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Tunnel W

Page 4

by Michele M. Reynolds


  After moments of silence it was Sindi who spoke. Her voice was less aggressive than previous times she had spoken to Relo.

  "What is your plan?" Sindi asked. "At least, what is your plan for us?"

  "I am not sure," Rebel said. "I am sure that all my plans rely on the least hurt to everyone."

  "Except Swabbies," Sindi said. Her voice was laced with aggression.

  "No, including Swabbies," Rebel said. "Obviously you don't know me that well."

  "And you don't know me," Sindi said.

  "I never implied to," Rebel said.

  "You know if you think about it Sindi," Vizio started. "All the stories I have heard about Rebel, there are very few Swabbies who were killed. She could have killed many of them."

  "See, listen to your buddy there," Rebel answered.

  "What you are doing is against the law," Sindi raised her voice. Several Relos looked up and toward the three of them.

  "I think you would have enough sense to talk about the law in among the so-called the lawless here," Rebel laughed. "I warn you and I warn you only once. I will not defend you if it is more than just your existence that provokes these Relos."

  "I can take care of myself," Sindi said.

  "Well, just the same let's not provoke anyone okay?" Vizio asked.

  "The law," Rebel continued. "You are one to recite the law. You are the ones doing the crime."

  "We are officers of . . ." Sindi started.

  "Please!" Vizio started. "Look where we are Sindi. Do you not see how wrong this is? We were discarded to our death quickly. We need to reassess where are loyalty lies."

  "Like I was saying. You are the ones who think you are on the right side. What about that guy's sister who I saved? She was 18. Innocent as you could ever picture. What would warrant her ever being thrown here. Granted she would probably be an A or B tunnel Relo, but still. She does not deserve this. The law states 1% of the city's population get Relocated to the tunnels every 1st of the month. The law. We never got to vote on any such law."

  "Well that is how it is," Sindi said. "It is the law and that is my job."

  "And if you want to look at it my way, I have a job too," Rebel said. "I am beginning not to like her again." Rebel said to Vizio.

  "Was there a time you liked her?" Vizio laughed.

  "There you go laugh it up," Sindi said. "We will be dead soon, and all you can do is laugh."

  "Nobody will harm you when I am around," Rebel said. "Respect means a lot to them."

  "Respect among thieves?" Sindi asked. "My life has come to this."

  "What is your plan?" Vizio whispered.

  "I don't have one yet," Rebel said. "One will come to me. I tell you it is better than the story you guys came up with on the way in here."

  "You were above us the whole time, huh?" Vizio asked. "I felt I was being watched."

  "Yup," Rebel said.

  "How could you see in the darkness?" Vizio asked.

  "These," Rebel pulled out a pair of sunglasses folded into each other. "My night vision goggles. You guys took them from me when you bucketed me. I pulled them out of Sindi's pocket before I ran into the tunnel."

  "Pick-pocket, thief," Sindi chuckled.

  "Oh, cyborg's do have sense of humors," Rebel said. "I do know one thing."

  "What?" Vizio asked.

  "I can't stay in here for months like these guys," Rebel said. "The longer we stay in here, the weaker we get, and the more our minds will regress."

  "Well, I tell you. You are probably safer in here than out there with Sam and the rest of us or them," Vizio said. "He'll torture, kill you, and torture you some more."

  That night or later that day, it was hard to tell with the lack of sunlight, the Relos begged Rebel to tell them about her tales of triumph. She humbly declined. As a compromise, the Relos told the tales they had heard of Rebel. By the way they told them, you could tell that they were stories that had been told many times. They were full of adjectives, description, and pauses for a touch of suspense. After each story was told, the Relos would look to Rebel for verification of authenticity.

  "Umm, very well told, but afraid that wasn't me," Rebel would say. Other times she would say, "I think that one was true. It sounds about right."

  One younger guy told a story of Rebel taking on a dozen Swabbies when she was cornered in an alley. It was the most impressive story of the night. Everyone turned to Rebel with eyes wide looking for a stamp of approval.

  Rebel answered, "Wow, I seem kick-ass. I will decide not to answer this one." With that statement everyone erupted in laughter. Rebel could tell that this was an exciting, enjoyable, and hopeful time for the Relos. After the stories Rebel pulled Stash aside and asked him to fill her in on anything and everything he knew about the tunnels. The facts he knew did not amount to much.

