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The Path through the Heavens: A LitRPG Wuxia Series (The Heavenly Throne Book 6)

Page 37

by Yuri Ajin

  Quality: Peak

  Features: hidden

  “Where did you get that from?” Kai asked, recognizing the item.

  “I borrowed it from our friends from Earth,” Shacks grunted. “It needed some tinkering though. Fortunately, I found a craftsman in the Abode that was able to refine it to the Royal rank. The only problem is that each charge and cartridge cost a fortune...”

  A few cultivators in Nikrim were acquainted with engineering. Most craftsmen didn’t have much respect for artifacts from other worlds, as it was usually very hard to figure out the intentions of their creators. In most cases, it wasn’t worth the effort, especially when it came to long-ranged artifacts.

  So Shacks was lucky not only in feeling a connection with the gun (the bond between a cultivator and a high-rank artifact meant a lot) but also in finding someone capable of upgrading and recharging it.

  All artifacts were divided into two categories according to the type of use — those that had charges and those that didn’t. Creating the latter, a master made the laws of nature bend to their will, using the energy scheme they had come up with. To activate it, the user needed to pour their energy and the necessary Forces into this scheme. However, without knowledge of the main Force of its creator, one couldn’t use a Royal or higher rank artifact.

  This problem, however, didn’t occur with artifacts with charges. When creating them, the energy schemes were more complicated and usually included not only the master’s Forces but also those belonging to other cultivators, sealed in Particles of Wisdom. Thus, to use these artifacts, a cultivator only needed to pour ki into them, which meant that there was no limitation on the necessary level of Forces.

  However, such artifacts had their drawbacks as well. They couldn’t be used forever. Sooner or later, the entire charge ran out. Second, due to the energies and Forces belonging to different cultivators, the object itself would gradually get damaged with each use. It could be repaired and replenished, but even so, after two or three cycles, it’d break. The same fate, unfortunately, awaited this railgun.

  Shacks knew that, and for the last seven months, he was getting ready to recraft his new friend. He was sure that he’d be able to adapt it and make it work without any charges. He had been working on that, mastering the Path of Lightning. In such a short time, Shacks had managed to learn as many as two initial Forces. As good as the Abode’s teachers and books were, he wouldn’t have done it had he not forced himself to go beyond his limits. During his training, he discovered that he did in fact possess a predisposition for Lightning.

  The activation was accompanied by a slight glow and hum. These weapons were intended for use in an exoskeleton, but an Exorcist like Shacks could hold an almost four-hundred-pound rifle with one hand.

  Relying on the little experience he had using firearms back on Earth, as well as an artificial aim based on neural networks, he quickly and accurately determined the attacker’s location.

  The powerful explosive shot was ready. Shacks strengthened the weapon with a few Arrow techniques that could be applied to any type of projectile, regardless if it was an arrow, a bullet, or a projectile accelerated by a magnetic field created by Lightning Forces. Merging with his two Spirits, he activated the rifle’s features.

  Finally, he pulled the trigger.

  A bright blue glow illuminated everything around, after which it rushed forward with supersonic speed. The crown jewel of the symbiosis of the world of technology and the world of cultivation had been activated.

  Chapter 31


  Velator managed to find the scrolls given to the Black Hand almost immediately since each of them bore the imperial seal, easily detectable with a special artifact that any Niagalian envoy had in his possession.

  When the artifact located a group of six Exorcists and one mortal, Velator decided not to take any unnecessary risks. He didn’t see them as a threat, but he knew better than to engage a group of unknown cultivators in close combat. Fortunately, he specialized in long-range attacks.

  And even though he doubted that this group was behind the attack on the Black Hand base, he had no intention of sparing thieves. With the war approaching, there was no time for mercy or compassion.

  The explosion that followed the Endless Flash Technique left Velator stumped. But not for the reason he had expected.

  Orienting himself with a couple of artifacts and a special technique that enhanced his spirit perception, he saw something he never would’ve anticipated.

  A mid-level Tyrant?! Where did it come from? It wasn’t there a moment ago! Such a thing is beyond the power of an Exorcist. Could it be the product of some artifact? He grimaced. If it is... I hope it stays intact after I’m done with them. It could earn me an award or even a promotion! I’d finally have something to rub in those bastards’ faces! Maybe my predisposition to only one element won’t be a problem anymore...

