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Southern Shifters: Shiftin' Sassy: Derria Pryde (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Pryde Ranch Shifters Book 4)

Page 7

by T. J. Michaels

  “They smell like not you. What did you do to be tagged for a sanctioned hunt?”

  “Tagged by who, is the real question, beautiful.”

  His ragged snarl made her belly quiver even as the hairs on her arms and neck stood at attention. Derria, the perpetual smart ass who could usually turn her emotions off like a fucking light switch, suddenly wanted nothing more in the world than the man in front her…as much as she wanted the one she’d been with this morning.

  Sure she was a liberated sexual being…but she’d never been into more than one guy at a time. Suddenly, in her mind’s eye she couldn’t see herself without ‘Kota…or Kerr.

  “How did you find me?” Whoa! Suddenly his nose was pressed against the back of her neck.

  “How do you move so fast?” she asked on a swift intake of breath.

  “Oh that was nothing. I’d be even faster if you would undo whatever you did to my body when you shot me a few days ago.”

  Was she worried? Nope, because when he’d moved, so had she, and her 9mm semi-auto pistol was nosed tightly against his crotch. But that didn’t stop the shiver that skated up her spine as he buried his nose into the curls at her nape.

  As for what she’d shot him with before? No way in hell would she reveal that secret. Not quite yet.

  The man didn’t touch her with any other part of his body—just his nose. Such a shifter thing to do. But then partially shifted fangs made intentional contact with her skin and she froze.

  “Who do I smell on you, woman?”

  “Excuse me?” was all her warring brain could come up with. Part of her wanted to lean back against him as he teased her skin. The other half wanted to be shocked and outraged. Her lioness was…oh dear God!

  Kerr lightly nipped her and her knees almost gave out. Suddenly the floor looked like the perfect place for some raunchy “nice to meet you” rolling around…literally.

  Wait, what the hell was she thinking? She had a mate now. This was ridiculous…wasn’t it?

  “Tell me who I smell on you. I won’t ask again.”

  This man oozed alpha. In fact, it was oozing through her pores and causing a lick of electric flashes beneath her skin. Holy hell, even with Lakota, the lust hadn’t hit her this fast. Maybe she’d been thrown into heat? Did that mean anyone could scent her? Everyone would be attracted to her?

  No, Niah had already explained how it worked, but her head seemed to be having trouble holding on to a rational thought for more than a moment at a time. It was like she’d overdosed on caffeine and male pheromones.

  “You scent my mate on me,” she gasped.

  “Impossible,” he growled low into her ear. “My wolf is howling loud and clear that you are ours.”

  He nipped her again, right on top of the marks ‘Kota had left this morning.

  All it did was increase her need for both of them.

  Suddenly her phone rang. She tapped the little receiver hidden inside her ear and answered the call.

  “Derria! I can feel you, woman. I’m on my way to see Rafe and had to pull the Jeep over. Are you okay? I can’t tell if you’re on fire and need me inside you, or if you’re literally on fucking fire and I should be calling the fire department.”

  “I-I’m fine.”

  Definitely on fire.

  “I have Kerr.”

  Or Kerr had her?

  “He doesn’t seem to be a danger to me.”

  The wolf licked along her neck, just at the juncture of neck and shoulder. Kerr lapped at her skin as if she were his favorite dessert, but the moment he’d heard ‘Kota’s voice, a low menacing growl began to hum in the back of his throat.

  “Tell him,” Kerr demanded. A single finger tickled down the back of her arm. It was the first time he’d touched her, and oh what a sizzling trail he’d left behind.

  “’Kota, he says he’s my mate.”

  “What?! Let me talk to him.”

  “What for?” Talk to Kerr? What an odd request. An odd silence filled the line, but the newly forming bond with ‘Kota was anything but quiet. Derria went stiff as a board. If these two alpha males thought they were going to decide her fate, they were deranged as hell. As for Lakota, she wouldn’t use the bond against him. No, instead she’d give him a chance to reverse direction of the foot he was about to put in his own mouth.

