Book Read Free

Galaxy Spies

Page 34

by Philip R Benge


  Peter Summers now took Ray aside to speak to him. “Thank you Ray for getting my sister safely out of Rouen, I would never have forgiven myself if anything had happened to her.”

  “Think nothing of it Peter, there was no way that I would let them get their hands on Jean, especially seeing as how she hasn`t put her make up back on yet.” Ray replied. “You can rely on my being by your sisters side at all times Peter.”

  Peter Summers looked at Ray Connors for a long moment before replying.

  “I know Ray, and maybe I am beginning to think differently about things, just give her a couple of months or so amongst her familiar surroundings when we get back to New Caledonia, and if after that she is still of the same mind then I will drop any opposition to the two of you marrying.”

  The two men moved away from one another as Jean walked in. “Ok guys?” She asked nervously, fearing that they had been arguing about her.

  “Yes Jean, I think maybe you two are.” Peter replied, it took Jean a moment to realise just what he had said, and when she did, the problems of Lyre seemed to weigh a little less.

  Jonas now contacted them again, his message was full of woe but it brought further hopes to them. “The freedom movement that I built up is now in tatters, following the outbreak of war with Earth. My people are very concerned about the many Lyrens who are thought to have lost their lives, both in the space fleet and amongst our land forces on the recently freed planets. Many of our soldiers were based off world along with many Lyren officials, whose job it was to regulate the farming on the worlds. The authorities have now moved our forces back to the two colony worlds of Argos and Arcadia where they have been told to fight to the last man. Even I am torn between the two forces, on the one side I believe in fighting for the freedom of all god`s children as taught to me by the priests of my religion, and on the other side I weep for the Lyrens who have lost their lives in this war. Am I a traitor to my people or a warrior of god; I for one do not know?” Jonas seemed to be very dispirited, and Colonel Michaels for one was worried about him.

  “I fully understand the trouble he is currently going through.” Colonel Michaels told the others. “But what did he expect to happen, some loss of life was bound to occur, we can only hope that this loss will bring the Lyrens to the negotiating table.”

  Octavius had now returned for a midday meal and Colonel Michaels now told him all that they had learnt and all that they hoped.

  “This news brings with it a stronger reason to hope that the enslaved peoples on this world can soon be free.” Octavius said.

  “I think that I will return his call Colonel, tell him of our hopes for a negotiated peace, and also reassure him that he was fighting for a noble cause that would please god, if not the people who advocate the use of cruelty and slavery.” Ray Connors had liked what he had seen of Lucas and he hoped that his message would help to make the night just a little lighter for him. Jonas and his brother were all alone on the planet, now that their families had been forced to flee, and soon the news might well be full of tales of their group’s treachery.

  Just then, Isabella came in with news that overturned the joy of the moment before, and chilled the marrow in their bones.

  “Some Lyren men have taken a dozen slaves that include women and children captive, they are planning to hold a celebration tomorrow, relatives of some of their missing soldiers are due to arrive in the morning and they plan to burn the slaves at the stake!” She sobbed in horror.

  “Isabella, this cannot be happening, surely the authorities are going to stop this terrible thing?” Octavius cried, aghast at the thought of such a thing happening to people who were just like he and his family, and who knew who would be next, his own family maybe?

  “The state police are going to be there, they are going to help to burn them.” Isabella cried almost breaking down. Jean moved across to try to comfort her.

  “Don`t worry Isabella, no one here will allow it to happen. I`m right aren`t I, Ray, you will come up with a plan to stop this terrible thing from actually happening.” Jean said, looking across at Ray Connors in the hope of seeing him agree with her.

  “Isabella, where did you get this information?” Ray Connors asked.

  “I was cleaning our master’s house this afternoon when they spoke of it, they too were aghast, but only because of the financial loss that the owner of the slaves would incur, not because of any humanitarian concerns.” Isabella had spat out the word master; it obviously disgusted her that she should have to call anyone that.

