Book Read Free

His Beauty

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

Meghan was also acutely aware of the whispers that followed. The women’s gazes were on her as she followed Rex throughout the building toward the back where a lot of shouting was going on.

  When she got closer, that noise was familiar.

  “I shouldn’t have to be here. Fuck, I don’t need to be here, but it’s fun to get paid for something I’m good at. There’s no way I’m letting that disgusting prick shove his tiny dick up my ass. Only if he pays double. I want to make some money for it.”

  Meghan froze and looked at Rex. “My sister works here?”

  “Don’t freak out.”

  She had no idea her sister was working for Rex. If Rose was working why the hell did he have her?

  They walked past a curtain, and she saw her sister, completely naked, looking all smug as if she owned the place.

  “Let’s face it, no one wants those other bitches. Not with me around. I’m the fucking celebrity around here.”

  She’d seen Rose like this many times. Her sister loved to be the center of attention. As she stared at her sister, an answering pain burst from her ankle.

  She gave a little wince, and then her sister spun around to look at her.

  “Well, if it’s not the little blonde angel. You come to see what I’m doing, sis? You were a fucking waste of time. You know that? I got a broken arm and now a well-banged pussy, ass, and mouth. Isn’t that what Damon said? I’ll make back the money I had with my body.” Rose sneered at her. “I should have known your fat ass wouldn’t help.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she stared at her vile sister.

  All of her life, her parents had only ever seen the good in Rose whereas she’d always seen the bad.

  This was no different from the other times when her sister would spit and curse at her, telling her how awful her life was.

  “Get her the fuck out of here. She’s useless. Wasted up fucking bitch. Go back to whatever shell you came out of.” Rose started to laugh. “And maybe you can dance your way out of it.”

  Rex begged her not to run, but she turned on her heel and made sure she stayed as far away from her sister as possible. She didn’t leave the building.

  She stayed near the door, not wanting to be near that spiteful woman.


  Damon didn’t know what to expect when he arrived back to his apartment. Rex had called him to let him know what went down. He was pissed, royally pissed. Rose had been causing one too many problems where he’d placed her, and now, he’d taken her from one of his higher earning brothels, into one where the men could only afford a far cheaper fuck.

  Rex was waiting for him.

  “Where is she?” he asked.

  “She went to take a shower. I had no choice but to take her with me, Damon. You should have heard the shit Rose was saying.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll deal with it.” He left Rex as he knew his friend would let himself out.

  He walked straight into the bathroom and saw her standing underneath the shower. She hadn’t moved a muscle, or at least it didn’t look like it to him.

  Stripping off his clothes, he set them aside and climbed into the shower. The water was nice and warm, and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

  “I’ve got you.”

  “Why am I still here?” she asked.

  This was one of the reasons why he hadn’t told her.

  “Because I don’t want you to go.”

  “She’s supposed to be my sister, and she has done nothing but try to ruin my life.” He heard her take a sob. “I don’t get it. What did I do wrong?” she asked. She turned her head to look at him. He saw she’d been crying. “I was always there for her. I only wanted what was best for her. Why does she hate me so much? I don’t get it.”

  “Some people are just, they’re not good people, Meghan. Your sister, she’s bad. She doesn’t care about anyone but herself.”

  She sniffled, and he hated seeing her like this. All it would take was the words, and he’d end Rose’s miserable life. He really didn’t like her. As far as he was concerned she was a no-good piece of shit who needed to be dealt with.

  “I should have known, to be honest. I should have known what she was like. She broke my ankle, and then didn’t even care that I was with you. I wondered why she hadn’t called.”

  “Meghan, after I left your apartment with you, Rose asked for more money.”

  His woman laughed, but it sounded forced. She wasn’t dealing with these new revelations well.

  “Our parents always told us to take care of each other. I’ve done what they asked. Followed their rules. I don’t want to anymore. I don’t want to be responsible for her in anyway.” She ran a hand over her face before pushing her hair out of the way. “I don’t want to pay off her debt.”

