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Murder Times Two

Page 15

by Diana X Dunn

  “Why so worried about Max?” Alex asked.

  “In spite of his behaving like a petulant child, he’s one of the most important men in the world. He’s one of the five richest men on the planet and, believe it or not, he is probably the most likeable of the five. In spite of everything that I know about him, I still like him enough to want to help him get his life back.”

  Alex nodded slowly. “What can I do to help?”

  “I’ve already told you what I really need,” Suzy told him as they slowly made their way off the dance floor and back into the crowd. “Beyond that, just keep your eyes open and tell me if you see or hear anything unusual or interesting.”

  Alex nodded. “Should I go and mingle for a while, then?”

  Suzy smiled at him. She needed to talk to Luke and Max and both conversations would be easier without Alex’s company.

  “Mingle away,” she laughed. “Just watch out for the predatory women that are everywhere.”

  Alex shuddered. “I might have to call you to come and save me,” he grinned.

  “I think you can look after yourself,” she shot back.

  The pair parted, with Alex heading further into the crowd. Suzy wandered off along the fringes of the party, hoping to spot Luke to continue their conversation from earlier. Instead, she spotted Henry. As she headed toward him, she noticed that Alex was moving in the same direction. Staying in the shadows, she wandered behind a large plant to see what she could overhear.

  “Just go and circulate and try to have fun,” Henry was telling an earnest-looking younger man. “Have a few drinks and relax.”

  “You said not to get drunk,” the man replied. “I had one drink and I feel half-drunk already.”

  “The drinks are really strong,” Henry agreed. “Take a neutralizer if you need to, but pretend you are having fun.”

  The man nodded uncertainly and then stuck a huge fake smile on his face. He turned and made his way slowly into the crowd.

  “Come on then,” Henry exhorted the others. “Grab a drink and go make new friends.”

  A thin blonde woman who was much too old for the dress she was wearing shook her head. “This isn’t my kind of party,” she told Henry. “I feel old and out of place.”

  “You should have another drink,” Henry told her emphatically. “Have another drink and let your hair down.”

  The woman just looked at him for a long minute and then turned away. She too disappeared into the crowd.

  Henry looked at the others who were still standing around. “Go, all of you,” he ordered with a sigh. “This is a party. Go and have fun.”

  No one answered, but slowly all of the remaining members of the little group dispersed into the crowd. Henry stood on his own for a second and then turned and headed toward the door.

  “Henry?” Alex sounded as if he’d just recognized the man. “Henry Martin?”

  The man turned back and looked Alex up and down. “I don’t believe we’ve met,” he said to Alex coldly, turning away again.

  Alex wasn’t deterred. “Alex Knight,” he introduced himself. “I’m a good friend of Max’s and I’m sure we were introduced at some event or something, or else I wouldn’t remember you.”

  Henry turned back around slowly. Suzy knew that he wouldn’t want to risk upsetting one of Max’s friends. “I suppose it is nice to see you again, then,” he told Alex. “Although I must confess that I don’t remember meeting you before.”

  “I’m pretty forgettable,” Alex told him cheerfully, “but I never forget a face.”

  Henry nodded and then looked down at the floor.

  “Anyway,” Alex continued. “I was just talking to Max about this horrible business on The Mirage, the murder and all. Is it really horrible being caught up in the middle of a murder investigation? Do you know who did it?”

  “I don’t know anything about it,” Henry said stiffly. “It was unfortunate, but it had nothing to do with me.”

  Alex nodded. “What was she like, this Chrystal?” he asked. “It seems like Max was really interested in her.”

  “I suppose he was,” Henry replied. “It wasn’t really my concern.”

  “Was she pretty?”

  “She wasn’t my type,” Henry deadpanned.

  “Right, well,” Alex frowned. “It was great talking to you. I guess I’ll see you around.” He didn’t even wait for Henry’s reply. He just turned around and made his way back across the room.

