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Death Displacement: A time travel romantic thriller

Page 16

by Holly Copella

  “What are you talking about?”

  Scarred Riley turned to face him and frowned. “Selena was only dating you for your money.”

  He stared at her with surprise and disbelief to her words. He immediately became defensive and possibly hostile. “No, you’re wrong. She loved me. We were getting married until you showed up and murdered her.”

  All glimmer of Riley suddenly vanished, and the hostility of Scarred Riley returned. “She was using you and fucking Tucker behind your back.” Her words cut deep. “You may never believe me or even forgive me, but I did you a favor.”

  “There’s no way she was seeing him,” Kane announced firmly. “She loved me.”

  Scarred Riley shook her head with disgust. “I don’t know why I even bothered. I knew you wouldn’t listen to me, that’s why I had to confront her on my own. I should have known you’d show up here and try to ruin everything.”

  Kane suddenly thought of something he hadn’t until that moment. “How did you get here?” he suddenly asked. “You saw me vanish, didn’t you?” He suddenly felt pangs of horror as his body twitched. “What did you do to Casper after I traveled back in time?”

  “I didn’t do anything to him,” she scoffed while folding her arms across her chest. “He tried to take off with that trinket box and didn’t get ten feet before I pounced on him. He dropped it and took off like a frightened bunny.” She smirked deviously. “Fortunately, I know Latin.”

  His expression suddenly dropped. “You weren’t following me from the future. You traveled back in time to save Hayes,” Kane suddenly announced and quickly put it altogether. “Does he know you’re here?”

  Scarred Riley stared at him with no emotion.

  Kane’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open with astonishment. “Oh, God, you’re the one he’s been seeing!”

  Her anger quickly returned. “You’re going to stay out of my life, Kane. I’m in love with Hayes and my younger counterpart is going to be with him. It was meant to be.”

  “She’s not in love with him.”

  “She is; she just doesn’t know it yet,” she announced sternly. “It took Hayes’ death for me to realize how I felt about him. You’re going to let this happen, or make no mistake; I will take you out of the timeline.”

  Scarred Riley again turned to leave.

  Kane jumped off the bed. “Wait--”

  Scarred Riley spun around and glared at him. Kane jumped back with alarm to her sudden movement and reconsidered his actions. He attempted to remain calm, so she wouldn’t inflict more pain upon him. He defensively held his hands up to keep her from reacting, but he really wanted to defend his crotch from bodily harm.

  “Maybe we can’t agree on Riley’s fate, but we both want to keep Hayes from dying. Let me help.”

  “I don’t need your help.”

  “The rockslide never happened,” he blurted out. “It wasn’t an accident. That’s why we’re still here.”

  “I know. Hayes’ life is still in danger. I thought I took care of it, but I was wrong,” Scarred Riley informed him.

  Kane uncertainly lowered his hands and was puzzled by her words. “What do you mean?”

  Scarred Riley approached Kane. He tensed slightly but forced himself to stand firm. Her eyes briefly strayed to his green boxer briefs. For some reason, it sent panic through him. He was positive she was looking for an excuse to bash his nuts in.

  “Tucker created the rockslide,” she informed him. “I suspect he also rigged the mine to blow as a contingency plan.”

  “Tucker?” Kane gasped with surprise. “Are you sure?”

  “He was dressed in camouflage from head to toe, but it was him, I assure you,” she informed him. “I ambushed him on the ledge above the rockslide where he was waiting. He didn’t know Hayes hadn’t shown up.”

  “But you didn’t actually see his face?”

  “It was him,” she hissed with irritation to the question. “He took off before I could lay him out. He must come back later to finish the job.”

  “But if I’m still here, you must still blame Selena for whatever happens later,” he protested. “There must be something we’re missing.”

  Her hostility again returned. “Let’s get this straight, Kane. There is no ‘we’ in this. You and your little green man panties are going to take a hike.”

  Kane was startled by the underwear comment but stood firm and sneered back at her. “Until Hayes’ life is out of danger, we’re both stuck here.” He felt phantom pain in his groin. Surprisingly, she made no attempt to harm him.

