near the door. She was about to pick up the dress when Damon’s arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her back against him.

  “You know you’re making it impossible for a man to do his job.”

  “What job is that?”

  He ran a hand down her back, cupping her ass. She released a gasp as his fingers dug into the flesh. He gave her ass a little slap, making her yelp.

  His other hand was on her stomach, moving down to cup her between her thighs. “You don’t need panties.”


  “I mean it. Get rid of them.” Before she even got a chance to, he gave them a tug and she watched as they tore. “See, easy.” He pressed a kiss to her neck.

  “There’s something I want to talk to you about.”


  “When I finish my degree and graduate, I’d like to … erm … start looking for work.” She felt him freeze.

  “You have work. You work for me.”

  “Damon, I don’t know how long this is going to last, and at the end of it, I need to be ready. I’m not earning any money. I’m not saying pay me. That is not what I meant at all. But I want to be prepared.”

  He sighe
d. “Don’t worry about work or about any of that. You don’t need to. Let me worry about it all.”

  She didn’t want to start an argument tonight.

  “Where are we going tonight?” she asked.

  “It’s a special club.”

  “Have I heard of it?”

  He gave a chuckle. “Probably not.”

  “Is it legal?”

  “That I don’t know about, but don’t worry. We’ll be safe there.”

  She hated that she loved the added danger when she was with him. Her life up until she’d met Damon had been somewhat boring and slow.

  There was nothing boring about her life with him, even when she’d been trapped in his apartment.

  He helped her into the dress he’d picked out for her. This one was black with a plunging neckline, and it flared out past the hips. The design was beautiful, feminine.

  “I want you now, but all the fun and games can wait.” He took her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles as he led her out of the apartment.

  Rex was back to taking care of her. It had taken her three baked cakes for him to not glare at her. He’d asked her from now on to not run off, that he was in charge of taking care of her. She’d felt bad because when she saw him again, she saw all the faded bruises over his face and didn’t need to guess as to who had dished them out.

  Damon opened the car door, and she climbed in. He joined her in the back, and no one spoke as they started to drive toward wherever it was they were going.

  “I could do part-time,” she said, hating the silence.

  “We’ll talk about it another time, Meghan.”

  “I just—”

  “Remember, you belong to me. No one else. What you do with your day interests me, and I have every intention of you staying by my side. You want to work, I can give you work.”

  “Forget it.” She looked out of the window.

  He took her hand, and even though she wanted to stay mad at him, she couldn’t. Her life wasn’t bad or boring. Apart from him being one of the scariest men in the city, it wasn’t that bad.

  “Tonight is about relaxing. You’ve got to learn to calm down and to just have some fun.”

  “You’re making me very curious.”

  “Just remember that I’ll never let anything happen to you.”

  She didn’t know why that made her nervous, but it did. Damon pressed a kiss to her knuckles, and she forced a smile to her lips.

  The rest of the drive was made in silence, which she didn’t mind. She needed to gather her thoughts as it was just so easy to let him take over her life completely.

  Since her parents’ passing, the past four years had been some of the worst of her life. Rose hadn’t helped, and Meghan had tried. With Damon, she’d been able to relax, to allow someone to take charge, and she’d done so willingly. Fighting it was just useless.

  The drive lasted for a good hour, and when they arrived at an exclusive-looking estate, her nerves started to pick up.

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  “We’re in private. Only those with the right codes can get in.”

  “Damon, I don’t like this.”

  “Don’t worry. I told you. Relax. Trust me.”

  She nodded her head.

  When they came to a stop, she noticed several cars, all of them showcasing the owner’s wealth, not that she saw anyone.

  Damon placed a hand at her hip, pulling her against his side. She followed him toward the wide stairs that led up to the long door.

  The night was warm, and as the door opened, she saw a man dressed like a butler.

  “It’s good to see you, Mr. Travers.”

  Damon responded, but she didn’t pay attention.

  The sheer luxury of the home they’d walked into took her breath away. She didn’t know what she expected, but it certainly hadn’t been this. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and the picture frames were made from silver and gold.

  “No expense has been spared,” Damon said.

  “I can see. You know the owner.”

  “We have a mutual arrangement. I invest in this club.”

  “This is a club?”

  “A very private and exclusive club.”

  He led her toward the back room. She saw a stage with several private booths. She had yet to see anyone even though she knew people were there. She saw a waitress serving out drinks.

  Damon helped her into the private booth, and as she did, the stage lit up.

  She couldn’t see anything to start off with.

  “I don’t get it. Everything looks so secret,” she said, whispering.

  “If I tell you there are businessmen and women here, potentially politicians, and other reputable people with squeaky-clean reputations, what would you say?”

