The Alpha's Virgin Witch

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The Alpha's Virgin Witch Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  She watched as she lowered himself to the ground, fluidly. “You look bored.”

  “I’m not bored. I’m trying not to distract you.”

  “How would you be distracting me?” she asked.

  He took the book away, and placed his hands on her thighs as he leaned in close. “I’m distracted as I can’t stop thinking about our date, and how good you were in my arms.”

  The moment he mentioned their date, she was transported back to that night, and what he did to her.

  “I love it when you blush.” Caleb kissed her and rubbed his nose against hers. “Why don’t you tell me what is really bothering you?”


  She went to grab her book, but he stopped her.

  “Don’t lie to me.”

  “Fine. We went on one date, and you’ve been pretty distant. Did I do something wrong? Did I read it wrong? I don’t know what is going on.” She didn’t want to sound needy. Lucy closed her eyes, counting to ten.

  “Did you miss me?”

  “No! I’ve seen you all day.”

  He laughed. “Tell me, Lucy, would you like me to kiss you?”

  “No.” Again, he laughed, and she grew annoyed. “Stop laughing.”

  “You’re being a little liar.”

  “And you’re getting on my nerves.”

  “That’s not the only thing I’m getting on, baby. You want me to kiss you, and touch you.”

  Staring into his eyes, heat filled her body as she recalled the feel of his hands on her. Unable to contain her need, she wrapped her arms around his neck, slamming her lips against his.

  Caleb sank his fingers into her hair, ravishing her mouth. He took over the kiss showing her exactly who was in control. All of her doubts faded, becoming insignificant in his arms.

  Tilting her head to the side, she plundered his mouth with her tongue, and he danced with her. Gripping his waist, she tugged on his shirt, and they broke away so that she could tear his shirt off his body.

  He tugged the straps of her dress down exposing her tits. In the next second, he cupped them, running his thumbs across the peaks.

  They both stood up, and she attacked the belt of his jeans. The fire danced in her blood, begging for them both to get naked. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about getting him naked. She wanted him, needed him, and that wasn’t going to die.

  “Fuck, baby,” he said. “You’re so beautiful.”

  The dress she wore pooled at her feet. She kicked it away as he removed his jeans. Within seconds they were completely naked, and he picked her up, lowering her to the ground. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she attacked his mouth, needing to be close to him.

  “I need you, Caleb.”

  He didn’t say anything, kissing down her neck, going to each of her breasts before moving down her body.

  She was aware of her larger body, but Caleb didn’t seem affected by it. His cock was red, swollen, and pointing straight up. He didn’t have a problem with her body.

  Caleb moved between her thighs, opening the lips of her sex, and she cried out as his tongue lapped at her pussy. As she closed her eyes, mini explosions went off inside her body, and she couldn’t fight it. He awakened her, setting her aflame.

  Screaming his name, she sank her fingers into his hair, pushing her pussy against his face as he licked her.

  He sucked, nibbled, and tongued her clit, driving the pleasure even higher. Staring up through the forest, Lucy came alive under his expert touch.


  She didn’t think it was possible, yet that was exactly what they were. They were mates, bound together by fate, destined to be together.

  “Come for me, mate,” he said. “You know it’s true. You know you belong to me. We’re meant to be together.”


  What was the point in fighting the truth? She knew she belonged to him.

  Lucy came, gripping his head, and yelling his name. Caleb didn’t stop there. He moved up her body, teasing her pussy as he aligned the tip of his cock with her core. She was ready for him, and as he continued to prolong her orgasm, he slammed all the way inside her, claiming her virginity.

  The pain was instant, and she couldn’t contain the screams of agony. In the distance she heard the sound of trees rustling, and when she opened her eyes, everything was covered with a dark hue.

  “Lucy, baby, I’m not going to move.”

  Staring at her mate, she saw Caleb in a form a glow. Not just that, she saw their auras surrounding together.

  Everything came into focus as she stared at him.

  Her mate.

  The dark hue faded so that she was able to see him clearly. “You’re so damn tight. I’m sorry. I should have taken my time in claiming you. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  His rock hard cock pulsed within her.

  “You didn’t take your time with that.”

  “I wanted inside you.”

  She touched his arms, which were thick with muscles. He was large, and rock hard throughout.

  “We’re mates.”

  “Forever, baby.”

  “Are you happy about that?”

  “You’ve got my dick inside you, and I’m rock hard. What do you think?” he asked.


  “Lucy, I’ve wanted you for a long time.”

  “You don’t have to lie to me.”

  “I’m not lying. I want you. I’ve wanted you for a long time.”

  “You’ve never said anything.”

  “I watched you from afar, and I’ve always been there to take care of you.” He cupped her cheek. “The scar on your back, I was there for you. I’m the one who watched you to make sure you were taken care of.”

  “The doctor?”

  “You were administered one dose of morphine. It’s known that witches can cut off their pain threshold so they can’t feel. We believe that’s what you did.”


  “My father and mother, and your parents. They believe your abilities came forward to help you with the pain.”

  “I’m a freak?”

