The Alpha's Virgin Witch

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The Alpha's Virgin Witch Page 5

by Sam Crescent

“Nah, they’re too busy sucking my dick.”

  Again, her cheeks heated. It felt like they were on fire, and it was his fault. She didn’t understand it.

  “Stop comparing yourself to every other woman I’ve been with, Lucy. I’ll say this for the last time. They don’t compare to you, not in any way.”

  Biting her lip, she nodded her head. “I’m sorry.”

  “Apology accepted.” He gave her a wink, and the hand on her back dropped toward her ass.

  She stared into his eyes, waiting for whatever was to come next.

  “Have you been able to talk to people through their mind before?” he asked.


  “Talk to me, Lucy. I see there’s more going on in your head. Don’t cut me out. Let me help you.”

  “There’s nothing you can do.”

  “I’m here, and I’m ready to help you.”

  She sighed. “I’m scared.”

  “What about?”

  “Being me. There’s no other witch around. What if I’m screwing it up? The book my mom gave me will only help me so far. What if I’m a danger to the pack?”

  “You’re not a danger to your pack.”

  “You don’t know that. There’s a reason wolves don’t like witches—”

  He cut her off by squeezing her ass. “You’re not a danger, Lucy. If you were any danger, you’d have slaughtered us all years ago. I saw what you did to Patricia. You got that shit under control before anything happened. Don’t let this get to you.”

  “You’re not afraid?”

  “Me? I’m not afraid of anything.”

  She dropped her head to his shoulder and relaxed as peace came over her. “Why am I always happier when I’m in your arms?” she asked.

  He tensed up. “You feel that?”


  “I feel that, too.”

  “What does it mean?”

  “You know what it means.”

  Lifting her head, she stared into Caleb’s eyes, and shook her head. “No. That can’t happen between the two of us. I’m not a wolf.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Both of his hands were on her ass, holding her close.

  The world faded away so that only the two of them mattered.

  “I don’t trust this.”

  “Why not?”

  She opened her mouth, and closed it again. “I don’t know.”

  “Then stop fighting it, and allow this to happen.” He captured his lips, and she melted against him. Caleb was always kissing her, and she loved it. She loved his lips on hers, the way his arms wrapped around her. He made her feel secure, safe, and protected. It had been too long since she felt that.

  Her parents had tried.

  Most of the time growing up, she’d always had this sense of doom lurking around her. She always expected something to go wrong.

  Nothing bad had happened, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t going to stop.

  The rest of the night went by without any event. Caleb wrapped his arms around her, keeping her safe. Bianca and Guy also stayed together, and they didn’t leave the dance-floor to drink. By the time it was midnight, they had dropped off their friends, and Caleb didn’t stop outside of her house. He kept on driving toward his place.

  “Where are we going?”

  “My parents are in the forest tonight. The house is empty.”

  Caleb had to live with his father in order to train to take over as an Alpha. She stared up at the large house, which was big enough to take most of the pack. He parked the car and climbed out.

  Releasing the seat belt, she was getting out of the car when he held the door open for her. Her heart was once again racing, and she couldn’t slow it down.

  He locked their fingers together and led the way toward his house.

  She watched as he unlocked the door, and together they walked into the large house. He flicked on the light, and she blinked past the glow.

  The door was closed, and Caleb took hold of both of her hands. “Let me give you a tour.”

  He took her through to the sitting room, the dining room, the study, kitchen, and pretty much everything that made up a house.

  “Come on.” He opened the door toward the yard, and when he flicked on another light, she saw the pool illuminated.

  She loved the water, and all she wanted to do was get into the water and swim. Any tiredness she’d started to feel evaporated.

  “What do you say to a late night swim?” he asked.

  Lucy watched as he tugged his shirt over his head. She had seen Caleb without a shirt many times, but all those other times she’d not been this close.

  “I don’t have a bikini.”

  “You ever heard the term skinny dipping?”


  He tugged his jeans down, and swallowed as he stood before her naked. She couldn’t stop looking at his large cock, straining toward her. Unable to stop herself, she licked her lips and stared. He was huge. She’d never seen a naked cock before, but his size couldn’t be normal.

  “Get naked, baby.” Caleb jumped into the pool, spraying her with some water as he did so. She watched him come to the surface, pushing his hair out of the way. “Are you coming in?”

  Get in. Get in.


  “Then take it all off. There’s no need to be shy.”

  It’s easy.

  Wolves were well known for being comfortable in taking their clothes off with each other. None of them had any fear about it, and would just get naked. Even Bianca didn’t hold such misgivings, as it was one of their traits to be naked around each other. Lucy had always remained nervous about being naked. It was the first time in the pack that she realized she wasn’t a wolf, but a human.

  Kicking off her sneakers and socks, she wriggled out of her jeans before pulling her shirt over her head. She wore a black silk bra and panties, which kept her covered.

  Caleb laughed as she climbed into the pool. “So, witches are a little different from wolves?”

  “We’re a lot different. For one, I’m a woman, you’re not.”

  “Very true. I like that difference. I like it a hell of a lot.”