  “It seems that a group of young Lyrens began to insult and manhandle one of the newly arrived slave women, and two men from her family not being used to such treatment of their women stepped in, they struck the young Lyrens causing them to lose face amongst everyone there. The Lyrens went home and told their parents, they decided that the slaves must be taught a lesson that others would not soon forget, they picked up their Phaser pistols and rounded up not only the two male slaves but also their entire families.”

  “This is what some of my people feared would happen if the Lyrens were pushed too far, and of course they were right to be concerned, but if these people die it will only strengthen our resolve to have freedom restored to our people, and especially our children.” Octavius said.

  Jean could see that despite his brave words Octavius was feeling very dejected now, and so she sort for a way to help him, but her mind was a blank so she turned to Ray Connors for an answer.

  “Ray you seem to be deep in thought, tell us, do you have a plan to stop this madness?” Jean asked in the hope that he could once again save the day.

  “An inkling of one that will need some work on, but first Octavius would it be possible for you or a member of your clan to scout the area around the building in which they are being imprisoned in?”

  “Isabella, do you know where they are being kept?” Octavius asked his daughter, his hopes for his people beginning to rise again with Ray`s words.

  “Yes father, they are being kept in the old gaol building over on the Schultz plantation, there is plenty of cover over there for us to keep a close watch on it without the fear of being seen.” Even Isabella`s voice was now full of hope that something could be done for their neighbours.

  “Yes Isabella, you are correct, there is plenty of cover over that way to ensure success, if a surprise attack was made on the gaol.” Turning to Ray Connors, Octavius said. “Brave men with a good plan could free them, but we would need a plan that would ensure that they were not recaptured immediately afterwards, together with anyone who may have helped them.”

  “As I said I have the inklings of a plan.” Ray Connors turned to Colonel Michaels. “Colonel what I have in mind is to first ask Jonas if he is still in contact with Tom Parkinson. If he is then he must ask Tom Parkinson to have a space cruiser destroy the state police headquarters at four tomorrow morning, that should give the cruiser time to get here, presuming that one is both available and also near enough to do so. For our part, we will free the slaves during the attack and hide them amongst the other slave workers in plain sight, one slave looks much like another if he is toiling away and suitably wrapped up against the cold. The attack by the cruiser might convince the locals that the freeing of the slaves is the work of the infamous space marines, who have taken the freed prisoners with them back aboard the cruiser and freedom.” As Jean listened to the plan so she breathed a sigh of relief, Ray would see them through.

  “That is magnificent Ray, but while I send Jonas a message we should work on a second plan, in case we cannot get the space cruiser.”

  Ray looked across at Peter Summers expecting such a plan to come from his new friend. “Your turn Peter, my mind will only come up with one idea a day.” Peter Summers returned his smile.

  “I prefer your plan for the day Ray, but if we cannot get a space cruiser then maybe we could free the slaves and then launch an attack on the state police building ourselves. We can steal as many weap
ons that we can lay our hands on and hand them to the slaves; the only problem is that we would find ourselves having to fight our way across Lyre along with the freed slaves, because at the moment I have no idea how to get them away. We could use the second part of your plan and hide them in plain sight, we could leave a police officer alive with the knowledge that the space marines had been responsible for the attack, and that there was a shuttle craft waiting nearby to take us all away.”

  Lieutenant Charles Bragg then chipped in with his contribution to the slowly developing plan.

  “We might be able to add that last bit to Ray`s plan, if we can get the space cruiser that is, we would just have to find someone to impart the information to.”

  Octavius was looking on amazed at the earthmen, and as soon as Ray had translated for him what Charles Bragg had said, he told them of his admiration for them.

  “In just a matter of moments you have come up with two working plans and even if the freed men were discovered, with weapons stolen from the state police they could die like men and not slaves burnt at the stake.”

  Colonel Michaels who had just finished sending his message to Jonas then entered the conversation.

  “As Ray suggested we should check out the area around the old gaol in any case, later tonight Octavius can you take the lieutenant and me there so that we can get a clear idea of what we are up against?”

