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Page 6

by Rue Volley

  “I want you to say it.” He said as he quickened his pace with me.

  “Say what?” my voice went up an octave as I tried to focus on his words.

  “That you want me.”

  I gritted my teeth together, the muscles in my jaw tensing up and relaxing as he continued to thrust upward, over and over again. I suddenly felt the orgasm taking control of me and I cried out as my head fell back.

  “I want you Gunner, I want you!”

  He cried out as he suddenly lifted me up and out of the tub, I was still straddling him. He lowered to the ground, thrusting forward as I arched my back against the cold floor. He sat up and placed his hands against my flat stomach and felt my abdomen tighten as my orgasm ripped through me and I bit into my finger as hard as could without drawing blood. He rotated his hips and shoved the length of himself into me, careful to thrust more slowly as my orgasm tightened around his cock and he growled again. He then grinned as I looked up at him, eyes glossy and out of breath.

  “Did you?”

  He shook his head ‘no’.

  “I can go all night.” He said to me.

  “Fuck!” I said as he flipped me over and pulled my ass up towards him. He buried his tongue inside of me as I cried out and tried to regain my blurred vision.


  We lay in my bed for a while saying nothing to each other. I was not sure after 5 hours of love making what else could be said. I had seen every part of him, even his animalistic side. I adjusted my head against his bare chest as he stared up at the ceiling. I then pulled his hand over to my mouth and started to kiss the inside of his palm when my lips felt the scar. I pulled it back and saw the round scar in the center of his hand. He pulled it back from me as I adjusted and looked up at him.

  “I am sorry, that had to be a terrible death.”

  “It took days for me to die when they crucified me. No one really talks about the reality of a death such as that, but it is not a pleasant one.”

  “I am sorry.” I said as I leaned up onto my elbow and stared at him, his blue hair messy, more so than usual after being with me. I reached up and touched it as he took my hand and smiled. He kissed the inside of my wrist, his eyes closed and his expression so endearing. I knew that I wanted him, I think I knew from the moment we met, but this was different, a different feeling that I had now. It wasn’t the sex that changed things; it was this moment, watching him gently kiss my wrist and the truthful expression on his face. This was a man who I could love. A man that I knew would always protect me and be by my side. This was someone who would not cause me any harm. This was real trust, a strange feeling that I had never experienced before, especially with a man. He stopped kissing my wrist and stared into my eyes.

  “What is it?” he asked me as I realized I was tearing up. I wiped my eyes and sat up in the bed, pulling the sheets up and holding them tight. He rolled onto his side, propping himself up with his elbow and watched me closely.

  “I have never, I mean. I appreciate you Gunner. I appreciate how you care about me. I am not used to it, not at all.”

  He touched my exposed back and his fingers felt like fire to my skin. I took a breath and he continued to touch me.

  “Halo, there was a time that I did not know how to care about others. That all changed when my sister died.”

  I looked at him and tilted my head.

  “I am so sorry about that, I really am.”

  “Losing her once was enough, then…” he stopped and sat up as if he had said too much and needed to stop. I turned and looked at him, the sheet slipping from the front of me and exposing my breasts to him. He glanced at them and then turned, reaching up with one hand and cupping my right breast in the palm of his hand. He massaged it slowly, allowing his thumb to gently run across my erect nipple. My body trembled as his seductive grin curled the edge of his lip.

  “More?” he said to me and I nodded as he kissed me passionately and we lowered onto the bed.

  Chapter SIX SIX SIX

  Lucifer is a Dick

  I woke to loud yelling in the house. I sat up quickly and saw that Gunner was not in the bed and that kind of caused a panic to rise in me. I guess I could do without that, the panic thing. I mean it would not serve me any good as I continued to hunt. The worry of that left me quickly as my door swung open and Dorin stood there looking angry as he stared me down.

  “Get up Halo.”

