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Page 13

by Lauren Dane

She huffed. “I’ve watched. I know I shouldn’t have. I watched a couple out in the courtyard. They didn’t see me. She”—Carina pumped her fist up and down his cock, startled when he groaned so very loud—“she did that.”

  “Do you want to know the jargon for that?” He adjusted her grip a little, showed her a pace and it warmed her, made her want him even more. But most of all, she wanted to show him pleasure.


  “It’s called a hand job. Men can give them to women, too. My sister is the kind of woman who—just a tiny bit slower, yes, that’s very good—my sister likes to know things, always reading, always studying. She told me once that the term came from Earth. Funny the things that survive.”

  She liked that he shared that bit of his life with her. It meant he trusted her.

  “Have you watched a lot?” His voice had deepened somehow. The strain was evident.

  “A few times. I . . . I wanted to know, and it was so beautiful, even in a courtyard under the moon.”

  “But dirty.” He stayed her hand. “Wait, I want to be in you when I come.”

  “Yes, dirty, and I must tell you I heartily approve of this direction. I’m on fertility blockers. I had to in preparation for my nuptials.” She grimaced, and his lip curled.

  “None of that talk now. That’s not going to happen. Do you feel up to straddling me? You can control how fast and deep I am that way.”

  “Is that how it’s normally done?” Gods, she sounded like such a twit. “I mean, I know the insert of boy part into girl part stuff. But, I’ve seen it twice. One was a man on a woman, the other was from behind, like horses.”

  Daniel scrubbed his hands over his face. “You’re going to kill me. Sweet, I’m no virgin. You should have a gentler man, one with more patience.”

  This was not going in the right direction at all. She scrambled over him and realized what he meant and liked that idea. “I’ve masturbated before. I know the mechanics of sex. I’ve felt desire, and I even feel it now, despite your attitude. I just have to learn more than you do. I don’t think it’s fair to malign that. You said you’d teach me, after all.”

  “I meant what the world is like, not all the sexual positions. Also, you’re quite the voyeur.”

  “Well, you said it, and you didn’t say the other thing about only the world and not sexual positions, so you’d be a cheat if you tried to take it back now. I’m quite sure honor would prevent you from being such a cad. Teach me, Daniel. I only trust you to do it.”

  “You’re dangerous.” He snarled when he said it, but made no move to get away. So she took that as a compliment. “Rise up on your knees,” he said, stroking his fingertips up her thighs. “But don’t think I’m fooled by your game.”

  She laughed, rising up and putting her hand atop his as he grasped his cock. “I didn’t think you’d be fooled, but it sounded good. If you were just a bit dumber, I’d have had you. I think I have it from here.” She lowered herself, just letting the head slide inside. “This part”—she circled just a bit, and sparks of pleasure arced through her in a totally unexpected way. In a really good way—“goes here.”

  When he answered, she had to work to understand him, because his teeth were clenched. “Yes, take it slow so your body can adjust. I wanted to stretch you with my fingers but, dear gods, it’s too late for that.”

  This was natural, right, and she let instinct take over. She didn’t need a lesson; she just needed to listen to her body and to his. Rocking her hips, she took him in deeper, and he cursed.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “It stings just a bit, but the next time I pull up and come back down a bit, it won’t hurt anymore. It will feel very, very good.” This time when she pushed herself down on him, the head of him hit the whisper of skin that technically made her a virgin. It hurt then, the press of his cock into her pussy. He felt enormous.

  His hands on her hips tightened. “Here, sweet, let me ease you.” He slid a hand between them, finding her clit, slowly circling it. Within a few breaths, she slickened, loosened around him and the burn was gone when he thrust up just a bit, but enough to slide past that barrier.

  She handled the rest, fascinated by the intensity of her pleasure as he burrowed deeper into her body. And by the way he hardened as they remained locked together this way. His belly tautened; his fingers digging into her waist would leave a mark, though not one she’d regret in any fashion. His features froze, hard with concentration.