  “Of course, it will be dark then and the night can hide us from the few Lyrens that venture outside of the bright lights of Henin. Here in the countryside they are beginning to worry about how safe they are, for they have treated us badly for a century or more and it is only the state police that keep the lid on things. Soon though as the slaves hear more about Earth, and of the many groups of the feared space marines that are on the planet, there will be an explosion of violence that will only end when there is only one side left. It is different in the cities for there are plenty of lights, plenty of people and only a few domestic slaves and refuse workers, the Lyrens there go about with no concern for their safety.” Octavius said to his friends of Earth.

  “Octavius, as far as I know we two, the lieutenant and I, are the only space marines on the planet.”

  “Yes my friend, but unfortunately only we few know that.” Octavius said quietly. “And now the state policemen are becoming paranoid about the space marines of Earth, and they are blaming your space marines for any acts of violence that they cannot find a culprit for. Just now more and more of these acts are being committed by slaves who have decided to fight back, as we have following your presence here when you saved Isabella from those monsters. However, the state police are unwilling to believe that we as a people are capable of such calculated acts of aggression and are blaming the space marines instead. They are then passing this false information on to the government, and their government leaks like a sieve, and this incorrect information is being spread to the civil population of Lyre by their news organisations.”

  “How are you so sure about what is happening far away from the farm where you work Octavius, who is giving you all of this information about places far away from here?”

  “We hear a great deal of the gossip that our masters pass on to one another, when they forget that we can hear them that is. However, of late, they have been sending us from the room before they speak of such things Our other source of information has been around for almost two hundred years, a network of news has been set up in that time that conveys what is happening around the planet, it is sometimes a bit slow and sometimes inaccurate. I weed out the obvious fiction from these tales and so I am able to get an idea of what is happening around this world. Unfortunately, not all of the slaves are as discerning, and some believe everything that they hear, and it is these that I fear for the most, for they could be persuaded by such fiction into openly rebelling against their masters.” Octavius replied.

  “Yes if enough people believe the fiction then they might well go on a rampage with dire consequences for the more intelligent people of this planet.” Peter Summers said.

  “And that is exactly what is happening on Lyre; soon our masters will execute us for even a small offence against them, and we will be treated much more brutally to ensure that we obey our masters immediately without question. This could happen all too soon on this planet, and also on the two colony worlds, for how can we hope to win against the powerful weapons that the Lyrens possess.” Octavius lamented.

  “Colonel this appears to be a dangerous case of Chinese whispers being believed.” Ray Connors said. “Unfortunately these whispers could all too easily blow this planet apart.”

  “We really need to contact Tom Parkinson and tell him the about the possible situation on this planet.” Peter Summers said. “Let the politicians decide on the best course of action.”

  “The politicians will just argue the case back and forth, we need to speak to Jonas and get his point of view and see how it matches up with the view of Octavius." Ray Connors insisted.

  Colonel Michaels had been getting worried by what Octavius had prophesied, but he too wasn`t sure just how much was fact and how much was fiction.

  “I couldn`t agree more Ray, I will contact him again and ask him what his view is on the state of the country and its people, and tell him our reasons for asking.”

  Therefore, Colonel Michaels was once more sending an urgent message to Jonas, telling him some of what they had been told and asking his opinion on it. He stated that it was vital not only to Earth but also to the people of Lyre that something near to the truth be put before the Government of Earth, sooner rather than later. Colonel Michaels knew that if a blood bath was to occur within the Lyre Federation then it would be on the consciences of not only its population for centuries to come, but on the people of Earth`s as well.

  Octavius had to leave them now to get back to his daytime duties as a slave, leaving the small group of friends to lie low behind a closed door so that the plantation`s owners didn`t see them and rouse the state police.

  As night fell, Octavius returned at last from his hard days toil, he had just come from the plantation`s main building where he had been talking to his master about the work that he was to carry out the following morning. Octavius was lucky in that his master left him very much alone to carry out the daily toil, Octavius was well liked even by the Lyrens because he was very respectful of his betters and worked harder than any other slave at his allocated tasks. What his master didn`t know, wouldn`t hurt Octavius, for he often went out of his way to help other slaves who were in need of extra muscle, sometimes even if they worked for another master, he also had his notions of freedom. Exhausted as he was, Octavius was still willing to lead the two marines on a reconnaissance trip.

