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Hot Stuff: Chosen Book 6

Page 6

by J. D. Light

"See, I'm also a disaster, and clearly you're a neat freak," I said, sighing.

  As bad as it was otherwise to live with my father, I'd always had maids to clean up after me, so I tended to forget that there wasn't someone to come along behind me and make sure things were picked up. I was going to have to learn some survival skills if I was going to live here in Purdy without maids.

  "I'm not a neat freak, I just like order. I'll help you, and remind you when you forget. We'll be living in my quarters at the leap house…unless you want to live in our own house?"

  "No," I said quickly. "I honestly don't care where we live. I've woken up with you one time, and I don't think I could go back to waking up alone."

  "Then you won't have to. We'll live with the leap until we're ready to move on. Probably when we get to the point of wanting to have kids. It's plenty big for us, but it might not work for a full-fledged family."

  "I can't believe this is my life. Have I said that already?" I lifted my arms and let them flop to my sides. I think I'd said that already, but it was just so surreal.

  Moving forward, Ward undid my bowtie, slid it free, tossing it on the bed, started unbuttoning my shirt, caressing the skin as he moved down. "Are you happy with your new life, Davis?"

  "Are you kidding?" I whispered, laughing through the tight feeling in my chest. "I've never been happier in my life. I just can't seem to grasp it. I'm going to live with you. I'm going to have beautiful babies with you. I'm going to get to teach and eat what I want without somebody standing over me, telling me I'm ruining my life."

  "Actually," he whispered back, opening my shirt and smoothing his hands against my skin from collarbone to the top of my pants, making me groan, and my dick to immediately go hard. "Once I claim you, your metabolism will speed up. I'm going to have to feed you more so we can keep up this beautiful body of yours. Would you like that, Davis? If I fed you like I did yesterday?"

  My breath caught. "Yes." That had been one of the most erotic experiences of my entire life, and it had been fried chicken. Surely there were sexier foods out there. Funny I couldn't think of one at the moment.

  "Mmm," he said, leaning down to tongue one of my tiny nipples. "We'll start tomorrow. Right now, though, I'd like to tie you to that bed, and wring some beautiful noises out of you. How does that sound?"

  "T…tie?" I'd never been tied down before. I'd never even thought about it. I was already too intimidated by sex and how someone was going to see my body. Actually lying back and enjoying it seemed near impossible.

  "Is that okay, Hot Stuff?"

  "I don't know. I've never done anything like that."

  Smiling, Ward kissed a path up my body, stopping to nuzzle my neck and lick up to my jaw, where he nipped at the skin there. "How many of those sexy suspenders do you have, Hot Stuff?"

  How did he make my ridiculous, but absolutely necessary, accessories sound like negligee? "I…in my b…bag," I whimpered through the scrape of his soft beard running down my neck and across my shoulder. "A couple more pair."

  Popping first one clasp of the suspenders holding my pants up, and then the other, he then reached around my back and popped the other two. My pants were literally just holding on by my dick, as he neatly gathered the straps and pulled away, leaving me standing there with my pants tented obscenely, and my shirt pushed off to around my elbows.

  He moved with the type of grace you would expect of a leopard, and I know I had the dumbest, open-mouthed look on my face, as I watched him practically float across the room and flip open the flap on my haphazardly packed suitcase.

  Pulling another pair from the mess, smirking when it dragged another of my dildos along with it, causing the thing to plop obscenely against the carpeted floor.

  Sighing, I closed my eyes, and tried not to laugh. Only me. This guy. Only I seemed to have the innate ability to embarrass myself so thoroughly in front of the sexiest man I'd ever met, without even moving.

  "Don't worry, Hot Stuff. I'll take such good care of your body, you'll never need one of those again." Ward's breath caressed the skin of my throat, and I gasped, leaning my head back further.

  "Ward," I whined, feeling the heat of his body so close to where my chest was exposed. "Please."

  "Yes," he groaned, again pressing his face into my neck. "Take off the rest of your clothes, Hot Stuff. And then I want you, face-up, on the bed, with your arms above your head, and your legs spread wide, do you understand?"

