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Slide: Rugged Skulls MC

Page 17

by Amy Davies

“Drive safe, baby. I want my girls at the club in one piece, okay. I love you, Farrah,” he says, before kissing me, preventing any reply, but I won’t ever refuse the kisses from this man.

  I lean against the car, and he takes my mouth in a deep, soul-shattering kiss that will leave me connected to him for the rest of my life. Giggles can be heard inside of the car, and we break the kiss and duck down to look through the window, only to see Posey with her hand over her mouth, giggling.

  “Get in, sunshine. I’ll be right behind you, yeah.” I nod and climb into my car, then start her up, as Slide mounts his bike and kicks it to life. I drive to the clubhouse with him hot on my tail.

  On the drive there, I rest a hand over my stomach, knowing in my heart that I’m pregnant. Knowing that there is a piece of Slide inside of me that will grow and grow and be welcomed into the world, showered with love and support, just like Posey and I have.

  The Rugged Skulls MC are my new family, and I know that I wouldn’t want it any other way.



  I help Posey out of the car, and we meet Farrah at the front. I see Magnum and Opal walking toward us with Risky. By the look on Magnum’s set face, the narrowed eyes and tight jaw, something has happened.

  “Mags!” Posey screams, and runs off to Prez, who picks her up, the anger fading from his face in an instant. It’s fucking crazy to see my brothers take to Posey and Farrah as quickly as they have.

  Her giggles fill the air, and I can already feel the tension that was around my prez and VP, lessen. Posey can make the hardest of men go soft and gooey. I mean, look at how she handles the broody bastard Sarge.

  “How is my little Posey panda?”

  “I is good. We were going to the beach, but Ryan said that I had to come here, and that Edge has a pool. He said I can play with Tucker,” she explains, and Magnum nods, listening to her intently.

  “That’s good, baby girl. They’re all out back just waiting for you to join them. Say bye to your mom and Slide and I’ll take you out back,” Opal pipes in, and Posey nods.

  “You be good for everyone, okay?” Farrah tells her, and gives her face kisses the way she always does. Then Posey hugs me and walks off with Opal.


  “Tommy’s old crew weren’t the ones who trashed the studio, just some random fucking punks. But they were the ones who threw the bricks at Coffee Cove. They’ve also been linked to a string of other stolen cars and small hold-ups in the area. It looks like they’re recruiting members, who are already known to the police down here. Kenny knows everything and is keeping an eye out. Slide, I need you to reach out to Tommy’s uncle and get some info on his former crew. Tommy has helped, but since he left, he doesn’t know what they are doing these days.” I nod.

  “On it. We need to pop to the store really quick, and then we’ll be back.”

  Magnum tilts his head, assessing me, before his gaze shifts to Farrah, who blushes and looks anywhere but at him. A slow smile crosses his face before he nods and turns to walk away.

  Just as he reaches the main door, he looks back with a huge smile on his face, and calls out, “Congrats, brother.”

  “Oh God,” Farrah whispers next to me, as she tucks her face into my neck. My arms wrap around her like it’s second nature, and I hold her to me.

  This woman in my arms could be pregnant with my baby. My heart starts to race, and images flash in my head of her delivering a baby. Will her pussy go back to normal or will she never feel my cock inside of her again?

  Will she breastfeed, and then when I suck her tits, will I drink the milk and leave my baby starving? Oh hell, I’m going to starve my baby. How do you change a diaper?

  Holy fucking shit on toast.

  “Slide, baby. Handsome, look at me.” Farrah’s voice breaks my mini freak out. It was mini, right? I blink and look at her. She gives me a sweet smile before leaning up to kiss me.

  “What happened? You started breathing super heavily and went all sweaty and pale.”

  “I’m good. It just hit me that I might be a dad. Fuck, Farrah, I have no idea how to handle a baby.” She will have to teach me so fucking much.

  “Baby, the girls have told me how amazing you are with Hendrix and the other kids. You will be fine. You’re perfect with Posey. Yeah, they’re all bigger, but they’re still children at the end of the day. I have faith in you.”

