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Silent Love

Page 5

by Casey Clipper

  "Good," he said. Reaching into his lab coat pocket, he pulled out a small white box tied with white string. "This is for after lunch." He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "I'll come and get you at noon." He sauntered off before she could argue she'd rather eat lunch a half an hour earlier.

  After she'd watched him until he was out of sight, she spun back to her work but eyed the small box. She'd never been a patient girl when it came to gifts. Many Christmases her parents spent coming up with new hiding places for her presents.

  Beth pulled her scissors out of the desk drawer and snipped off the string. She unfolded the lid and gasped. A tiny chocolate cake with fudge icing sat picture perfect inside the white box. Tears formed in her eyes. That simple pastry was the most thoughtful gift she'd ever received from a man.


  At five minutes before noon, Sean appeared at Beth's cubicle.

  "Ready?" he asked.

  She nodded.

  Holding out his hand, he helped her to stand, then protectively placed that same palm on the small of her back. They silently took the elevator to the front entrance.

  "I thought we were going to the cafeteria," she said.

  Shaking his head, he said, "Hell, no. We're going to have a real lunch."

  They ended up across the street at a small Italian restaurant that was consistently overcrowded for lunch. It was far from romantic that time of day, but it definitely beat out the hospital mush.

  Once they were seated and placed their orders, Sean watched Beth unroll her silverware, fastidiously place her napkin on her lap, then adjust the silver in its proper place. He recognized the mannerisms but wondered how far they went. With her hearing loss, it would make perfect sense if she was obsessed with life needing to be orderly. Was she that way before she lost her hearing?

  When she finished, she looked up at him and blushed bright red.

  "Sorry," she said softly.

  His smile was warm. "Don't be."

  "How's work today?" she asked.

  A simple question, but it meant so much more to him. Not one woman he'd gone out with in years asked him about his day. They only wanted a certain piece of him. The piece that gave them an earth shattering orgasm.

  "Busy," he said. "I have to be in surgery in an hour. How's your day?"

  "When you came up this morning, I just opened an audit that needs gone over before we send out the records," she answered.

  "You must be detailed oriented in order to do that job," he observed.

  She shrugged. "I tend to see things others might miss."

  The next question was on the tip of his tongue. Should he ask? Would she become upset? Would it end their lunch? He let out a long breath and went for broke. "Why don't you work for the president any longer?"

  She blinked. Then blinked again. Shit, he pushed it. Holding up his hand, he apologized, "Sorry."

  "No, that's okay," she said softly. "When I lost my hearing, I was laid up for six months. He needed a secretary. When I was able to return, he didn't want to replace the woman they'd hired. She has three kids and was going through a divorce. I understood. I mean, the man's really nice, and he felt terrible when I returned. He's the one who secured my job for me. I think he actually made up the position, but it turns out I've saved a load of money for the hospital. Luckily he made sure my salary stayed the same." She smiled. "He always takes me out to lunch for Administrative Assistant day and remembers me at Christmas and my birthday."

  Sean wasn't too pleased with that information. Not the fact the president kept her on staff, but the fact the man still catered to Beth. Entirely familiar with the head of the hospital from many golf outings, dinners, and conferences they attended together, Sean knew the man's game all too well. Mr. President often brought his mistresses along with him while his wife stayed home with their two children. The man always looked for a new, young woman to bring into his bed. Sean would bet money that he tried to get innocent Beth between his nasty sheets.

  Instead of giving her the bad news, he decided to keep that tidbit to himself. "That's really standup of him to make sure you had a job."

  She concurred. "It is."

  The waitress brought their salads which ended the questioning. They finished a pleasant luncheon in a half an hour, and afterwards, Sean escorted Beth back up to her cubicle.

  "Dinner tonight?" he asked.

  "All right," she said.


  She nodded.

  "Great," he said, leaned down and kissed her chastely on the lips. "I'll see you tonight."


