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Vegas rich

Page 29

by Michaels, Fern

  "You'd like your dad to get remarried?" Ash asked in awe.

  "Yes, but he's never gotten divorced. I think he's going to now, though. I suppose he thought my mother would come back someday. Don't you approve of divorce?"

  "Now that you ask, I guess I don't. I used to think about it when I was younger and my parents . . . it's not important. How about this ... I build a fire on the beach and get the weenies going. Let's sleep on the beach tonight. It's been a long time since I slept under the stars."

  "Oh, me too. We had a tent at home and slept out in the backyard when we were Htde. I always got scared, though, and went in the house at ten o'clock. My dad never went to bed until I chickened out."

  "Your family sounds nice and . . . normal. I envy that. I joined up to get away from my family. So did my brother."

  Fanny stared at Ash. "To get away? I don't understand "

  "All families aren't nice and normal. Guess I better get that fire going. I'm starved."

  "Me too," Fanny said lightly as a frown began to build between her eyebrows.

  Fanny surveyed her surroundings, the frown deepening. It was suddenly important to her to make a nice Christmas for Ash. She

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  didn't know why. She tried to shake the feeUng, but it stayed with her.

  She was standing, arms crossed over her breasts, still frowning, when Ash came up behind her. He nuzzled her neck. "Take a look and then say, Ash, how clever of you, that's a magnificent fire."

  "Ash, how clever of you, that's a magnificent fire. I can taste those weenies already."

  He kissed her until she was breathless. "I think I will marr^ you," he said airily as he broke away to head inside for the weenies.

  "Hey, do that again," Fanny said.

  Ash sauntered back to where Fanny was standing. "Tou really want me to do that again?"


  WTien he released her a second time, Ash was as shaken as Fanny. "I liked that," Fanny murmured.

  "I did too. We'll do it again later." Fanny smiled. .nd smiled.

  A long time later, when the moon was high in the sky, Fanny leaned into the crook of Ash's arm. "In my wildest dreams, I never thought Fd be sitting on the beach at Christmas eating weenies and staring at the sky full of stars. Do you think Santa will make it this way? That red suit is going to be awfully hot."

  "What time is it?"

  Fanny looked at her watch. "Quarter to twelve. It's time to sing. Do you know the words to the Christmas carols?" Ash nodded.

  "Then let's sing." They sat next to each other, their shoulders touching, their voices, one high and sweet, the odier deep and sad, the gende trade \inds carrying the words out across the deep blue Pacific jewel.

  "Merry Christmas, Fanny," Ash said, hugging her.

  "Merry Christmas, Ash," Fanny said.

  "What do you think your family is doing right now, Fanny?"

  "I have no idea. This is Dad's first Christmas without us. He's probably sitting on the couch with Mrs. Kelly. He might even be at her house. How about your family?"

  "They're at Sunrise. Every year it's the same. Nothing ever changes. They're probably heading upstairs to bed right now. Wrong! I forgot about the time difference. Eating dinner I guess. Want to go for a walk along the beach so we can watch for the sleigh and those eight tiny reindeer?"

  "I thought you'd never ask. It's beautiful, isn't it?"

  "It sure is. Fm glad you came, Fanny."

  "Me too."

  They walked and talked for what seemed like hours. When they returned to the beach, they stretched out on the towels and were asleep within minutes, their arms wrapped around each other.

  Day after blissful day passed. On the morning of the sixth day, Fanny finished the lei she'd been working on and placed it around Ash's neck. "I love you." It was said so simply, so gently that Ash's face turned white.

  "You do!" he stammered.

  "I do. I decided last night. So, if at the end of the ten days ^ou want to marry me, I'm going to say yes."

  Ash was speechless. "But we . . . you said . . ."

  "I'm ready now."

  "You are?"

  "Yep. Get ready to ravage and plunder me."

  "Jesus, Fanny, it doesn't work that way. I mean . . . not here . . . we'll get sand up our . . . now!"

  "I've been living in this bathing suit for . . . this is the sixth day. I'm ready to take it off."