  “Well, I’m glad someone does,” I reply, and guide her over to her car. I help her into the passenger side and walk around to get into the driver’s side.

  Farrah takes my hand as we drive to the store to pick up a pregnancy test—or five million. The contact soothes me like nothing else has before. That’s what Farrah does to me. My freak out is still brewing inside my head, but Farrah’s words bounce around too. She’s right, I love kids and I love hanging out with the club brats. And now Posey is one of them; she fits right in.

  We pull up at the store, and I take a deep breath before taking Farrah’s hand and leading her inside to buy some boxes that hold our future in their little plastic, over-priced, stick-pissing things.

  “Jesus fucking Christ on a pogo stick,” I mutter, before downing my shot. This is the fourth one, and they’re doing their job. The boys chuckle around me, so do the old ladies.

  The kids went to bed hours ago. We have a baby monitor on the table that is monitoring Posey in my room. We’re drinking and celebrating—well, Farrah isn’t drinking because every one of the twenty-two pregnancy tests I made her piss on, all came up positive.

  Farrah is tucked next to me and laughs with the boys. Minx. I drop the glass on the table and tickle her ribs, giving her something to really laugh at. Her giggles fill the room, and everyone joins in.

  “Stop, you fuck,” she mutters, and I stop and pull back, looking at her with mock outrage, my eyes and mouth wide.

  “Did the mother of my future kid just swear? What the hell, is there an alien in there that’s taking over your brain or some shit?” I ask. Everyone laughs again, but Farrah smiles and rolls her eyes at me.

  “Oh man, you are in for a world of trouble. Can you imagine if you have a girl and she looks like Farrah and Posey?” Edge states, before taking a drink of his beer, winking at me over the rim.

  I flip him off. “Fuck off, brother. I’m having a boy. There is no way I can handle another female in the house. Especially if she looks like her mom and sister.

  “Um, Slide, babe. I only have female eggs. So it’s pretty much one hundred percent that we’re having a girl,” Farrah tells me, with a serious look on her face.

  My heart stops. Everyone goes quiet around us as I keep my gaze locked on my woman. I’m sure that all the color just drained from my face. She smiles at me, and in a flash, she bursts out laughing.

  “What the fuck?” Her eyes are crinkled and leaking as she laughs at me.

  “I’m joking, babe. Calm down.”

  “Calm down? Why don’t you calm your tits and tell me that I’m getting a son, for real,” I choke out. There is no way I can have another girl in the house. Nope, no way, Jose.

  Farrah stops laughing, but some of the boys don’t, so I flip them off, holding my hand out and my proud middle finger up, circulating it around the room at them. Fuckers.

  “Slide, babe, it’s a fifty-fifty on the sex. Unless!” She stops and looks around the room, then brings her gaze back to me. Her eyes widen, freaking me out. She makes me wait for long fucking seconds, just to fuck with me, the little wench.

  “What?” I urge.

  “It could be twins, or triplets, or more,” she says, shrugging.

  Shrugging? She shrugs at the thought of carrying more than one baby, more of my babies.

  “Fuck me. More girls in the house.” I bury my head in my hands. Farrah snickers behind me, rubbing her hand up and down my back, soothing me.

  Just the thought of having more girls in our new house makes me want to rush out and buy more guns. Oh fuck, there may be more than one in

  Her and Posey will move into my house out back. They will love it; plenty of room, Posey will have land to play on, along with the baby and any other Rugged babies that come along.

  “Shotguns!” Sarge bellows into the room. “All of these fucking babies popping out, and girls no doubt, we need fucking shotguns, brother. No dirty, perverted boys are getting near our baby girls,” he slurs, and takes a big mouthful of the Fireball he’s drinking.

  The fucker loves his Fireball.

  “Hell fucking yes,” Slade yells, high fiving Jase before he kisses Ida, who is on his lap.

  “I need to knock you up, baby. We need to catch up with these fuckers,” Magnum says to Risky, who is on his lap also. He never lets her plant her ass anywhere but on his lap.

  She gives him a look and then whispers in his ear. It must be a dirty promise, because he jumps up, taking Risky with him, and runs from the room with her over his shoulder.

