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The Porter

Page 15

by Ashley Dotson


  Dinner was never-ending. Mr. Reese and Daisy chatted amiably and she even included Ava and me occasionally. But there was an undercurrent to her comments that only I could feel. She didn’t trust me anymore. Daisy knew, like any girl would, that I had feelings for her boyfriend.

  After doing the dishes, Ava and I sat on the back porch, in peeling plastic chairs. Ava asked me every question that popped into her head, completely forgetting to whisper. Most of her daemon-related questions and observations could be heard well over the back fence for any random people passing by. Ava had been doing her homework too. Daemonology had become her obsession, and I was the perfect specimen.

  “So he thinks it isn’t safe for us to be out late?” Ava asked, “Do you think it’s unsafe for everyone, or just us?”

  “I think he was concerned about me because I attract daemons. Maybe staying hidden will not only help me and the whole town, but also give Heath the time and space he needs to manage his birthright.”

  “Is that important to you? I thought you needed him? Isn’t that why you came here? To find him?”

  “It’s more complicated than that,” I admitted. “I don’t know what I’m doing here anymore. I thought he needed me. I thought we would die without each other.” I laughed at my own words, “That just sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? I might be wrong all the way around.”

  “It does sound very dramatic, but also romantic, and lovely.” She sighed.

  “Do you believe there’s only one person we can love? Like a soul mate?”

  Ava considered my question. He answer was worth the wait, “I believe in possibilities. I don’t think there is one person we can share our lives with. I do believe in pain.”

  “Pain? How does that tie in?”

  “This life is about pain- it’s how we learn, how we grow. The people in our lives can either scar us or heal us. Either way their presence alone changes who we are.”

  “Wow. That was well-said,” I was impressed, “But I don’t think you answered my question.”

  Ava just laughed, “Believe what you want, Layla. You create your own reality.”

  I chewed on my lip and didn’t say anymore. Words weren’t helping me- they buzzed through my already swarming head. Doubt was everywhere. Everything, even the conversation, took enormous effort. I just wanted to crawl in my bed and sleep the next hundred years away, but I wanted Heath’s arms around me when I did that.

  If Heath and I weren’t soul mates- what were we? What was I really fighting for? He wanted someone else, and that knowledge burned inside me and the pain was worse than watching him die.

  Tears flowed down my face and Ava was quick to scoot over and hug me.

  “I can’t decide what hurts more,” I cried, “being with Heath or being without Orrin. I’m standing on the outside watching him, knowing he wants someone else.”

  “Make him want you again, Layla. Don’t just settle when you know it’s both of your lives that are at stake. You came here to fight, right?”

  “Yeah,” I sniffed, “I know all this. I know what I have to do, but I don’t know if that’s what I should do. Is that the right choice? Heath is so happy here.”

  “As a daemon? Are you kidding me?” She scoffed, “Let me just tell you how it feels to be different from everyone around you in little ‘olBalmorhea! I have grown up, alienated from my family and friends- ha!” She snorted, “What friends! The auras I can see make me more part of your world than my own. Heath won’t live here or love here- or her, for long.”

  She was right. I couldn’t make the choice for Heath. I couldn’t make him love me and I wouldn’t want him to. It was the constant limbo that was so hard to bear. To feels his lips on mine and know he didn’t mean it.

  Ava drove home, and there was nothing left to do but talk to Mr. Reese. He had to know of the dilemma I was in- being in love with his daughter’s boyfriend, but he was always kind. He was a great listener, but I didn’t want to talk about Heath right now. I did need to tell him about something else- my mother’s warning.

  “You think an invasion is coming?” Mr. Reese asked.

  “I know it’s coming.” I replied, “I was warned by a reliable source.”

  “Layla, daemons are never reliable.”

  “It wasn’t a daemon that told me. It was my mother. A few days ago she came to see me while I was waiting for you out in the field.”

