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The Alpha's Virgin Witch

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “Look, let’s just handle one thing at a time. Right now, all we have to do is deal with Lucy and Bianca going shopping,” Guy said. “We’ll deal everything else after.”

  Caleb couldn’t argue, not really. He didn’t know what he was going to do if Lucy left. The very thought had his gut twisting, and he wanted to throw up. What the hell was that all about? Lucy wasn’t part of the pack, and he’d never even talked to her before, yet she was stirring emotions that no one ever had before. Taking a deep breath, he watched her car while Guy followed behind them.

  Chapter Two

  Lucy wasn’t getting anywhere with convincing Bianca to leave Wolf Valley with her, and it sucked. She didn’t want to go out on her own and risk leaving her friend behind. Bianca was like a sister to her.

  Looking through the dresses, she felt uninspired. Nothing appealed to her, and she hated that. Bianca was just trying on a pink dress, and Lucy kept her eye on the dressing room for when her friend would appear.

  The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, and when she turned around to look for whoever was causing them, she couldn’t find anyone. Letting out a breath, she moved onto the other rail, and as she turned to look back at Bianca, she crashed into a very hard, very male chest.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said, glancing up, and then feeling incredibly small as she looked into Caleb’s face. “What are you doing here?”

  “Hello, Lucy.”

  He knew her name.

  Lucy paused. “What are you doing here?”

  Caleb held her arm, and she was aware of how warm he actually was. Wolves were always a lot warmer than humans, or witches. She was a witch. Great, she was going insane.

  “That’s not a very nice way to greet a friend.”

  “You’re not a friend. We’ve never even spoken to each other.” She glanced down at where he still held her, and she was surprised by how nice it felt to be held by him. It was more than nice—she felt safe. No one had ever inspired that kind of feeling inside her. She never felt safe with anyone, not even her own family.

  They’re not your real parents.

  Even as she thought it, she was overcome by guilt. They had saved her from the possibility of being eaten by wild animals.

  “That’s not very nice. We could be friends.”

  She pulled her hand away from him. Running fingers through her hair, she tried to distract herself from the confusion that was bombarding her.

  “Friends would imply that we actually know each other. I don’t know you.”

  “You know I’m the Alpha’s son.”

  “You don’t know me.”

  “I know you’re a witch.” He leaned against the clothing rail, and she didn’t like his sudden interest. Spinning on her heel, she looked toward the changing room, and there was Guy talking with Bianca. Her friend kept looking toward her, her eyes pleading for help.

  Without giving Caleb another second of her time, she walked over to Bianca. The pink dress looked beautiful on her, and once Lucy got her home and did her hair, they were so going to hit the creek later that afternoon to soak up some sun.

  “Leave her alone,” Lucy said, coming to stand beside Bianca.

  Guy held his hands up. “You’re not going to shoot me with your laser beams, are you?”

  Rubbing her temples, Lucy looked between Bianca and Guy, and she frowned. There was a kind of aura between the two. She couldn’t describe it, but something bound Bianca and Guy together.

  “You’re mates!” She slapped her hand over her mouth, eyes wide.

  Bianca shook her head. “No.”

  Guy didn’t say anything.

  “I, erm, I’m going to go and get changed.” Bianca turned and fled toward the changing room.

  “You’re her mate?” Lucy asked.

  “That’s none of your business,” Guy said.

  “What’s going on?” Caleb asked.

  “Guy’s mates with Bianca, and he’s not even claimed her. Why haven’t you claimed her? I thought mates were supposed to be unable to control their needs to be with their other half.”

  “How do you even know that?” Guy asked. “No one knows about mates.”

  “Your aura. I saw the connection between you and Bianca. She’s clueless about it, but you’re not. You’re aware of who Bianca is to you, aren’t you?”

  Guy looked toward Caleb, and she started to stare between the two.

  “You may as well tell her.”

  “Tell me what?” Lucy asked.