  Smiling, she ducked under the water so that most of her body was covered. She didn’t like the thought of him comparing her to anyone else. Most of the pack females were all beautiful and slender without an ounce of fat on them. There was no way she could compare to that. She’d seen him with plenty of the females. Caleb had never been shy about the women he screwed.

  “What are you frowning about?”


  “Don’t lie.”

  “How do you know that I’m lying?”

  “You do this little thing with your lip. It gives away all of your secrets, even the ones you’re trying to hide.”

  Releasing her lip, she shot him a glare.

  “You didn’t think I’ve been watching you all this time?”

  “I don’t know what to think. You’re starting to sound like a stalker.”

  “I’m one hot stalker.” He swam behind her, and Lucy squealed as he released the catch on her bra. “You don’t need this.”

  Next, he had her panties off, even though it involved pretty much dunking her under the water.

  “Are you insane?”

  “A little bit.”

  She broke the surface coughing, and beneath the water, she was completely naked.

  “That wasn’t even a tiny bit funny.”

  “It was, admit it. You don’t need to be so tense all the time.” He cupped her cheek, pulling her against him, and silencing any protest with his lips. “You’ve just got to own it.”

  Her breasts pressed against his chest, and instead of pushing him away, she was trying to pull him in a little closer. Caleb moved her back so that she was against the wall of the pool. He took both of her hands, placing them beside her head as he kissed down her neck.

  “I have you at my mercy now.” He trailed kisses down her chest, and she found herself

pushing her chest out, trying to get his lips on her body.

  Caleb wouldn’t be pushed. He was the one in complete control. He flicked the tip of her nipple, circling the hard bud before gliding across her chest to do the same to the other nipple.

  “I love your tits. You’ve got the biggest pair in the Valley, and I love watching you walk.”


  “They bounce, babe. No matter how tight you made your bra, you couldn’t keep these beauties contained, even if you wanted to. They’re big, and full, and begging for my mouth on them.”

  She cried out as he took the whole of her nipple into his mouth, using his teeth just slightly to create an edge of pain. Lucy never knew that he liked her tits, or that he liked watching her walk.

  “Even when we were in high school, I used to watch you, Lucy. I’ve never stopped watching you.”


  Finally, it felt like he’d been waiting a lifetime, and he had his woman’s tits in his mouth. Caleb’s biggest accomplishment was actually getting her naked within the pool. She was so fucking hot, and reserved, and innocent. He was going to strip her of that innocence and show her what belonging to him really meant.

  Lucy was his mate. He was convinced of it. They shared a connection that only mates were known for. He helped to calm Lucy whenever she grew panicked. There was no way she posed a threat to the pack. Each time she found a new element of her magic, she looked freaked out about what was going to happen.

  She was powerful. There was no doubt about it. If he didn’t believe his father before, he did now. Lucy hadn’t even tapped into the true power she held, and it was already a lot stronger than he thought possible.

  During his lesson that his father made him take about pack history, warlocks were the only known species to be able to speak through minds like Lucy did. Mates, they could talk between each other, but he believed Lucy could speak with other people if she put her mind to it.

  Biting down on her nipple, he glanced up to see her eyes were closed, and pleasure crossed her face. Tugging both of her hands above her head, he locked them together in one of his. With his other hand, he slid it down her body, stroking over her rounded stomach to delve between her thighs.

  Her pussy was soaking wet. If he took her now, she would be more than ready for his cock.


  “Nothing is going to happen tonight. We’re just fooling around.”

  The water in the pool had started to move as he stroked her clit. The waves were not caused by him moving the water as the entire pool was moving in time to Lucy’s breaths. He wasn’t afraid.

  His wolf was in awe of her.

  Lucy was the most amazing, beautiful, breathtaking person he had seen.

  She was his mate.


  We must protect her at all costs.

  Stroking over her clit, he continued to pleasure her. His cock was rock hard, begging to be inside her. Now wasn’t the time for sex. There would be a right time, and fucking her in his family’s pool wasn’t it.

  “Feels so good, yes, yes, yes,” she said, screaming out her pleasure. He loved the sound, and never wanted it to stop.

  The water rushed toward them, and he took possession of her mouth as she came, screaming his name, over and over. He wanted her to always scream his name.

  I will protect you.

  He didn’t even care if she heard him.

  Once her orgasm was over, he stroked over her clit giving her time to calm down. When it was over, he placed a kiss to each breast.

  “That’s how good it can be between us, Lucy.”

  “What about you? Don’t you want—”

  “This wasn’t about me tonight. This was about you, and getting you ready. I wanted to show you what I can offer.”

  She didn’t believe they were mates yet, but he would make sure she knew the truth.

  The water in the pool was calm, and Lucy didn’t have a clue what she was actually creating with her arousal.

  He wasn’t going to tell her. Lucy was a witch who couldn’t control her emotions, and he was going to make sure he protected her.