  He chuckled. “You’re not a freak. You’re amazing. I’m not saying it didn’t worry us, but you were not in any pain, and I couldn’t complain about that.” He took possession of her lips, and she moaned.

  Her pussy tightened around his cock, and she wanted more.

  Thrusting her pelvis up against his dick, she cried out as he went a little deeper.

  “Fuck!” Caleb shouted out the curse and grabbed her hands placing them above her head. “Stop. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

  “I want you to move. I want to feel you inside me. Please, Caleb.” She begged him, wanting him to fuck her.

  She was twenty-three years old, and finally no longer a virgin.

  “Then stop trying to take over, and let the master be in charge. I know what I’m doing, and I can make it feel so good.”

  Relaxing underneath him, Lucy submitted to his expert touch.

  “I’m all yours, Caleb. Do what you want,” she said, smiling.

  The pain was no longer, and she wanted him to move more than anything.

  I’m finally having sex.

  I’ve found my mate.

  She couldn’t believe that she’d found the man that was destined to be hers. Caleb was hers, and no matter what any of the pack females said, they couldn’t take him away. For the first time in her life, she felt part of the pack. Through the connection she had with Caleb, she felt the pack. They were her life, her family, and she’d do everything in her power to take care of them.

  Caleb kissed her deeply, and slowly started to move his cock inside her. He didn’t rush and start to fuck her hard. He took his time making love to her with slow strokes, working the pleasure even higher inside her.

  “I’ve got you, Lucy. You’re not alone anymore. You’re never going to be alone again.”

  He claimed her lips, plunging his tongue into her mouth.

  She be

longed to him, and the knowledge had tears filling her eyes.


  Caleb wiped away her tears, not wanting her to cry. He didn’t want her upset. “There’s no need for tears, baby.”

  “I’m happy.”

  He thrust inside her, going as deep as he could, hearing her gasp as he hit her cervix. Caleb wasn’t a small man, and Lucy would be sore in the morning after taking him, if not later that day.

  “I’m not going to hide you, baby. Not from the town, not from anyone. You’re mine.”


  “I want the pack to know that you’re my mate. I’m not ashamed of you. I never have been.”

  Locking their fingers together, he increased his thrusts so that he was pounding inside her, fucking her harder than ever before.

  She took him, calling out his name.

  The wolf inside him came forward, ready to mark her for the world to see. He couldn’t stop the claiming, nor did he want to. Pressing his face against her neck, he breathed in her scent, and the need to take her grew stronger. Her scent drove his wolf crazy.

  Gripping her hands tightly in his, he bit her neck as his teeth elongated, sinking into her flesh. Lucy’s blood hit his tongue, and he tasted the power inside her veins. She was strong, and all his.

  The power had his wolf rearing back, and Caleb did at the same time, howling at the sky. The sun beamed down on them, but it didn’t matter. He pounded inside her, fucking her harder than ever before, going as deep as he could. Every single wolf within the pack would know who she belonged to, and now that he’d mated her, he couldn’t be parted from her. She would have to move in with him, or he’d have to move in with her parents. His wolf, and himself, wouldn’t be away from her.

  His father never left his mother for long periods of time. It was the blessing and the curse of the wolves that mates had to stay together. They were stronger together than apart.

  He fucked her harder, pulling his cock out, only to slam all the way back inside her. Over, and over, he pounded into her tight pussy, and Lucy arched up against him, taking all of him.

  His orgasm built and he couldn’t hold it back, nor could he hold it in. Slamming inside her one final time, he erupted, filling her with his cum. He didn’t want to pull away from her. Keeping his arms wrapped around her, he picked her up, and carried her toward the creek.

  “What are you doing? You’re going to drop me.”

  His dick was still inside her, and he wasn’t going to drop her. As he lowered them into the water, Lucy gasped.

  “It’s cold.”

  “You better hold onto me. I’m not cold, and I’ll keep you warm.” Wolves ran hotter than most other species.

  She held onto him, and when he looked at her neck, he saw his mark was deep in her flesh. He’d marked her good. No one would doubt they were mated.

  “I meant what I said.”

  “Huh?” she asked.

  “I’m not going to hide who we are. I want you. You want me.”


  “No, I’m not going to hide us. We’re mates, and I’m not going to let anyone take that away from us.”

  “You’re being serious.”

  “I’m always serious, baby. You should know that by now. I’m not going to hide who we are to each other. We’re mates, and I’m proud to call you mine.”

  She bit her lip, and he wanted to bite it, too.

  “You can’t hide who you are to me. The pack would smell me on you, and they’d see the mating mark that I gave you.”

  “You were pretty determined, weren’t you?”

  “Of course.”

  “Do you think Guy has claimed Bianca?” she asked.

  “If he has any sense, he has.” He caressed the scar that was on her back.

  “You really sat with me after I fell out of the tree?”

  “Yes, I did. Our parents were worried about you.”

  “Even your parents?”

  “Yes.” He didn’t know if he could tell her how important she was to the pack, or how much danger she was in. His father hadn’t told him that he could be completely honest with her.

  With Lucy in his arms, and them now mated, he felt the pull to tell her the truth.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “What’s what?”