  Whatever he did to her clit, it built slow and deep, and the only way it seemed she could get more, get what she needed to scratch an itch deeper than she’d felt before, was to let him in all the way.

  Daniel looked up at her. The light of the waning day tinted her skin a soft pink. Never had he touched such a fine, beautiful thing. Inside she was hotter than the surface of the nearest sun, a scalding hot glove around his cock designed to make him embarrass himself by coming three breaths after he’d gotten inside her.

  The wonder on her face as she’d experienced each new thing, her utter fearlessness, the way she moved, the sounds she made, all of it dug in deep, making itself at home within him when he knew the last thing he should be getting used to was the pulse and clasp of her inner muscles around his cock. And yet what else could he do but enjoy her, because he couldn’t resist her magic?

  “Do you like this?” She braced her hands on his belly and ground herself against him in a circular motion that nearly blew the top of his scalp off.

  He simply thrust up a bit while raising a single eyebrow. Indeed. Did she expect him to write her poetry or sing her odes? Though for more of this feeling he might find himself doing just that, or anything else for that matter, so long as she kept herself wrapped around him.

  “I quite like it up here, Daniel. I’m in charge, and you’re beneath me looking like a debauched divinity. And I’m the one who debauched you.” She laughed, and the jiggling parts of her only made him groan.

  “Once you’re used to me, I’ll be back in charge,” he growled, and she stilled, her laughter dying on a strangled breath. He paused, worried he’d frightened her, until her eyes widened and she nodded.

  “Yes, all right then. That sounds agreeable. I believe I’d like that very much.”

  He laughed then. Gods, she was so completely irreverent and silly at times. Picking up the speed of his fingers, he figured he’d push her into orgasm at least once more before he came. Deep inside her, her muscles fluttered, and he felt it to his bones as his balls crawled up to his body.

  With one hand, he thumbed her nipple in time with the circles around and against her clit as he began to meet her thrusts with his own, careful not to push too hard.

  “Oh,” she gasped, her eyes sliding all the way closed, her head falling back as she came around him. Once that began, he couldn’t hold it back any longer. He pressed deep and came just as her body began to relax after her climax ended. She was warm and pliant around him, a secret smile on her lips as she straightened and looked down at his face.

  Gently, he helped her roll to the side, glad there hadn’t been a lot of pain or blood for her. Still, she’d be sore, so he got back up and began to run another bath for her.

  “Let me help you clean up,” he murmured, picking her up and holding her as if she were precious. Tears welled up, but she kept them locked away, knowing he’d be uncomfortable with them, knowing she couldn’t tell him adequately just why they were good tears.

  He put her down as gently as he’d picked her up, testing to be sure the water wasn’t too hot. He got to his knees next to the tub, ministering to her without words. The washing cloth slid over her skin, not too hard, just enough to prove pleasant.

  When she stepped out, he wrapped her in a towel and tried to usher her back into the bedroom.

  “Wait. Let me wash you. You fought those men off. You carried me back and you worked very hard just now. Please, let me.”

  He took a deep breath and stepped into the tub. The water
was nearly drained, so she ran more. “Sit on the shelf there.” She watched him, this man who spent all his time protecting and taking care of her, yet so utterly unfamiliar with this sort of care toward himself. How strange that was!

  “You shouldn’t overdo it. You’ll be sore after. It’s the first time.” He hung his head as she washed his hair, loving the way his scalp felt against her hands. His words were gruff, but she knew the Daniel beneath that attitude. Oh, that one was gruff, too, but toward her, it was blunted, softer, and he made an effort to be that way.

  “I hardly think I’m straining my vagina by washing off a big, gorgeous man and keeping him naked just a bit longer.”

  He snorted. “Vagina. That’s another word I’d wager came from Earth.”

  “Did you expect my mother to teach me pussy?”

  “I’d rather not think about that.”

