Just My Type
Page 22
Wedding Collection 33
Aftershock Debris 296
Agfa/Computagraphic 18
Akzidenz Grotesk (Standard Medium) 43–4, 127, 134, 152, 152, 201
Akzidenz Grotesk Book 221
Albarn, Damon 273
Albertus 65, 68–70, 69, 70, 100, 243, 264, 308
Allen, Lily 274
Allen, Woody 40
Allford, David 150
Alligators 14
Alpha Charlie 14
Alphabet Metro 125–6, 135
Amazon Kindle 322
Ambroise Light 32
American Airlines 137–9, 138
American Apparel 134
American Declaration of Independence 15
American Gothic 14
American Type Founders Company (ATF) 198, 200, 201, 225, 301, 304
American Typewriter 223, 297, 303
Amigo 14
Amorpheus 14
ampersand 95–101, 97, 99, 100
Ancient Black 239
Anderson, Colin 151
Andreena 14
Andrews, Sybil 120
Anglia Script 291
Angry 14
Antique Olive 146, 146, 193, 283
Any Time Now 14
Apolline 231
Apple 12, 13, 18, 110, 143, 245n, 319, 322, 323
Applicants, the: ‘Times New Roman’ 276
Arbiter, Ivor 272
Arbuckle 14
Archer Hairline 318–19
Arctic Monkeys: ‘Cornerstone’ 168
Arial 31, 218, 221–3, 222, 229, 297, 299, 315, 331
Arial Black 25, 147
Arial Extra Bold 53
Aries 50
Arnold Böcklin 14
Arquitectura 33, 33
art deco 126, 275
Art Gallery 14
art nouveau 125
ascenders 45, 45
asciicircum (caret) 268
Ashley Crawford 14
‘at’ (@) sign 268
ATF Cooper Hilite 54n, 55
Atlas (Fatima) 275
Augspurg, Albert 174
Augusto, Yomar 146–7
Aunt Mildred 293
Aurora 176
Austen, Jane: Pride and Prejudice 32
Avalon 305
Avant Garde 297
Avatar (film) 305, 307
Avérous, Luce 178
Baby Teeth 321, 321
Baines, Phil 247
Balboa 278
ball point pen 161
Bananas (film) 40
BANANA.strip Regular 182
Banco 193, 283
Banjoman 14
Banks, Colin 123–4
Banks & Miles 122, 124
Bannikova 14
Barker, Christopher: Bible typo 244, 244
Barnbrook, Jonathan 256, 293
Barnes, Paul 266
Barnhart Brothers & Spindler 54
Barrett, William 203
base line 45
Baskerville 13, 28, 42, 63, 102–10, 111, 176, 198, 205, 217, 218, 242, 249, 284
fate of the punches and matrices 108
upper-case Q 103, 104
Baskerville, John 102–9, 107, 108, 111, 113, 141
Baskerville, Sarah (previously Eaves) 104–5, 106
Baskerville Old Face 223
Bastarda 38, 188
Battersea Fun Fair, London 150
Batty, Mark 301
Typographic Papers Series (Volume 1) 296
Bauer Type Foundry 284, 290
Bauhaus 155, 187, 251
Bawden, Edward 69, 120
Baylac 14
BBC 24, 40, 50, 79, 183
Beach Boys 54–5, 56
beard 46
Beatles, the 270–74, 271, 275
The Beatles: Rockband (video game) 270–71, 272, 273
Beaujon, Paul see Warde, Beatrice
Beaumarchais, Pierre de 108
Bell 176, 243
Bell Centennial 74
Bell (now AT&T) phonebook 74
Bembo 13, 32, 58, 59, 83, 86, 122, 147, 175, 217, 242, 297
Bembo Book 32
Benton, Linn Boyd 239
Benton, Morris Fuller 201, 202, 301
Bents, Nigel 261–2
Berry, W Turner 173
Beziers 287
Bienvenue 230, 231
Bifur 318
Biggs, John 58
Bighouse 310
Bingo 14
Binner 14
Binny, Archibald 198
Binny & Ronaldson 197–8
Binoche, Juliette 72
Bismarck, Prince: supplied with Musgrave’s Ulster Stoves 242
Bitstream digital foundry website 177
Bitstream Inc 77
Black, Roger 281
BlackBerry 322
BlackBerry Alpha Serif 322
blackletter (Gothic) type 60, 188, 189, 190–92, 190, 192, 197, 201, 202–3, 242, 279, 282, 308