  “Answer me, ‘Kota. Why do you need to talk to Kerr? What needs to be said to him that you can’t say to me?” Even though he wasn’t here, the tension crackled between them.

  “Because I want to know if you’re safe with him.”

  “Are we going to have a replay of our little lover’s quarrel from earlier this morning? I just said he’s no danger to me.”

  Kerr raised his voice so he could be heard through the little microphone in the wire attached to her earbud. “Besides, the bad ass woman has a mean looking SIG Sauer gun jammed into my nutsack. I’m pretty sure I can’t make her do anything that she doesn’t want to. But,” he drawled as he nibbled the lobe of her ear. When she sucked in a deep breath, Kerr said, “If I were you, I’d get here quickly, all the same.”

  “Derria, I’ll be there in twenty.”

  “Okay, see you,” she said, then tapped her ear rig to disconnect the call.

  She turned to find herself wrapped up in Kerr’s strong arms…and her lioness wasn’t trying to break free of him. At all.

  Instead, the damn feline was rolling around in her mind as if she were in—aw hell—heat!

  “So, your name is Derria?”

  Oh lord, yes!

  But instead of screaming those words, she turned on as much ‘cool’ as possible. “So I assume you’re not an outlaw?”

  “Not to my knowledge though I’ve certainly done my share of uncouth shit. And you still shot me, Derria. I haven’t been one hundred percent since.”

  Again, she ignored his mention of the bullet she’d shot into him that deposited the tracker beneath his skin. “Tell me how I could possibly be mated to a jag and to a wolf at the same time?” she asked. “I’m not from around here. This is new for me and I need to understand it.”

  He tightened his arms and buried his nose in the top of her head and inhaled deeply. They moved as if some sensual music had come on in the radios of their minds, inciting them to sway and move together as he spoke right into her head.

  “There is a tale among my people, the first ones to roam this land, that sometimes the Universe would designate more than one mate to a female of the warrior class. All females of my people were and continue to be precious, but those of the warrior mind even more so. These women need to be protected…and satisfied.”

  “I don’t need anyone’s protection.”

  “I said protected, woman. Not saved. There is a great difference. Now listen.”

  To her surprise, she found that she automatically gave him what he wanted simply because she lost nothing by doing so. It was a give and take for them both, and she sank right into it as if she’d known how to do this mating thing all her life.


  “So,” he continued, “it is said that this type of woman had great sexual need. The more bad ass the woman, the more intense the need—hence two mates to sate her. The warrior would go off to fight, and the woman, being completely unbiddable, would go with him whether he wanted her to or not. She watched over him, and he over her, and their additional mate, watched over them both.”

  She scrunched her brows into a tight frown, not sure she liked where this was going.

  “They were all equal in the relationship. Though all alphas, no one was above the others. Well matched. Well suited.”

  Kerr, having dropped his towel as soon as he’d shifted and charged, was completely naked while Derria was fully clothed. Still slow dancing to music unheard, she pondered his words…and the swelling cock that pressed against her belly.

  Speaking aloud, she asked, “But it’s just a myth, right? I mean, how many times have you seen this triad mating thing happen in your lifetime?”<
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  “Among my people, I have seen it several times since I was a small boy. I may be part of the Blackwood pack now, but my particular family did not originate in these mountains. We are from the northern plains. Many migrated here and managed to stay out of the mainstream of things long before the Civil War, when the Union soldiers of the North herded our people onto reservations. Those who didn’t comply were hunted until our tribes were practically extinct.

  “Your people? Native Americans? As in, Northern plains. As in Sioux?” At his nods, she added, “You mean, Lakota Sioux?”


  She laughed out loud. Just couldn’t help it at such a turn of irony. Then the giggle died in her throat as Kerr’s mouth covered the super-sensitive spot on her neck and sucked earnestly.

  “Oh my God!”

  Her arms twined around his neck as her head fell back. Derria’s body rolled against his—seeking, needing, wanting.