  “Bianca is my mate,” Guy said, releasing a sigh.

  “Then why haven’t you claimed her?” How could she take Bianca away from Wolf Valley if her mate was part of the pack? Lucy would be tearing soul mates apart, and that she couldn’t stand.

  She’d be alone.

  The thought of being alone scared her.

  “Guy’s not ready to claim Bianca just yet.”

  “Why not? Are you ashamed of her?” She would hurt Guy if he even said anything bad about her friend. “She’s a good woman, Guy.”

  “She’s a submissive wolf. There’s no way I can claim her and not risk her life.”


  Guy stared at the floor, and she saw the shame in his eyes before he averted them.

  “He’s not lived like a monk, Lucy. There are women within the pack who would fight for the role to be his main female. Bianca, as a sub, wouldn’t win,” Caleb said, taking over the explanation.

  “I hate men. You’re both pigs. Is that why you’re here? You’re spying on your mate?”

  She would skin them both alive, if she knew how to.

  “This is none of your business.”

  “I’m the one that has been caring for Bianca. When members of the pack, your own little group, started to bully Bianca, I was the one who protected her. Not you. You stood by and let it happen.”

  “I didn’t know she was my mate,” Guy said.

  She snorted. “You think that’s a good enough excuse? You’re crazy and insane. You’ve got to no right to claim her, and Bianca would be better off without you.” If Guy wasn’t going to claim her, then she had no problem about taking her away from the pack. Bianca had a right to be happy, just like she did. “I’m taking her with me.”

  “You’re not taking her anywhere,” Guy said.

  Heat filled every part of her, and she stepped up close to Guy. He looked nervous, but he didn’t back down.

  “I’m ready to go now, Lucy,” Bianca said, cutting through the rage, and grounding her.

  Closing her eyes, she shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. Once everything had focused, she turned to Bianca. “You’re so buying that dress. I won’t even take no for an answer.” Linking her arm with Bianca, together they walked away from Guy and Caleb.

  He’s not going to mate with her.

  Should she say something?

  “Why were they here?” Bianca asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  They purchased Bianca’s dress and made their way out onto the street.

  “You were going all witchy in there against Guy.”

  “I know. I know. I couldn’t control it.” She was so angry at Guy for not claiming her friend when he clearly needed to. Lucy hadn’t heard any tales of what happened to males if they didn’t claim their mates. What would happen to Guy if she took Bianca away?

  “You’re going to have to do better. It wouldn’t exactly be good if you appeared on the evening news.”

  Lucy nodded. Her parents had always told her to be careful about her powers. Most of the time, she chanted or meditated in order to stay calm, but whenever it came to Bianca, she was very protective of her.

  “I know. I’m sorry. It was completely my fault.”

  “What did you mean about Guy and me being mates?” Bianca asked.

  Pausing on the street, Lucy stared at her friend. “It’s nothing, forget about it.”

  “It would be completely crazy if we were mates,” Bianca said.

bsp; They entered a shop specializing in lingerie.

  “Why?” Lucy asked.

  “It just wouldn’t happen. Guy and I, we’re polar opposites. I mean, he’s cute and all, but that’s about it.” Bianca sighed. “He’s always got most of the female pack women around him. Caleb is no better. Together they’re both horn dogs.”

  “So, what do you think about, er, coming on that little adventure with me?”

  “Have you talked with your parents about that? Maybe they know something about your real parents?” Bianca asked.

  Her parents had actually told her before she hit puberty that she wasn’t a pack female.

  “You’d think if they were going to tell me something, they would have done so already.”

  “Not if they didn’t think you were ready. Your parents love and care about you, Lucy.”

  “I know.”

  When she was first told that she was adopted, or at least taken from being preyed upon when she was a baby, Lucy had felt betrayed. How could she trust the two people who had lied to her? Talking with Bianca had helped her to see that she was being silly. They were her parents.

