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Death Displacement: A time travel romantic thriller

Page 6

by Holly Copella

  “Nothing, I swear,” Kane quickly announced. “I went to her house, but I couldn’t bring myself to harm her. You were right, okay? She’s just an innocent girl.”

  Casper backed away from him and shook his head with disgust. “I considered reporting my car stolen. I even considered placing an anonymous call to the police to check out her house,” he growled. “You have no idea how lucky you are that I didn’t do either of those. I’ve known you most of my life, and I just couldn’t bring myself to believe you’d do something so sinister and evil.” Casper’s hostility didn’t diminish any. “But know this; if I had been wrong, and you did anything to harm that girl, I wouldn’t hesitate to put you in the ground.”

  Kane slowly moved off the table and sheepishly straightened. He’d never seen his friend that angry. He wouldn’t believe Casper capable of harming anyone, but he somehow knew his threat wasn’t an empty one.

  “She was holding a stuffed animal,” Kane said softly and couldn’t look at his angry friend.

  Casper stared at him a moment and appeared bewildered. “What?”

  Kane lowered his head, raked his fingers through his hair, and sighed softly. “She was sleeping with a stuffed animal in her arms,” he informed him gently. “What the hell happened to her after Hayes died?”

  Casper groaned softly as his mood softened. He leaned against the table near Kane. “The man she respected and admired was killed in front of her, and she was left emotionally and physically scarred. Revenge is a powerful motivator, Kane.” He gave him a stern look. “It almost drove you to murder.”

  “What are we going to do?” he asked softly.

  Casper stared at him with all seriousness. “I’ll tell you what we’re going to do,” he firmly announced. “We’re going to stop Hayes from dying.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The museum had even more buses and children running around outside that following morning. As the groups of children got younger, the noise level and chaos grew louder. Several frazzled teachers and chaperones appeared unable to control the massive swarm of children taking over the sidewalks. Little girls chased little boys in what appeared to be the great ‘cooties’ crusade. Sadly, the boys were losing. Casper’s Mustang pulled up to the museum not far from the main entrance. Casper glared at Kane, who sat silently sulking in the passenger seat. Kane looked ashamed and was unable to make eye contact with his obviously irritated friend.

  “Okay, this is it. I’m giving you just one more chance,” Casper informed him in a low, harsh tone. “I don’t know who you are, but you’d better know I’m serious when I say that I’m two seconds away from running over your ass.”

  “I know,” Kane said softly and stared at the dashboard. “I’m sorry.”

  “You better be sorry,” Casper snapped. “Friends don’t drug friends, take their beloved cars out for a joyride, and put scratches on the paint. This car is my baby.” His look was stern and serious.

  “I didn’t mean to--”

  “Acht,” Casper snapped while wagging his finger at him. “The wound is too fresh. Don’t even go there.”

  Kane kept his head down and nodded in response.

  “I don’t need you,” Casper informed him. “I have another one just like you waiting to chew me out for being late again. He’s my best friend--not you. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, we’re clear.”

  “And if anything happens to that hot girl’s ass, I’m taking you down,” Casper informed him sternly. “I’ve taken you down before, and I’m not afraid to do it again.”

  “I have no intentions on touching her, I swear,” Kane said timidly. “I don’t even want to talk to her. I’d like to avoid her as much as possible.”

  “Keep it that way. Now you go in there and become Hayes Dante’s new best friend. We know how, when, and where he dies,” he announced. “You keep him from dying; Riley doesn’t kill Selena.” Casper’s look was stern and almost threatening. “Now get out of my car. I have to go to work and somehow tell you that I can’t go out drinking with you tonight, because in the future you’re a back-stabbing cocksucker.”

  Kane sheepishly got out of the car. As he looked back, Casper’s Mustang burned out and raced down the road. A few of the kids marveled at the sound and appeared excited to watch. Kane frowned and headed into the museum behind the swarm of children. He entered the lobby and approached the desk while attempting to avoid the hordes of kids running around. Chrissie, Riley, Tucker, and Selena stood around the desk and appeared to be in the middle of some sort of crisis, although that seemed typical during the early morning pre-school rush. Riley was on the phone and appeared concerned.

