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Losing It All

Page 35

by Wilde, Kati

  I lick it all up, then shuck my jeans before rising up over her again. She watches me, her body flushed and languid, her lips swollen and her eyelids heavy.

  ‘Beautiful’ doesn’t come even close to describing her now, either.

  Her eyes flare wide as I grip the base of my shaft and slick the fat tip up and down the drenched length of her slit. “You ready to be fucked, girl?”

  “So ready,” she says raggedly, holding herself so open, so still.

  “I ain’t so sure.” Deliberately I run my gaze down her front, to the silk bunched around her waist. She married me in white, like the virgin she was before I took what I wanted in the cabin. But though I’m taking what I want now, what’s between her and me is never going to be like that again. “Because I love the way you keep those pretty thighs spread for me. But if you want me inside you, you’d better wrap me up tight, like you’re never going to let me go.”

  Holy fuck. I don’t even finish before her legs cinch tight around my hips. Her hands come up to catch my face, kissing me fiercely as I drive my cock deep into her snug little cunt. She cries out into my mouth, then clings even tighter when I begin pulling back so I can fuck into her again. As if she thinks I might leave her. But there ain’t a goddamn thing that could make me leave her now.

  I give my wife what she needs, riding hard and rough into that slick velvet heat, feeling like I’ll last a good damn while since I came earlier. Then she almost takes me out when her hips start thrashing and her cunt seizes up on my cock.

  Nearly sucking me off right there. Christing fuck, her pussy. Ain’t nothing else like it.

  Chest heaving, I slow us way down, kissing her long and deep. Then her hands go roaming again, sweetly destroying me with her touch.

  I need Maxine to love me. Need it more than anything. But fuck if I know how to make her fall in love.

  I just know how to make her come.



  I’m not sure yet when I’ll be home, so I’m about to send you a link to a photo package that I’d like you to order for me. When you see the pictures, you’ll want to call me. But you’ve got to hold off on that because I’m not talking to my mother on my wedding night.

  Three dots telling me that my mom’s typing a response pop up instantly. But she must visit that link and start over, because I’ve got time to let the room service waiter wheel our meal in and send him on his way again with a twenty in hand before her reply comes.

  Congratulations, Aaron! You look happy. So does she. What’s her name?

  Maxine. And I’m real happy. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me.

  That’s the right person to marry, then. Your father says congratulations, too. Though an invite would have been lovely.

  Yeah, that would have been tricky getting you all here on my bike. Plus she recently lost her whole family. So if I had a crapload of people here and she had no one, it might have been rough on her.

  I hear that you’ve had a rough time lately, too. How are you doing now?

  Better than I was. Maxine got me through. Now I’m going to get her through.

  I see.

  Probably too much. Anna might be worried that Maxine’s just another girl in trouble. But she’s not.

  I know.

  Oh yeah?

  Not since high school have you mentioned any other girl to me. I’m not entirely surprised that when you finally do mention one, you’ve already married her. I hope we’ll meet her soon.

  I’ll bring her home after our honeymoon.

  I won’t keep you from it. Take care of yourself—and let us know if you need anything. We love you.

  Love you, too.

  “Good news?”

  I look up as Maxine comes in from the bedroom, her hair tousled and sexy as fuck. I left her naked and tangled up in a sheet, while I dragged on a pair of gray sweatpants to answer the room service guy. But instead of putting her dress back on, she snagged the T-shirt that I tossed away earlier, and it looks a hell of a lot better on her than it ever did on me.

  “What’s good news?” Besides the way I’m getting an eyeful of her long legs.

  “You.” She gives my bare chest a blushing little glance before turning her attention to the covered plates on the table. “You were smiling at your phone.”

  “Ah, yeah. I figured that I ought to let my parents know that I got married. And I was telling my mom how I was a dead man inside until your miracle of a pussy brought me back to life.”