  Over the next six weeks, Sean relentlessly courted Beth. He'd never put that much effort into dating, but she was unlike every other woman he'd gone out with. Each time he took her to dinner, he learned more about her, finally getting her to open up. Like how much she loved kittens and puppies when they'd walked by the pet store last week. They'd spent an hour in that place while she touched each and every animal. He offered to buy her one, but she disheartenedly refused. She explained she feared for the animal's safety because she couldn't hear if they would ever need help. Sean tried to explain she would be fine, many people who couldn't hear owned pets, but she still rejected the idea.

  He learned her love for chocolate could be considered an obsession which she happily indulged. And he loved to help her with it. Every date he bought her some form of chocolate pastry or candy, and every single time, she applauded in delight and did a charming bouncy thing on the balls of her feet.

  When he pressed further about her family, she explained that she was an only child who was raised by two hard working middle class parents, her father a retired Army sergeant and her mother, a part-time secretary for the Turner Law Firm in Pittsburgh. Apparently she was a daddy's girl, and her father still worried and catered to her. They hadn't introduced each other to their parents, but that was on next week's agenda. They'd seen each other every day during their courtship and didn't seem to be growing tired of one another.

  But with the good also came the disheartening. When he took her to The Point a few times, she seemed to over relish her time outside. Apparently she developed a fear of going out doors after she lost her hearing. With him she felt safe enough to endure the outside world. The subject of how she lost her hearing never came up, though his curiosity to find out what happened that created her fear nagged him. But he refused to push. Beth should be the one to feel she could tell him anything. She also admitted how much she missed music. Years ago she frequented concerts and musicals but no longer attended.

  Which was how they ended up in his living room, swaying to the sound of music. It was Friday date night, but this time Sean decided to bring her to his house and cook for her. Lights dimmed and candles shimmered throughout the bottom floor. They'd already eaten their meal that consisted of a salad, lasagna, garlic bread, and of course chocolate cake.

  After their appetites were filled, Sean led Beth to the center of the living room floor, picked up the remote and turned on the stereo system with the base turned up at full volume. If it blew his speakers, but he'd buy new ones. He wanted to give this to her.

  At the start of the soft music, he wrapped his right arm around her tiny waist, then took her left hand into his and held it against his chest.

  "Follow me," he said and gave her his best sultry smile.

  Those beautiful blues glassed over.

  Swaying to the music, it only took a few moments before the bass could be felt vibrating the floorboards. The smile that crossed her gorgeous features was worth it. She released his hand and tossed her arms around his neck, then buried her face into his chest. With his other arm, he wrapped her up, pulled her close, and held her tight. The feel of her in his arms was perfect. He didn't want her anywhere else. She belonged with him, they belonged with each other. Everyday he felt himself falling harder and harder for her. Somehow, in a short period of time, she managed to wrap herself around his heart. He found he couldn't stop thinking about her‒What was
she doing? Was she sleeping? Did she miss him? Did she want to see him?

  He'd transformed back into a high school kid, needing to be near her at all times and wanting her to need him. When they were together, all was right with the world. When they were apart, he was cranky, short tempered, and antsy. But because he had no idea how she felt, since they hadn't expressed their feelings to each other, he kept all that pent up emotional stuff to himself.

  Circling the living room, they became lost in one another. Always a decent dancer, Sean breezily led her in a smooth glide. He swore he felt his chest swell when she allowed him to take charge.

  When the song changed to a more upbeat tune, Sean led her from the living room to the kitchen, through the dining room, and back to the living room. The sound of her laughter sent him flying. Eyes illuminating warmth and a joyous smile that spread from ear to ear confirmed his attempt to see her happy a success. Swinging her around, when she brushed against him, his body began to stir. Nothing like an extremely attractive woman in a man's arms to get him riled up.