  “You want to hang around?” she snarled. “Fine. But you keep it in your pants. If you do anything to ruin my plans, I’ll be paying a call to your younger self at that antique store and perform a homemade castration on him.” She cast a look at his crotch that chilled him and sharply raised her brows. “Do we understand each other?”

  Kane stared at her with alarm. He was sure she’d do it too. “Yeah, painfully so.”

  “I’ll be in touch.”

  Scarred Riley casually left the room.

  Kane groaned and fell onto the bed while holding his head. “Hayes, you’re one brave man to screw that shrew.”

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Two days later. Kane walked across the museum lobby and toward the front desk where Chrissie and Jillian gossiped softly. He’d avoided the museum for the last two days while Casper attempted to formulate a plan based on what Scarred Riley had told him about Tucker possibly being the one threatening Hayes’ life. Collin and Noble approached the front desk from the opposite direction. They were softly arguing about something. Whatever their spat, it ended with Noble storming off. As Collin stopped by the desk, the mood suddenly turned hostile, causing Kane to stop in his tracks. Chrissie began shouting at Collin about some incident at the inn. Selena suddenly appeared alongside Kane and watched the display with less interest.

  “Looks like someone’s trying to lose her job,” Selena muttered to Kane.

  He briefly glanced at her then looked back at the front desk. Chrissie and Collin were in a soft shouting match while attempting to keep their voices down. Jillian casually stood nearby and listened while pretending she wasn’t.

  “What happened?” Kane asked.

  “Apparently,” Selena announced while lustfully raising her brows, “Collin had brought Chrissie along for ‘happy hour’, but she ditched him for a shot at Albert.”

  “Albert Mercer? Are you serious?” Kane asked and grimaced with distaste.

  “Yeah,” she replied and giggled.

  “I’ll bet that went over well,” Kane muttered.

  “With Mercer maybe but certainly not with Collin,” Selena informed him. “Unfortunately, Chrissie found out that Albert just wanted a quickie, and she hadn’t won the lottery after all. Now they’re ready to kill each other.”

  “I guess that little expedition was a bust all the way around, huh?”

  “No kidding,” Selena announced with a defeated sigh. “Even Hayes and Riley have been feuding. I wonder what possibly could have triggered that.” She attempted to hide her devious smile. Selena finally turned toward him, gave him an approving once over, and smiled sweetly. “So where have you been hiding? I haven’t seen you since we left the inn.”

  “I, uh, had business to attend to at my store in the city,” Kane remarked.

  He felt oddly guilty, as if he had cheated on Selena with Riley. Perhaps he had. He didn’t know for sure. It was too complicated. He hoped Casper was right about not remembering any of this. Unfortunately, Riley and Selena both would. The thought wasn’t helping settle his anxiety.

  “I’d love to see your shop sometime,” she remarked while grinning lustfully. “Maybe you could take me there. I’d love to get away from here for a while. A weekend in the city sounds like a lot of fun.”

  Kane stared at Selena with a strange look. Her sudden interest in him after nearly a week was troubling. And what was with the sudden sexual innuendos? What happened t
o the good little girl who made him wait three months? Had Riley been right? Was Selena only interested in financially secure men? That couldn’t be the case. She never made a big deal about money. Of course, after buying the store from his parents, he never really had much money, so it couldn’t be true.

  “Yeah, maybe we’ll do that,” he uncertainly replied. “Is Hayes around?”

  “He’s been hiding in his office all morning,” she announced with little interest then became enthused. “Want to grab some lunch? I get my lunch break in an hour.”

  “I’m going to be tied up with Hayes for a while. Maybe another time.” He couldn’t believe he’d just brushed off Selena. He couldn’t believe Riley was still clouding his mind.

  “Yeah, sure,” she replied with a tiny, defeated smile.