  "And I thought girls from Pennsylvania were shy and . . ."

  "We are. We also go after what we want. I want you."

  "I'm supposed to be the one doing the seducing. This is all mixed

  "I'm amenable for you to start. Seducing me I mean."

  "Well, I don't know if I'm ready."

  "Okay. How about this?" In the time it took her heart to beat twice, Fanny's one-piece yellow suit was on the sand. "Are you ready now?" She was really doing this, she was seducing Ash Thornton. She was standing stark naked on a beach in Hawaii waiting for a man she barely knew to make love to her.

  The colorful island trunks fell on top of the daffodil-colored suit. Fanny swallowed hard, her gaze shifting from Ash's face to six inches below his waist. She felt blazing hot; even her feet were burning Her earlobes felt hot enough to spark a fire. Her arms and hands trembled as she reached out to Ash, who gathered her close.

  "You're sure?" he whispered.

  "Yes," she whispered back. "I don't want to go in the house, I want to . . . here on the beach in the sun."

  WTien it was over, Fanny fell back onto the towel, her body slick with sweat. She was so disappointed she wanted to cry. She'd taken offher suit and seduced this man for this? She made no move to cover

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  her nakedness. What was the point? A tear dripped down her cheek. Speak up, Fanny. It was a childhood order her father had given to her on a regular basis when she was disgruntled about sometliing. "I didn't much like that," she said boldly.

  "Huh?" Ash said.

  "You heard me, I didn't much care for that. You look satisfied. Why don't I look like that?"

  "Huh?" Ash said for the second time.

  "Look at me! Do you see a satisfied look on my face? No, you do not. There has to be more to this act than . . . than . . . what you just did. WTiat do I get out of it?"

  "Well. . . I. . . you're a virgin . . . were a virgin . . . didn't it feel even a httle bit good?" Ash asked helplessly.

  "It hurt. Aren't you supposed to ... to do .. . something^'"

  "Jesus, I thought I did."

  "Obviously you didn't, or I would be looking satisfied," Fanny snorted.

  "Maybe you were scared and afraid to let go," Ash mumbled.

  "Let go of what? I was looking forward to this. And to think I made the first move. If this is what sex is all about, I'm going to be an old maid." She was off the blanket in a flash and pulling on her suit. She ran down the beach to the water and dived in. Ash didn't bother with a suit, he just ran after her, shouting her name over and over.

  'Just a goddamn minute here," he bellowed. When he came up for air, he said, "Listen, I was trying to be careful, I didn't want to hurt you. You weren't. . . relaxed."

  "Did you hear me complain?"

  "No, but I. . . assumed . . ."

  "You should not presume nor should you assume where I am concerned. You're supposed to do things to me, to make me . . . hot and bothered. You didn't. You just went in and out."

  "You sound Uke an authority," Ash grumbled.

  "I read a lot. If I have to explain it to you, then I guess it isn't going to work." They were treading water now, angry and frustrated.

  "Maybe you do need to explain it to me," Ash said quietly. "Tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it. If I don't know, how can I please you?"

  Fanny sniffed. "You're a guy. You should want to . . . to . . . touch me all over, get to know my body as well as you know your own. I expected you to whisper in my ear, lick the inside of my ear, that kind

; of stuff. I know you had sex before, so don't try and tell me you didn't. Is there something wrong with me that doesn't. . . turn you on?"

  "Hell no. I couldn't wait. Maybe that was the problem. Look, the women I've had sex with weren't virgins. They just wanted to do it. None of them complained."

  "Well, I'm complaining. I never did this before. I was willing to do . . . whatever . . . whatever you wanted. I thought it took hours. . . . This was so lickety-split, it was over before it started."

  "I guess you're saying I'm not a very good lover."

  "I suppose you could be . . . with practice."

  "We only have three and a half days left."

  "I thought we were getting married," Fanny grumbled.


  "Well, are we or aren't we? I think I should know. Isn't there a three-day waiting period or something? Do you have to get permission?"

  "Hold on here. You tell me I'm a lousy lover, I don't satisfy you, you said I need practice, and yet you want to marry me. What am I missing here?"