  And then just as suddenly, she was across the room, holding her hands out in front of her to ward him off.

  “No, wait. I need to wait for Lakota. We need to figure this out. I can’t be unfaithful to a mate I just accepted.”

  Yet, according to his story, she wasn’t being unfaithful. But still.

  Kerr Blackwood, a man with a kill order on his head, a man who was supposed to be so dangerous she could drop him without even having a reason, stepped back and went still. “I will honor your wish.” A moment later, he looked toward the entrance to the surprisingly large den. Nostrils flared a moment, then Kerr disappeared down the wide hallway that led to the front door.

  The layout was brilliant. When she’d arrived, Derria had hacked the security on the stone door outside and then stepped into a surprisingly large foyer where Kerr’s motorcycle was parked off to one side. The foyer led to a hallway, and that hallway led to this absolute man cave. To her surprise, all of the walls were smooth and covered with some kind of rubbery paint. She imagined it was sound insulation or something. The foyer and hallway walls were a pitch black, but this room was a bright cream color, edged in shades of blue and gray. Comfortable oversized loveseats and chairs were arranged around thick sheepskin rugs that chased away the chill of the surrounding rock. She’d also discovered that Kerr loved his electronics, such as the huge television, satellite access and a workstation with a state-of-the-art computer system…which she’d dug around in while he’d been in the shower.

  The man was a total geek with a game console fetish. Yep, had all the makings of a rogue Were. Not.

  Right now, a nervous Derria left the living area and ducked into the small bathroom on the other side of the full kitchen.

  When she returned to the den, Kerr joined her, along with a pissed off jaguar.

  * * * * *

  The man stood naked, unmoving as his gaze took her in. It must be raining outside—his skin was soaked and the water mixed with the natural oils on his skin to create a fragrance that wound its way into her lungs. His body glowed like a bronze god under the soft lighting from the sconces embedded into the walls. That glow seemed to float from his fingertips and away from his body like tendrils of incense made of sex and magic.

  ‘Kota had been irresistible before, but now her attraction to him shot into the stratosphere. Like the lift-off of the space shuttle—the higher it went the more powerful and unstoppable it became. Forcing herself to remain still, every muscle in her body fought with her head until she thought she might just crack into little pieces of needy woman.

  Then she made the mistake of glance at his amazingly fine and über hard cock. Derria’s insides melted and pooled into liquid longing. The aching lips of her pussy filled even more, and he hadn’t even touched her.

  Three steps across the threshold, Lakota paused and held out his hand to her. Without hesitation, she walked into his arms and let him engulf her in the safe cocoon of his body.

  Derria’s swift intake of breath mirrored his own. Lakota was stunned. She could feel it deep inside herself. God, his energy was wild and flaring and seemed to be everywhere at once.

  Even still, she had no doubt that this man was meant to be hers. Derria has seen ‘Kota in action from day one in the Dragon. He’d watched her back at both the MacDonald’s and Clan’s alpha meetings. Had taken care of providing a place to stay. He’d even played escort and driven her around, as well as fed her. The crazy attraction to him had only been heightened by his own need to take care of her. In a short time, she’d began learning Lakota, understanding him, knowing him…yet Kerr was already there. That knowledge brought with it a strange sense of guilt that burrowed around in her gut.

  “This can’t be true…can it?” she asked quietly, the words spoken against his chest as she tried unsuccessfully to calm all the myriad emotions assailing her just now.

  “What can’t be true, Dare?”

  “I can feel him Lakota. But I swear I didn’t—”

  “Stop it, Dare. Right now,” he growled. Derria snapped her gaze up to his as he said, “No one is at fault for this turn of events. There is nothing for you to feel guilty about. And I can feel him, too, Dare. Can damn near hear his voice inside my head, right along with yours.”

  Speechless was a state she rarely experienced, but right now, not a single word popped into her head nor came to her rescue.

  “It’s like the both of you are starting to burrow…no, more like meld into me. He’s your mate, Derria.” Lakota paused.