  Nodding, I quickly undid my pants and let them drop to the floor, stepping out of them, as I wrestled my shirt the rest of the way off. I practically ran to the bed, more than desperate to do what Ward said.

  As I climbed up on the bed, I was dimly aware of my stomach and ass jiggling, because it had been something I'd always worried about, which was why I rarely got naked, period. But this time, it just didn't seem like the issue it had been in the past. I wasn't model material, but Ward loved my body.

  Like really loved it, if his face when I finally sprawled on the bed with my arms above my head, was any indication.

  He moved forward slowly, pulling his shirt over his head like some kind of sex god, showing off all the delicious planes of his body. He was watching me with such intensity, I felt myself quivering under his scrutiny.

  "Fuck, Davis. You have no idea what you do to me," he moaned, pressing his hand against the bulge in the front of his pants. With slow, smooth movements, he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, letting them gape open enough to let some of the pressure off of his furiously hard cock. My own dick flexed against my soft stomach, and pre-cum oozed out, slicking the skin there.

  Cussing again, Ward reached above my head, grabbing one of my arms, and leaning over me to secure it with my suspenders to the wood frame of the hotel bed. He kept his body just out of reach, but that didn't stop mine from trying, as I bowed off the bed, needing his skin on mine.

  By the time he was done tying my arms down, I was a writhing, whining mess, with pre-cum rolling down my hip on one side.

  "Now, Hot Stuff. I'm going to touch and lick what is mine. If you have any objections to what I'm doing, I'm going to need you to be able to let me know. Do you think you will have the ability to tell me to stop if you don't like something I'm doing?"

  Knowing I really needed to focus and answer him, I opened my eyes, and blinked at the gorgeous man hovering over me. "Ar…are you going to hurt me? I don't think I want to be hurt, Ward. I'm sorry."

  "Never actual pain, Hot Stuff. I just want you feeling so much pleasure, it almost hurts. I want you to allow yourself to be open to me. To let go, and actually let your body do what it wants. But if what I'm doing to you becomes too intense, I need to know you will be coherent enough to tell me to stop."

  "Okay. I'll stop you if you do something I don't like. But I'll be honest, I've really liked everything you've done, so far."

  Standing back for a moment to admire his handy work, Ward looked me up and down, very, very slowly, licking his lips when he caught sight of my drooling cock. "Damn, Hot Stuff. I want my mouth on every inch of your skin, but I know if I'm not smart about this, I'm going to blow before I even get a chance to sink into your plush, sexy body."

  "Fuck." I shuddered, as yet another drop of clear fluid leaked out onto my skin. "Ward, please."

  Climbing up onto the bed, he straddled my thighs, making his jeans split even further, showing off his dick, and making him look like he was straight out of the pages of some naughty magazine.

  Even with my extra weight, the size of his thighs in relation to mine made me feel almost tiny. And when his large, broad hands started to gently massage my stomach, working slowly up to my chest, I was mesmerized by just how sexy I found us together.

  Me. Ward made me feel sexy. Because to him, I was. To him, I was the sexiest.

  Leaning down, he put his lips to mine, using his teeth and tongue to make me open for him. I moaned into his mouth, as he pressed his chest to mine, letting me feel the slight fur there. It abraded my nipples perfec
tly, and I pulled at the suspenders, trying to throw my arms around his neck.

  Smiling against my mouth, he gave me one last, quick peck, before moving his lips down over my jaw, and along my neck. He nipped at the skin in the crease before my shoulder started. Humming, like I was the one torturing him.

  The hot, wet suction of his mouth on my nipple, had me trying to press my dick up against him, needing some kind of relief.

  His hands skimmed down my sides, landing on my hips, where he squeezed, pressing them down into the mattress. "Not yet, Hot Stuff. Fuck, you have no idea what your flavor does to me.

  He pressed his nose against my belly button, moaning before he rubbed his beard against the sensitive skin below and to the right of it, purposely evading my fevered dick.