  "Me. You don't know me. Do you want to make love to me? Do you want to soar to the heights of passion with me? Do you want to hobble away to the bathroom after we make marathon love? Do you still want to marry me, or was that a joke just to get you through these ten days? I need to tell you it wasn't a joke with me. You can say no and I can leave and we'll probably never see each other again. I'll tell you what, you take a walk up that way, I'll go this way and we'll meet back here and decide. By the way, I don't think I can eat another weenie. I'd like to shower, dress, and go into town to dinner. You know, a date. We never had a date. I don't believe this, we had sex, but we never had a date," Fanny muttered as she stalked off, leaving Ash scratching his head.

  It was at that point he realized he was naked.

  Ash was the first to arrive back at the designated spot in the sand that Fanny had dug out with her big toe. His thoughts were in a turmoil. He liked Fanny Logan. He might even love her someday, but he wasn't sure. Maybe if she didn't look so much like the way he remembered his mother in her younger days, it might make a difference. A wife would be nice. His own family would be nice. The

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  business about getting married had been a line, and now he was stuck with it. Although Fanny had given him an out if he wanted to take it. Did he? She had guts and more spunk than his mother. Damn, why did he keep harking back to his mother?

  "I'm really hungry," Fanny said, flopping down on the towel.

  "I am too. Fanny, would you like to get dressed and drive into town for dinner?"

  "I'd love to, Ash. Shall we act like tourists and wear our leis?"

  "Absolutely. Do you want to shower first?"


  "Okay, I'm going for a swim. Don't use all the hot water."


  It was midnight when Ash swerved the jeep onto the shale drive that led to the back of the shack. "I had a wonderful evening, Ash. Dinner was scrumptious. The drive up here is just glorious at night. I don't think I ever saw the stars so bright. I've heard people refer to this island as paradise. They might be right. I feel so normal this evening, I think I'm going to sleep in the bed. I don't mind if you do, too."

  "That's fine. It was a nice evening, thanks for being my date, Fanny."

  Fanny smiled. "It was my pleasure."

  "Good night, Fanny."

  "Good night, Ash."

  It was still dark when Fanny stirred on her side of the bed. She opened one eye to see bright moonlight slivering through the thin slats of the bamboo blinds. The side of the room that she could see looked like it was cast in silver. Not an unpleasing sight. She closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep. She wanted to roll over, but was afraid she would wake Ash. Instead, she drew her legs up to her chest, hoping the slight cramp she felt in her thigh would go away.

  "Can't sleep?" Ash whispered near her ear.

  "I was going to roll over, but was afraid I'd wake you. I guess I did. I'm sorry."

  "I've been awake for a long time. I never slept with anyone before, I was thinking about how it felt. How about you?"

  "I never did either. I read this book not too long ago that described how married couples sleep. They referred to it as spoon fashion. Roll over and I'll show you. I guess in the wintertime it would be real nice."

  Ash rolled over, reaching for Fanny. "You look so pretty in the

  moonlight." He kissed her, gently at first, then more savagely, his hand reaching inside her gown. He felt a smile begin to build within him when he heard Fanny utter a low moan. His hand traveled downward to her belly, his splayed fingers as well as the heel of his hand kneading her, rubbing her, caressing her. A low, throaty moan whispered in his ears.

  Fanny's hands reached out to draw his head to her breasts. She sucked in her breath when his mouth made contact with her taut nipples. She moaned again and again as Ash's busy hands explored her body. Her own hand snaked out and reached for his manhood. She was rewarded with a guttural sound of pleasure.

  In one dizzying moment she was on her back and then she was on top of him, her flat belly pressing into the hardness beneath her. "Come down on me," Ash groaned. She did, but not before she lowered her lips to his, her tongue spearing into his waiting mouth. The kiss shook her to her toes, her body flaming. She wanted to crawl inside his body, to make them one.

