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Naughty and Nice: A Menage Holiday Romance (Double the Fun Book 4)

Page 7

by Marie Carnay

  Bree tried to smile. “The lights are beautiful. I was thinking about going home on Monday.”

  Hank nodded as he looked up at the branches, turning around a tin Santa ornament in his hands. After a while, he spoke. “No one ever said you have to go home.”

  “How can I just uproot my life?”

  “Willa did.”

  Bree flicked her eyes up to Hank’s face. His expression said he meant it, but Bree’s situation wasn’t like Willa’s. She glanced back at the tree. “Yeah, but she has the two of you. You’ve given her the world. This beautiful home… a thriving jewelry business… a ring.”

  Even without looking she felt Hank smile. “Willa created her business on her own. All we did was provide some encouragement. As far as the house, thank you. My grandfather built this place. It’s been in the family for generations.”

  He stepped forward and searched for a place to hang the ornament. “As for the ring…” There branches muffled his answer and Bree had to step forward to catch the rest. “Be careful what you wish for, Ms. Schaffer.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  A smile played with the corners of his mouth as he emerged from the tree. “Christmastime is full of surprises.”

  Bree frowned. “Wyatt and Walker are hardly in the same room at the same time. They can’t possibly be thinking about marriage.”

  Hank tilted his head. “Trenton and I were like that in the beginning, too. You have to admit, being man enough to share one woman is a challenge.”

  “I never said it wasn’t.”

  “Then you need to give them a chance. From all that I’ve heard and all that I’ve seen, Wyatt and Walker are head over heels for you.”

  “That doesn’t mean we’ll end up like you and Willa.”

  “You won’t know unless you try.”

  Bree exhaled. For all of Hank’s optimism, she still had her doubts. On his own, Wyatt was suave and gracious and sexy as hell. Walker was manly and assertive and fearless. But together… They were everything she wanted.

  But she still didn’t know if they wanted her, too. If they could find a way to all be together, maybe they could have something like the Beauchamps and Willa. But Bree wasn’t sure.

  “How did you and Trenton make it work?”

  “We realized Willa was more important than anything. If we had let her go home…” He shook his head as he struggled to find the words. “It would have been the worst mistake of our lives.”

  Bree glanced down at the box of ornaments in front of her. “I don’t know if Wyatt and Walker feel the same way.”

  “Don’t worry. Come Christmas, it’ll all make sense.” He bent and picked up a bright red star. “There’s a spot on that branch where this would be perfect. Can you reach? My arm’s too big to fit.”

  Bree took the ornament with a nod. Whatever Hank knew about the Daniels brothers and their Christmas plans, he wasn’t sharing. Bree would just have to wait to find out. She wedged her arm through the branches and hung the ornament as Willa and Trenton breezed back into the room.

  “We didn’t find the garlands, but we did find the stash of Christmas liquor.” Trenton held up a bottle. “Hot buttered rum, anyone?”

  Chapter 13


  This had been the best month of Walker’s life. Better than earning a scholarship to go to college, better than landing his first gig as an event planner. Better than the year his favorite team won the world series.

  Bree coming back into his life had changed everything. He knew now how wrong they’d been to agree not to date her. She’d been the woman for them back in college and she still was. Christmas miracles really did happen.

  Wyatt strolled into the room, a bounce in his step and a box in his hand.

  Walker stepped forward. “You got it?”

  His brother grinned. “I did.” He opened the lid and showed off the contents.

  “Are you sure it’s the one?”

  “Definitely. You can’t go wrong when you get a personal recommendation from someone who knows, Walker.” His brother turned the box around in his hand and glanced around. “Did you finish everything here?”

  “Yep. The caterer just dropped off all the food and I’ve set everything up in the dining room. The music is set, the decorating’s all done. We just need her to show up.”

  Wyatt smiled. “Don’t worry. She will.” He walked over to the fireplace and slipped the box into a stocking hanging on the mantle before turning back to Walker. “Ready to do this?”