  “Ray, you stay here with Jean and her brother, while the lieutenant and I go with Octavius and check out the old gaol, we should hopefully be back in less than two hours.” Colonel Michaels said handing the computer over to Ray, and then calling Lieutenant Charles Bragg, he then walked out after Octavius into the cold night air of Lyre.

  Octavius led the two marines along the narrow tracks that took them through the fields of the farm, the two space marines couldn`t see anything except the blackness of the night, and only their training allowed them to walk at the rapid pace set by Octavius, for it appeared that Octavius` night vision was much better. At every intersection, Octavius would stop to listen before moving on, this rapid pace ended as they came to a main road. Here the three men stopped to check that it was empty of traffic, and that the other side of the road was clear of potential enemies before crossing the road. Once again, they were moving along a narrow track, this time that went at a tangent to the road, but it was still concealed by the all-enveloping blackness, and also by a small wood that still grew here to supply much needed firewood to the local area.

  “The old gaol is just another quarter of a mile further on so we should take care now in case there is anyone about.” From ahead of them they were now able to see a pale light glowi
ng softly in the dark night. “That is the old gaol, the light must mean that they have left a guard to prevent anyone freeing the prisoners, such as their owner, or now even a slave, for as I said they are beginning to fear us.” As always Colonel Michaels had to translate everything what was said into either English or Lyren, and if Lyren, only what was essential to the plan, as Octavius only spoke so much of this alien language. At times, it was hard work to get across what he wanted to say to their new friend, and this was a problem for Octavius when he had something to say.

  As they proceeded forward, now with a lot more caution, stopping at ever bend in the track, every clearing, they came to a spot where the track divided into three distinct trails.

  “Colonel Michaels, all of these tracks go past the gaol building, with the main track going right up to its door and so that is the one where we are most likely to meet up with a Lyren.” Octavius advised his friend.

  “Maybe we should each proceed along a different trail, so as to ensure that we cover the area thoroughly and miss nothing, especially a hidden watch waiting nearby for the unwary.” Colonel Michaels suggested.

  “Yes it would be best to do as you advise Colonel Michaels, so as to ensure that we are not greeted by any surprises later on when we come to rescue my friends.” Octavius agreed.

  “We will also be able to assess the danger to our night time operation more fully. Remember to go slowly, go quietly, and we can meet back here in twenty minutes time and compare notes.” Colonel Michaels said in a quiet voice, first in English and then in Lyren so that both of the other men understood what they had to do. Colonel Michaels moved away along the main track to disappear into the blackness of the night. Lieutenant Charles Bragg took the track that was furthest from the road and Octavius found himself left with only one choice, the narrow middle track.

  Lieutenant Charles Bragg moved slowly away from the others and was amazed at how soon the blackness swallowed them both up and the light from the gaol. He walked at a snail`s pace his ears alert for every sound, his eyes looking for the merest hint of a light. Within three minutes, he could once again see the light coming from the gaol building and he decided to stop for a moment and listen for any sounds of unwanted company, but there was no noise, not even a nocturnal bird to shatter the silence around him, so he decided to move on. The track then meandered around for a further five minutes, sometimes moving back towards the gaol but in the main away from it so he decided to turn about and head back slowly to their meeting place where the three tracks met up.

  Octavius had a similar experience to that of Lieutenant Charles Bragg except that as his track went quite close to the gaol he took the opportunity to listen at the rear of the building and hear the laments of the soon to be victims of Lyren violence. He was back within minutes of the lieutenant to greet him, thankful that they were both safe.

  Colonel Michaels decided to move slower than the other two because of the greater risk of meeting someone, but everyone was staying safe inside their homes tonight as the fear of violence increased in their hearts. It was when he neared the gaol that he heard two men approaching along the track. Colonel Michaels hurriedly stepped off the track and hid behind a large beech tree that stood some twenty feet away from the track and watched as the two men walked by unaware of his presence. As soon as he was sure that they were gone Colonel Michaels moved from behind the giant tree and was back on the track before he realised that a third man was walking towards him silently, and hidden by the blackness of the night. He too came from the direction of the old gaol, and the man was upon him before he could even think about hiding. Bending down as if retying a loose shoelace he waited for the moment before the man was upon him, the man in turn not realising that anyone was there until he almost walked over the Colonel. Colonel Michaels stood up quickly within a few inches from the man, his knife ready for use if it was needed, was already moving up towards the man.