  “Night, fuckers. I got a baby to make.” His voice fades as he takes the steps to his room two at a time.

  “Horny bastard,” Opal says, leaning in to kiss Jodie, who giggles at him.

  “Kettle, meet pot,” Ida jokes.

  The drinking continues, but I stop and switch to water. I’ve also pulled Farrah into my lap. Laying her head in the crook of my neck, she settles and sighs against me, breathing me in, which I have noticed she loves to do.

  “I love you, Ryan,” she whispers against my neck. I shiver, and my cock gets hard. The hand I have on her thigh flexes, pulling her into me more. I kiss the top of her head.

  “I love you too, sunshine. I love Posey, and I will love this baby.”

  “Or babies,” she adds, and I poke her stomach gently, making her giggle. I smile down at her and lift her face so she’s looking at me.

  “Cheeky. But if we have multiple, then we have more love to share around. I have my house out the back of the property. I’ll show you and Posey tomorrow. I want my girls to move in with me. I know it isn’t right on the beach, but it isn’t far to drive. You can still go whenever you want.”

  “Okay,” she concedes, with no fight, and my smile widens. The thought of having my girls under one roof is a huge thing for me, and fuck me if it doesn’t make my heart grow bigger than it ever has before.

  It’s fucking crazy to think that a few weeks ago, I was happy fucking anything that moved and never thought I would find an old lady. But hey, shit happens when the time is right, and there is no way that we can stop it. No point in fighting the feelings, just go with the flow and take every orgasm as it comes, because there will be a ton of orgasms, especially if your woman looks like mine.

  My hand drifts to her flat stomach, and a surge of panic hits me. My stomach knots up again and my palms start to sweat. I will have a human, a tiny human relying on me. My gaze moves around the room, and I thank fuck that no one can see my internal freak out—until my gaze lands on Opal. That creepy mojo fucker can sense everything.

  He quirks an eyebrow and nods toward the main door, wanting me to follow him. He moves Jodie off his lap, and I do the same with Farrah.

  “Be right back, babe.” I kiss her cheek and she gives me a sweet smile, before turning to carry on her conversation with Ida.

  I follow Opal outside, and we sit on the picnic bench, just as the rest of my brothers join us.

  “Bro time I see.” The boys laugh at me, and each take a seat.

  “Now that the women aren’t in the room, want to explain what’s freaking you out?” Opal asks.

  I scrub my hands over my face and back over my head, stopping at the back of my neck, where I grip and add pressure there. Pulling in a deep breath, I slowly blow it out and try to calm the fucked up thoughts that are racing around my head.

  “What if I fuck up and hurt the baby? Hendrix was already a year old when he came to us, and I wasn’t around when Sweets’ kids were first born. I was always off on a run.” I huff and look down to the table.

  I’m always the cocky one of the club, fucking around and making people laugh, getting into trouble, but now that I’m going to be a fucking father… it scares the living hell out of me.

  Bring my head up, I look at my brothers, the men that have been at my side through a lot, who have taught me things along the way. They’re each looking at me with smiles on their faces.

  “Slide, you have nothing to stress over, man. You’ll be a great dad. None of it matters though, because Farrah will be right by your side through it all . We will all have your back, and come on, brother, have you seen your woman? She was made for motherhood. Look at how she is with Posey. She’s a single mom most of the time, though big up to her ex for taking care of his daughter. Farrah will not let you fail. She will teach you as you go. Parenthood doesn’t come with a fucking instruction manual, brother,” Edge says.

  “Do not underestimate yourself, brother. You’ll be fine. Now stop with this whiney shit and get in there and fuck your old lady and baby mama. Because I can tell you now that her hormones will go through the roof soon. Pregnancy hormones are the fucking best,” Rookie informs us.

  “How the fuck do you know that?” Magnum questions him, and Rookie smirks. The fucker puffs his chest out like he’s had something that none of us have—well, except Lash.