  The song ended and changed into another slow tune. Sean wrapped Beth back up, their gazes locked. For weeks he'd wanted her in his arms and in his bed. If he could have bedded her their first date he would have, but she was the type to scare off easily. So he showed great restraint and self-control for the past month and a half, opting to take his carnal needs into his own hands. No more.

  Reaching up, his thumb brushed her sculpted lip. "I want you."

  Instantly she began to tremble in his arms.

  "Tell me you want me," he said softly.

  Her perfect pink tongue poked out and moistened those lips. A small jerky nod of her head answered him. Without missing a beat, he devoured her, crashing his mouth into hers. His tongue reached all sides of her sweet, hesitant mouth. Snaking his hand into her hair, he threaded his fingers into her soft strands and tugged. The moan bubbled from her throat said she liked the bite.

  Not breaking their contact, he scooped her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Quickly he took her upstairs to his bedroom and kicked the door closed behind them. Tossing her onto his California king bed, he stood above her while she propped herself on her elbows. Her chest heaved up and down. Donning a Cheshire grin, his laser beam eyes raked up and down her sprawled out on his bed. A sight for any man to behold.

  Slowly he crawled from the end of the bed towards her. Stalking her. Seducing her, he pulled off her flats, took her right foot into his hand, and massaged the tiny appendage.

  "Oh," she moaned and fell back off her elbows. "That feels sooo good."

  Her black painted toenails he adored. Not pink or purple or blue or green. Black.

  He made certain to pay attention to both feet before his hands slid up her tight jeans, going over her toned calf muscles, her slim thighs, then her narrow hips. When he reached her stomach, he popped the button on her pants. Leaning down, he pulled her shirt off her stomach and kissed her flat belly causing her to squirm. He glanced up through his eyelashes to find her watching his every movement.

  "Is my girl ticklish?" he teased.

  Biting her lip, she nodded and blushed.

  He grinned. "Fun."

  That caused her to giggle. An absolute glorious sound.

  Overwhelmed for the need of her, he sprang up and claimed her mouth again. His right hand roamed her body, landing on her ample breasts, kneading the perfect mounds. Breaking away from her mouth, his lips made their way down her neck, suckling and tasting. Sugar and vanilla and Beth, an addictive combo.

  Going for her shirt, he flicked open each button until the garment fell open. His mouth made its way down her collar bone. Pulling back, he admired the black lace bra that contrasted against her fair skin. Gently he ran his forefinger between her large breasts, then snapped open her front-clasp bra. His hands had a mind of their own and latched onto her perky set. They weren't real but he didn't care. They were ideal for any man.

  "I got them when I was twenty-two," she whispered, clearly ashamed. "My boyfriend wanted them."

  That’s when he noticed a few tiny scars littering her chest and abdomen. None were deep or puckered but well healed little white lines, maybe an inch or two at the most. Those scars were reminiscent of shrapnel markings he knew all too well; his own back had identical faint lines from his service time.

  Wanting to ask her, he opened his mouth but then closed it, afraid he might cause her to retreat from him. Instead he chose a different route. Leaning down, he took a nipple into his mouth and sucked. Hard. His eyes never left hers, even when they rolled into the back of her head. Knowing he pleased her, he repeated the gesture and continued to lave at them, causing the nipples to bead up.

  When she refocused on him, he groaned, "They're perfect."

  His large hands wandered her soft, porcelain skin. Moving down to her jeans, he grasped the edge and shimmied them off her delectable hips then down her thin legs. Black lace panties taunted him. The erection in his khakis felt as if it could punch through the material, he was so hard. Not willing to take the time to fiddle with his shirt, he ripped it down the front, sending tiny white buttons flying in all directions.

  Dialated eyes and an audible gasp from her sent him into overdrive. Her appreciative gaze wandered his torso and made him feel fifteen feet tall. Kneeling beside her, he took the time to admire the goddess. Phenomenal.

  "Sean," she begged, her body arching towards him, begging for his touch.