Blacklight 14
BlackMail 310
Blackshirt 296
Blickensderfer typewriter 171–2
blink tests 58–9
Blippo 14, 72
Bliss 232
Blur 182, 264
Bodega Sans 73
Bodoni 13, 42, 59, 59, 174, 198, 204, 205, 206, 217, 242, 294
Bodoni, Giambattista 204, 205
Bodoni 135, 176
Bodoni Book 176
Bodoni Ultra Bold 50
body 46
Bold Italic Techno 297
Bollocks 182
Book Antiqua 13
Bookman 73, 126, 197
bowl 45
bracketed serif 45, 103
Braggadocio 14, 223
Briem, Gunnlaugur SE 74
Bringhurst, Robert: The Elements of Typographic Style 258
British Library, London 38–9
British Railways 50
British Standards Classification of Typefaces 44
British Typographers Guild 64
Broadway 176
Brody, Neville 262–6, 263, 264
Bruce, David, Jr 239
Bruce New York type foundry 282
Brush Script 13, 297, 303–5, 304
Bubble Bath 14, 14
Bubbles, Barney 263
Buffalo 266
Bunyan 50
Burns, Aaron 169
Burton, Tim 92
Café Mimi 305
Cahalan, Anthony 296–8
Calibri 14, 28, 268, 330–31, 330
Californian 202
Calliope 305
Calvert 159
Calvert, Margaret 148–54, 149, 156, 157, 158–9
Cambridge University Press 108
Cameron, James 305–6
Canicopulus 49
Carmine Tango 279n
Carter, Harry 76, 77
A View of Early Typography Up to About 1600 83–4
Carter, Matthew 15, 60–61, 71–8, 77, 82, 186, 193, 198, 200, 201, 227–8, 229, 260, 261, 263, 288–9, 294, 320–22
Carter, Sebastian 260–61
Carter, Will 261
Carter & Cone 77
Caslon 13, 101, 103, 107, 108, 170, 197, 198, 217, 237, 282
Caslon, William 14, 96, 98–9, 99, 141
Caslon AntT 279n
Caslon Bold 225
Caslon dynasty 239
Caslon Egyptian 43
Casson, Sir Hugh 153
cast type 34, 35
Cats, backs of: used in Old Dreadful 182
Cavazos, Rodrigo Xavier (RXC) 325–7, 327
Caxton, William 39, 87–9, 88
Vocabulary in French and English 87
Centaur 14, 33, 33
Century 14, 28, 218
Century Gothic 300
Century Old Style 175, 175
Century Schoolbook 175, 175, 176, 244
Ceska Unicals 174
Chalkduster 305
Charles, HRH The Prince of Wales 172
chase 37
Chatto 238
/> Chaucer, Geoffrey 39
Canterbury Tales 88–9
Cheap Thrills 278
Cheese or Font game 323
Cheltenham (Chelt) 199–201, 200, 225, 306
Cheltenham Press 200
Chicago 12, 13, 72, 183
Chisel 217
Chocolat (film) 72
City of London 68–9, 70
Clarendon 23
Clarity 322
Cleverdon, Douglas 49
Clinton, Hillary 210, 214
Cobden-Sanderson, Annie 92, 94
Cobden-Sanderson, Thomas 90, 91, 92–4, 92, 117
Cochin 110, 281
Coen Brothers 72
Coldplay: Parachutes 70, 70
Coleman, Norm 212
Coles, Stephen 179–80, 229, 291–2, 293
Collegiate 146
Columbia 176
Combs, Holly and David 25–6
Comic Book 20
Comic Sans 17–18, 20, 20, 22–9, 146, 223, 239, 297
in all its childlike glory 22
for attention-seekers 314
backlash against 24–6, 24, 28, 298–9
candy, tombstones and irritable bowel syndrome 26
Coming Together 100, 101
Compacta 165
computers 172, 322–3
Cone, Cherie 77
Connare, Vincent 18–24
Conservative Party 217, 218
Consolas 330
Cooper, Oswald Bruce 53–4
Cooper Black 53–5, 55, 56, 60
Cooper Black Italic 318, 319
Corbusier Stencil 318
Corona 176
Costello, Chris 306
counters 45, 60
Courier 297, 303, 314, 316, 319, 330
Courier 12
Italic 171
Craft Creations of Cheshunt 170
Creative Companion Library 245n