  “Meghan, you haven’t been.”

  She frowned. “I’ve not?”

  “I’ve done a lot of bad shit in my time, but I’ve never made another person work off someone else’s debt. They don’t learn if I take it out on another person. They just use people. I’ve seen it happen. I’ve been the one on the receiving end of it.”

  “Then why have you kept me around?” she asked.

  He was silent for a long time, tucking some of her wet hair off her face even as more water cascaded down.

  Meghan was the most beautiful woman he’d ever known. She was kind and sweet. She hated that he’d hurt Rex, but he had to make an example out of his friend. Damn, even Rex had told him to do it.

  There’s no way he’d get by in this world unless he hurt him. People had to know you didn’t break any rules.

  “Is it because I was a virgin?” she asked.

  “No.” He wasn’t keeping her because of her virginity. “I like having you around.” He moved her back so that she was pressed against the wall. “I care about you.”

  “You can care about anyone.”

  “No. You don’t get it, Meghan. I care about you. It matters to me what happens to you. I’m not letting you go. It’s as simple as that.” He tilted her head back, staring at her lips before looking in her eyes. “Maybe I shouldn’t have taken you. The moment I saw you in those old ratty pajamas. Your hair tumbling around, bed hair, no makeup. You weren’t looking at me with adoration. You don’t flirt with me or give me anything fake. I’ve not had that in a long time. A woman has only ever used me for what she can get. You haven’t. You’re real. I know when I touch you.” He slid a hand down her chest, to cup her tit. “You’re not faking it.” He pinched her nipple, and her gasp filled the room. “I know when I touch your pussy. You’re so wet for me, and none of it is fake.” He slid a hand down between her thighs, teasing her pussy. “So wet. It’s all for me. So, no, I’m not going to let you go. Not ever. The moment I stepped into your apartment and saw you, I knew you belonged to me and that is exactly what you are.”


  “You’re mine, Meghan Bell, and there’s no way I’m letting you go.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Six months with Damon

  Meghan rubbed the back of her calf with her toe. She was feeling exceedingly tired today, but then she’d been feeling shitty for a few weeks now.

  Not long after her sister’s revelation, she’d gotten sick, and Damon had been there, nursing her back to health. He’d even offered to wear a nurse’s uniform, but she’d declined. She’d rather have him naked as he took care of her, and when no one was around, he stripped down to tend to her.

  She didn’t know why she was thinking about that as she stood at the copy machine in the gym. Glancing out at the window, she saw several men still going at it in the ring. Damon had told her they were training for an upcoming fight.

  She hated the fights, but fortunately he’d not taken her to any in recent months. Blowing out a breath, she rubbed at her temple.

  Six months.

  It wasn’t like she was counting down. Damon had told her he wasn’t getting bored with her, and what scared her was she wasn’t with him eit
her. The longer she was with him, the more his life no longer bothered her. She didn’t wince when she heard about a person not paying up his debt. She knew the consequences. She had also come to see that some people needed men like Damon.

  She’d been in the office when a woman had come to pay the final part of her debt. Damon had a file on her, and Meghan had watched as he accepted payment and marked the debt off. She had found out that the bank wanted to take back her home. She’d only been a couple of grand away from owning it outright, but they’d tried to claim missed payments. The woman had come to Damon, and they’d negotiated a payment contract. The woman had been paying Damon back for over five years, and he’d not even put up any major interest either.

  Damon had shown Meghan his sweet side, and it had made it impossible for her not to fall for him. There was more to the man than just being a monster or a brute, or something else.

  Whenever they were together, he took care of her, made her laugh. Her every need and whim were taken care of.

  How could she not fall for that kind of … love?

  Shaking her head, she pushed it out of her mind. That was crazy. He couldn’t love her.

  But you do him.