  She snorts lightly. “Is that what did it? Maybe I should use it on my brother, then—oh my god!” The metal cover clatters to the table as she slaps her palm over her mouth and looks to me in horror.

  “Hold up.” I catch her stricken face between my hands. “You’re about to think what the fuck is wrong with you for saying that, but there’s not a thing wrong with you, Maxine. Sometimes that funny morbid shit’s going to pop out…and it’s just another way to get through a bad situation. I know that real well.”

  Her lips are trembling when she uncovers her mouth. “Because you’ve been through it, too?”

  “Partly.” In the service, a bad situation turned us all into comedians. “But all my jokes are pretty bad.”

  That pulls a smile from her before she bites her lip. “So you told your parents?”

  “That I married the most incredible girl in the world? Yep.” Pleasure lights up her eyes, so I drop a kiss to her lips before letting her go. We worked up a hell of an appetite in the bedroom, so I want to get her fed before heading back there. “I told them they could meet you after our honeymoon. But you’ll want to be careful of my mom.”

  “Really?” she says, suddenly wary. “Why?”

  “No bad reason.” I turn away from her to pop open the champagne. The stuff tastes like shit but I figure it’s our wedding night and Maxine might like it. “Just that she’ll have you spilling your guts to her after one or two conversations. She’s good at that.”


  “That’s why I didn’t go home right after getting out of the Cage. She’d have taken one look at me and somehow I’d be telling her the whole thing. Not gonna lie, she’s a little terrifying.”

  Maxine looks indecisively between her steak and the little wedding cake that was included with the dinner before cutting herself a tiny piece of cake. Still doing dessert first, but only a bite. “If you told her what happened, were you afraid of what she’d think?”

  “Nah. That was the problem. I knew she’d love me anyway.” I just didn’t figure that I deserved it.

  “That’s a good problem to have.”

  No argument there. “I’ve got a couple of those good problems. My dad isn’t terrifying, though. Instead he’s quiet and small—and I know some people look at him and think he’s small on the inside, too. And weak. But he’s got the biggest fucking heart and he’ll stand by you through anything.”

  “That sounds like my grandpa,” she says softly. “Even after his heart broke into pieces, all the pieces were still so big.”

  “Your brother, too?”

  She swallows hard and her eyes glisten as she nods. “Matt is—was—always looking out for me. And I looked out for him. We were like, I don’t know…”

  I do. “A team?”

  “Yeah. Until he started at the FBI.” Her eyes close, and her throat works before she continues all at once, “After Grandpa was gone, I didn’t have anyone back home. I liked my job and had friends but…it wasn’t the same. So that’s why I went to see Matt before deciding what to do with the rest of my life. Because he was always part of everything important I ever did. So I let him know I was in Las Vegas, and we met at two in the morning at one of those casino restaurants where there are so many people always there for breakfast that it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. But these big guys in suits show up right at our table, and Matt tells them to leave me there, that I’m just some hooker he picked up. But they take me with him anyway. They put us into a van, and they bring
us to Papa, who says it’s obvious we’re brother and sister. And Matt’s trying to talk his way out of the punishment they were giving him, and trying to talk Papa into letting me go—he’s always been so good at talking his way in or out of anything. That’s probably why they put him undercover. But I think he could see that punishment was coming no matter what, so he tells them I’m a nurse and would be useful. Papa says I can be useful on my back, and that could be part of his punishment. So Matt tells them I’m a virgin…and that’s really what saved me.” She opens her eyes again and I see the tears are gone and the anger’s back. “Papa’s a pig when it comes to women.”

  I’m real fucking glad that attitude saved her, because I’ve seen what happens to those other girls. “Where’d they take you to meet him?”

  “It was a hotel room, I think. A really nice one. I don’t know where, though. I was scared, and Matt was telling me to keep my head down as they were taking us there, so I did. I don’t think it was a casino hotel, though. Or if it was, they took us in through an entrance that wasn’t the lobby.”

  “But you didn’t leave the city?”

  “No. We weren’t in the van long.”