  “I don’t mind—”

  Kissing her hands, he shook his head. “There’s going to be plenty of time for me to get what I want, babe. You don’t need to worry about me losing my head.” Releasing her hands, he moved away from the edge of the pool. “Just so you know, I’ve got no excuse now to keep my hands off of you. I can take you whenever the hell I want.”

  “You think I’ll let you?”

  “Baby, you want me. Your soaking wet pussy proved it. I’m no rapist. All you had to do was tell me no, and I’d have let you go. You didn’t do either, and so, I took what I wanted.” Her cheeks were a bright shade of red again. “I love it when you blush.”

  “You do it on purpose, don’t you?”

  “Maybe. There’s nothing more beautiful than rosy red cheeks.”

  They swam for an hour, talking and getting to know each other. Slowly, Lucy grew more and more comfortable with him, and he liked that she was more than happy to be with him.

  When she showed signs of being tired, he allowed her to leave the pool, admiring her body as she pulled out her clothes. He couldn’t wait until she didn’t have to walk away from him.

  Taking her home, Caleb waited until she was safely inside before he drove away.

  Arriving back at his place, he saw that his parents were back. They were already inside as the lights were on. Caleb smiled. They were probably waiting for him to take Lucy back.

  They were in the kitchen, and he made his way toward them. Emma, his mother, was making up a tray of sandwiches, and his father was eating whatever he could get his hands on.

  “How was your date?” Matthew asked.

  “It was good.” He leaned against the doorframe, rubbing at his temple. “Lucy’s my mate.”

  His mother stopped making sandwiches to look up at him. “We know.”

  “What? How do you know?”

  “You were able to touch the book, Caleb.”

  He frowned. “Wasn’t everyone?”

  Matthew held up his hand, which showed to be covered in burns. “Not everyone. Only a mated wolf can touch a witch’s bound book. Why do you think they’re so powerful?”

  “You’re not angry?” Caleb asked.

  “Why would we be angry?” This came from his mother.

  “I’m not going to have a wolf to mate to, or be able to take over the pack.”

  His father started to laugh. “Caleb, being Alpha isn’t just about being mated to a wolf. You’re an Alpha descendant, which means you’ll naturally rule this pack, just like I have. I know of Alphas who are mated to humans, or ones who are mated to vampires. It doesn’t matter who your mate is—providing you stick by your woman, and you let the pack know who she belongs to, it won’t be a problem.”

  “Newsflash, Dad, none of the pack like Lucy.”

  “They don’t know her. You can’t keep your relationship a secret. Let the pack see that you mean to take her as your woman, show them she’s your mate. The moment they scent her on you and you on her, they’ll have no choice but to accept it,” Matthew said.

  “It will also help that Lucy can kick their asses,” his mother said. “It does help to make people see the error of their ways.”

  “Only you do, darling,” Matthew said, moving around the island to kiss her neck.

  Caleb had grown up with both of his parents being affectionate toward each other. They were a strong couple, and that was what helped a pack rule.

  “She doesn’t want our dating to be known.”

  “There’s more than one way to date. Make sure you’re seen with her. Make it your mission to talk to her, or do something so she has no choice but to acknowledge you and your budding friendship,” Emma said. “Trust me, son, she’ll have no choice but to give in.”

  “Her powers are growing,” Caleb said.

  He let them know what happened tonight with Lucy
talking to him through their minds.

  “That’s a warlock trait, and a mate trait.”

  “I know. She looked freaked out by it. Her magic, it scares her, and it’s growing fast.”

  Caleb watched as his mother and father shared a look.

  “What? What is it? You can’t keep me in the dark about something like this. You have to share,” he said. He couldn’t protect Lucy without all knowledge of those private shared looks.

  “It’s only what we speculate,” Matthew said.

  “What is it?”

  “Rumor is that a witch can come into her powers one of two ways. She will hit puberty, and her powers are activated. The second way her powers are activated is there is a threat coming.”

  “Threat coming?”

  “Witches are attuned to nature, so without them even knowing it, they get ready for a war.”

  “People could be coming for Lucy?” Caleb asked.

  “They may feel her power and know she still lives,” Matthew said. “I’ll make some calls. I’ve got people in place in case there’s ever an emergency.”

  “I can’t let anything happen to her.”

  “We won’t, son. We’ll protect her.”

  Caleb nodded.

  He couldn’t let this happen, not to his woman. He would fight for her, protect her, love her, and do everything in his power to keep her safe.

  Chapter Six

  “You don’t have to watch me,” Lucy said.

  Three days had passed since their date, and even though Guy and Bianca were dating regularly, Caleb had yet to try anything else with her. They spent a great deal of time together, but he’d not done anything other than light touches.

  “I’m here.”

  He was there, but he was always observing, checking everything out as if he expected a threat at any moment. She was making small breakthroughs with her magic. Little sparks coming out of her palm, or her being able to move things without needing to be angry. It was tiny little steps, but she was more than happy with that.

  “You’re not really here, and I told you, you don’t have to watch me.” She didn’t want him to stay if he was bored.

  Or if he lost interest.

  “I haven’t lost interest,” he said, moving opposite her. “I’m not going to miss the chance of seeing the best bits.”


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