  “He always picks me up on time,” Riley informed them while clinging to the phone at the front desk. “I’ve never known him to be late.”

  “Maybe I should drive by his place and see if he’s there,” Tucker suggested.

  “Would you?” Riley asked and appeared pleased with the suggestion.

  Selena seemed sympathetic as Riley listened on the desk phone. Hayes’ voicemail picked up. Riley slammed the phone down with disgust.

  “He’s not answering,” Riley announced. “I keep getting his voicemail.”

  Tucker passed Kane while heading for the front doors. Kane approached Selena and paused before her. He was so happy to see her but attempted to act casual despite his anxiety about finally talking to her. He was close enough to touch her, and when she looked at him, he couldn’t believe how good it felt to make eye contact with her. Now he just needed to make a good first impression.

  “Excuse me; I’m looking for Hayes Dante,” Kane said politely while attempting his best charming smile.

  Selena looked at him and sharply raised her brows. “Take a number,” she scoffed then ran after Tucker.

  Kane was momentarily stunned by the aggressive brush-off he’d received and helplessly watched as Selena stormed off. What the hell had just happened? Their first official meeting was a disaster! Riley shook her head with disgust, quickly approached Kane, and smiled apologetically.

  “You have to forgive Selena,” Riley said gently. “We’re all a little stressed. Mr. Dante didn’t show up this morning. I’m his assistant, Riley. May I help you?”

  Kane attempted to remain polite, but given the circumstances, he wasn’t sure how long that would last. He didn’t want to talk to her. He didn’t even want to be in the same room as Riley. “Uh, no. It can wait--”

  “Hayes!” Selena cried out.

  Riley looked across the lobby to the front door. Hayes hurried into the museum looking distracted and flustered. Riley ran toward him and appeared concerned.

  “What happened? We were worried something bad had happened to you,” Riley said.

  Hayes took her hand in his but appeared unable to look at her. “I’m sorry about not picking you up this morning, Riley. It’s just--I had a really bad night. I must be coming down with something,” he announced timidly, but it was obvious something had him visibly shaken. “I’ll be in my office.”

  Riley stared at him and appeared concerned about his physical appearance. “Yes, of course,” she said gently. “Did you want me to bring you some tea?”

  Hayes finally looked at her, managed a tiny smile, and nodded his appreciation. “Thank you, Riley,” he said gently. “Give me an hour, okay?”

  Riley nodded although she clearly wanted answers. Hayes hurried across the museum lobby toward the back corridor containing the offices. Chrissie, Riley, and Kane stared after him with equally bewildered looks.

  “Talk about acting strange,” Chrissie muttered.

  Selena and Tucker now joined them at the desk. Selena leaned on Riley’s shoulder and stared after Hayes as he disappeared into the connecting corridor.

  “What’s with him?” Selena asked. “He looked as if the devil himself was chasing him.”

  “I honestly don’t know,” Riley replied softly while shaking her head.

  “I’m thinking our esteemed boss had a bad trip last
night,” Tucker remarked with a soft chuckle.

  Chrissie laughed softly. Selena moved away from Riley and cast a stern look at both Tucker and Chrissie. Riley’s look was disapproving as well.

  “He’s a little too straight to be doing drugs,” Selena informed them.

  “It’s a funny image though,” Chrissie giggled.

  “He’s not on drugs,” Riley snapped and appeared irritated by the entire conversation. She glanced at Kane then glared at the others. “And you should know better than to say such things in front of visitors.”

  Chrissie rolled her eyes and minded the desk. Tucker turned toward Chrissie. Whatever he did or gestured made her laugh. Selena and Riley glared at both with distaste.

  “Knock it off, both of you,” Selena snapped, catching both by surprise.

