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Hot Stuff: Chosen Book 6

Page 3

by J. D. Light

  At his nod, I pulled him back against my body, absolutely loving the feel of him against me. "But, you should know, I think you're stunning. And, it might help you to know, that I have always liked a man with some extra. I want something soft to hold onto, not hard like me. Something that fits perfectly to my body. Like you are doing now."

  Kissing him softly, and then stepping back I grabbed the hem of my shirt and peeled it off over my head, happy to see his eyes move over me. Even happier, to see him lick his lips like he was imagining getting a taste.

  When I kicked off my boots, I leaned over and removed my socks, tucking the balled up fabric inside. I dropped my pants. Never being a fan of underwear, I stood before my mate, completely naked.

  I was hard again. Hadn't actually really gone down since my orgasm because I got to touch his soft, plush flesh. And it wasn't going to go away anytime soon. Especially with my mate in the same room as I was, looking at me like that.

  "Fuck, Hot Stuff. You sure make it hard to focus." I moved closer, into his space. "And you smell so damn delicious, with my cum on your plush skin."

  "Wow," he whispered, eyes wide as he looked my body over again, and again. "I…you're like…and you're so…" Raising his arms and then letting the flop against his side, he shrugged. "I can't words."

  Chuckling, I grabbed him around the waist, groaning when his body molded to mine like that's where it was always meant to fit. And it was.

  "Are you sure you don't want to get in the shower with me? Can you imagine how good this would feel if you didn't have any clothes on?"

  Blinking up into my eyes, he frowned. "I'm not being modest, Ward. My body is absolutely nothing like yours. Well, I have a penis, but as you said earlier, we've already covered that."

  Reaching up to caress his face, I frowned too. "And what on earth makes you think I want someone who looks like me, Hot Stuff?"

  "Because everyone wants someone who looks like you," he whispered, rubbing his cheek into my palm.

  "Not everyone. Let me prove it to you, Hot Stuff. Please?"

  Closing his eyes, Davis sighed, before nodding. "I really like you, a lot. I seriously hope this doesn't make you stop liking me."

  "I could never stop liking you, Davis. You are absolutely perfect."

  Shaking his head, but smiling, he looked like he honestly couldn't fathom why I was saying this stuff.

  He started to reach for the bowtie, but I really wanted to undress him, so I stopped his hand, dropping a kiss to his knuckles, before reaching up and untying the dark red material, sliding it free of the collar.

  "Hmm," I said, rubbing the material between my fingers. "I do believe this is the perfect material for tying you to the bed. A wrist anyway."

  He swallowed, licking his lips.

  Next, I went for his suspenders, pulling one of the elastic straps and letting it pop against his skin. When he gasped, his breaths coming short and fast, I knew there was absolutely no way I was going to be able to get by without doing the same to the other. So, I did.

  He groaned, letting his head fall back, and I unhooked the front clasps from the top of his pants, letting them slide backward over his shoulders. I pulled what was left tucked in of his shirt out, again exposing his soft belly to my perusal.

  Fuck, he was perfect. Exactly everything I wanted.

  I undid his shirt, starting from the top and working my way down. His head was still leaned back, but when I slid the material off of his shoulders, I saw the tension around his mouth and in the way his body tightened.

  But mostly, I saw his sexy, tight little nipples tipping off two rounded, but not super defined pecs. My mouth watered for a taste of his skin, and my tongue longed for a sharp tip against it.

  Leaning down, I lathed my tongue across the pebbled disk, moaning right along with Davis, as his flavor filled my mouth.

  His legs gave, and I dipped low, lifting him so I could continue to feast on his delicious skin and keep him from hitting the floor.

  "Ward. You have to…you…uh. You can't keep picking me up," he panted, resting his arms on my shoulders, as he dug his fingers into my scalp, whimpering. "I'm way too heavy for that."

  "I'll always carry you, Hot Stuff. You just fit too well in my arms not to." I suckled a peek, moaning when it caused his hands to tighten in my hair.