  Suzy realized that Alex was heading for Peter Palmer. By ducking out of the room and then reentering on the opposite wall, she put herself close enough to overhear another conversation. She wasn’t sure why she was so intent on watching Alex, but she didn’t stop to try to work out her motive.

  Genifer was still hanging on Peter’s arm when Alex reached them. “Alex Knight. How lovely to see you again,” Genifer cooed at him when he said hello.

  “Hey, I’m Peter,” the man held out a hand and Alex shook it.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Alex told him as Genifer took a step back and seemed to be studying the pair.

  Alex grabbed a drink from a passing waitress and then sipped it as he watched Genifer. She seemed to be deciding something, and after grabbing a drink of her own, she smiled and slid an arm around Alex.

  “You win,” she murmured in his ear. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Alex coughed violently. “Um, oh, I well,” he stammered under Peter’s angry glare. “Um, I was just talking to Henry about Chrystal.”

  “Who?” Genifer yawned and downed her drink. “I don’t feel like talking right now,” she said loudly, running her hand down Alex’s back, stopping to rest it on his backside.

  “Peter, what did you think of Chrystal?” Alex asked, obviously hoping the conversation might distract Genifer.

  “I thought she was a bitch,” Peter said in a conversational tone. “She would have twirled with anyone if she thought it would help her get ahead. At the moment she was focused on Max and nothing was going to keep her from getting him.”

  “Said the totally shot-down and rejected man,” Genifer smirked.

  “It wasn’t like that,” Peter argued. “Chrystal and I had a complicated relationship.”

  “Yeah, complicated by the fact that you were chasing her hard and she was all about Max.”


  Genifer laughed. “You really need to expand your vocabulary,” she told the man mockingly.

  Peter looked at her for a minute and then shook his head. “I’m not sure why I bother,” he muttered. Then he turned to Alex. “If I were you, I would run like hell,” he told him distinctly.

  Alex watched wordlessly as Peter walked away through the crowd. Genifer pressed herself against him. “So, let’s get out of here,” she said loudly, her hands beginning to wander up and down his chest.

  Alex turned sideways in her grasp and took a small step backwards, putting just a little bit of distance between them.

  “What did you think of Chrystal?” he asked.

  “I hated her,” Genifer answered in a bored tone. “She was after my dad and was prepared to do anything to get him.”

  “So who killed her?” Alex had to ask.

  Genifer gave him a knowing smile. “That would be telling,” she said softly.

  “So tell,” Alex said suggestively.

  Genifer chuckled. “You know, I think we might just be able to satisfy each other,” she told him. “I’m going up to my room to freshen up. Come up in five minutes and we can talk more.”

  “Talk?” Alex checked.

  “Talk, and whatever else strikes our fancy,” Genifer replied. “We can get friendly, and once we are the very closest of friends I can tell you everything you want to know about Chrystal’s murder.”

  Alex frowned. “Why don’t you just tell me now?” he suggested.

  “Oh no,” Genifer told him. “It’s much more fun if we do it my way. I’ve wanted to twirl with you since lunch. There is something incredibly sexy about
you.” She took a step away from him and smiled knowingly. “My room in five,” she repeated. Then she walked away without looking back.

  Suzy took a step toward Genifer, intent on stopping her, when Luke touched her arm.

  “Are you hiding back here?” he asked.

  She laughed. “Oh, goodness, no. I’m just trying to stay out of Max’s way, really. It’s peaceful here, in this dark corner. I may stay here until the party’s over.”

  “From what I could see, your friend Alex was getting awfully cozy with Genifer,” Luke suggested.

  “Alex is too smart to fall for a woman like that,” Suzy retorted. A moment later, she watched as Alex walked out of the ballroom.

  “If I were guessing, I would guess a secret rendezvous upstairs,” Luke told her.

  “Probably,” Suzy laughed lightly. “It seems like everyone is sneaking off upstairs for a bit of private action.”

  Luke grinned at her. “If I weren’t working….” he tailed off, leaving the suggestion hanging in the air.