  “What is wrong?” I asked him as he left my room and said nothing more to me. I jumped from my bed and slipped my pants on and pulled a shirt over my head. My hair was a mess so I pulled up into a ponytail onto the back of head as I ran from my room and down the hallway. I could hear that the yelling was coming from downstairs and as I ran from the final steps I paused as I saw someone I could have done without…fucking Lucifer, here, in our house. What the fuck?

  He turned and looked at me with his black eyes and then his harsh expression softened a bit. The pupil of his eyes going from black to red and he smiled. I stood there as he approached me and reached out, taking one of my hands and kissing it, he stopped and stared at the palm of my hand and then lowered it.

  “You have a glow about you Halo.”

  I jerked my hand back and looked around the room. Ari, Finna and Dorin stood there looking pissed. I then realized that Gunner was missing.

  “Where is Gunner?” I asked as Lucifer walked towards the door.

  “Gunner is now working through his fucked up issues Halo.”

  Ari stepped up and gritted his teeth.

  “You have no right to prey on his guilt Lucifer.”

  Lucifer stopped walking and then was back in Ari’s face before I could blink. He reached out and grabbed Aris’ throat tightly and lifted him from the ground as Finna screamed and Dorin had to stop her from rushing the two of them. Ari struggled to break free as Lucifer held him there, his feet barely above the wooden floor. Then Lucifer looked at me and grinned.

  “I think it would be prudent for all of you to remember one fucking thing…you WORK FOR ME!” he yelled as the walls cracked and the floor shook beneath our feet. My heart sank as he held Ari there and for a minute I thought for sure that he was going to kill him. Then I felt the room fill with warmth and a flash of light temporarily blinded all of us. Lucifer hissed as he dropped Ari and covered his eyes for a moment until the light faded and a man stood there before us. I stared at him and then Lucifer started to laugh.

  “Oh El. What?” he said and the man looked at me and grinned. He then turned back to Lucifer and sighed.

  “It seems you are cheating, what a surprise.” El said as he stepped forward and held his hand out to Finna. She took it and smiled at him.

  “My Lord.” She said in a quiet tone as I watched him closely. It could not be. He then turned and smiled at me as he approached me. He stopped about 3 feet in front of me and looked me over.

  “Are you?” I started to say and Lucifer called out behind him.

  “Elohim.” The whole house shook, walls cracked and the wood moaned as it seemed a small earthquake rolled under us. I covered my ears as the word itself sent a sharp pain through my head and made my ears feel as if they may start bleeding. The man turned and looked at Lucifer as he narrowed his eyes.

  “You know better.” He said as he was in his face quicker than I could see him moving. They both stood there for a moment as Lucifer clinched his fists at his side but El relaxed and placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “You cannot speak my name here, it causes destruction. I would think that you would like the idea of earth as you tend to treat it as a personal playground Lucifer.”

  “Listen to me brother, there will come a day that you will no longer have any power here. Humans are not worthy of your compassion.”

  El leaned towards him. “That was always your problem brother, you never had any faith in them when I do.” He leaned back and then turned to me.

  “I wish you well Halo, I am sure we will meet again someday.”

  I no
dded to him as he took Lucifer’s arm and they both faded as Lucifer started to bitch at him. I stepped forward as Ari pushed himself up from the floor and rubbed his neck.

  “Was that?” I started to ask and Finna smiled.

  “That was God, or as his true name is…well, “El” for short, speaking his true name causing the earth to shake.”


  “Why? If there is a Lucifer, there is an El.”

  I nodded and the turned back to her.

  “Gunner…where is he?”

  Dorin then decided to speak.

  “He is in Hell.”

  I looked at him with an expression of panic on my face. “What?”

  “Lucifer let him go as usual, it tests his will.”

  “Why? He is a Hellhound, he does not need to be tested!” I yelled as Finna stepped up and touched my arm. I looked at her as she looked softer, which was strange for her.

  “It was you, Gunner is not allowed to be with anyone.”