  “Me either, because then I’d worry about her. Stand up so I can rinse you better. Do you have to be so tall?”

  He looked down at her, his normally arrogant face softened with emotion. “I keep telling you, no news is a positive thing. If she’d been executed, chances are it would have been announced.”

  “I know.” She soaped up his shaft and balls, liking that he began to harden again. “This is very handy.”

  He groaned and stepped away, rinsing himself off.

  “We need to get moving. I’m going to give you some topical ointment for that cut and for your very sweet pussy.” His grin made her shiver.

  “You do that on purpose.”

  “Sure I do. Do you think you’re the only one who can work the sexual charm? Now, we need to get out of here at dark. We’ll hire a private ship. I know a few people who will book our passage.”

  “Why didn’t you say so before?” She wandered into the bedroom where he loomed over her. Unfortunately, now he had underwear on.

  “They’re not contacts I wanted to use unless I had to. It’s that time now.”

  “Ow!” She flinched when he spread the cream onto the cut on her side.

  “Don’t be such a baby. You made it worse when you seduced me. I told you that would happen.” He then wrapped linen strips around her body, keeping the wound closed around the medicine and dry. “Choose a simple enough outfit that you can change out of. We’ll switch transport at the next ’Verse. I can’t risk having you out there like this.”

  “I’m not a baby.” She started to snap at him again until he spread the cream on her pussy, getting her all worked up again even though a bit of soreness had settled in as he’d said it would. “Oh, my. I think perhaps that may need more application.”

  “Good gods, what have I unleashed?” He continued to mutter as he got dressed, strapping his ridiculous and yet obviously useful arsenal to his body.

  “You have lots of weapons. I only have one. I need more.”

  “Have you always been like this?” he asked, stuffing the last few items they’d need into a pack.

  “Witty? Intelligent? Charming? Oh, I know, sexy!”

  “Annoying. Yes, that’s the word I was looking for.” He handed her a pack, and she hefted it up on her good side. “Hold still while I wrap your hair.”

  Expertly, he wrapped her hair in a covering cloth, twisting it until she looked like any one of the women whose hair she’d admired on the street. “Very handy. A killer who can dress hair. I don’t know if I ever plan to let you go.” She grinned, and he turned away, reaching up to tuck something behind a loose wall board.

  “A note for a friend?”

  “We’ll need to keep my people apprised of our movements. Are you ready? We’ll eat once we get settled.”

  It was her turn to snort. He ate every meal as if he hadn’t seen food for days. And yet he was hard and fit, and it annoyed her because if she ate that way, she’d look far from hard and fit. She also realized her pack was very light.

  “Hey, there’s nothing in here.”

  “You don’t need to carry all that. Now let’s go. Here.” He handed her two more weapons, a small personal blaster and another knife. He bent, strapping the sheath on at her ankle.

  “Good thing you’re wearing these pants.” He indicated the long, loose-legged pants she’d picked up the day before. They enabled her a far better range of movement and were warmer than a skirt.

  “Who knew I’d need better access to my knives, hmm? Why are you Mister Angry Face again? Also, I can carry a few frocks. You don’t need to do everything.”

  He took her upper arm and hauled her close. “I need to keep you alive. I will do whatever I have to, to make that so. Now move that pretty ass and let’s go.”

  Caught between vexation and preening, she opted for a sort of flirty flounce as they left the room. The man was infuriatingly sweet, and he didn’t know it. But if he thought she was staying away from him now, after he’d made love to her the way he had, he was fooling himself. She meant to have Daniel Haws, and that was that.

  He examined her closely, clearly suspicious of her expression. “That look makes me nervous.”

  She walked next to him, the pace quick but not rushed. “It should.”

  As they walked into the common space near the entrance to the guesthouse, they saw a group of people had gathered. There were arguments and some tears.

  Daniel sighed. “Wait here. Let me see what’s going on.”

  She walked right along with him. “I’m not a pet for you to order around.”

