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Daddy's Princess

Page 9

by Nikki Wild

  I fiddled with the hem of my dress, feeling like a child again. “Don’t get me wrong,” I started. “I love that you take me to places like that. But it’s not really… I don’t know how to be comfortable in that kind of world.”

  “Really?” Damian glanced over, mild surprise on his face. “Of course, I noticed you were a little uneasy… But you started strong at the fundraiser, and you’ve adjusted well thus far. I thought that perhaps you might grow into it.”

  “I’m trying to,” I nodded.

  We stopped at a red light. I pulled my gaze to him; he was starting ahead, quiet for the moment.

  “I shouldn’t have said anything,” I quickly added. “I’m sorry. Let’s just try this place. I’m sure the food is awesome.”

  Damian shook his head. “Not at all, Princess. Why on Earth would I take you somewhere you don’t want to be for your own celebration night? We’re in a major city; there are bound to be a million dinner options here…”

  “Are you… sure?”

  The traffic light changed green; he ignored it, turning to me with his undivided attention and a warm smile. “This isn’t about me. It’s about you. Think about what you’re in the mood for, and we’ll set a course.”

  A few quick honks erupted from behind, but he didn’t move a muscle.

  “Okay,” I nodded gratefully.

  His hand squeezed my thigh a little harder; as he pulled us forward across the intersection, he pushed his other hand out the driver’s window and fired back a casual middle finger.

  I couldn’t help a giggle.

  “How about Mexican?” I asked him. “I’ve been kind of craving a decent quesadilla lately, and spoiler alert: that cafeteria food isn’t cutting it.”

  “Mexican it is!” He laughed, cutting us on an immediate hard right through a quiet side street. “And as it so happens, I know just the place…”


  Within twenty minutes, I whipped the car into a parking spot and killed the engine. Hiding my amused look as best I could, I turned to her.

  “…You can let go now.”

  Chloe had spent most of our quiet, uneventful drive clinging to my passenger door. Slowly, she met my glance before unlatching her hands from the armrest.

  “You realize you’re a total maniac, right?”

  “The thought’s crossed my mind.”

  She took a few deep breaths, only driving my amusement up even higher. “Hopefully, that’s the last big surprise of the night…”

  I lit up with glee.

  “That reminds me! I’d almost forgotten…”

  Her eyes full of mock disdain, Chloe followed me with her stern gaze as I reached over her to the glove compartment. The small, white cardboard box was conveniently right on top, and I closed the compartment panel with a finger.

  Eagerly, I withdrew a small, purple silicone egg and held down a discreet pressure switch. With the other hand, I pulled out my smartphone and checked the relevant app.

  The egg had remained synced to my phone, even out of range and shut off. Perfect. I couldn’t help the boyish, mischievous grin that must have been lighting up my face.

  “What is that?” Chloe hesitated to ask.

  “This, my dear,” I handed over the rubbery egg with a sly grin, “will be our entertainment for the evening.”

  She curiously examined the device.

  Her brow still furrowed when she was giving her full concentration to something. It had been a cute little trait when she was younger, but now it only hardened her lines and strengthened her inherent sexiness.

  “It feels strange. Why is it rubbery?”

  “It’s waterproof.”

  “Convenient… I guess,” Chloe nodded. It was charming how innocent she could be at times. Unable to figure it out, she looked up at me and tried to hand it back.

  I shook my head. “No, no. That’s yours.”

  “Oh? What do I do with it?”

  Quietly, I leaned inward.

  “You insert it.”

  She tilted her head. “Insert it? Whe–”

  The egg vibrated hard in her hand, and she let loose a small scream of fright. Almost dropping the damn thing, she stared at me with mixed horror and surprise as I laughed my ass off.

  “This goes inside me?”

  My thumb slid along the buttons on my app again, and the egg gave out two quick, subtle vibrations between her fingertips.

  I could barely contain my glee.

  “It sure does.”

  Chloe was clearly conflicted, but I was having too good a time to let the momentum die. My hand slid along her thigh again, but this time it went down under her dress and stroked along the thin fabric of what I suspected to be lingerie.