  Hopping off of me, he finished undoing his jeans, leaning down to swipe his tongue through the small stream of pre-cum traveling down one hip, as he pushed his pants all the way down and stepped out of them.

  He growled, gripping my hips tighter. Tight enough to almost hurt. But it felt so empowering.

  Letting his head hang between his arms for a moment while he caught his breath, Ward kept up a steady stream of soft growls, almost like he was purring, but I knew it was because he was on the verge of losing it.

  Letting go of my hips, he grabbed my ankles, spreading my legs in one, quick move, before hooking my knees and forcing me to bend them up toward the ceiling.

  "You are so fucking gorgeous, Hot Stuff." He grabbed the back of one of my thighs, shaking it with his hand, making the skin and fat jiggle back and forth. "Fuck, that's beautiful."

  The vibrations shook my balls, making them roll and tighten.

  Pushing my knees to my chest with a growl, Ward dove into my ass, swiping his tongue against my hole, hard. I jerked from the sudden onslaught in a place so intimate, but almost immediately relaxed as he lathed my entrance again and again.

  When his tongue pressed for entry, I let him in, letting my knees fall open, so that they were nearly touching the bed beside me.

  "Damn, Hot Stuff," Ward said against my ass. "I'm going to put that flexibility to work."

  When a finger entered me, and immediately hooked upward, pressing against my prostate, I keened out a cry that would make a seasoned porn star blush, throwing my head back against the pillow, and pulling against my elastic restraints.

  He was quick with the second and third fingers, still working my prostate lightly, and licking the puckered flesh around his digits. Before long, I was a writhing, whimpering, begging mess, my legs moving restlessly against his shoulders, and on the bed.

  His green eyes were intense when he finally pulled his mouth away, and slowly rose, his fingers moving just enough to keep me beyond revved, but not enough to let me blow.

  Slowly sliding his fingers from me, he bit his lip, watching while he tugged against my asshole on the slide out. He reached over, fishing my lube from the drawer by the bed, where we'd tossed it that morning, just incase the maid came by.

  He squeezed some out, hissing when he slathered the cold gel against his hot dick. I watched, transfixed as it slid through the hole his fist made once and then twice, before he jerked his hand away, letting his head fall back, and clenching his fists at his side.

  "Are you ready, Hot Stuff?" His breath was mostly growl, and his entire body looked tensed to do battle.

  "Yes," I moaned, tugging against the restraints, wanting to touch all that tight skin pulled over muscle and veins. "Please. Now."

  Pressing his plump head against my hole, he leaned down, putting his mouth lightly against mine, as he pushed inside my body. He was slow but firm as he entered me, and I don't think either of us breathed until he was fully seated.

  Chapter Seven

  I was finally, finally balls deep inside this perfect human. It had only been a little over a day since I met him, but I felt like I'd been waiting for this moment my entire sixty-six years of life.

  His body was squeezing my dick like nothing ever had, and I was almost scared to move. I wanted this claiming, more than I wanted anything in the whole world, but I had to make sure my precious mate was taken care of. I had to last long enough to make our mating memorable.

  Swiping my tongue over his lips, wanting to taste him, but scared to delve inside his mouth for fear another taste of his exquisite flavor would send me over the edge, I pulled back and bit down hard on my lower lip, trying to get ahold of my body, before it embarrassed me, and disappointed my mate.

  Slowly, I pulled from his body, and slammed back in, making us both yell in unison.

  Unable to hold back anymore, I started pistoning in and out of his body, throwing his legs on my shoulders and slamming home, again and again, until my mate screamed my name, and shot his load between us, milking my cock, and continuing to spurt as I pounded him a couple more times and let myself go.

  I emptied into his body, yelling at the ceiling before bending forward and sinking my teeth into the plush skin of his neck. His surprised gasp was followed by a deep groan, as another wave of seed shot from both of us.

  I mouthed at his wound, almost too exhausted and sated to lick it. My, now shared, ability to heal quickly worked in my favor, and the blood slowed, leaving behind a freshly healing claiming bite.

  "That is almost as beautiful a sight as you when your body is begging for me, Hot Stuff."