  "Ride me, Fanny," Ash demanded, his hands gripping the upper part of her arms. The pleasure was such exquisite torture, Fanny wanted to delay it as long as possible. She slowed her gyrations when Ash gripped her breasts in both his hands. He pulled himself upright, his arms wrapped around her, their bodies glued together. He nuzzled her neck, her ears, kissed her eyes, her throat, his tongue tracing lazy patterns down into the deep V between her breasts.

  As one, their mouths clinging, they rolled over until Ash was again on top of her. Fanny opened her thighs. A low moan escaped her as Ash burrowed into the warm softness that belonged to her alone. She raised her hips, daring him, inviting him inside her secret place. He rode her like a wild stallion.

  Vhen it was over, when both bodies, slick with each other's sweat, fell back against the pillows, Fanny's breath exploded into a sigh. "The world exploded, I saw stars and rainbows and lightning streaks," Fanny said in awe, her voice a hoarse whisper.

  'Jesus," was all Ash said. He didn't mean to say the words, but they tumbled out. He felt like a fool when he asked, "Did I do it right this time?"

  "You did."

  "You had me worried there for a while." He leaned up on his elbow to stare down at Fanny. "Will you marry me?"

  "Yes. Oh, yes."

  "Tell me why you love me. I need to know," Ash asked.

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  "I just do. I love your impetuousness, the way you tracked me down. I like your tenderness, your gentleness, your sense of humor, the way you look, the fact that you enlisted to fight for your country. I love it that you aren't afraid to'admit when you do something wrong. I also love it that you had the good sense to ask me to marry you. Does that answer your question? WTiy do you love me?"

  "Yep, it does. I knew you were going to ask me that." Instead of answering her last question, he started to tickle her, their bodies contorting as they laughed and giggled like children. In the end they made love again and again until both of them were limp with exhausted pleasure.

  Three days later, on January 4, 1944, two hours before her plane was to leave. Justice of the Peace Malcolm Forrester pronounced Fanny Logan and Ash Thornton man and wife.

  Fanny boarded the plane, her eyes full of love for the man she was leavdng behind. The love stayed in her eyes as she stared at her wedding ring on the long flight home.

  Ash Thornton's eyes were troubled as he stared at his wife climbing the steps to the plane. His heart pounded in his chest when he questioned himself Did he love Fanny Logan the way a husband is supposed to love a wife? He just didn't know. Was this hast>' marriage a mistake? He didn't know that either
. He clenched his hands into tight fists.

  Sallie Thornton brought the car to a clear stop. She stepped from the Packard to stare at the carved, wooden arch that read SUN-BRIDGE. She turned to look at miles of freshly painted white rail fencing. Tall oak trees lined the winding driveway, creating a tunnellike atmosphere. The side lawns were lush and green. Sprinklers thrummed rhythmically. "Very nice," Sallie murmured. "Almost as nice as Sunrise." Inside her purse was a packet of professional photographs she'd had taken to show Seth Coleman. How ironic—she thought, Sunbridge and Sunrise.

  Sallie climbed back into the car and drove slowly up the long driveway. If the person who owned this property turned out to be her brother, she was going to be very upset. Only a very wealthy man could afford all this. If this man was her brother, he was going to have some hard explaining to do in regard to her family. She found herself clenching her teeth when the magnificent house came into view.

  The house was three stories high. Two extended wings, also three stories high, prairie pink in color, were set back off the sides to create a horseshoelike effect. A wide white veranda supported by pristine white columns completed the picture. The house was beautiful, but only half as beautiful as Sunrise. This isn't a competition, she admonished herself.

  Sallie climbed from the Packard, straightened the plum-colored skirt of her suit, checked the seams in her stockings, and the soft kid-skin shoes for dust. Her gloves and her purse matched her shoes perfectly. She was well turned out, right down to the crisp white blouse under her suit jacket, the three-carat diamond studs in her ears, and the diamond rings on her fingers beneath her gloves.

  Sallie admired the ornamental topiary trees and the crepe myr-tie that hugged the foundation of the house as she made her way up the verandah steps. She rang the bell and took a step backward, her business card in her gloved hand.

  The door was opened by a tall, austere-looking woman. "Yes," she said imperiously.


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