  Obliging, he ran his palms up her legs, again. Hooking his thumbs into her panties, he slid them off her body. It was his turn to gasp. She was bare. Not one hair. Oh, god, he'd never last. As if his body took over all coherent thoughts, he needed a taste. Next thing he knew, his mouth was on her core. A slow swipe of his tongue sent her juices to the back of his mouth and down his throat. So sweet. Vaguely he heard her yelp in surprise. She grabbed a hold of his hair and pushed him closer to her overheated, writhing body. He fed off her like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Losing himself in laving and sucking. Slowly he slid a large finger inside her. She was so ripe for him. Pumping in and out of her slick body, he added another finger then curled them slightly and hit her spot that instantly sent her flying, screaming his name. That sound would echo in his dreams. He wanted to hear it time and again.

  When he pulled his fingers from her body, fluidly he shucked his pants. Her hooded eyes watched his every motion. Reaching into the nightstand drawer, he grabbed the box of condoms.

  "Fuck," he yelled. Empty. "Ryan," he growled. "Going to kill him." He collapsed beside Beth, his hand going to the soaked apex of her thighs. "I don't have any condoms, Beth," he whispered.

  "I'm on the pill," she said.

  "I'm clean," he replied.

  She nodded, wrapped her hands around his neck, and pulled him on top of her. Her assault on his mouth surprised him, but only briefly. Positioning himself over her, she spread her legs for his large body to fit. Slowly he slid into her core, then groaned into her mouth while swallowing her gasp. Yanking his mouth away, he threw his head back. Pulling out then achingly slowly, he pushed back inside to her hilt, touching her womb.

  "So tight," he said, the stress in his voice evident.

  Her hands grasped his firm ass, nails digging into his skin, and pulled him closer. They'd leave a mark, ones he'd proudly wear tomorrow.

  "Sean," she moaned. "Please."

  She wanted it harder. Faster. And he'd give it to her.

  Losing himself, his hips jack hammered into her body. Relentlessly he pounded into her as her warm, tight body sucked him in. There was no possible way he could make this last. He took one of her beaded nipples into his mouth and sucked. Her body arched into his, and she screamed out in a sudden body wrenching orgasm. The slick channel of hers sucked him in deeper and pulsed around his hard length. His balls grew heavy and drew up. His release took him off guard. He'd never come so hard or long in his life.

  After emptying into Beth, he collapsed on top of her and tried to ca
tch his breath. Her chest heaved against his. Her soft hands were like butterflies dancing up and down his solid back. Rolling off so his weight didn't crush her, he brushed her matted hair off that beautiful face. Those gorgeous blue eyes stared up at him, and he recognized that look. Because he was certain he wore it as well.

  "I love you, Beth."


  Rolling over and stretching, Beth's body felt like jelly. Wonderful, light, completely sated jelly. Glancing at the clock, her internal alarm woke her at her usual morning get up. Next to her, the large god slumbered. He looked so peaceful. And young. And handsome. And he loved her. After his confession, he made love to her two more times before they succumbed to exhaustion. The second time was slow and beautiful and perfect. The third was a man claiming his woman. Very much caveman. Though it went against every independent streak she desperately fought for, she couldn't help herself, she loved letting him take charge in the bedroom. She benefited greatly from relinquishing her control.

  Slowly she slid out from under Sean's beefy arm and muscular thigh that pinned her beneath him and climbed out of bed. She threw on her panties that she found next to the bed, but couldn't find the rest of her clothing. Grabbing a button down oxford from his closet and slipping it on, she inhaled his delicious scent that lingered on the fine fabric. She tip-toed to the bathroom, closing the bedroom door behind her, and after relieving herself, went downstairs to find coffee.

  What she found was a Sean look-a-like standing in the kitchen, newspaper laid out on the counter, coffee cup in hand…and practically naked in nothing but boxers.

  He glanced up, gave her a once over, then grinned devilishly. "Hi, Beth. We met when you bounced off my brother. I’m Ryan."


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