  “Then you went straight to the barns?”

  “Not right away. Papa wanted to make sure Matt wasn’t lying about me being a virgin. So he had the doc come and examine me.”

  As she tells me that, humiliation edges into the anger in her voice and gets my own rage flaring, though I keep it carefully tamped down. “Was the doc already there?”

  Maxine shakes her head.

  “So Papa calls him up out of the blue in the middle of the night and says, ‘Come here and look at this girl.’ And the doc does.” When she nods, I ask, “How long did you have to wait for him to show up?”

  “I don’t know.” She looks real vicious as she cuts into her steak. “Maybe an hour or so.”

  “So the doc’s likely here in the city, too—or one of the suburbs. That’s good. That’s real fucking good. The barns were nearer to Reno, so Blowback’s been searching records in all of Nevada while trying to find the doc. But putting him within an hour’s drive of Vegas will narrow it down.” I study her for a long minute. She’s eating, but seems stiff and focused, like she’s got grief and anger tearing her up inside yet she’s still trying to go through the motions. “A lot of these doctors have websites and pictures, but not all of them. When Blowback starts sending us names, are you gonna be up for driving around and taking a look at some of these guys? Or do you want me to take pictures and bring them back here for you to look at?”

  “I’m up for it,” she says quietly, then drags in a deep breath and sets down her knife and fork. “I’m sorry. We’re supposed to be a team, but I’m obviously the weak link right now. Emotionally, I just… I feel like I’m all over the place.”

  “Don’t you be sorry. Come here.” I draw Maxine out of her chair and sideways onto my lap, loving the way she settles in so trustingly against me, her face buried against my throat. “We’re here on a mission, but we’ve got this suite for a couple more days. So here’s the plan—we aren’t going to give a shit about anything Blowback sends us for a little while. While we’re here, we’re going to fuck each other stupid and watch all the Die Hard movies and eat cake or whatever the hell we want to do. That sound all right?”

  With a shuddering breath, she nods against my neck. “Though I feel bad.”

  “Why do you feel bad?”

  “Because it’s almost the holidays, and you seem so close to your family, and the longer we take to find Papa…you already missed Thanksgiving.”

  “Yeah, and I missed a hell of a lot more when I was deployed. We all survived.” Though maybe it’s not me who needs to be surrounded by family when Christmas comes around—even if it’s new family for her. “But I’ll tell you what. Unless we’re right on Papa’s ass, we’ll head home for a few days so we can open presents and be merry and shit. How about that?”

  Another nod against my neck, then she tenses up. “Are you sure they’ll want me there?”

  “Why wouldn’t they? You’re part of the family now.”

  “But…your sister knows what I did to you.”

  “You didn’t do shit to me. If you’re thinking about the way Anna reacted at the cabin, she knows better now. And remember what I said about their big hearts? They’re going to love you, Maxine.”

  Just like I do.

  “Okay,” she whispers.

  Good. “And I want you to promise me something, all right? When we’re done with all this, you’re gonna see someone. A therapist.”

  She starts giggling.

  “I’m serious, angel. The shit you’ve been through, no wonder you’re feeling all over the place. Any Marine or soldier will tell you that going home doesn’t mean the shit goes away. Some things only need time to heal, but other things don’t heal on their own.”

  “I know you’re right,” she says softly, and then sighs. “I just want to be tough and angry.”

  “Yeah, I tried that, too. It didn’t work so well.”

  She huffs out a laugh before going quiet again. “I always fucked up when I got angry, anyway. First when I tased Tusk—”

  “Hold up. You did what?”

  “After Tusk killed Lissa, I got hold of Victor’s stun gun and zapped his balls.”

  Shit. That was the root of all the fried ball jokes the other fighters were telling? “Don’t kill me for laughing, angel, but that’s pretty fucking amazing.”

  “Except I realized after that I could have used it on Victor. Maybe freed us all. And then when I had to give your reward, I got so angry again.”