  She wasn’t even going to entertain that kind of notion. Placing a hand on her stomach, she tried to settle the butterflies, but it wouldn’t work. She hated feeling ill.

  Once she finished copying the files that Damon had requested, she made her way out of the room and headed back to his office.

  “Excuse me,” a man said.

  Meghan paused and turned toward a man. He didn’t look great. His jacket looked dirty, and his face was also covered in dirt.

  “Can I help you?” she asked.

  “Yeah, is Damon here?”

  “I think so.” She turned toward Damon’s office, but she didn’t take a step as the man suddenly grabbed her hair and threw her against the door. She released a scream.

  He wasn’t done with her, and she couldn’t see what was happening as he started to rain down blows on her face.

  The shock of the sudden violence shook her. She covered her face, trying to curl up in a ball when he started to use his feet.

  As quickly as the violence started, it was gone.

  “You keep fucking hold of him, now!” Damon’s voice echoed around the room.

  Pushing her hair out of her face, she looked up to see Damon coming toward her. She got to her feet even as her body protested against the onslaught of pain. Wrapping her arms around Damon, she couldn’t help but cry.

  “I’ve got you. I’ve got you.”

  “Rose sends her love,” the man said, bursting out laughing.

  Meghan was shaken, terrified, and as she looked back at Damon, she saw the rage in his eyes.

  “Call the doctor,” Damon said.

  “I’m fine.”

  “One of your eyes is swelling up, Meghan. I want a doctor to check you over, and I’m not taking no for an answer. Put him in the basement. He and I are going to have a word.” She winced with every step she took. He’d kicked her a few times on her legs and chest.

  He’d even landed a blow to her stomach, and it hurt as well.

  Damon helped her down onto the sofa. “I can’t let this stand, Meghan. I’ve got to take care of it.”

  “She’s my sister,” Meghan said.

  “And if you’d been alone here?” She had been a couple of times, usually in his office helping him complete work. Her business degree was coming in handy for something. “I’m not willing to take that chance, and she knows that you won’t hurt her, but she’s taken too much from you already.” He cupped her face. “I’m not going to let her take you from me, Meghan.”

  She saw he wanted to say something else. “What is it?”

  He stood up and walked away. That wasn’t what she expected, and she frowned. He moved toward his desk, and seconds later he came back, holding something within his hand. “I was going to wait until Christmas, but I don’t want to wait that long.”

  She smiled. “It’s a couple of weeks away,” she said.

  “I’m impatient.” He held open his palm, and she saw a band resting in his palm. “I want you to marry me. I want you to be my wife.”


  “Hear me out. I love you, Meghan. I didn’t even know what love was until I met you, but seeing you, being with you every single day, I know what it is. It’s the small things we do. Like putting the toilet seat down because I know it annoys you when it’s up. Leaving flowers for you that make you smile or buying your favorite ice cream. It’s not about the gifts for me. I love that smile you have that shines so fucking brightly.”

  “I had no idea you were so smooth with words.” She sniffled. “You love me?”

  “Yes, I love you. I love you so fucking much it scares me. Why do you think you were stuck in my apartment when we first met?”

  “You didn’t know what to do with me?”

  “I didn’t know what to do with my own feelings. I’ve never been like this with anyone, Meghan. Honestly, I didn’t know what to do, and it fucking scared me.” He tucked some hair behind her ear. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know I’ve not got a lot to offer you. That you hate this life.”

  She pressed a finger against his lips. “No. Don’t. I love you, Damon. I love you so much, and I don’t care about anything else because the last six months have been the best of my life. Being with you, having you in my life. You’ve made it magical. I would love to be your wife.”

  He slid the ring on her finger, and there was this moment as she stared at him, that everything fell into place with her.

  He wasn’t the perfect businessman with the pristine reputation, but he was hers and she didn’t want to lose him. She loved him, and there’s no way she would ever change him, not for the world.