  I had never seen Mr. Reese flustered until now, “Wh…why…why are you telling me this now? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “I don’t know. It’s not like it’s going to happen today.” I argued, “And it’s not like you could stop it, or prepare for it. This thing is kind of bigger than all of us, right?”

  “Daemon mother or angel mother?” he asked.

  “Angel,” I clarified

  “Right. I’m glad it was the latter.” He sighed.

  “Lillith won’t be coming to Earth any time soon.”

  He sat down on the couch sprawling a little, “I just forgot how stressful the fighting is, the conniving, the planning, and the waiting. It’s a horrible way to live. Sometimes I wish that I lived in ignorance of the warring realms around me. To be a believer based on blind faith- there is so much beauty it that.”

  I sat down at the end of the couch, waiting to see what he’d say next. I felt like I owed him that much. “So you think they’re coming for Heath? Soon?”

  “Yup.They’ll need him to carry daemons and souls back and forth between Earth and Hell.”

  “They’ll come for you too- both sides. Angels and daemons will come for you.”

  I was confused, “What would I have to fear from angels?”

  Mr. Reese smiled, “Don’t be fooled there, Layla. If the end justifies the means, they don’t balk too much at human lives lost. We are like ants on a hill to them. It is the Lord who loves us, but Angels merely tolerate us. They’re soldiers and possess limited emotions. They’re not beings created out of love like humans.”

  He spent the rest of the evening telling me just how much I had to fear- from both sides.

  Months had passed and Hell needed its Porter. Daemons and evil souls alike were stuck, some growing weaker with no hosts to prey on, while many ran amuck, uncontrolled and unchecked. The Porter was the only one who could stop this and restore the balance between the realms.

  Chapter 19

  Strength Is An Illusion

  Final Exams came the next week. It didn’t matter what the subject matter was- English, government, physics. I didn’t need to study or even attend class. I kept going to watch over Heath, and yes, Ava too. If there was an invasion coming I needed to be on guard until Heath’s birthright, or Orrin’s memories returned to him.

  “So are you coming?” I heard Ross ask someone in the back of the classroom, where he always sat. Whoever it was answered silently.

  “Where are we headed?” Someone else asked.

  “Tomorrow,” I turned while Valerie smacked her glossy lips together, “We’re headed to the Springs, gonna go swimming for the day, make a fire, and campout. It’s BYOB…and everything else. Don’t come empty handed. No one likes a mooch.”

  She noticed me looking back at the group, “Can I help you?” She asked rudely.

  I didn’t answer. I just stared back at Valerie, letting my eyes glow red for a split second. Her expression changed and I could tell she saw. Lucky for me no one else did. She blinked a few times, obviously questioning what it was she saw.

  “You should come,” I heard a voice, Daisy’s, close to my desk. Heath stood with her, looking anywhere but at me. She leaned down to whisper, “It’s Senior Skip Day. All the seniors skip class and take a trip to the natural springs outside of town. They form a really clear lake and we hang out, party, and some of us are going to camp for the night. Heath and I already have our tent ready.” She looked back at him and they shared a look.

  You just had to add that little bit, didn’t you?

  “You ar
e a senior,” She continued, “You should come!”

  “And you want me to come?” I called her bluff. I looked at Heath, but he was avoiding my gaze.

  “Of course!” She answered.

  I didn’t know of what to make of her sudden burst of enthusiasm. She wanted to keep me close. She wanted me to see her with Heath, kissing him, sharing a tent and everything that went along with that tableau.

  I had no choice but to say, “Okay. Thanks.”

  She bounced off to sit in the back by Valerie. Heath stood there until she was gone and placed a note on my desk. He made his way to the back of the class before I had time to register what he had done.

  Meet me at my truck after 8th.

  Of course. Daisy had practice, and after eighth period all of his friends had left for places unknown. He didn’t want to be seen talking to me during the school day. I balled up the paper and shot it easily into the trashcan before the teacher walked in.

  He looked off- scattered and nervous. I couldn’t even remember his name, not that I ever learned it to begin with.