  “I’d have to ask what is going on.”

  “All in good time, Meghan.”

  The waitress brought them over some drinks, and Meghan took a sip. It was alcoholic, but she needed to calm her already frayed nerves.

  There was a lot of secrecy that she wasn’t comfortable with.

  When the curtains on the stage opened up, her eyes went wide. One woman and three men stood in the center. The woman was kissing one of the men while the other two touched her.

  Damon had brought her to a sex club.


  Over the past two months, Damon had watched Meghan flower beneath his touch. Every single time he brought her to the edge, she didn’t run away screaming. She begged him for more, wanting him with such a hunger that he knew he could share this with her.

  He’d never brought another woman here, nor had he ever intended to.

  There was something about Meghan, the passion in her eyes, the need for the dirty, for a taste of the forbidden.

  He watched the woman on stage, seeing the men shred her clothes, getting her naked. Her heavy tits were on display. The three men were already completely naked, their dicks standing out hard and proud. Glancing back at Meghan, he saw her gaze was on the stage, her chest flushed. The candlelight provided enough glow for him to see her reaction. She wanted this, and he wanted her, so fucking much. His cock hardened.

  He loved sex, watching it, seeing a woman come apart. He didn’t bring her here to share, only to enjoy.

  There’s no way he’d ever consider sharing her. Meghan belonged to him in every single way.

  “I can’t … this is … you brought me to a sex club?”

  “Don’t judge it yet, Meghan.” He moved so that he was seated behind her. The booths were made in such a way that he could sit, pulling her between his thighs. Resting a hand on her thighs, he drew her dress up, teasing the inside of her leg.

  He heard her gasp, and placed his other hand on her chest. The material of her dress spread wide, giving him a tempting view of her cleavage. “Watch her. The woman on stage.”

  “Do you know her?”

  “Don’t have a clue who she is. I don’t come here often, Meghan. This is the first time in about six months, and I just like to watch.”

  There were cameras on the stage so anyone not close enough could look at several of the large screens and see what was going on. A bed had been placed on the stage, and the men held the woman’s legs open as they teased her, licking and sucking at her clit. Another man was sucking on her nipples, lapping them up. The last man was near her head, feeding her his cock, making her choke on the length before easing up, giving her a chance to breathe before sliding in deep.

  When Damon couldn’t take it anymore, had to see just how wet she was, he cupped her cunt, finding her curls already soaked with her cream. The lips of her pussy were already open, her clit swollen. He teased a finger inside her, feeling how aroused she was.

  “There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the view, Meghan.”

  “This isn’t right.”

  “Who says it’s wrong?” he asked. Pressing his cock against her back, he took one of her hands and moved it behind her so that she could touch his dick. “You feel
that. I love that you’re turned on by this. I’m turned on by this. There’s nothing you can ever want to do that I don’t want to do with you. I want this.”

  “Do you wish you were one of the men on stage?” she asked.

  “No. It’s only your pussy that I want. That I need.” He filled her with two fingers, hearing her gasp.

  At the same time, the woman on stage started to come. The men didn’t stop it; they drove her higher to the peak of orgasm. The man in her mouth came, and it showed on the large screen; her mouth filled with cum. When she closed her lips and they all saw her swallow there was a collective groan. They all wanted this. Every single person here had a need to watch, not to get their rocks off watching porn, but to see it so close. The scent of sex was heavy in the air.

  When his friend had come to him with this idea nearly ten years ago, he’d laughed at it, but he’d lost a bet and so invested into the club. Never did he dream of the kind of income this brought in.

  Shane, the man responsible for this venture, had known what to do. It hadn’t been a random sex club where women sold their bodies for cash. This was for men and women who wanted it. The woman on stage was with her partners. No one that came here brought unwilling partners. The entire process was screened. Shane took great pride in charging a ridiculous sum, but then, he’d been rich and only needed investors to get it off the ground. To reach out to people with plenty of wealth to whisper in their ear. Damon had that reputation he needed, and for a percentage of the profits, made sure to talk to the right people.

  Adding a third finger into Meghan’s pussy, he worked them in and out. There was so much cream, it would be leaking down to her asshole, which he’d been preparing for his enjoyment very soon.

  When it came to Meghan’s body, he couldn’t get enough. He was always hungry for more, for another taste.

  After two months, he wasn’t even close to being tired. His cock got hungry at the thought of her.

  He didn’t like that she wanted to find work and was even considering her life without him.

  That’s because you want her for more than a fuck!

  With two months behind them, he figured her first monthly cycle would see his boredom in place and searching for another woman.


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