  “As you should have.”

  “But I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

  “Nah, that was pretty fucking amazing, too. The only good part about that whole fucked-up situation was seeing you so angry. Otherwise I never want to see you on your knees like that again.”

  She doesn’t say anything for a second. Then, “Is that why you never made me suck your dick in the cabin?”

  Pain clutches my chest at the mere thought of making her do that. “Yeah, it is. I won’t ever ask it of you.”

  “What if I want to get on my knees?”

  Christ, she kills me. “If you really want to, Maxine, you can touch me however and whenever you want.”

  “Okay,” she says huskily, then slides off my lap and onto the floor, and gives me a hot look from beneath her lashes. “Though I’m not angry now. Do you think you’ll still like it?”

  “If I try real hard, I bet that I can drum up a little interest,” I tell her, my voice already hoarse with need, my dick already bulging thick behind the heavy material of my sweatpants.

  She grins and moves in, fingers curling around the waistband and letting that greedy fucker spring free. “Aw, look how happy it is. I really like your big dick, Stone.”

  That makes me laugh but all that comes out is a groan. “My big dick really likes you, too, angel.”

  “I’m glad.” She rubs her soft cheek against my rigid shaft while looking up at me. “If I had you tied up instead, what would you beg me to do?”

  My fingers dig into the arms of the chair. “To suck me,” I rasp out. “To suck me real hard and deep.”

  And this fucking girl. With an impish little smile, Maxine turns her head and teases my cock with the lightest flicks of her tongue, the softest kisses from her lips, the faintest touches of her hands. Over and over again. So that by the time she starts sucking the way I’m begging her to suck, I’m already about to come. And my dick, Christing hell—‘like’ ain’t the word. My dick loves this girl.

  And her damn mouth.



  By the time we left the honeymoon suite, Blowback had compiled two lists of names. One was of licensed physicians in the area. The other named doctors who’d had their licenses revoked or suspended by Nevada’s board of medical examiners, and it was as if a lightbulb went off in my brain. Because i
f Papa needed a doctor to treat his fighters, he wouldn’t go after someone who was secure in his position or financially sound, and who was respected in his community and could afford protection for his family. No, he’d go after the guy who was barely holding on. So I told Stone that was the list we needed to look at first.

  Some of the names we could look up online to find pictures. None of those were the doc. For the others, the plan was simple: drive to the addresses listed, wait until the person who lived there comes out. If it wasn’t the doc, Stone would go talk to him to make sure it actually was the person named on the list.

  Claiming a motorcycle was too noticeable and no good for stakeouts, Stone bought a silver Honda Accord off a used lot—and used a fake identification to do it, so apparently he was more concerned about not leaving a paper trail than the possibility that the FBI was watching our every step.

  Each day, we checked a few names off the list. Then we returned to the motel room that he paid for in cash—using a fake ID again—and it didn’t matter that we weren’t in a nice hotel, because it was like the honeymoon suite all over again. As if there wasn’t anything in the world except Stone and me, and our bed.

  On the fourth day of tracking down the names on the list, we found him.

  Gerald Johnson, who’d had his license suspended for administering a controlled substance to himself. With my heart thundering, I watched him leave his big house and get behind the wheel of a Maserati. My reaction probably told Stone all that he needed to know, because even before I said a word, he muttered something about pervert hair and followed the doc’s car. Then he got on the phone with Blowback and told him to look deeper into Gerald Johnson.

  So even before we arrived at his clinic, we knew where he was headed. He wasn’t currently licensed to practice medicine. Instead his clinic was a weight loss and lifestyle spa, a facility which could never have been capable of treating Matt’s broken arm. Not that he’d ever intended to. Yet still, I’d believed that order to kill Matt had really come down from Papa and the doc had just been too afraid to do anything except obey. Because he’d always been kind to me, helped me. And all this time, I assumed that the doc was just like the rest of us—forced to do what Papa said, or his family would suffer for it.


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