  Lowering him to the floor, because it was time to get those fucking pants off, I gave one more good suck, hoping I caused a hickey.

  He looked a wreck. A delicious wreck. Now that his suspenders were off and his pants were still undone from earlier, they were starting to sag. His underwear were still pulled down in the front, exposing half of his beautiful dick, and his light brown hair, which had been styled to swoop back away from his face, was completely ravished and falling all over his forehead and around his ears.

  When I bent to pull Davis's shoes and socks off of his feet, my face was so damn close to his hard dick, I actually struggled getting the thin laces undone.

  I finally managed to get his shoes and socks off, but again my eyes were snagged by the site of his dick poking up proudly out of the crooked underwear.

  I just wanted one nuzzle. It would be enough. And then I would get us in the shower, and washed off.

  Yanking his pants and underwear down at the same time, I lurched forward, burying my nose against the base of his dick, breathing deep, the scent of my perfect mate.

  "Oh, Hot Stuff." I stuck out my tongue, licking the crease from down between his balls and leg, and up, nipping the skin and moaning against him.

  "Wow," he whispered again. "You really like this, don't you?"

  He seemed so baffled. I absolutely needed him in my arms.

  Standing quickly, I jerked him to me, immediately taking his mouth with mine, and moaning when he wrapped his arms around my neck and returned the kiss.

  Our bodies coming together was just as amazing as I imagined. His plush, soft form fit perfectly to mine, and when I lifted him off the ground, our dicks notched together, making the room spin with its intensity.

  Groaning, because things were starting to get out of hand, but I really didn't want to have to stop, I pulled my head away, breathing ragged, and rested my forehead against his neck, not really helping myself, because his scent was so strong and amazing right there.

  "At this rate, we're never going to get cleaned up." Pulling back completely, I brushed past him to the shower, and went in, bracing my hands on the tile, and putting my face directly under the stream, hoping to calm myself down.

  Davis's body slid against mine as he entered the shower, and I smiled, because my mate was showing me trust by being naked in front of me.

  Not wanting to lose the opportunity to look at what I had been gifted with, I turned to find Davis's lust filled eyes focused on my ass, through glasses that were starting to fog.

  He was perfect. His stomach and chest were soft, his legs shapely and thick. Just the perfect amount of soft to hold onto, and cuddle with.

  "Damn, Hot Stuff. You are perfect. Absolutely gorgeous."

  Blinking up at my face, he bit his lip. "I don't understand it, but I know better than to continuously question something so amazing. I'll just be sure to say some extra thank yous tonight."

  Smiling, I stalked toward Davis, backing him up against the shower wall. "Turn around, Hot Stuff," I growled in his ear when he was flush against it.

  He did as I said, turning slowly, to give me his back.

  Again, I found myself mesmerized by the man's body. I ran my hands up and down his frame, stopping to squeeze a handful every few seconds. His love handles called my name, and I massaged the skin.

  I was so wrapped up in the shape of his body, and the feel of his softness, that I almost missed the raised skin, just above his hip on his left side.

  My breathing caught, and I smiled down at the beautiful birthmark, as I ran my fingertips over it, with a prickle in my eyes.

  "You found my birthmark," Davis whispered, his voice breaking sligh
tly with lust.

  "I did. It's lovely, Hot Stuff. You have no idea how lovely. Just like every inch of you."

  The slope of his neck leading to his vertebrae was beautiful, and far too tempting for me not to get my mouth on.

  Still massaging his skin, I brushed my lips against the base of his head, slowly working my way sideways until I reached the bend of his neck and shoulder. I nipped at the skin, moaning when I imagined putting my own mark there.

  Working my way back, I tongued the nobs at the top of his spine, following them until the disappeared into the plushness of his back.

  Dropping to my knees, I took both generous mounds in my hands and squeezed, spreading them open for my appraisal.

  Davis gasped, trying to pull out of my hold, but I just tightened my grip, growling. "Put your hands on the wall, Hot Stuff. And they better not move off of the wall, or I'll drag you into the bedroom, and tie you up."