  Jonas almost died of fright as Colonel Michaels reared up from the earth in front of him, for he had been thinking of his family rather than looking about for an enemy. The first thing that he noticed was the feared uniform of the state police and Jonas immediately thought that he was about to be taken into custody for his crimes against the state, he then saw the glint of the blade shining from some stray moon beam that had just escaped from behind a large cloud. He only had time to groan No! when he saw that it was Colonel Michaels, it was lucky for him that the Colonel`s reflexes were fast for the Colonel stopped the knife even as it entered through the thick coat that Jonas wore.

  “Jonas am I glad to see you, for once again we are in need of your help.” Colonel Michaels said smiling at his Lyren friend.

  “If this is the way you treat friends Colonel, then I would hate to get on the wrong side of you.” Jonas said trying to still his rapidly beating heart. “It doesn`t take much to realise that once again you are about to keep to what only you and your friends could call a low profile, you intend the free those poor wretched prisoners in the old gaol building of Henin?”

  “Could a human being do anything less Jonas?” Colonel Michaels wanted to know.

  “No Colonel, for they are the reason that I too am here. In my position as a servant of the government of Lyre, I have persuaded the locals that to kill so many slaves when the supply has now dried up would be foolish. The locals have agreed with me, and they are just going to burn the two males who actually struck the young men. They will just flog the other men and their families, but only those who are older than thirteen years of age. I tell you Colonel I can only lament the distance that my people have descended towards hell. You may not think that I have accomplished enough Colonel, but even that is something in these trying times.” Jonas declared grimly.

  “No Jonas I think that you have done a brilliant piece of work, but you are correct, I can`t even leave two men to die in such a fashion, tell me Jonas have you been into the gaol itself, and if so can you tell me how many men there are inside guarding the prisoners?” Colonel Michaels wanted to know.

  “I have just left there Colonel, even after I heard of your interest in the matter I carried on with my own efforts in case you were unable to carry out any plans of your own. There are just three men acting as guards, and so the only way that I could have over powered them would have been with a Phaser, which I would have had to use, and as I am not a killer, and also without a plan to help the slaves escape, I came away Colonel.”

  “Three is just the right number Jonas and we will also be able to leave them alive to tell how another squad of space marines freed the prisoners and escaped into space.”

  Jonas held his laughter down to a quite giggle as he listened to Colonel Michaels` plan of action.

  “Then that is perfect Colonel, for enough people have already died. I am here with my brother Claude, you have already met him if you remember, and we are parked a half a mile ahead just off the main road and in front of a small row of shops.”

  Colonel Michaels and Jonas returned down along the track and met up with their waiting friends, who appeared from behind a large tree, which they had hidden behind when the two Lyrens had suddenly appeared along the main track.

  Lieutenant Charles Bragg was surprised to see Jonas and introduced Octavius to him while looking questioningly at his Colonel, but he greeted his Lyren friend with a smile and a kind word.

  “Jonas is here for the same reason that we are, to see if there was a way to free the men.” Colonel Michaels told the other two of the work that Jonas had done on behalf of the slaves.

  “Now with his help we should hopefully be able to do what we have planned. Let`s head back to the others Lieutenant, Octavius.” Colonel Michaels said and then turning to Jonas. “Jonas why don`t you join us, I think that we both have a lot to talk about.” Colonel Michaels said.

  “I will be delighted to join you, but first we must collect my brother.”

  Five minutes later and they had not one but two additions to their band of desperadoes. Claude was
obviously the brother of Jonas with the same grey eyes but he was younger and also not quite so heavily built.

  “Colonel Michaels, Lieutenant, whatever brings you two to Henin?” Claude asked quite surprised at seeing them, for his brother had not had time to tell him of the messages that he had received from the earthmen.

  “We will tell you later but first we must move on to our secret hideaway Claude.”


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