  Kane felt oddly awkward around her. As he stood before the woman he intended to marry, he couldn’t stop thinking about Riley. He hurried away from Selena to escape the guilt and headed toward the offices. He felt guilty enough without her suddenly taking an interest in him, but he couldn’t think about that right now. Kane walked along the corridor in the direction of Hayes’ office. Hayes stood in the hallway while talking to Riley and seemingly brushed her off. The tension between them was so powerful, Kane felt the ripple affect down the hall. Hayes returned to his office and closed the door. Riley was obviously bothered by the brush off, which was indicated by the sneer on her face. She turned, saw Kane, and appeared even less friendly. She briskly walked past him without making eye contact.

  “Kane--” Riley scoffed.

  He hurried after her. “Riley, wait.”

  She didn’t stop and avoided looking at or speaking to him. Kane walked alongside her despite her reluctance to acknowledge him and kept stride with her.

  “Please, Riley, I just want to talk.”

  “We don’t have anything to talk about,” she bluntly informed him.

  “The other night--”

  “What? Our one-night stand?” Riley interrupted without looking at him.

  Kane suddenly caught her arm and forced her to face him. “That’s not what it was.”

  Riley glared at his hand holding her arm then looked into his eyes. There was a hint of Scarred Riley lurking just behind her eyes. Kane nervously released her arm.

  “There is absolutely nothing between us,” Riley informed him. “Your silence the last two days made that clear.”

  “I’m sorry about that.” He hesitated and considered Scarred Riley’s threat. “Believe me; I had two very good reasons for staying away.”

  “Save it,” she scoffed. “I have no one to blame but myself, but that doesn’t mean I want to talk to you.”

  Riley walked away. Kane groaned and leaned against the wall. What the hell happened? He screwed up with Selena; he screwed up with Riley; and he was still no closer to resolving why Riley would later want to kill her former friend. Former friend? Is that how he saw Selena? Riley’s former friend; not his fiancé? He heard a familiar male voice from down the hall.

  “Did you want to see me or just upset my assistant?” Hayes said from his office doorway.

  Kane looked down the hall at Hayes, who casually leaned in the doorframe. Kane approached and appeared defeated.

  “I think we should talk,” Kane said.

  Hayes indicated his office. Kane frowned and entered with Hayes following. Kane suddenly stopped within the office and stared at Scarred Riley sitting seductively on the edge of Hayes’ desk. She glared at him with the hatred visible in her eyes. Hayes shut and locked the door behind them then casually returned to his chair behind the desk.

  “I believe you’ve met my girlfriend--”

  “Our paths have crossed a couple of times; each more unpleasant than the last,” Kane remarked then glared at Scarred Riley. “You told me to stay away from Riley, and I did. She hates me. I hope you’re happy.”

  “She’ll get over it. Hayes will make it all better,” Scarred Riley remarked with a twisted smile.

  Kane glared at Hayes. “So that’s the plan? Take advantage of the young woman who admires you?”

  Hayes sneered his displeasure to the comment. “I love Riley. I would never do anything to hurt her,” he remarked and held up his head proudly. “I’ll continue to wait for her.”

  Scarred Riley appeared alarmed, sprang off the desk, and turned to face him. “No, you need to make your move now. Vulnerable or not, it’s what she needs. You already let that one--” she indicated Kane “--slip past you and into her bed.”

  Kane was almost amused by what he was witnessing. At least he wasn’t the only one under her whip. “Oh, so I’m not the only one she’s dominating,” he remarked with a smirk. “What happened, Hayes? She verbally castrate you too?”

  Scarred Riley glared at Kane and took a step toward him. “You want to play, Kane? I’ll play.”

  “That’s enough from both of you,” Hayes announced while standing then looked at Kane. “I didn’t ask for this, but when the woman you’ve loved as long as you can remember suddenly shows up and gives you hope, you can’t say no.”

  “Yes, you were given what you’ve always wanted, but she’s not Riley,” Kane said firmly and glared at Scarred Riley. “She’s the byproduct of your death. She’s so badly damaged that she murders Selena out of revenge. You may see the woman you love, but I see a cold-blooded killer.”

  Scarred Riley sneered at Kane.

  “You see what you want to see, Kane,” Hayes replied with little reaction.