  “Wait, we didn’t”

  Dorin laughed. “Oh come on! I heard your moaning all fucking night, we all did.”

  I blushed as I looked down. “So, he is there because of me then?” I asked and Finna placed her arm around me.

  “He will return, he always does.”

  I pulled from her and shook my head.

  “I need to go to Hell and get him right now.”

  “Are you insane?” Dorin said as he stepped forward and held his hands up to me.

  “I am the reason he is there and I should be the one to get him back.”

  “Oh.” Finna said as she stared me down.


  “You are in love with him.”

  I laughed at her. “No! …no, I am just… He is there and it is my fault!” I said, trying to convince myself as much as I was trying to convince all of them.

  “Was he that good?” Dorin asked me and I turned and scowled at him.

  “Okay!” he said as he stepped back from me.

  “Okay good!” I said as they all stood there. I held my hands up.

  “How do I run the elevator?”

  “Gunner runs the elevator.” Ari said as Finna hit him in the side.

  “Only Gunner?”

  “Yep.” Ari said as he tried his best to lie to me.

  “Right.” I said as I started to walk through the house. I stopped in front of the elevator and sighed as I stared at the black panel on it. I reached up to touch it and Dorin shook his head and interrupted me.

  “I would not do that Halo.”

  “I am going, there is nothing you can say that will stop me.”

  He walked up to the elevator and held his hand up. I leaned in to see a pentagram start to glow in the center of his hand.

  “I mean, do not touch the panel. Only someone who is damned can do that.”

  “Wait, you are damned?”

  He nodded as he placed his hand on the panel and it lit up, I could hear the gears churning far below us.

  “There are only two of us damned in this house, me and Gunner.” He said.

  “I am sorry Dorin.” I said as I tried to be compassionate towards him but the thought of Gunner being damned too was making my heart heavy in my chest.

  “I will never be anything more than a Hellhound, well that or fucking dust. I prefer Hound, it keeps things interesting.”

  “Why are you damned.” He turned to me and smiled as his teeth elongated.

  “I am not mortal, I will never be mortal again. No one like me can enter heaven. It is not possible.”

  I looked back towards the elevator as it opened up to us. We rode the elevator down in silence until it stopped and the gears churned once again. Dorin turned to me and took my hands.

  “Listen to me, everything here is trick. It is meant to trip you up and trap you here forever. You have to stay with me.”

  I nodded, but when the doors opened I stepped out like I was on a mission and Dorin followed me as he shook his head and just knew that I was going to be a pain in the ass.

  Chapter Seven

  Painful Truth

  I watched as a set of Siamese twins rounded the corner and hobbled their way along the hallway. Dorin pushed me behind him as they passed us by and I saw that their faces looked distorted, almost as if someone had twisted them like clay and left them to suffer. They both stopped and smelled the air as Dorin stood very still and held me behind him with one arm. Then they screeched like a bird in pain and moved on, their hobbling along sounding like shuffling shoes on a wooden floor. I stepped out from behind him and he looked at me.

  “They like to eat little girls.”

  “I am not little.”

  “To me you are.” He said as he looked me over and I laughed.

  “Whatever, we need to keep moving, where could he be?”

  We started to walk, but then Dorin stopped me again as he looked behind us and shook his head.

  “Fuck me.” He said under his breath as I tried to look past him as three people came around the corner and almost looked like they were walking in slow motion. Two men, very beautiful with flawless skin flanked a woman with short pink hair who walked in between them. The men had collars on with chains that she held in each hand. She wore next to nothing, a vinyl outfit, two thin strips of vinyl ran from a V at her crotch and up over her two medium sized breasts. As she walked the vinyl V rubbed against her clit and the look of ecstasy on her face was apparent. She stopped when she saw Dorin and I standing in the hallway and she wrapped the two chains around her hands and jerked them down, pulling both men to the floor on either side of her. They both sat like obedient dogs on all fours. She adjusted her weight from one high black heel to the other and watched Dorin very closely.