  Adele and Kyle Wolf had taken her in when no one else would. Her mother, Adele, couldn’t have children. She had heard the cause had been down to some damage done to Adele during her first ever transition, but it didn’t actually explain why.

  Lucy never asked questions. Instead she tried to be the best daughter that she could be, which was hard.

  Whenever they went on pack runs during the full moon, she always felt left out. She wasn’t part of the pack, and could never leave the house during the full moon.

  Once her powers started to show at fifteen, she was always locked within her home so no wolf tried to take out the witch within the pack. She needed to leave Wolf Valley to find her place within the world, and maybe find some other witches or warlocks.


  “Lucy’s trying to leave Wolf Valley, and she wants to take Bianca with her,” Caleb said. He looked around the table at his father, mother, Adele, Kyle, and Guy.

  “We can’t let that happen,” Adele said.

  “What does she know about her situation?” Emma, his mother, asked.

  “She knows we found her near a lake, and we took her in. We’ve not given her any more details.” Adele nibbled her lip. “Do you think we should tell her the entire truth?”

  “We were asked to protect her. They came to us,” Matthew said. “If the coven ever discovered her—”

  “They can’t. They would sacrifice her to take her powers.”

  “Wait, why?” Caleb asked. He knew that they had to protect Lucy, and by protecting her only a select few of the pack knew the truth.

  Matthew, his father, rubbed his temple. “Lucy is the child of a witch and a warlock, powerful for their time.”

  “So? I thought witches and warlocks got it on all the time?” Caleb asked.

  His mother chuckled. “Not a chance, honey. Witches and warlocks have been enemies for as long as I can remember.”

  “What about Lucy?” Guy asked this time.

  “We don’t know the entire details. Adele and Kyle were approached,” Matthew said.

  “We had gone running down by a lake when the witch and warlock stumbled upon us,” Adele said. “It was the first time I’d ever been afraid.”

  “They were covered in blood, cut up, and terrified,” Kyle said.

  “We didn’t have enough time, and they transported us to the pack. Right here.” Adele placed her palm on the table. “In a nutshell, they had met, fallen in love, and she had gotten pregnant with Lucy. The couple had been on the run trying to find a place to raise their child. No matter where they went, their covens were after them.”

  “Okay, I get it, two people met, fell in love, and the whole Romeo and Juliet shit—what does this have to do with Lucy?” Caleb asked.

  “Witches tend to fuck other paranormal beings, demons, vampires, and even wolves. They never mate with warlocks. Lucy is the most powerful witch on the planet as her genetics are made up of both witch and warlock,” Adele said.

  “Her emotions are the key at the moment to her tapping into her powers. It’s dangerous.” Emma blew out a breath. “We can’t let her leave.”

  “Bianca’s my mate, and she’s trying to take her with her.” Guy finally spoke up, and everyone went silent.

  “Bianca?” Matthew asked.


  “Does your father know?”


  “Why haven’t you claimed her?” Emma asked.

  Caleb smirked as his friend started to blush. There was nothing like an alpha female to make a male feel small.

  “He’s worried about the other women who he’s been with,” Caleb said, giving his friend some reprieve from his mother’s questions.

  “Bianca’s a sub. I don’t want her getting hurt.”

  “The moment you declare her as your mate, she won’t be challenged,” Emma said.

  “My past, erm, lovers, they’ve been pretty determined in mating me.” Guy was a bright red.

  Emma rolled her eyes. “This is why men are clueless.”

  “Either way, babe, we can’t let Lucy take Bianca away. It will drive Guy nuts, and she won’t survive out in the world with her wolf,” Matthew said.

  “She’s going out hunting for them,” Adele said.

  “Who?” Caleb asked.

  “Her parents. Her coven, and if she finds them, she’s in for a rude awakening. They will kill her to harness her power,” Kyle said.

  “So we don’t let her get it. I’ll distract her,” Caleb said.