  “No, you see what you want to see. The woman you’ve been screwing has been out of your life for five years,” Kane informed him and gave her a loathing once over. “God knows what evil she’s done in that time.” He straightened proudly and shook his head with conviction. “That’s not Riley.”

  “I don’t care who she is. I love her.”

  Scarred Riley looked at Hayes and smiled warmly for the first time. For a brief moment, she seemed almost human. Hayes pulled her into his arms. They held each other in a loving embrace. Hayes kissed her warmly on the lips then nodded toward the door. Scarred Riley smiled, put on a baseball cap and sunglasses, and slipped from the office. Hayes’ eyes remained on her until she was gone. He casually sat on the edge of his desk, inhaled deeply, and looked at Kane.

  “I know what you must think of me, but if it wasn’t for Riley, today would be my funeral,” Hayes informed him. “She came back for me, because she loves me. Isn’t that why you came back to save Selena?”

  “She came back to save you, because her life fell apart after you died,” he informed him. “Your relationship with young Riley isn’t going to change.”

  “No, not when she has you in her life to complicate things,” Hayes remarked.

  “I know it’s in her best interest that I stay away,” Kane announced and attempted to hide the pain in his voice. “There’s nothing I can do to keep her, I’ve already conceded to that, but that woman sharing your bed is poisoning your mind.” He stared at Hayes with a serious look. “I know what she is.”

  “You think she’s the monster who murdered your girlfriend,” Hayes remarked simply then raised his brows with conviction. “She said it was self-defense. She told me she went there to confront Selena. It was Selena who pulled the gun and tried to kill her--not the other way around.”

  “Selena wouldn’t do that,” he interjected and tried to control his quickly rising temper. “Where would she have gotten a gun? She’s never even fired one.”

  “Ironic that you’re so confident about Selena, yet when you had the opportunity, you chose to sleep with Riley instead of the woman you say you love. You may claim that woman isn’t Riley, but I know Riley better than you do.” He hesitated while staring at Kane and cleverly raised his brows. “Something tells me I probably know Selena better too.”

  “So what’s the big plan? You just continue getting it on with Miss Personality until she thwarts your killer then move on to the next Riley?” Kane asked.

n’t that sort of like your plan? Bang my Riley until you’re sent back to marry Selena?” Hayes asked. His crude sexual reference conveyed his true feelings about what happened between Kane and Riley at the inn.

  “She’s not your Riley.”

  “Yes, she is my Riley,” he growled, stood abruptly, and turned defensive. “I love her and I’d do anything for her.” The look in Hayes’ eyes was wild and unpredictable. “You, on the other hand, came here for Selena. I’m starting to think you two deserve each other.”

  Kane was frustrated with the entire conversation. It was obvious neither was about to back down. “That’s not important right now,” he announced. “I’m still here, which means nothing has changed. If what Riley said is true, Tucker must come back to finish what he started.”

  “I’m aware of the situation,” Hayes replied simply. “Riley told me everything. She’s going to remain close by and keep watch for Tucker. I’m confident she’ll eliminate the threat. In case you hadn’t noticed, she’s quite skilled.”

  “Yes,” Kane muttered and hid his sneer. “I’ve witnessed her talent for destruction firsthand. I’ll admit, I would have been impressed if it hadn’t been for the fact that she’d just murdered my girlfriend, and I was writhing around the floor in total agony from the experience.”

  “You paint an interesting and unique picture,” Hayes remarked then shook his head and smirked as if hiding some secret from the man before him. “Ask yourself one question, Kane. If she’s such a monster, why did she let you live? Don’t pretend it hasn’t crossed your mind. Once you answer that question, everything will make sense, I promise.”

  “I have asked myself that question,” Kane replied. “I’ve concluded that she’s easily amused, and I wasn’t worth her effort. Now you need to ask yourself a question.” Kane casually stood and stared at the man before him. “Which Riley do you want more? The young, innocent one who thinks of you as her best friend? Or the temptress seducing you with mind-blowing sex several times a day?”


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