  “Oh.” She said as her eyebrow went up and her expression changed from that of surprise to sarcasm.

  “Dorin.” She said as she dropped the chains and started to walk towards us. Dorin created a barrier between me and her with his own body as I decided to just remain quiet and hope for the best. At least she knew his name.

  She stopped about 5 feet out from him and looked him over. She reached down and placed her hand on her pussy and squeezed at it as she hissed. She slid two fingers into herself and shoved them upwards quickly and then pulled them, walking the rest of the way with them held up. She then stopped and held them up to Dorin’s nose as he tried his best to not cough from the smell of her pussy.

  “I know that your sense of smell is as immaculate as my own Dorin. Do you enjoy this, the smell of wet pussy or are you still sucking cock?”

  Dorin cleared his throat and cocked his head.

  “Hello Amelia.” He said quietly as I leaned against his back and she tried to look around him. He adjusted his body so she could not.


  Dorin grinned and nodded to her.

  She smiled and leaned in, her lips pressing against his own as her eyes closed and his remained open. She then backed up a tiny bit and licked him, he stood his ground as she stepped back and smiled again.

  “I am going to fuck and eat them both, join me Dorin.” She said as her teeth elongated inside of her mouth. She allowed them to cut her lip, she reached up, wiping the blood and holding it out to Dorin as his senses were enflamed with the smell of it.

  “I would, but I really want to eat this one.” He said as she placed her fingers to her mouth and licked them clean. She then leaned again as he hid me behind him.

  “I always thought you were a bit selfish Dorin.”

  “As I did of you sister.” He said as she laughed and walked back to her victims. She picked up the chains and jerked on them as both men scrambled to their feet in front of her.

  “Time for dinner.” She said as she lunged forward and bit into the face of one of the men. He cried out as she pushed him down and jerked his cock out, shoving it inside of her as she jerked the chain for the other man to get behind her. She looked back as he lowered and shoved his cock into her ass. D
orin stood his ground without much expression on his face. She smiled at him as he pushed me backward and then in front of him and we continued on.

  We stepped around a corner and he stopped and leaned over, coughing a bit as the stench of her had made him ill.

  “Are you okay Dorin?” I asked him as he nodded and stood up straight.

  “I apologize, that was my sister, she is a demon of course and I can only hope she escapes Hell one day so I can kill her once and for all.”

  “I am sorry.” I said as he looked at me and grinned.

  “No need to be, she was always an evil bitch.”

  “That sucks.”

  He looked past me and then we pressed on as he suddenly took my hand. I looked down and felt the coldness of it. I have to remember that Dorin is a vampire, but sometimes it is hard to do as he seems so human. He stopped and pushed me back as I heard screaming coming from down the hallway. Dorin looked across from us as a door cracked open and he pushed me forward into the dark room and then came in behind me. He closed the door and turned as I was shocked by what I saw. It was an orgy. A huge one. I mean Roman style. I watched as men fucked other men from behind and woman sucked others off. It seemed to be nothing but sex all around us and Dorin stepped up next to me and grinned.

  “Right room.” He said to me as we walked through the chaos of it all. I looked down as a woman reached up and grabbed my leg as one man ate her out and another fucker her breasts with his hardened cock. I sighed as Dorin pulled me along with him.

  Then we stopped as I saw him. Gunner stood at a large opening in the wall to his bedroom and stared out at the stars in the night sky. He was dressed in warrior gear, that of which I remembered seeing in books. In fact there had been a few movies I had also seen and I always thought that Romans looked sexy, as did Spartans. I stepped forward, but Dorin stopped me as suddenly a woman entered the room and ran to him. He held her closely to his chest, she closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his sides and I felt, I am not sure what I felt but it was not pleasant at all. I mean Gunner means something to me, much more so than I expected him too, but he does and seeing him with another woman was not what I needed. I started to turn and Dorin stopped me and nodded towards them as Gunner pulled her back from him and stared her down.


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