  The town car turned into the drive and Bree’s nerves picked up. I should have pre-partied from the mini-bar. She exhaled a jittery breath.

  Something about the way Walker and Wyatt had talked about this night—and Hank’s words from earlier in the day—had Bree feeling this Christmas party would change everything.

  All she had to do was smile at the guests, make some small talk, and survive. Once she could get Walker and Wyatt alone, she could tell them how she felt and ask them where it was all going.

  She had to know. No more guessing, no more waiting and hoping. If they couldn’t lay their cards on the table, she’d call them on it.

  The car slowed and she thanked the driver before getting out. The Daniels’ residence was decorated to the nines. Lit garlands were strung along the fence leading up the drive, lights flickered along the eaves. A Christmas tree stood in the oversized front window, covered in lights and ornaments.

  Bree exhaled and walked up to the front door. She half-expected it to be wide open with guests spilling out onto the porch, but all was quiet. She rang the bell.

  The sight as the door opened almost stole her breath. Wyatt and Walker, both in tuxedos, both smiling at her like she was the best present a guy could get on Christmas.

  So damn handsome.

  “Hi, Bree.” Wyatt pulled the door open wider so she could slip inside.

  “You look gorgeous tonight.” Walker leaned in as she slid past and she caught a whiff of his cologne, all cedar and orange.

  “Thanks.” As the door shut behind her, she glanced around. Twinkling lights were everywhere: the railing to the stairs, the windows, the tree. But not a person was in sight. She spun around. “Where is everyone?”

  Walker glanced at his brother before turning back to Bree. “What do you mean?”

  “This is a party, right? Where are all the guests?”

  “You’re looking at them. It’s just you and us tonight, Bree.”

  Her heart fluttered. “When you said a Christmas party, I assumed you meant something for work. You know…” She looked around her. “Something big.”

  Wyatt reached out and took her hand. “This is big. But it’s not meant for anyone other than you.” He guided her past the entryway and into the living room.

  Candles were glowing on the coffee table, with drinks and food nestled between them. Soft music played through the speakers hidden in the wall. The Christmas tree lit up the whole room, and even the fireplace was decorated with greenery and lights.

  Three stockings hung from the mantle, one for Walker, one for Wyatt, and one for… her?

  Bree walked up to the fireplace, staring at the red stocking trimmed with gold. It bulged at the bottom, already filled with something. Walker slid up next to her.

  “You got me a present?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe Santa came a little early this year.”

  “Can I open it?”

  He shook his head. “Now you know the rules: no opening presents until Christmas morning.”

  “But it’s Christmas Eve. In my family we always opened one the night before.”

  Wyatt stepped up and wrapped his arms around her waist. “This Christmas, let’s make some new traditions, just the three of us.”

  Bree spun around in his arms. “You mean it?”

  “Of course.” He smiled as he let her go. “Let’s start with dinner. Are you hungry?”

  She smiled as her stomach rumbled. “St


  Bree was everything they could ever want in a woman. He’d thought that in college, but he knew it now.

  Beautiful and kind, she could laugh at Walker’s bad jokes as she held Wyatt’s hand, and never once did she falter or doubt them. God, he’d been such a fool in the past. But that was over. The new Wyatt knew exactly what he wanted, and in the morning, Bree would know it, too.

  Christmas Eve had never been better. He set down his glass of wine and leaned back on the couch. They’d eaten a spectacular dinner, danced in the glow of the fireplace, and now they all sat together, talking and laughing.

  Bree’s feet were tucked up under her and her brown hair cascaded down her back like a chestnut waterfall. She was the most beautiful woman in the world and perfect for him and Walker. With any luck, they’d have many, many more nights like this.

  He reached out ran his fingers down her hair. “Are you tired?”

  She shook her head. “Not one bit.”

  “Want anything else to eat?”


  Walker chimed in. “More wine? I could open another bottle.”