  Chrissie returned to sorting brochures. Tucker was quick to leave the front desk. Selena had successfully chased them away without even trying.

  “Maybe I should come back later,” Kane finally announced. It seemed like a bad time, and he doubted his visit would accomplish anything this morning.

  Riley immediately turned toward him and smiled pleasantly. “Oh, I’m so sorry, uh, I didn’t catch your name.”

  “It’s Kane.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Kane,” she announced gently. “This is a very unusual situation. If you’d be willing to hang out for an hour, I’m sure Mr. Dante will see you.”

  Kane didn’t know if he wanted to hang around for an hour and tolerate Riley’s company. He was about to respond when Riley continued.

  “Perhaps Selena could give you a tour of the museum while you wait,” Riley suggested.

  Kane hesitated then glanced at Selena, who now looked at him and smiled. His heart pounded in his chest to the suggestion--or was it her smile? Either way, he’d finally get some time alone with her.

  “I’d like that,” he heard himself respond.

  Kane hoped he hadn’t sounded too eager, but the words just slipped out. Selena smiled and extended her hand across the lobby. Perhaps things weren’t as bad as he initially thought.

  Chapter Twelve

  Nearly an hour had passed as Kane walked alongside Selena at a leisurely pace through the North American exhibit. He couldn’t help but watch her and smiled as she talked about the exhibits with great knowledge. After all he’d been through the last four days, he finally felt whole again. For a brief moment, nothing else seemed to matter. He fought the urge to come on strong, even though his instincts were screaming for him to seduce her right there. Every erotic memory of her flooded his mind, making it hard to concentrate. For the moment though, he was happy just walking alongside her.

  “Your knowledge and enthusiasm for your work is astounding,” he announced warmly and laid on the charm. “How long have you worked here?”

  “A little over a year,” she replied. “Technically, I’m still a trainee.”

  “I’m sure in a few years you’ll be running this place,” he informed her cheerfully.

  Selena smiled and appeared humored by his compliment. “I appreciate that, but Riley has seniority over me.”

  “Really? Is she even out of high school?”

  Selena laughed softly. “She graduated college last year, but she’s been working here since before the dinosaurs arrived,” she informed him.

  They heard raised voices across the exhibit. Selena was immediately interested and nudged him closer. Jillian, Collin, and Noble stood near a replica of ‘Kitty Hawk’. Noble was ranting loudly despite Collin’s attempt to get him to keep his voice down. Something obviously had him irritated. Selena glanced at Kane and flashed a knowing smile.

  “That’s Noble, our P.R. guy,” she informed him. “Apparently there was a screw up with the fliers for the fundraiser this Friday night. It’s sort of a big deal. Like the super bowl of museum fundraisers. Completely sold out. Noble is real good at blaming others for his mistakes.” She appeared to sink into thought. “At least he can’t blame me this time.”

  “Is that why we’re pretending we’re not listening?” Kane asked while hiding his smile.

  Kane had been through this exact situation many times before with Selena. Noble had a bad reputation for blaming her and others. She often complained about his inability to do his own job. Kane was actually surprised the guy kept his job long enough for him to meet him in the future.

  “I’m not the type to eavesdrop. I’m just making sure he doesn’t attempt to blame me,” she informed him. Despite her reassurances, it was obvious she’d listened in on their conversations before. “That man he’s talking to; that’s Collin. He’s one of our top restorers. He was actually up for museum curator, but they hired Hayes instead. Was he ever pissed.”

  Kane was familiar with her future boss, Collin. According to Selena; Collin was demanding and delegated a lot of his work onto her. He wasn’t curator material, but apparently, after Hayes’ death, he somehow secured the position. He wasn’t a bad worker; he just lacked organization and diplomacy.

  “Collin would make a terrible curator, in my opinion,” she casually informed Kane. “He’s terribly unorganized, and he has zero diplomacy.”

  At least that sounded like the Selena he knew.