Cursiva 188
da Spira brothers font 84–5, 84
Dad’s Army (TV comedy) 52–3, 55
Daines, Mike 169
Damon & Peets 225
Darden, Joshua 179
Davies, Dai 165
Day, John 238
DC comics 21
De Groot, Luc(as) 327–30, 329
De Vinne 206
de Vinne Press 199
De Worde, Wynkyn 89
Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid (film) 72
Deberny & Peignot 139–40, 167
Deck, Barry 49
Declaration of Independence 107, 197
Delegate 171
Deliscript Italic 177
DeLittle company 237
Della Robbia 174
Department of Transport 153, 154
depth scale 46
descenders 45, 45
desktop publishing 13, 165
Deutsche Schrift 190, 192
DeVito, Danny 73
Didone form 44, 206, 281
Didot 13, 32, 103, 198, 219
Didot, Firmin 205
Dieterich, Johannes Christian 104
Din 182
DIN (Deutsche Industrie Norm) 151–2
Diotima 169
Disney 28
Dixon, Catherine 247
Dot Matrix 319
dot test 63, 63
Doves – the type that drowned 90, 91, 92–4
Doves Bible 90, 91, 92
Doves Press 90, 93, 246
Dow Text 26
Down Under Heavy 177
dry transfer 167, 170
Duensing, Paul Hayden 258
Dwiggins, William Addison 27
Dymo label maker 164–5, 164, 277
Dymo Roman 165
dyslexic children 27n
easyJet 53, 54, 56
Eaves, Richard 111
Eclipse 303
Ecofont 299–300, 299
Economist, The 184
Ed Wood (film) 72
Edwards, John 210
Egyptian 207, 208
Ehrhardt 243, 244
Electra 27, 132
electrotyping machine 224
Elliott’s Blue Eyeshadow 182
Emerson 243
Emigre magazine 60, 62
Empire fonts 293
Empiriana 174
Encyclopaedia of Type Faces 173–4, 176, 177, 180
Enschedé 76
Entebbe 310
Epstein, Brian 270
Erasmus Initials 174
Erbar 117
Erbar, Jakob 117
Eros 169
Excoffon, Roger 193
Expanded Antique 319, 319
F2F Prototipa Multipla 182
Faber & Faber 69, 69, 238
face 46
Face, The magazine 262–4, 263, 264
Fact 169
Fairfield 206
Falafal 182
Falstaff 208
Fat Face 207, 208, 215, 277
Fear Unknown 299
Felicity 50
Felton, Paul: The Ten Commandments of Typography/Type Heresy 255–6, 257
Fenice 206
Festival of Britain 149, 150
Festival Titling 243
FF Chernobyl 291
FF Dirtyfax 289, 290
FF Govan 183
FF Info 183, 297
FF Meta 183
FF Tisa 291
Figgins Antique 208
finals 140
Fletcher, Alan 57
Flieger 291
Floydian 273
Fonderie Olive 283
FontAid 101
FontBook (FontShop) 181–3, 183
FontLab Studio 320
Fontographer 228, 258, 322
fonts: derivation and usage of the word 39–40
FontShop 181, 182, 228–9, 289, 290, 291, 293
Fontsmith 231, 232, 302
‘fount of all knowledge, the’ 86–7
founts 39
Fournier, Pierre Simon 106
Fraktur 146, 188, 190, 191
Française type foundry 275
France Telecom 230, 231
Frankfurter 165
Franklin, Benjamin 106–7, 197, 201
Franklin Gothic 126, 175, 175, 201–2, 297
Fraterdeus, Peter 258
Freedom Tower, Ground Zero, New York 218, 219
Freight Sans Black 179–80
French, Melinda (Mrs Bill Gates) 19
French National Institute for Intellectual Property 232
Frere-Jones, Tobias 209–12, 214, 219, 318
Front, Charles 274
Frutiger 14, 144–6, 145, 147, 229, 245n, 296
Frutiger, Adrian 57, 125–6, 139–45, 141, 186, 288
Frutiger Stones 146
Fry, Joseph 239
Fry, Stephen 164
FS Lola 231, 232
Fust, Johannes 38, 84
Futura 43, 80, 81, 81, 82, 117, 139, 146, 170, 175, 175, 186, 187, 191, 194, 195, 196, 196, 215, 234, 264, 288, 290, 296, 308