  “And I weren’t a murder suspect,” Suzy laughed with him. They both grabbed another drink as Suzy used every bit of her training to keep pretending that she wasn’t feeling somewhat crushed by the idea of Alex and Genifer in bed together.


  They were still chatting several minutes later when Suzy’s M-ped buzzed. She pulled it out of her handbag and read the message.

  I think you better come up here. And bring Luke with you.

  Frowning, she sent a quick reply. What’s wrong?

  Luke raised an eyebrow. “Is everything okay?”

  Suzy shrugged and then read Alex’s next message.

  I think Genifer might be dead. I’m not sure, but I’m going to check, just in case. If she’s just sleeping, she can be embarrassed when you and the police turn up.

  Sighing, Suzy looked at Luke. “We need to go upstairs,” she told him quietly.


  “Alex just messaged me that he thinks Genifer is dead in her room,” Suzy whispered as they walked slowly across the crowded room.

  “Why didn’t he just call security? Why call you?”

  “He saw us talking, I guess.” Suzy replied. “I suppose he thought you were the best one to tell.”

  Luke frowned. Suzy knew the explanation was weak, but it would have to do.

  There was an elevator waiting when they reached the lobby and it shot to the penthouse level quickly and smoothly. Alex was waiting for the elevator, looking pale and worried.

  “Her room is right down there,” he told them, pointing. “The door was open when I got here.”

  Luke led the way down the hall, with Suzy following closely. At the door to Genifer’s suite they all paused. Luke ran his M-ped over the door’s security panel, using his police codes to pull all of the information from it. He glanced down at the readout.

  “Apparently she opened the door about half an hour ago and never shut it behind her. I don’t know why security didn’t investigate, but I’ll find out.”

  He stepped carefully into the room and looked around. Suzy did the same, particularly noting the red lace dress on the floor. The two then walked slowly toward the open bedroom door. Alex waited in the hall.

  Luke paused in the bedroom door. “Genifer,” he kept his voice level and loud. The body on the bed didn’t move. “Genifer.” This time he yelled even more loudly, but there was still no movement from the bed. Luke glanced at Suzy and frowned.

  He walked to Genifer’s side and took her arm, feeling for a pulse. After a few seconds he laid the arm gently back on the bed and turned to Suzy.

  “You shouldn’t be in here,” he told her. “This is now a crime scene.”

  Suzy nodded and walked quickly through the living area and out of the suite. She shook her head at Alex who was still standing in the hall. They both simply stood there, listening to the quiet buzz that was Luke on his M-ped requesting a full crime scene team and other backup. After a few minutes the elevator door opened and the police teams began to arrive.

  Suzy and Alex slipped further down the hall, trying to stay out of the way, waiting to see what Luke wanted them to do. After a few more minutes Luke emerged from the suite.

  “I need to find Max and tell him,” he told Suzy. “That has to be the first priority before he hears about it any other way.”

  “Would you like me to come with you?” Suzy offered, hoping he would say yes for a number of reasons.

  “That would be highly irregular,” Luke began, “but under the circumstances, I think it would also be helpful.”

  “Shall I wait in my room to be questioned?” Alex asked just before Luke and Suzy headed down the hall.

  Luke paused for a half a beat before he responded. “I think it might be better if you waited somewhere else,” he said finally. He stuck his head back into Genifer’s suite and shouted something. After a moment a uniformed officer came to the door.

  “Yeah, boss?”

  “I need you to take Mr. Knight down to my suite and keep him company for a little while,” Luke told the man. “I’ll be in to talk with him shortly.”

  The man nodded and the four all walked together to the elevators.

  “While I was waiting to come up here,” Alex said, “all of the elevators seemed to be stuck on this level.”

  Luke raised an eyebrow. “All of them?”

  “Yeah,” Alex shrugged. “I waited nine minutes for one to come down, and by that time there was a crowd waiting.”

  “Do you always time elevators while you’re waiting?” Luke queried.