  “I haven’t been wrong yet,” I observed.

  “Well…” She swallowed briefly, her attention splitting between the silicone toy in her hand and my confident stare. “I guess that’s true.”

  Two fingertips slid under that sheer layer, briefly rubbing along her outer folds before brushing against her clit. Chloe let out a small, quiet moan; she leaned back against her chair seat, letting her knees slowly part for me.

  “You’re the worst,” she gasped.

  “Or the best,” I replied smoothly. “A matter of taste and preference, really. Speaking of taste…”

  I pulled my fingertips back, wettening them against my tongue. I watched her eyes follow the slickened digits as I placed them back where they belonged, slowly working her wet again after that chaotic little drive here.

  “Daddy…” She moaned.

  A thought occurred to me as a couple of passersby walked past the hood of my car, perfectly oblivious to us. Dare I say it?

  “Princess, you are unusually comfortable in public tonight,” I observed calmly. “After all, we are parked in a packed lot for a busy restaurant on a Saturday night…”

  Chloe opened her eyes for a moment, glancing around the interior windows of my Mercedes.

  “Don’t think that didn’t occur to me,” she gasped quietly. “Those times you had me meet you downstairs, in the garage… Waiting for you near this car gave me plenty of time to scrutinize your window tints…”

  I really am corrupting her, I grinned.

  “You’ve imagined me doing things to you in this car, have you?” I asked, pushing my fingers into her wet chasm. “You dirty girl…”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she nodded huskily.

  Judging by the weakening resistance of her inner walls to my wet fingers, her body was ready to take the small egg.

  I bent over to put my lips at her ear, digging a finger deeper inside and stroking her walls. “There’s no telling how long the wait will be, Princess. We’d better get a move on…”

  At those words, she opened an eye and glanced down at the egg in her clasped hand for a moment. While she contemplated the toy, my finger coaxed her just a little longer. Her knees shifted as her head went back, eyes closed, and a little moan left her lungs.

  Pulling my fingers free, I licked them clean inside my mouth. All the while I watched her body calm down, and she gave a little sigh.

  Chloe leveled a half-annoyed look at me, keeping my amused gaze as she pulled her panties aside and held the egg against her wet pussy.

  Her partial irritation turned to surprise as she pushed the rubbery toy up inside her. Holding her breath, she pushed it a little further up; once done, she shifted her knees against each other and adjusted in her seat. Finally, she self-consciously pulled the dress down as far as it would go.

  “Happy?” She asked me.

  “Princess,” I grinned, “you have no idea…”

  As a man of reasonable taste, I had never been one to turn down a solid recommendation. It just so happened that, more than one occasion, I had overheard several of my more outgoing employees raving about this particular restaurant for Mexican cuisine.

  Naturally, I had already planned to have a bite here to see for myself, but I was finding it harder to get away from the
office long enough for a decent sit-down lunch.

  The wait only lasted roughly fifteen minutes, to our surprise. However, I made sure to take advantage of the time.

  Sitting next to her on a bench, next to a man old enough to be her grandfather, I quietly tested out the lower settings of the egg’s vibration. I kept my phone out and my thumb near the buttons, barely containing a youthful smile.

  For me, Christmas had come early.

  For her, well… something would come.

  Chloe shot me a silent, mortified look as she felt the egg stir to life deep inside her. I pretended to casually ignore how her fingers clenched into her kneecaps with every little buzz.

  My thumb slipped, and I accidentally flicked one of the sliders to the maximum strength.

  Chloe shrieked briefly before I could thumb the master slider back to zero, turning all the settings off. The rest of the waiting list, along with the busy hostess stand, glanced over at us in equal parts confusion and irritation.

  “Sorry!” She called out to everyone, forcing an awkward laugh. “I just remembered that I left my, uh, cat on…”

  Nobody said a word, merely turning back to their own little worlds.

  “Left your cat on?” I chuckled quietly.

  She hissed back: “I panicked!”