  Bree smiled at him before turning back to Wyatt. “There’s only one thing I want, and it’s not food, or drinks, or to go to sleep.”

  Her eyes sparkled with the reflection of the Christmas tree and Wyatt leaned closer. “What’s that?”

  “To celebrate Christmas with the pair of you.” Bree leaned forward and kissed him. Perfect.

  He slipped his hands underneath her and picked her up while their lips still touched. “Then that’s exactly what you’ll get.”

  Walker led the way upstairs, and Wyatt set Bree down on the oversized bed.

  She glanced up at the bed posts and laughed. “You even decorated the bedroom?”

  “That was Walker’s idea.”

  She turned to him. “A little presumptuous, isn’t it?”

  Walker smiled and slipped off his jacket. “It’s good to be an optimist.” He tugged loose his bow tie and tossed it on an empty chair. “Don’t you like it?”

  Bree glanced up at all the little lights twinkling above the bed. “I love it.” She reached behind her and unzipped her dress, letting the fabric fall in a heap on the bed.

  The red lace bra and matching thong she wore made Wyatt’s cock twitch and his pulse race. Damn, it was going to be a good night.

  Chapter 14


  Something about Christmas Eve and the present waiting for her downstairs filled Bree with so much nervous excitement, her whole body hummed. She was with the two men who’d flipped her world upside down in a matter of days. Two men she never wanted to say goodbye to again.

  Wyatt shrugged his clothes off as Walker pulled the curtains shut. The only light in the room came from the copper wire winding around the bed posts, the twinkling little lights casting a warm glow on the pale sheets.

  Bree leaned back on her palms as Walker stepped up to the bed. While she’d been watching Wyatt, Walker had stripped. His naked body stood in stark contrast to the darkness behind him, rich and glowing in the Christmas lights. Sculpted muscles. Sexy grin. Thick cock standing tall and ready for her.

  “Come here, Bree. Let me touch you.”

  She did his bidding, crawling over the bedding before climbing off the mattress and standing up. Walker reached for her hands and pulled her closer, the heft of his cock pressing into her belly as he leaned in for a kiss.

  “You’re everything we could ever want.” His lips brushed across her cheek, leaving a searing trail in their wake. Bree reached for his shoulders, holding onto his taut muscles as Walker feathered kisses down her neck and shoulder.

  Wyatt’s fingers landed softly on her lower back and Bree gasped. In the moment, she’d forgotten about Wyatt. Two men. Four hands. Two cocks.

  The thought sent a thrill through her. Bree knew exactly what she wanted tonight. She reached behind her, fingers searching for Wyatt’s smooth skin. She found his shaft, thick and roped with veins and Bree wrapped her fingers around it, reveling in the heft of his need for her.

  Walker slipped a bra strap off her shoulder and peeled the lace down. Her nipple popped free and he feasted, lapping at her swollen, needy flesh as Bree stroked his brother’s dick with her hand.

  “I want more tonight. No more taking turns, no more waiting.” Bree groaned as Walker tugged down the rest of her bra, the force of his movements bouncing her breasts in the air. “I want you both inside me. Together.”

  She knew what she was asking for, and this time, Bree was sure. She wanted both of her men, the two loves of her life, taking what was theirs and no one else’s.

  “Are you sure?” Wyatt palmed her hips, fingers digging into her soft skin as she worked him with her hand.


  “Then that’s exactly what you’ll get.” Without another word, Wyatt tugged on her thong, yanking it over her hips and ass and shoving it to the floor.

  As he ran his fingers up the inside of her thigh, Walker stepped away, quickly striding to the nightstand and opening a drawer. “If we’re doing this, we’re doing it right.” He handed something to his brother before coming back to face Bree.

  “Do you trust us?”

  Bree nodded without hesitation.

  “Then do what we say, when we say it. Can you handle that?”