  What class am I even in?

  I looked around the room for any telling subject matter when I caught Ava’s terrified glazed expression next to me.

  “Ava,” I whispered for one row over. She didn’t turn or even breath.

  “Ava, what’s wrong?” I asked her a little louder.

  Her chest moved slightly as words that were barely audible to even me eked out, “Mr. Dougherty. He doesn’t have….an aura.”

  My head snapped back to the fumbling teacher, Mr. Dougherty- that was his name! My eyes narrowed on his face that he was trying to keep hidden from the class. He was mumbling to himself, something about losing his lesson plans. The class began to talk while he fidgeted. I watched, waiting for his face to change, silently cursing myself.

  You let your guard down! You were fooled once when it happened to Ben. How did you miss it this time? I asked my daemon, Aren’t you supposed to sense these things in advance?

  Sure enough, I caught a glimpse of his fingers, unnaturally long, the skin was a sickly white. This daemon hid his possession well. My palms began to heat. Like a sleeping dragon, I could feel my daemon rise up and meet this new threat. I tried to hold it together and turned around to see Heath struggling in the same manor. His eyes had turned an electric blue and were focused on the door.

  He was going to make a run for it.

  Papers were being passed backward in the rows of students, a review for our final exam in this class. I glanced at the assignment- Physics!


  Daisy was passing Heath a copy when he stood up, his chair flying back much too far. He looked from her to me and back to Daisy. His chest was heaving in an effort to keep the daemon’s angry wave from overtaking him.

  “Heath? Are you okay?” Her voice was laced with genuine concern. She really did love him.

  “Dude,” Ross started but got no further.

  Heath was out the door and so was I out of my seat too.

  “I’ll go after him,” Mr. Dougherty said, a little too eagerly. The sides of his mouth climbed up his face, ending in a dark and dangerous smile, “Everyone, remain in your seats.”

  I wasn’t about to follow that order. I didn’t care what Daisy thought- she was safe, Ava was safe, Heath needed my help.

  The hallway was clear. I listened, trying to decipher footsteps, his voice, the familiar sensation of a daemon’s presence- but nothing came. Wherever Heath went, he had obviously jumped there, and the Vagabond inside Mr. Dougherty was close behind him.

  I ran quickly out the side entrance. I had no idea where to start, but I didn’t want to be followed. I made my way to the back of the school towards the practice fields. There was no one there that time of day. That’s where I’d go if I didn’t want anyone to find me.

  I looked around me and then bounded into the air. My wings freed, they pushed me higher and faster into the air. I hoped from that vantage point I could find Heath or at least find Mr. Dougherty. My wings pumped fiercely keeping me suspended in the air above the school. I caught sight of them easily and flew.

  My ears and eyes reached what my body could not yet touch. I could see two figures standing in the middle of the practice field behind the gym. Heath was pushing the Vagabond away while he clawed at Heath’s body. Heath shirt was shredded and rivulets of blood stained his torso and jeans. The Vagabond had given Mr. Dougherty inhuman strength and held Heath captive by the leg. Rather than attacking him, it looked like Mr. Dougherty was holding onto him, and Heath was unsuccessfully trying to dislodge him.

  “Please,” The gurgley voice of the Vagabond pleaded, “Please. Send me back.”

  I swooped down grabbing the Vagabond and his human shell. My daemon wanted to rip his head off, but I remembered the man that was imprisoned in his own body, innocent and afraid. I dropped him hard on the ground but he quickly rose and came back at Heath.

  I pushed him back, and he flew a few feet landing on his back. He got up a little slower this time. Heath was frozen clutching at the wounds on his leg. They would heal, but he wasn’t thinking clearly at the moment. The Vagabond crawled forward moving more like an animal than a human.

  “Send me back, Porter.” He breathed but stopped advancing when he finally noticed me. His eyes glowed a little brighter. He was done pleading. With the last of his strength, he popped up, his mouth opening into a giant cavern of sharp teeth, and let loose a sickening high-pitched scream.