  "If you are alone, you risk the Tunnel Rats. When someone comes back from a Tunnel Rat visit, they die soon after, and a Tunnel gets extra supplies. I am guessing different tunnels handle isolating their Tunnel Relos differently," Stache said.

  "How so?" Rebel asked.

  "Well here we bound together," Stash said. "We don't force people to get taken. Other tunnels, they might have other states of mind. They might have a survival of the fittest, lottery system, or alienation going on. Because it is happening all the time. We get supplies three to four times a month."

  "Or there are different rules for their tunnels," Rebel said.

  "That could be," Stash said. "Other than that, we know the 10 feet apart rule. Then there is the no tunnel jumping unless you have a death wish."

  "What about cameras or listening devices in the tunnel?" Rebel asked.

  "I don't think so," Stash answered. "But could be."

  "What do you think they do with them? The Tunnel Rats?" Rebel asked.

  "Well, definitely inject them with something, and I think there is some psychological torture that goes on. I was in the Navy and saw a lot of that. It is horrible when they come back. All of us have a pact to just off each other when we come back to avoid the horrible death," Stash answered.

  Rebel called over to Vizio and they talked quietly outside the alcove.

  "What do you know about Tunnel Rats?" Rebel asked.

  "Nothing," Vizio answered.

  "I need you to help me if we are going to get out of here," Rebel warned.

  "Are they big?" Vizio asked as he looked at his feet. Rebel could tell from him looking at the ground that he had no idea what they were.

  "They are people who take away Relos if they are away from the pack," Rebel said.

  "No, I never trained for the Center," Vizio said. "That is what they call this. I have never been in there. I haven't even heard stories. But . . ."

  "Yeah?" Rebel asked.

  "Sindi and her last partner worked a few months in there," Vizio said.

  "Go send her over here," Rebel said. Vizio walked back to Sindi and spoke for a bit. Then Sindi slowly, hesitantly walked over to Rebel.

  "Sindi," Rebel started.

  "I don't know what you expect me to do," Sindi started.

  "Help me, help yourself," Rebel said. "Just let me know some things about the Center."

  "My oath as a . . ." Sindi started.

  "Do you want to see your kids again?" Rebel said.

  "How did you . . ." Sindi started.

  "I heard you and Vizio talking and you talked in your sleep," Rebel said.

  "Of course I want to see them," Sindi said. "But I see no way out of this."

  "Well, I do," Rebel said.

  "Our mission was to capture you," Sindi said. "We can't step foot out of here without you."

  "Well, let's see how we all can get out of this," Rebel said. "Tell me about the Center."

  "I worked here 5 years ago," Sindi stated. "I bet a lot has changed."

  "Some information is better than none," Rebel said.

  "Okay, let me see," Sindi started. "I was a Retriever."

  "A Retriev
er?" Rebel asked.

  "Yeah when someone strayed from the pack alone, we came in and picked them up," Sindi said.

  "Oh, you were a Tunnel Rat, that is what they call them," Rebel said. "Don't let that get around or I might not be able to fend off the mob."

  "Noted," Sindi stated. "So my job entailed . . ."

  Sindi went on to describe her job, procedures down to the detail, and the lay-out of the Center. Rebel learned that someone had to be alone for at least three minutes before they were retrieved. Their trackers were removed immediately upon entering the Center, because they interfered with the equipment inside the Center. All the Swabbies wore face masks and the same uniforms to avoid disease. She stated that due to these masks, she never knew her partner from the next person.

  "It was like being in a room of penguins," Sindi laughed. "You couldn't tell your best friend from your commander. It was all about keeping it professional and not getting attached to anyone."

  Rebel and Sindi talked for hours. Rebel soaked in every detail. They used some black, gook puddle as paint and Sindi painted the lay-out of the Center on the alcove wall. The other Relos gathered and in silenced watched and listened as Sindi described every room and access level needed to get into the room.

  Rebel stood back and took in the map. She pulled Stash aside.

  "I am planning on storming the Center," Rebel said.

  "I was guessing that from the artwork," Stache said. "I am in, and it is up to the rest of them what they will do. That is their decision."

  "I don't want any leaks," Rebel said.

  "Leaks?" Stash asked.

  "I don't want anybody letting the Center know," Rebel said.

  "None of them will," Stash said.

  "You have complete confidence in all of them?" Rebel asked.

  "I would bet my life on it," Stash said.

  "You are," Rebel said.

  Rebel turned to the alcove of Relos. "We now will all sleep, rest, and refuel. Tomorrow we will have fun storming the castle."


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