  Alex shrugged. “I was mentally preparing a long complaint to hotel management,” he explained.

  “I’ll check it out later,” Luke told him. He tapped out a few commands on his M-ped as they waited silently for the elevator to arrive.

  After dropping Alex and his guard off on the next floor down, Suzy and Luke continued to the ground floor.

  “This isn’t going to be easy,” Luke said.

  “No,” Suzy agreed. “I think it will be better if Randy is there as well.”

  Luke nodded and tapped again on his computer. When the elevator doors opened, he headed immediately for the party. Suzy followed behind him as quickly as she could in her tight dress.

  Two members of the hotel security team had already tracked down Max and Randy and were gently herding them toward the door. Luke met them halfway, turning to lead everyone into a small private room just off the ballroom.

  “What is going on?” Max demanded. “I’m trying to have a party here and then these two come in and demand that I take a neutralizing agent and come with them. I can tell you, Luke Nolan, that I’m not impressed.”

  Luke nodded grimly. “I’m sorry, sir, but I needed to give you some news privately,” he told the billionaire. “Please, let’s sit.”

  Luke waved toward a selection of couches and chairs arranged in a corner of the room. Suzy immediately pulled Randy over and sat him down on one of the couches. Max was still blustering about not wanting to leave the party, but he came and sat next to Randy anyway. Suzy perched on a chair across from them. The two security team members were sent on their way, after being given quick and quiet instructions from Luke. Then Luke came over to join the others. He too sat on a chair across from the other men.

  “There’s no easy way to do this,” he said apologetically. “Your daughter, Genifer Hart, has been found dead in her suite. At the moment there’s no clear indication of what happened to her, but the medical team and crime scene team will be doing a full investigation.”

  The silence that followed Luke’s blunt statement was painful. Max and Randy both simply stared at him, unable to believe or understand what he had said. Finally, Max turned to Suzy.

  “Suzy, what is going on?” he asked in a quietly confused voice.

  “I’m so sorry, Max,” Suzy told him, crossing the small space between them to squeeze herself on to the end of the couch where he was sitting. She took his h
and and rubbed it. “I saw the body, Max. Genifer is dead.”

  Max shook his head. “That simply isn’t possible,” he replied calmly. “She’s my whole family. She can’t be dead.”

  Suzy let go of his hand and began to rub his back. “I know, Max. Genifer was very special to you, but she’s gone.”

  Max stood up. “Don’t be stupid,” he told Suzy. “I don’t believe either of you. This is some sort of plot to get me to confess to killing Chrystal or something.” He picked up a small end table and threw it at the nearest wall. It smashed into pieces with a loud crash that seemed to please him.

  He pulled his M-ped out of a pocket and fired off a message. “I’ll just message her and when she gets here, we can all laugh about this and then you can explain what exactly you’re up to.”

  Suzy and Luke sat quietly while Max waited for a reply. After a minute, Randy spoke.

  “You guys are serious, aren’t you?” he asked Suzy.

  “Unfortunately,” she answered sadly.

  Max swung around. “Where is she? Where’s my little girl? I want to see her.”

  Luke hesitated for a second and then shrugged. He pulled out his M-ped and tapped into it briefly. “Come on, then,” he told them all.

  The walk to the elevators and the ride to the penthouse level were long and silent. The officers working in the suite all stopped and stood at attention as the group entered Genifer’s room. Max charged on ahead, not stopping until he reached the bedroom doorway. There he froze and just stared. Suzy and Randy both reached him at the same time. They worked together to pull him away from the scene.

  As she worked to get Max away from the body, Suzy was relieved to note that someone had taken the time to cover it with a blanket. It might not be strictly police procedure, but it was much kinder for Max.

  “She’s just sleeping,” Max muttered, trying to pull away from Randy and Suzy. “She just drank too much and is sleeping it off.”

  “I’m sorry, sir,” a tall man in a medical jacket spoke from the side of the bed. “I’m Doctor Henderson, and I’m sorry to tell you that the young woman is dead.”


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