  Whimpering, Davis moved his hands to the wall, canting his hips when I gave another squeeze to his ass cheeks. His pink hole was fluttering, and I nearly just buried my face in his crease and went at it, but I could tell by the stiffness of his body, and his almost protest, that the man had never had this done to him before.

  I desperately needed it to be special for him.

  I nipped at the top of his crease and then slid my tongue down, loving the whimpers and moans coming from my mate's throat. When I brushed over his puckered entrance, I growled, doing it again.

  "Ward!" He keened, pushing back against me.

  I pressed against his hole, loving how it gave under my appendage, letting me in. His flavor was amazing, and I couldn't help thrusting in and out of his channel, trying to get more and more. When his body started to quake, I knew my amazing boy was getting close.

  So, grabbing his hips, I spun him, pinning him to the tile, and taking his swollen, red dick in my mouth. He spurted immediately, coating my tongue and filling my mouth.

  My balls seized, rolling, and my dick spurted as I continued to swallow the load my delicious mate was giving me.

  Davis's legs gave, and I helped ease him to the floor of the shower, as we both panted and shook.

  I wasn't sure how to accept this. My mate was truly a treasure. And I wasn't sure how to process how perfect he was.

  "You're…not real," he said, stilted. "There's just no way."

  Chuckling, I reached up and cupped his face. "I was literally just thinking the same thing about you. How on earth did I get so blessed?"

  "Oh," he said nodding. "You're actually crazy. So much is making sense now." He giggled when I glared at him.

  "You better not be implying that I would have to be crazy to want my mate. I take that personally." I leaned forward, capturing his lips. I just couldn't stop tasting him.

  When I finally pulled back, he licked his lips and then tilted his head to the side, curious. "Did you say, mate?"

  Damn! "Did I? That's funny."

  "Yeah. I thought so too." But I could tell the wheels were spinning in that head of his.

  If he'd read my books, like he said he did, then he had read that word numerous times in my shifter series. I'd basically written about actual shifters. I'd kept everything as close as true to life as I could, without giving information away that could be dangerous for us all.

  Would this little slip up be good, or bad for me?

  Chapter Four

  Seriously, I need to stop reading so many books. I was sure Ward had called me mate, but when you wrote everyday, and probably used that word a dozen times in that writing, it was bound to slip into conversation at some point, right?

  So why had my stupid heart done a freaking somersault when he'd accidentally called me that?

  I won't lie, and say that I haven't at least fantasized a little about how amazing it would be if the stuff in some of those books I read was true. I'd actually done it more than I'd like to admit, since I'm supposed to be some kind of adult.

  But it wasn't true, and I really needed to stop watching Ward like he might actually change into some kind of wolf, or lion, or something equally as unlikely.

  Unfortunately, now that the idea was in my head, I couldn't get it out.

  Stuff like, the fact that he was strong enough to pick me up and carry me around, which was actually something I really enjoyed. Who knew I would like being carried? Not me. But, I was weighing in at about two twenty-five these days, and the man didn't even sound like he was straining.

  And the instant attraction thing. I have never been so completely attracted to someone in my entire life. I'd seen plenty of gorgeous people. Hell, I'd met five others this morning besides Ward, and I hadn't been blown away by any of them.

  Though, I had to admit that Rory intrigued me with his crazy beauty. Even the scar on his face hadn't made him any less beautiful. He was almost ethereal.

  Ward kept looking over at me, smirking because we were supposed to be watching a movie, but all I could do was watch him and wonder how I'd be able to tell if he was a shifter.

  I was starting to think he knew what I was thinking too.

  After our amazing shower, we'd actually showered. Ward had washed my body and hair, and then his own. After toweling off, we'd slipped into my bed, completely naked.

  I was getting more and more comfortable being naked in his presence too. Even now, when the blanket was slipping down, showing off my less than tight physic, I almost felt sexy. Not at all like I needed to cover up.

  I felt sexy around a man I should feel incredibly insecure around. If that wasn't a mate bond, I didn't know what was.