  “Who the hell does he think he is?” Noble demanded in a louder than necessary tone. “I told him I’d take care of it. It’s my job, and I think I can handle making the necessary corrections. He’s making me look bad.”

  “Is it fixed?” Collin asked.

  “His little sidekick took it upon herself to make the corrections,” Noble snapped. “I’m getting a little tired of being shown up by that girl.”

  “Since when is it her business to do your job for you?” Jillian demanded with a huff while folding her arms across her chest. “She’s got to have her fingers in everything.”

  “If I were curator, the first thing I’d do is get rid of Riley,” Collin announced.

  Noble snorted a laugh at the comment. “Sure you would,” he remarked. “If you were curator, she’d be sleeping with you instead of Hayes.”

  “As pleasant a thought that might be, I’d have to turn her down,” Collin remarked firmly. “I’d run this place the way it should be run. I wouldn’t want Riley attempting to push her will on all my decisions the way she does with Hayes. He’s such a pushover when it comes to her.”

  “They never should have hired Hayes over you anyway,” Noble remarked. “I don’t know what they were thinking--hiring an outsider like that.”

  “He had a reputation,” Collin snorted. “Just because the guy had the means to travel the world--”

  Selena led Kane away and shook her head with disgust by the conversation they’d witnessed.

  “I couldn’t imagine Collin as curator,” she announced firmly. “I’d feel sorry for his assistant. Hayes is a great curator. I heard he was a little rough around the edges in the beginning, but he’s mellowed considerably over the years.”

  “Your co-workers don’t seem to have a favorable opinion of him,” Kane remarked.

  “They’re just jealous of him,” she insisted. “Those who don’t do their jobs don’t like Hayes. He doesn’t tolerate laziness and incompetence. That’s probably why we get along so well.” She obviously had a special fondness for her boss and his abilities. “Trust me; this place couldn’t function without him.”

  Kane couldn’t help but wonder what the future would hold if he successfully altered future events. If Hayes didn’t die, Riley would probably continue as his assistant in the position Selena was working when he met her. He hoped that small change of events wouldn’t alter their eventual meeting in three years. Of course, now that they’d already met, had he already changed future events? It was a sobering thought that made his head hurt. He decided it didn’t matter. As long as he kept Selena from dying, he’d accept whatever new reality fate provided.

  “So what do you do, Kane?” she asked with a tiny smile and a curious tilt of her head.

  “I own an antiq
ue store--” He pointed then hesitated. He couldn’t admit to owning the antique store in town, since he technically didn’t yet, and he certainly couldn’t risk her showing up there and running into his ‘other’ self. “--in the city.”

  “You and Hayes should have a lot to talk about then. He’s into that.”

  He was a little surprised by her comment. She didn’t even seem interested. “You don’t care for antiques?”

  She groaned softly. “I’m around them all day. The last thing I want to see when I leave here are old things and kids,” she remarked then grinned and leaned closer to him. “FYI, the definition of trainee is ‘she who cleans up vomit’.”

  “I can see your point,” he replied although he actually didn’t. Now seemed like the perfect opportunity to secure a date with her, and he knew exactly what she liked. “You might enjoy that comedy club in the city. Definitely no kids there.”

  “The dance clubs are more my thing,” she informed him without hesitation. “Scarcely a soul over thirty.” She looked at him and immediately appeared embarrassed by her comment. She smiled timidly. “No offense.”

  Kane was a little surprised but somehow managed a smile. “None taken.” He couldn’t deny the comment regarding his age stung a little.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kane sat on one of the lobby benches with his head against the wall and watched children run around. Their deafening screams echoing off the tall ceiling didn’t even faze him. He was off in his own world, the world where Selena was still alive, and his biggest concern was what colored napkin would match the bridesmaids’ dresses. Casper approached, studied him a moment, and then sat alongside him.

  “What happened? You sounded strange when you called,” Casper remarked.

  Kane groaned as he sat up then immediately hunched over with his hands clasped between his knees. “She thinks I’m old,” he muttered softly.


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