  “Yes, sorry about that… my thumb slipped.” At her glowering look, I held both my hands up in surrender; when I saw how she eyed my phone in my far hand, I quickly slipped it out of sight.

  “You’re awful,” she spoke with gritted teeth.

  “We’ve been over that, Princess…”

  “Huh?” The elderly man glanced up, having apparently zoned out. “Is it… what’s that noise? Was that… oh, must my tinnitus again…”

  I suppressed a snicker.

  The others were slowly called up, with a few more parties adding to the list behind us. When it came our turn, the hostess gave us an odd look before leading us across the restaurant and seating us in a private two-seater by a window.

  “Your server will be with you shortly,” she smiled cheerlessly before walking off.

  “Charmer, that one,” I noted.

  Chloe wasn’t amused. “Well, you did make me give out a bloodcurdling scream near her… I’d probably not want to be near me either.”

  “Speaking of,” I thought aloud as I pulled my phone back out. I placed it upright near the table corner, conveniently by my right hand. “One little incident doesn’t mean this is over.”

  Chloe frowned at my phone.

  Before she could think of a proper response, a cheery waitress appeared at our side.

  “Hi! I’m Cassie,” she greeted us, placing a pair of squared beverage napkins in front of us both. “I’ll be serving you tonight! Can I get either of you started with a blackberry lemonade mixer, maybe an ice cold margarita?”

  Those both did sound delicious, and it was a special dinner for Chloe’s recent successes… But I was driving. Although I was well aware of how much alcohol I could metabolize quickly, Chloe wasn’t, and the last thing I wanted was to make her feel unsafe around me.

  “I’m driving, and she’s underage,” I shrugged. “Sounds great, though. Can I get that blackberry lemonade thing without the alcohol?”

  “You certainly can!” Cassie beamed, not skipping a beat as she jotted it down before turning to Chloe. “And for you?”

  My thumb pressed against my phone.

  “I’ll take–”

  Chloe blinked, her lips twisting briefly. Her hands clenched on the edge of our table as she threw me a dirty look.

  “Miss?” Our server looked concerned.

  “I’ll take–”

  I slid my thumb ever so slightly.

  Chloe sat up straighter in her chair. “Yes,” she quickly responded, “I’ll-take-a-water-please.”

  “Sure thing!” Cassie replied, not thinking anything of the behavior as she wrote that down as well. She glanced back up with a cheery smile. “I’ll have both of those ready for you in a jiffy, but would either of you like an appetizer?”

  “You know, this is our first time here,” I told her as I slid down the egg’s vibrations. “Why don’t you tell us what you’d recommend?”

  “Well, our spinach and artichoke dip is a crowd favorite,” Cassie replied while I absentmindedly set a custom pulse that matched my thumb presses in speed and intensity. “The potato skins are pretty rad too, we cook them in a different oil here and serve them with a side of our delicious, homemade spicy ranch sauce. But my favourite is probably the chicken fajita nachos. Now, those ones are–”

  “We’ll-take-your-favourite,” Chloe suddenly blurted out as she started squirming in her seat. “Please-and-thank-you.”

  “You’re excited for this!” Cassie grinned, holding up the end of her pen. “I’m excited too. Now, let me go get these drinks out, and I’ll make sure you both have just a wonderful night.”

  “Much obliged,” I smiled.

  Our server strolled off towards a computer kiosk in a wall, and I turned down the silicone egg’s discreet buzzing a few clicks.

  Chloe visibly relaxed in her seat.

  “You…” She gasped. “You are just…”

  “The worst, yes,” I nodded as I leaned in. “But we’ve got an entire meal ahead of us, and I think you’ll find the worst is yet to come…”


  It was a divine pleasure to torture Chloe sexually for the next half an hour. Most of the surrounding tables were combined to seat a large party, who had failed to show up yet.

  After our incredible appetizer was finished, we placed our dinner orders and received drink refills. I politely asked our server to leave us alone for about ten minutes, which she courteously agreed to.