  “Fucked a chick last year who was pregnant. She almost broke my cock with the amount of times she wanted me. I had to fake a fucking phone call just to get away from her and rest.” The boys laugh at his response, then he continues, adjusting his ball cap on his head. “I was her fuck toy for a few months, then it stopped—”

  “She got fed up with your ugly ass!” Sarge pipes in, and we all laugh as Rookie gives him the V.

  “Fuck off. Nah, she went back to her old man. The fucker wised up and decided that he wanted her back, and the baby. Believe me when I tell you my cock thanked him for it. Slide, mate, you will be in bed more than you will be out.” He winks at me, and I smile.

  “Now that I can deal with. My woman is hot as fuck, and I can’t wait to see her belly swollen with my kid.”

  “And her tits,” Prez adds. I pick up a toothpick from the table and throw it at him. The table bursts out laughing, and we spend some time together, giving each other shit.

  My new journey is about to fucking start, and I can tell you now that it will be wild, sexy, and very rugged.



  “Will we see the baby, Mommy?” Posey asks, as we sit in the waiting room of the clinic, waiting to find out how many weeks I am—not that I need a machine to tell me that, but they will also check that the baby is in the correct place.

  “We will, but he or she will be tiny, like a peanut,” I explain, and she giggles from Slide’s lap.

  She dressed herself again today. This seems to be a new thing for her. She’s wearing bright pink Doc Martens boots with a lime green tutu over black shorts, and a white t-shirt with a skull on that’s wearing a red bandana, which also matches the bandana she has on her head.

  Yeah, my kid has style. I chuckle to myself.

  “What’s got you chuckling over there?” Slide looks at me, squeezing my hand in question. I nod at Posey.

  “Her outfit. She’s going through a faze that she has to dress herself.” He laughs, and his smile gets wide. I swear my heart swoons.

  “She’s just expressing herself, aren’t you, Posey pie.” He kisses the top of her head, and she turns to look up at him and smiles.

  “What’s expessing myself?” she asks with a little frown on her face.

  “Expressing. It means that you’re showing people who you are, and there is nothing wrong with that. You be you always, baby, got it?” he tells her, and again my heart skips a beat at the way this man acts toward my daughter.

  “Oh, okay. I want to show everyone who I am. I am Posey pie and Posey panda, but Sarge calls me cupcake, so I’m a cupcake too,” she says brightly.

  “Yes, you are.” Slide kisses the top of her head again, jus
t as my name is called.

  “Farrah Daniels.”

  “Here! My mommy is here,” Posey calls out, and a few people chuckle at her outburst. Slide stands with her in his arms and takes my hand in his, and we follow the nurse to the room where we will have the first scan.

  The nurse smiles at us as we enter the room, and I sit on the bed while Slide sits in a chair with Posey safely on his lap. We go through my personal details, Posey jumping in when I’m asked about my first pregnancy.

  “That was me. I’m the only baby, until his baby,” she chimes in, with a happy, high-pitched voice, making us laugh.

  “I can see that. So, you’re going to be the big sister,” the nurse says.

  “Yep. But Ryan said that I have to have a brother because he doesn’t want another girl in the house.”

  “Oh, so you aren’t the father?” the nurse asks, looking at Slide. She bites her lip and pokes her chest out. “I think it’s sweet that you’re supporting your friend at this time,” she continues, and I scoff and sit up slightly, leaning on my elbows.

  I go to speak but Slide beats me to it. “I’m not my daughter’s biological father, no, but she is mine, as is that baby growing inside my woman that you’re about to scan. So how about you put the flirting away and keep that for the single men that you meet, not the ones who are taken and here for an appointment to see their baby with their woman.”

  She turns bright red and her shoulders drop, as does her head. She turns back to the computer and types something in before she begins.

  “This will be cold,” she explains, her voice now flat and quiet. Clearly, she’s embarrassed or pissed that Slide called her out, but to be honest, I don’t care. She’s lucky that he said his piece and I kept my mouth shut.

  “Okay, here we go. You’re around four to five weeks pregnant. The baby is in a good place.” She looks at me and smiles, then looks at Posey and points to the screen. “This is your baby brother or sister. You can come back with your mommy in a few weeks, and we can see what the baby is,” she explains, her voice sounding normal this time.


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