  I looked over at him again, reality sliding in where I'd let fantasy kinda run amuck. But would I, Davis Sanders, really have someone like Ward gifted to me? Someone so clearly out of my league? That seemed highly unlikely.

  Looking down at my exposed body, I suddenly didn't feel sexy anymore. I gripped the sheet, starting to pull it up, but Ward's hand shot out and stopped me.

  "Uh-uh. No sad thoughts, Hot Stuff. You were doing so good, sitting there and looking so sexy, and feeling good about it, and then suddenly, you went insecure on me." He smirked, leaning his face into my space. "Isn't there something you'd like to ask me, Hot Stuff?"

  Did he mean what I thought he meant?

  No. I'd already established that it was my wild imagination that had made something huge out of a slip of the tongue. I'd already made up my mind that there was no way a man so perfect would be granted to someone like me.

  "Uh. How long have you been writing?" I cringed because it said in his bio that he'd been writing for about ten years, waiting until about three years ago to actually start publishing.

  "I know you've read my bio, Hot Stuff. What do you really want to know? I know it's been bouncing around in that beautiful head of yours. You're just too afraid to ask because you don't want to sound crazy."

  Oh shit. Could this really be happening?

  Licking my lips, I watched Ward from behind my glasses. "A…are you a––" Stopping, because it was so damn hard to actually say, I pushed my glasses up, so I could pinch the bridge of my nose. "I can't believe I'm about to ask somebody this. You better not make fun of me, Ward. I'll never, ever forgive you."

  "Go ahead, Hot Stuff. I promise I won't make fun of you."

  Taking a deep breath, not missing how the guys eyes followed my chest down to where the blanket stopped about mid-belly. "Ward, are you a shifter?"

  Leaning forward, he put his face inches from mine, grabbing the sides. "Yes, Hot Stuff," he whispered, pecking a soft kiss to my lips and then speaking against them. "I am."

  I gasped, watching his eyes for any sign he might be messing with me. "Really? Like, you can turn into an animal?"

  "Mmmhmm," he said against my mouth, sticking his tongue out to lick at my lips.

  I sighed, opening for him immediately. When he pulled back, I was hard, again, and I was panting heavily.

  "Do you want to know what kind, Hot Stuff?" He whispered against my lips

  "Hmm? What kind of what?" Had I said something? Had he? I just wasn't really all that sure what was going on in that moment.

  "What kind of shifter."

  Suddenly remembering, my eyes popped open, and I looked into Ward's laughing green eyes. "You distracted me!" I accused, making him shake his head.

  "No, you distracted me. I was trying to tell you about a big part of my life, but you were sitting here, looking so fucking sexy, and I just couldn't keep my mouth off of you."

  "What kind, Ward? Can I see?"

  Moving to the foot of the bed, he crouched, smiling. "Are you sure, Hot Stuff? I don't want to freak you out."

  Giggling, I shrugged. "I don't really know, Ward. I mean, I'm kinda still not completely believing all this, but am at the same time. I don't know what to think."

  "I won't hurt you. I have as much control in animal form as I do in human form."

  "Is everything you wrote about your culture true?" I asked, swallowing. Could I really be his mate?

  "Just about." He was looking into my eyes like I should take something really important away from all of this.

  "Do it. I want to see you."

  When his body started rolling and moving, I gasped, wondering if he was in pain. In fact, the entire process of him turning from a big man to a giant cat looked extremely painful.

  "A leopard," I said in awe, already moving forward. "It's real. It's actually real, and you are actually a leopard."

  I probably should have asked permission. I feel like some shifters might be offended if you just started stroking their bodies. But I had a need to be filled, and I didn't even realize I was moving until my hands were buried in his fur.

  "You feel amazing," I whispered softly. Like if I spoke too loud, I was going to scare him or something. "Can you purr?"

  The cat huffed, sounding almost offended.

  "Sorry. I don't know anything about big cats."

  He seemed content to let me pet him, and even laid his head against my chest, making me laugh when he licked me under the chin with his big, rough tongue.


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