Futura Bold 276
Futura Only Shadow 303
Ganeau, François 283
Garamond 14–15, 59, 59, 98, 98, 170, 175, 175, 242, 251, 265, 297
Garamond, Claude 14, 96–8, 96, 97, 283
Gatwick Airport 150–51
gender of type 33, 33
Geneva 13, 315
George III, King 104
Georgia 15, 28, 74, 177, 229, 233, 260, 261, 319, 322
Get Back 273n
Gill, Eric 44, 48–51, 51, 60, 63, 100–101, 117, 118, 156, 190, 201, 243, 255, 290, 302, 318
Essay on Typography 50–51
Gill Sans 13, 14, 28, 42–4, 48–51, 49, 50, 69, 78, 117, 122, 124, 146, 150, 159, 175, 175, 186, 211, 215, 219, 237, 243, 275, 290, 295, 297, 308, 319
Gill Sans Bold Condensed 264
Gill Sans Light Shadowed 302–3, 302
Gillett, John 163–4
Glaser, Milton 320–21, 321
Glaser Stencil 321
Gloriola Display Standard Fat 177
Golden Cockerel 50
Golden Cockerel Press 246
Golden Type 90
golfball typefaces 171, 171, 328
Good Dog 178
Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor 200
Google 74, 181, 237
Gorey, Edward 92
Gorillaz 273
Gotham 15, 209–12, 211, 213, 214, 218, 219, 265
Goudy 217
Goudy, Frederic W 54, 202–4, 204, 225, 256
Typologia 204
Goudy Italic 203
Goudy Old Style 63, 175, 175, 202, 272
Goudy Text 202–3, 203
Gourdie, Tom 160–61, 161, 162
GQ magazine 212, 213
Grace Period: ‘Boring Arial Layout’ 276
Granjon 249, 251
Granjon, Robert 99
Grant, John Cameron 124
Graphic form 44
Graphic Tweets 82
Grassy 299
Gray, John: Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus 33, 33
Griffin, Rick 280, 280
Griffo, Francesco 85–6, 96
Grimm, Brothers 190
grot 47
Grotesque form 44, 47
Grunge fonts (generic) 297
Guardian Egyptian 265–6
Guardian newspaper 40
April fool 39
redesigned 265–6
Guimard, Hector 125, 125
Gutenberg, Johannes 13, 28–9, 33–4, 36–8, 79, 84, 85, 89, 141, 164, 188, 239, 240
Bible 36–9, 162, 202, 235
mass production 34, 37
scale of achievements 37
Guy, Peter 301
Haas foundry, Münchenstein 134
HADOPI 230–32
Haettenschweiler 320
Haley, Allan 229, 230
Hall, Alistair 247
Hallmark fonts 278–9
Hamamoto, Chris 292, 293
Hamburgers, Hamburgerfont 288, 289
Handgloves 289, 290, 292, 293
Hands 182
handwriting 160–62, 161, 304–5
Handy, John 103, 108
Harlequin 170
Harrington 320
Hegner, Jakob 194
Helios 221
Helvetica 12, 13, 14, 43, 44, 55, 128, 129, 130, 131–9, 140, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 152, 158, 159, 170, 193, 201, 212, 218, 220–23, 222, 225, 229, 243, 265, 268, 273, 284, 296, 297, 322, 329
clones 220–21, 227
a non-Helvetica day 131–2
Helvetica (film) 131, 132–3, 133, 185, 210
Helvetica Compressed 73
Helvetica Extra Bold 135
Helvetica Extra Light 134–5
Helvetica Neue 136–7, 296, 297, 316
Henrietta Samuels 293
Herculanum 13
Hewlett, Jamie 273
Highsmith, Cyrus 131–2
breakfasting without Helvetica 131
Hoefler, Jonathan 214, 287, 318
Hoefler & Frere-Jones 209, 219
Hoefler Text 316
Hoffmann, Eduard 134
Hogarth 239
Horsey 278
Hounslow 182
HT Gelateria 305
Hudsucker Proxy, The (film) 72–3
Humana Serif ITC TT Light 315–16
Humanist form 44
Hustwit, Gary 131, 210
I Don’t Know 278
IBM 13
IBM Selectric Typewriter 170–72, 171
iBooks 110, 110, 322
IKEA 74, 79–82, 129, 194
Impact 25, 239