  “You look troubled.”

  “I do?”

  “You’ve got this frown down the center of your head.” She placed a finger against the line. “What has you frowning?”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Don’t lie to me.”

  “I’m not. We’ve got to figure out what we’re going to do.”

  “Our parents.”

  “Yeah, they’re going to want to know. They’ll know the moment we enter town again.”

  “You don’t regret having a witch as a mate?”

  “No. I think it’s hot. I love it when your eyes go all black.”

  She chuckled, and again, he loved hearing the sound. He wanted to hear her laugh more often.

  Caleb tensed up as he heard noise in the distance. There was a threat to Lucy out there. Covens of witches and warlocks could discover she was alive, and try to take her from him. He couldn’t live without her, and even his wolf was on the alert.

  She’s ours.

  We protect her at all costs.

  He’d die for her.

  He loved her.

  It was as simple as that.

  Turning toward the noise so that only Lucy’s back was on show, he watched as Guy and Bianca came rushing through.

  The moment his friend saw him, he stopped.

  “I didn’t think you were here,” Guy said.

  Lucy glanced over her shoulder and waved at Bianca. “Hey.”

  “Oh my God! You’re mated, Lucy!” Bianca let out a squeal, moving away from Guy toward her friend. Even though he didn’t want to, he released her, pulling out of her tight pussy.

  She moved toward Bianca, and he moved toward Guy. He noticed that Lucy stayed in the water, keeping herself covered while Bianca was removing her clothes.

  Guy did the same, jumping into the water.

  “You mated her?”

  “Lucy’s my mate.”

  “I told you there was more to your interest in her.”

  “I see you’ve not mated Bianca.”

  “I’m taking it easy with her. She doesn’t like being with me near the pack.”

  So far they’d been able to avoid Patricia and the rest of the alpha crew. Caleb didn’t know how much longer they were going to be successful.

  “She’s nervous about being with you?”


  “Damn, that must suck.”

  “What about Lucy?”

  “She’s not particularly happy, but there’s not a lot I can do about that. I’ve got to protect her.”

  “Your parents know?”

  “Yes, they know. They don’t know I’ve mated her. That has just happened.”

  “Shit, Caleb. You don’t like waiting around.”

  “She’s in danger, Guy.”


  He told his friend and Beta of everything he’d learned in the past three days.

  “You mean someone could be hunting for her right now?”



  “Tell me about it.” He looked toward Lucy to see she and Bianca were talking as they swam.

  “What do we do?”

  “Dad’s going to see if there’s any rumor about covens heading this way.”

  “You think they’ll use her in a sacrifice?”

  “Her real parents told my father that her magic could be harvested in a sacrificial spell. They chose this pack to take care of her, and we’ve been doing it all the time.”

  Guy frowned. “Why doesn’t the whole pack know? If we were supposed to be protecting her, why doesn’t everyone know the danger that she poses?”

  “If it was ever seen that a witch was guarded by a pac
k, it wouldn’t be long before they could locate her. By leaving it as a baby that was just found, no one knows the truth. No pack would brag about having a witch within their pack.”

  “Let’s hope they can’t locate her magic.” Guy look toward his mate. “I love her, Caleb. I can’t let anything happen to her, and she loves Lucy like a sister. If it came down to a battle to protect, I would be with you. I will fight to keep her safe.”


  The sound of a twig snapping in the distance alerted them both to people coming. Caleb scented the alpha’s crew, and knew he didn’t have enough time to get Lucy away, nor did Guy have the chance to protect Bianca.

  Seconds later, Patricia came out of the clearing, looking happy when she caught sight of them. The happiness disappeared when she saw Bianca and Lucy.

  Chapter Seven

  Lucy tensed up watching as Patricia stopped for a second taking in the scene, before gliding serenely toward the creek. She hated this woman.

  Touching her neck, she glanced toward Caleb, and he was watching her. She saw that he wanted to protect her.

  “Well, well, well, isn’t this interesting? The sub and the witch whoring themselves out to the alpha’s crew. You’re lucky, guys. You’re going to be next,” Patricia said, talking to the men behind them.

  Bianca flinched away, but Lucy wasn’t afraid. What she hated the most was the fact this woman was going to try to bully her, and she wasn’t even dressed for it.

  “Enough, Patricia,” Caleb said.

  Patricia wasn’t listening. She was too busy looking at them. Lucy saw her hatred and her greed. The wolf before her wanted power, and she sought it by any means possible.

  “Well, little sub, you going to climb out and give the boys a show? They’ll take turns showing what a little sub deserves, and where she needs to be.”

  “Back off,” Lucy said. Her anger was starting to grow.

  “What about you, witch? You need to learn your place. It’s not with Caleb, and your fat ass needs to realize he has to have a real woman.”

  “That is my mate,” Caleb said, rushing toward Lucy. At the same time Guy was beside Bianca, glaring.

  “You talk to my mate like that, and see where it gets you,” Guy said. “Anyone touches Bianca, and I’ll fight you to the fucking death.”

  “So, you two fuckers have mated with these weak bitches?” Patricia asked.


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