  She cupped his face and leaned forward to take his lips beneath hers. Letting out a moan, she wrapped her arms around his neck, ignoring the pain.

  When someone cleared his throat, she pulled away.

  “It’s the doctor,” Damon said. “Reese, this is my fiancée, Meghan.”

  “You didn’t do this work, did you?”

  “No, he didn’t,” Meghan said. “I wouldn’t marry someone who’d beat me up, Doctor.”

  “Good, good. Let’s check you over.”


  When Damon had purchased the ring, he’d had a big elaborate dinner planned, something romantic and sweet to remind her. Hearing her pain-filled scream would stay with him forever. He’d already given Rex the order to get her sister. Rose would pay for what she did.

  He was going to kill her. There had to be an example made of her, and everyone who thought to hurt his woman would be too afraid to ever hurt her. He would ruin anyone who tried to get to Meghan.

  As the doctor started to ask her questions about her illness, he was worried. She’d been feeling sick for the past couple of weeks, and it always took her some time before it went away.

  “I want you to take a pregnancy test.”

  “I don’t need one,” Meghan said. “I have the injection. I’ve been fine.”

  The doctor stared at her.

  Damon watched as he opened his laptop and waited. “According to this, you had the three months injection. It was to see how you fared on it in case there were any side effects. You’d never been on any contraceptive before. If you were fine with this, then you had to go back and get another for six months. An appointment was made, but you failed to show. It’s all here.”

  “Oh,” she said.

  Her gaze was on him.

  He was supposed to take her. Instead, he recalled taking her for a romantic walk in the park. It was a lovely day. Yes, it had been cold but he’d been enjoying his day, and he hadn’t wanted to end it with a trip to the doctors, so he’d decided to take her another day. Only … he forgot.

  “Are you sexually active?” the doctor asked.

  Meghan’s cheeks were bright red as she nodde

  Damon couldn’t help but smile. At lunch, when the gym was empty, he’d close his office, and she’d ride his dick until she came screaming on it. He’d filled her every single chance he got with his cum. He loved being inside her.

  “I have a pregnancy test. I’d like you to take it. If it’s positive we have options.”

  “She’s keeping the baby,” Damon said.

  A family was a little too early, but he wasn’t going to opt for any of his children to be gotten rid of.

  He loved Meghan.

  He’d make a good life with her, and starting a family early, he’d deal with it.

  “I was thinking about dealing with her sickness. Some women really do suffer and have to be on bed rest, but we can monitor that afterward.”

  “Okay,” he said.

  The doctor handed her the test, and she stood up.

  Damon followed her toward the bathroom. Everyone had left the gym at his request. He’d want privacy when he dealt with the man that was now chained in the basement.

  Entering the bathroom, she closed the stall.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “I’ve been proposed to, and now I may be pregnant. I’m finding it a little difficult to kind of comprehend what is going on.”

  He smiled.

  “Does it scare you?”

  “A little bit. I’m twenty-two. Babies weren’t something I was considering yet. Not with my sister.”

  He heard her sob, and he placed a hand on the door. “Don’t, baby. Don’t let that bitch make you cry or spoil this moment. We’re in this together. Remember that. I’m not letting you go. We’ve got each other.”

  The toilet flushed, and he lowered his hand as she opened the door with a sniffle.

  “I know, I’m sorry.” She held up the test. “We’ve got to wait.”

  She washed her hands, and they walked together, hand in hand, back to the doctor, who was typing on his cell phone.

  Sitting on the sofa with his woman, Damon pulled her into his arms and waited. The doctor stared at the test and nodded.

  “It is positive, as I figured it would be. Your answers to my questions were telling enough. I’ve scheduled you an appointment to see me in two weeks so we can do a quick ultrasound to determine how long you’ve been pregnant. Here is a prescription for some folic acid. You must take one pill once a day. Be careful with your diet and your consumption of certain foods. I will have a leaflet ready for you. No rare meats or soft blue cheeses.”


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