  “What?” This came from both his mother and father.

  “I’ll distract Lucy, give her something to stay for.” The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea.

  “I was going to give her the book that was handed to us for safekeeping,” Adele said. She leaned down and lifted up a bag.

  Caleb watched as she carefully removed the book, without touching it, from the bag. There, before him, bound in leather, was the first ever witches’ book he’d seen.

  Reaching for the book, he lifted it up, and his parents yelled at him to release it.

  Everyone, apart from Guy, had gotten to their feet.

  “What’s going on?” Caleb asked. He held the book in his hand. It was heavy, but he didn’t see anything wrong with it.

  “That means he’s connected to her,” Emma said.

  His father stared at him, assessing. “You’re not feeling any pain?”

  “None, why?”

  “No reason. You’re happy to keep Lucy distracted?”

  “Yep.” Placing the book inside the bag, he stepped back from the table.

  Matthew turned toward Adele. “Give her the book, and she’ll probably want to experiment. It’s going to get rather interesting around Wolf Valley.”

  “Come on,” Caleb said, seeing that his parents wanted to talk without them. “Let’s go hunting.”


  “Your son is destined to die,” Kyle said, the moment Caleb was out of the house.

  Matthew stared at the book which his son had picked up without any fear. No wolf or immortal could handle a magical book. The power was locked to Lucy, and only she was able to hold the book, apart from her mated partner.

  Reaching for the book, Matthew tried to touch it, and the moment his fingers grazed the bound book, he recoiled and cursed as his hand burned.

  The fire was like the pits of hell, or at least how he imagined the pits of hell to be.


  “Lucy is Caleb’s mate,” Emma said.

  “The prophecy we were told states that the mate will die in protecting Lucy,” Adele said.

  Lucy’s real parents had not only come to them bearing the offering of Lucy, they had come with the prophecy which foretold of a great witch. Like all prophecies, they were subjective, and could mean anything. If Lucy was allowed to be pulled toward the dark side
, she would be lost, and a great evil would be released upon the world, creating an eternal darkness.

  If she stayed good, a battle would commence that would see her animal killed in her place.

  Either way, his son was in danger.

  Staring into his mate’s eyes, he saw she feared the worst. “We won’t let that happen.”

  “We can’t stop the future.”

  “We can. Lucy was raised by all of us. She is part of this pack, and I will not let any member of my pack be hurt. Lucy is not a wolf, but she is family. I, myself, have cared for her, and I have watched as Caleb has waited for her. There is more to that prophecy than we know. We will fight together as a family, as a pack. I will not lose my son to witches.” He slammed his hand down on the table, and stood. “Lucy doesn’t leave the pack. I will protect them.”

  “We’re going to have to tell the pack the truth, Matthew,” Emma said.

  “No. The more pack that knows the less chance she has of actually surviving. They will cast her out believing she is evil.” Matthew shook his head. He had once had those same fears, and he’d come to see differently of himself, and of witches. From afar, he’d watched Lucy grow. She’d been an adorable chubby baby, the most endearing toddler, and she had won his heart, and that of his son years ago.

  He’d not been blind to his son’s infatuation or even his interest in Lucy. When she was younger Caleb was always there near her. Caleb was the one who’d sat with her when she’d fallen out of the tree, and nearly broken her neck.

  Matthew should have seen it before. There was always this connection between the two, and Caleb had never taken any of the women he’d screwed as a mate.

  Wolves couldn’t just mate to anyone. He’d heard of some wolves agreeing to a mating even though they hadn’t found their destined mate, and that always ended up badly.

  “Do you really think we can protect everyone?” Emma asked.

  “We don’t have a choice. We’ve got to protect the pack, and we’ve got to protect Caleb and his mate.”

  “Do you think he knows?”

  “He doesn’t have a clue that Lucy is his mate. I hope he’s ready for the truth when it finally comes out.”


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