  “That’s true. Pets are obedient,” he hissed as they approached the throng near the front doors.

  “What’s happening here?” Daniel asked. His Imperial standard was quite good.

  “There was an explosion on Krater. Scores dead. No one is talking any details. How’d this happen? Who did it? What did it?”

  The woman next to the man who’d spoken looked scared and yanked on his arm. “He’s just upset. We have family in Krater. Miners. Just worried, after all. No offense meant. We’re good citizens.”

  “Time was a man could ask questions of his government and still be considered a good citizen.”

  Two security officers came in, homing directly on the man who’d been talking. The clerk made eye contact with Daniel and bustled away. They needed to get out of there before anything else happened and they started hauling people off to lockup.

  He pretty much grabbed Carina and swept her from the room, not letting her feet touch the ground as he did. Many others did the same, not wanting to get involved. Daniel hated it, but there was no way around it and nothing he could have done to help.

  His job was the pissed-off, beautiful woman he’d just manhandled out of the building.

  Chapter 10

  Once they arrived two turns later at the next ’Verse, Andrei had met them at the portal city, dressed as a public conveyance driver. He’d driven them away from the portal and into the Lake District, which had also been above the snow line.

  He’d shared some information. The Skorpios were still on the loose. People had been caught up in mass arrests and interrogations. Daniel knew Carina would feel guilt over that, but there was nothing to be done. They couldn’t help in any other way but to get her and the data safely away.

  The explosion on Krater had been hushed up, and no one in the Imperium was commenting. All traffic to and from Krater had been suspended, the portal decommissioned. The Federation had reason to believe that the event was connected to whatever data Carina carried.

  Impatience to know the total sum of the data rested against his unease that it put her in even greater danger. In a very short time, she’d become important. Not just as cargo but as a woman. It was the last thing he needed, to be developing feelings for her in the middle of a fucking life-or-death mission. But, as he reflected on it, it seemed that everyone close to him had fallen for someone they met during some unusual circumstances. Figured that he, of all people, should have such a regimented life according to his rules and have a woman like Carina come in, turn it upside down and leave him wanting more
. Her safety was far more than just about that data.

  He’d moved to his last option. They had to get to a private portal run by mercenaries and smugglers, and there was one nearby, though heavily guarded. Daniel hoped to seven hells the authorities didn’t know of this portal. If they did, it might be a trap. He didn’t like being edged into a corner, but there was no other choice. It had been eleven days since he’d retrieved her from Caelinus, and each day they didn’t get her to Federation territory was a day she wasn’t safe, and the longer they were out, the higher the probability they’d be recognized.

  Andrei let them into the safe house where a fire already burned in the massive fireplace dominating the main room. The place was one of theirs, well kept, well stocked and one of the most secure places he could have wanted if he was caught behind enemy lines and needed to keep his head down. If things had been less urgent, he’d have holed up for a week or so until things eased. But they did not have the luxury of time.

  “I’m going back down to do some reconnaissance. I’ll be back shortly.” Daniel knew Andrei would sweep the area, make sure they weren’t being watched or followed and listen in here and there to see if the three of them had raised any attention from the locals.

  “Thank you, Andrei.” Daniel bowed slightly, honoring his friend. Andrei deserved the trust Daniel granted him, and Daniel knew how few people were as worthy as the man near the door.

  “Don’t be gone long,” Carina said with concern on her face. “You look tired.”

  Andrei smiled her way, a quick flash of the man who was charmed by a beautiful woman worried for his well-being. He waved as he left, promising to return as soon as he could.

  She was pale, and the dark smudges beneath her eyes told him she was exhausted and probably still a little sore. “Why don’t you rest for a while? Take advantage of this downtime while we have it.” He couldn’t resist brushing a strand of hair from her face.

  “I’m all right.”

  “No you aren’t. Just a nap, you won’t miss anything.” He grinned, knowing her well already.

  “I’d rest better if you were with me.” She let him take her toward one of the bedchambers.


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