  He advanced, swiping the air in front of my face. I dodged him easily. I knew why he wanted me. Vagabonds fed off the power and life force of their human hosts, but blood restored them quickly. This one wanted a taste of Beacon blood. Being the Beacon meant Vagabonds and other daemons were drawn to me but I didn’t know why. He came at me again and again with his claws, but he too slow and weak to pose any real threat to me- or so I thought.

  Someone was coming.

  I took my eyes off the Vagabond for a moment to see Mr. Reese running toward us like an avenging angel. A pain so fierce tore through the side of my neck and down the front of my chest. I fell backward and stared at the sky above me. I could feel fingers creeping up my body and the Vagabond licking at my neck.

  Why can’t I move?

  My head was spinning and I couldn’t explain it to myself. The life was being sucked out of me and I wasn’t able to stop it. My arms moved up to Mr. Dougherty’s body, fighting him as best I could. I had no will, no strength, but there was still the fire. The flames traveled up my arms, coursing through my veins. It felt so good exploding into the air and engulfing my Physics teacher. Innocent or not- it was the only way.

  His screams filled the space between us. After I managed to sit up I could see Mr. Reese rolling his writhing body on the scorched field and recanting a prayer. He was trying to exorcise the Vagabond from Mr. Dougherty.

  He is gonna be hurting for a while after that.

  I felt terrible for burning a human, but it couldn’t be helped. A simple Vagabond had gotten the better of me.

  “Are you alright?” Heath asked me from his position holding Mr. Dougherty still while Mr. Reese worked above him.

  I touched the skin on my neck and could feel the blood there. My shirt was torn down the middle exposing my raw healing flesh and everything else underneath. I covered myself and went to help.

  Limp and whimpering, Mr. Dougherty was only conscious of his pain. His breathing was labored and with the extent of his burns I knew he wouldn’t live long.

  “Move,” I demanded placing my hands on his chest.

  “What if he hurts you,” Heath asked. There was concern in his eyes- not the unyielding desperation I wanted, but it was something.

  “The daemon’s gone, Heath.” Mr. Reese added.

  “Won’t it come back? Did you kill it?”

  “Something like that. That daemon was weakened and he came seeking the Porter for help.”

  “Help? From me?” Heath scoffed.
r />   “He wanted you to open a portal and let him get back to Hell. You’re the Porter. That’s what you do.”

  My hands heated on Mr. Dougherty’s chest. I concentrated, blocking out their conversation. Wings extended, the power flowed through me, I asked, begged from the sources deep within me to make this man whole again.

  “Oh my God,” came a whispered exclamation.

  “Yeah,” Heath agreed, “She’s the most…beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “She’s an angel.” Mr. Reese continued.

  “But she’s still a daemon too.” Heath countered.

  I opened my eyes, hurt by Heath’s words. A mirror would have been nice at that moment to see myself as they saw me- a dark beauty. I could only imagine, my hair unbound around my face, my tattoo and eyes glowing, wings outstretched, torn and bloodied shirt.

  “The darkest night can still birth the brightest of mornings.” Mr. Reese stated.

  “I hope so,” I whispered, picking up Mr. Dougherty and handing him to Heath.


  “I didn’t know what to do. I panicked.”

  “It’s okay,” I said again trying to be patient.

  “No it’s not,” Heath’s voice was rising, “He touched you. He cut you. And I just stood there watching.”

  His eyes were pulsing, his irises pulsing with blue heat. I scooted along the bench seat of his truck. We were parked on a back road surrounded by vast squares of grass fields and hay bales.

  “That was your first time to ever see another daemon. When I first saw one I froze too.”

  “I’m not used to feeling so out of control. This thing inside me came alive as soon as I saw Mr. Dougherty walk through the door.”

  I laughed, “Well you and Ava caught on faster than I did. I guess my mind was on something else.”

  “Somehow I knew he was there for me and I had to get out.” Heath mumbled.


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