  His smile was sweet when I looked into his face, and I could tell he was on the verge of passing out, cold.

  "I'm sexy because of you," he mumbled, giggling. "You love my body, and I love you."

  The elation that swarmed my body at those words, made my heart jump with renewed excitement, and I was suddenly very much awake, instead of fighting sleep on my own.

  "You love me, Hot Stuff?" I asked on a whisper, tears stinging my eyes.

  He didn't answer, and I couldn't help but chuckle when the smallest snore escaped his pouty lips.

  I pecked those lips softly, and eased from his body, loving that it made him groan, and say my name softly in his sleep.

  This man was mine. And even though we'd only known each other about thirty hours, now. I loved him. I loved him, so damn much.


  When I woke, Davis was sitting in the chair next to the table, fully dressed, leg bouncing. He was staring off into space, chewing the shit out of his fingernails, and even though his suspenders were in place, his shirt was in dissarea, and his bowtie was hanging, untied and lopsided from his collar.

  "Hot Stuff?" I asked, voice still raspy from sleep. "What's wrong, Baby?"

  "I'm sorry!" He jumped to his feet, coming toward the bed, before turning and marching back to the chair, and then turning again. "I…I shouldn't have said that. We've only been…not long. And I throw that at…like a crazy person. And…who does that?" He ran to the bed, getting on his knees on the floor. "Please don't leave because of it. I'll keep it to myself from now on. I was going to anyway. I was so tired, and I'd just had the best sex of my entire life. My defenses were down! I'm not crazy!"

  He yelled the last part loud enough to make me jump, and I couldn't help but laugh when he slammed a hand down on his mouth, like he couldn't believe he could get that loud.

  "Oh, Hot Stuff." I grabbed his upper arms, and pulled him directly from the floor and up over my body, settling him next to me. "Is this about the 'I love you?'"

  He closed his eyes and nodded, burying his face against my beard and neck, his plush body shaking from the tension and nerves.

  "My sweet, sweet mate. I love you too." When he started to say something that sounded a lot like "You don't have to," I pulled him even tighter to me, and kissed the side of his head, shushing him. "I thought you understood how mates worked. You are my absolute perfect match. Everything about you is exactly everything I've ever wanted. Don't you think I love you to? Because I do. I love you more in a day and a half, than I even thought possible in an eternity.

  "You compliment me in every single way. And I seriously ho
pe you love me for the rest of our lives, and tell me about it often. Because I'll be telling you so much, it's going to drive you nuts.

  "Really?" He whispered, cuddling against my beard again. "I was so scared I did something that was going to scare you off."

  "I want you to understand something, Davis. It's really, really important. There is absolutely nothing you can do that would make me stop loving and wanting you. More than anything, I want you to always be yourself. I want you to be comfortable, and never ever worry that I'm going to get sick of you and want to move on. That will never, ever happen. Do you understand, Hot Stuff?"

  Nodding against my neck, Davis giggled. "Even if I say something stupid, and rambley to Thompsyn when he starts showing, and he wants to kill us both?"

  "Thompsyn lives with Bennet, Hot Stuff. I don't think there is anything you could say that would be more stupid than what comes out of that man's mouth on a daily basis. I'm betting Thompsyn has some major tolerance built up."

  "Let's hope. Because there's a pretty good chance that if there is something ridiculous and inappropriate to say, I'm going to say it in just about any situation."


  The gathering was in full swing when I noticed them.

  Nearly every leopard of the leap was there, and the few that weren't, had legitimately left town. So it was safe to say the men or women that shared their membership with the leap and the cult were there drinking and eating and shifting, just like any other run. Only this time, humans and children weren't allowed to participate in the celebration.

  The two men, who kept glancing around like they were waiting for something to happen, both jumped at the sound of a car door slamming, more than once.

  The problem was, they were both inside. They were walking around like they were waiting for something to happen, but neither of them knew when, and they had both made it through the metal detectors without any trouble.

  The guy in the black shirt pulled his phone from his back pocket for the third time in the fifteen minutes I'd been watching him, glancing at the screen and then shaking his head at his friend.


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