  That left me ten minutes with Chloe in a corner of the restaurant virtually deserted. I made her painstakingly feel every long, aching minute with my thumb kept against my phone, slowly drawing out certain sensations or quickly interspersing others as I drove her closer towards building release.

  But this time…

  I didn’t restrain her orgasms.

  I wanted her to climax in that seat.

  And I made her come twice.

  The food was coming shortly, and I knew that she needed me to show her mercy. Before she could ask, I agreed to let her take her purse to go wash up, remove and clean the egg, and keep it outside her body for the rest of dinner.

  She instantly bolted for the restroom.

  A few minutes after she returned, we were making polite, sexually charged conversation when a lithe little redhead around her age came into view with a shoulder tray of steaming food. She paused at the side, scooping up a collapsing tray holder, dropping it off beside us and setting the down the heavy smorgasbord of food.

  “Here you go, sir: steaming fajitas,” the foodrunner spoke as she began filling the space in front of me with a sizzling hot plate of sliced beef over sautéed vegetables, followed by a number of side dishes. “And for you, we’ve got the… Chloe?”

  The foodrunner interrupted herself, peering at my guest for the evening. “Chloe Lockwood?”

  Chloe looked up from my steaming fajitas, her face painted with surprise. “Sherry? I thought I recognized you! How have you been?”

  “Oh, you know. Working,” she responded, dropping Chloe’s chicken quesadilla plate off. “Not much else besides school, you know? Well, besides trying to keep Jenny in good spirits.”

  “Yeah? What happened to Jenny?”

  Sherry looked ruffled for a moment. “Jenny. Because of the… Wait. Do you not kn ow about her and Adam? How could you not know?”

  Chloe shook her head, confused.

  “She and Adam split it off!”

  “Really?” Chloe was astounded. “But they’ve been together since they were, like, eleven! What the hell happened?”

  “Uh, well, apparently Adam has been banging her older sister on the side for the past three years, so that happened…”

  Chloe was stu
nned.“ You’re kidding!”

  Her friend shook her head in disbelief. “How do you not know about that? It turned into this great, big meltdown over Facebook, they blocked each other, a bunch of us blocked him… Chloe, this was, like, right before first exams!”

  My partner sighed.

  I hated to see her feeling guilty.

  Sherry paused then, as if just on the verge of saying something she might regret. I watched her body language as she squared, then lowered her shoulders.

  I was about to interrupt, but–

  “You know, we never see you anymore.”

  Chloe’s face visibly fell even further.

  “I know, and I’m so sorry about that,” she groaned with shame. “It’s just, none of my professors will let me have a life... Between homework and group assignments, I don’t ever have any time to see you guys anymore…”

  “Uh-huh,” Sherry nodded, looking less than convinced. Her attention briefly shifted from Chloe to me, and then back again. “You know, we all thought the world of you. You were so cool and smart, but you obviously don’t even pretend to try to keep up with our lives. I mean, this Jenny and Adam thing, that was a huge deal to all of us. But somehow, it’s news to you?”

  I couldn’t sit by and listen to this any longer. “As she explained, she’s been busy,” I cut in through gritted teeth. “Buried under schoolwork.”

  Sherry didn’t bother acknowledging me. “Busy, yeah. Like you said, Chloe. You’ve been too busy to show any of your friends that you even care anymore.” Her haughty voice turned to a sweet poison. “But, I mean, you’ve got time to have a date, right? Isn’t that what’s important?”

  She finally turned to me. “No offense.”

  Chloe covered her face in shame.

  I turned to Sherry with a confident smile. “That’s enough, clearly.”

  Sherry held up a silencing finger at me. “It’s enough when I say it’s enough. This is my friend, so butt the hell out of it.”

  I lifted one of my plates over the side of the table and tossed it down. It shattered against the floor, making both of them jump.

  “Now that I have your attention,” I snapped at Sherry. “Here’s what we’re going to do now: you are going to march your shitty little attitude to the back, and if I so much as see you again all night, I will personally have your job… and your next… and the one after that…”


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