  A thrill rushed through Bree just at the thought of Walker and Wyatt calling the shots. She’d be free to feel. To let go and let them ravage her. She nodded again.

  “Good.” Walker stepped closer. “Spread your legs.”

  Bree did as instructed, sliding her feet apart until Walker held up his hand.

  “We’re going to make you come, Bree. Over and over until you can’t take it anymore. Only then will you get what you’ve asked for. Not a moment before.” His fingers slipped between her legs, zeroing in on the swollen mound already slick with need.

  He eased inside her empty channel, coating his finger in her arousal, before pulling back and finding her clit. One, two, three swipes of his finger and Bree’s mouth fell open. She stared into Walker’s eyes as his brother closed in behind.

  The sound of a bottle opening pricked her ears and Bree braced herself. She could hardly wait for what came next.


  Damn, this woman. Asking for them to fuck her at the same time only meant one thing, and Wyatt couldn’t wait.

  He poured a generous amount of lube into his hand, coating his fingers in the slick liquid, before slipping his hand between her ass cheeks. He grazed Walker’s fingers, smearing the lube all over Bree’s backside and around the puckered hole he’d fuck that night.

  She moaned as he circled his fingers around, her ass stuck out and begging. Fuck. His dick throbbed, practically bouncing up and down in the air as he pressed his finger inside her ass.

  “Relax. Let yourself enjoy it.” Wyatt crowded close to Bree, his mouth an inch below her ear. “Let me in, Bree. I’m going to fuck you with my fingers until you come all over Walker’s hand.” He pressed deeper. “Then you can have my cock.”

  She whimpered as he pulled back and thrust, working his finger in to the knuckle before pulling back and thrusting again.

  His brother stroked her clit and Wyatt pumped his hand. In seconds, Bree reached for him, her arms akimbo in the air as she clawed at his head. She tried to gain purchase, fingers slipping on his shoulders as he eased a second finger inside, pumping, twisting, scissoring her ass wider.

  Every stroke from Wyatt’s hand she shuddered. Every flick of Walker’s fingers she cried out.

  The first orgasm hit her like a tidal wave, battering her body and clenching her muscles around his digits.

  That’s it, baby. Just like that.

  He eased his fingers free as she sagged against Walker, limp and overcome. Wyatt gave her a moment, listening for the change in her breathing from ragged to calm. As soon as the last of the orgasm waned, Wyatt was back, shoving his hands between
her body and Walker’s, pinching her nipples and rolling them between his fingers and thumbs.

  “Wyatt! I can’t!”

  “Yes, you can. You’re coming again. Right now.” He pulled her back toward him, her body supported by his chest, as Walker picked up her right leg.

  Propping it on the bed, Walker sank to his knees. “We can’t do this without a taste, Bree. You know we love this sweet, sweet nectar.” He lapped up her folds, eyes wide open. “Mmm. Fucking delicious.”

  Walker dove back in, licking Bree’s pussy until his cheeks shone in her arousal. All the while Wyatt played with her breasts, flicking and rolling and pulling her nipples. She shook for them both, barely able to hold on as another orgasm hit.

  That was the Bree they needed. Relaxed and loose. Sated, but unfulfilled. Walker stood up, his hands gripping Bree by the thighs. He hoisted her into his arms as Walker helped from behind.

  “Tell me you’re ready for us.” Wyatt teased her earlobe, licking it into his mouth as Bree nodded.

  “I’m ready.”

  Wyatt met his brother’s eyes as he nodded. This moment had been years in the making, but it was finally happening. Bree was finally going to be theirs in every way.


  The first slice into Bree’s slick heat and Walker almost came. He steeled himself, gritting his teeth as her warmth gripped his shaft. Damn. He held her, supporting her weight with his arms as Wyatt crowded close behind.

  Ever since the first night with Bree, he’d wanted this. But it wasn’t his to take; it was Bree’s to give. She clung to him, her arms wrapped around his neck, her lips brushing his cheek as she moaned with every thrust.


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