  “But how can you be sure, ‘Kota?” she asked, though she already knew the answer.

  “The same way I was sure the moment I met you. Because…he’s mine, too,” Lakota stated matter-of-factly.

  She backed away from him. When Kerr stood at Lakota’s side and they both regarded her with concern, she backed up even more.

  Point of fact—she was on the verge of freaking out. All she’d done was walk out her door to do her job, like she’d done a million times before. But this time she’d stumbled into a small town where shifters ruled, but not particularly well. Her bounty wasn’t a rogue, but he and the man asked to escort her around turned out to both her mates.

  Overwhelmed didn’t begin to describe her state of mind.

  And for the first time in her life, she wanted to run. Far. Right now.

  But they were closing in on her.

  “Back up.”

  They didn’t.

  “Back the hell up before I lose my shit!”

  They paused, looked at each other, and then took a single step her way.

  Well, she’d warned them.

  * * * * *

  Kerr heard Lakota yell, “Down!”

  Instinct kicked in and he hit the floor as the roar of his fully shifted mate filled the air. Kerr’s mouth fell open as his very own red-gold lioness pounced at the nearest body, which belonged to the man who’d had sense enough to yell a warning. Bounding over Lakota’s crouched form, Derria shot down the hallway to the exit and was outside before either man could get up off the floor.

  She’d run from them! Didn’t the crazy woman know not to run from big bad wolves? They had to go after her, had to protect her. She had no idea what was out there, and couldn’t possibly…

  “Oh, you have no idea,” Lakota said, interrupting Kerr’s train of thought. “Derria is one of the most capable women I know. If she could get here and ambush you alone, trust me, she’ll be fine.”

  Kerr paused on his way toward the hallway and turned back to regard the man that fate had delivered right into his den—also his mate, along with Derria.

  “Besides, the newly healed claw marks on my chest from just this morning are a reminder that when I get the urge to try to control her, it’s best to change my mind.”

  Eyes closed, Kerr sought his woman along their newly forming bond, and that bond immediately responded. Lakota was right. She needed a moment to get her thoughts together. Her entire life had just changed and she was a bundle of “what if’s” and no small amount of concern for all involved. Suddenly, as if
she’d figured out he was eavesdropping, the bond went dim, but not before she sent him a bolt of ire.

  A moment later, she was back.

  “Will you please get my motorcycle and put it next to yours? I saw your bike in the foyer so there must be a way. I have a feeling I’m going to be there for a while after I get back from running off some steam. I’d prefer my ride not be left in the forest.”

  In the forest? She must have ridden it as deep into the wild as she could, shifted and run the rest of the way, and then still had time to change her clothes. And all while he’d been in the shower? Impressive.

  “Show me where it is,” Kerr said.

  A few quick mental images later, and he knew exactly where to find the machine that he’d seen all too recently in his rear view mirror; as he’d hauled ass while bleeding out. And he still didn’t have the answer to the question of why she’d been hunting him.

  But they would get to that later. Lakota was right. Derria needed partners, not baby sitters. The woman was resourceful, smart and strong…and right now, very vulnerable.

  “I’m sorry for shooting you, now that I know you’re not a bad guy,” she whispered into his head.

  “Oh, I am definitely a bad, bad man, Derria. Just not one that should be on a bounty hunter’s radar.”

  “Okay, you can get out of my head now,” she said.

  “But what if I don’t want to? I like hearing what’s going on in there,” he teased.

  Kerr had felt Lakota ease gently into the telepathic conversation a moment ago. Unsure of how much he’d heard, he told the other man about Derria’s request and what she’d done when he’d been caught snooping.

  “Tattletale,” she snapped and then went dark again.

  They threw their heads back and laughed because this time the message had been delivered, loud and clear, to them both.

  Chapter Seven

  An oversized black and gold jaguar loped alongside an equally immense charcoal gray wolf as they appeared from out of nowhere and took off into the surrounding trees.


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