  Velator fused with a Young Fire Elemental, nearly doubling his strength. Forming the same technique as earlier, but pouring even more ki into it this time, he attacked again, causing a second explosion.

  A wall of flame lit up the horizon.

  Hmm... It survived? I seemed to be dealing with a defensive type of monster... he concluded and grinned. Let’s see just how long it can last, shall we?

  His next attack was even more powerful than the previous one but it didn’t bring him much success either.

  Guess I’ll have to try something else...

  Velator created several batches of small glowing spheres, spending a little less than a couple of seconds between each one. After a minute, they all flew forward at great speed, aiming at different parts of the protective dome, the very top of which could be seen in the distance, hidden behind the dunes.

  A series of explosions that followed was music to Velator’s ears.

  Seems like I’ve found your weak spots.

  With a grin, Velator began preparing a similar attack but added a needle of tightly compressed fire to it. Unlike the Endless Flash, the Burning Spear Technique didn’t have an explosive effect. However, it inflicted much more damage to the target.

  With a wave of his hand, he sent forth the new attack and caused another thundering explosion that finally made a crack in the enemy defenses.

  Excellent. My Forces remained behind it; the barrier can’t be restored anymore. There are nine more weak spots left for me to pierce, and then I’ll easily break it with one blow.

  As he was preparing a new attack, he felt a sudden wave of danger. Seeing a flash in the distance, he quickly realized what was going on.

  “Shields up! Full power!” he shouted to the people around him and returned his attention to the attack technique. It was pointless to use it to defend himself as the attack was moving too fast. He wouldn’t manage to do anything other than waste precious time and energy.

  Instead, in a split second, he aimed and released the technique he had prepared. Only after that, did he defend himself. Just as the flash of the attack reached them, a wall of fire appeared in front of him and his group.

  Velator gasped and began breathing heavily. Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth and the tips of his fingers. He managed to deflect the attack, which hit the ground after flying another couple of feet, and formed a deep crater of crystalized sand.

  For all the mastery he had in offensive techniques, Velator was poorly equipped when it came to defense. Breaking through barriers, destroying large objects, launching massive strikes against the enemy’s ranks — this was his area of expertise. Under favorable conditions, he could even defeat a cultivator of equal talent but a stage higher. However, he had to do all this before his opponent fought back, lest he risked dying from even the weakest of attacks.

  Since childhood, Velator trained as a rearguard fighter. His task was to destroy enemies from afar, while the others covered him. But now he was alone. It was foolish to rely on the subordinates who were only at the Exorcist Stage.

First a Tyrant, and now this?! These guys are goddamn Exorcists! It shouldn’t be this difficult to fight them! Who the hell have I run into?! Shit, I failed to destroy the barrier’s second weak point...

  Velator glanced at his subordinates. They were all battered, but overall they remained unharmed. He took most of the blow onto himself.

  Judging by the Forces used in this attack, it was of Royal rank. How was it so strong?! It felt as if several Royal techniques were merged into one. How is that even possible? Fortunately, there was very little energy in the attack. Whoever attacked us must be either a mid-level Exorcist or a genius initial one. I doubt that they had mastered the Force of Fusion. They must have some kind of charging artifact... Velator realized. That’s why there hasn’t been a second attack yet. They need time to recharge it…

  Velator tried to figure out how to get out of the situation. For now, it was a stalemate. Both sides possessed powerful ranged attacks but also the means to defend against them.

  He didn’t know a better way to win than giving it your all, so he attacked again. The sound of explosions echoed in the distance and was followed by another enemy attack. However, this time, Velator was ready for it. He had carefully weaved a more stable and durable version of the Firewall, simultaneously determining the most suitable angle for it. He didn’t plan to completely stop the attack, just to deflect it.

  I see... Recharging takes about forty seconds. Velator nodded to himself. But why would they spend precious energy and resources attacking blindly? It makes no sense... Unless... They’re buying time! He suddenly realized. Have they come up with an escape plan?

  “Lord Velator, a storm is approaching!” one of his men suddenly blurted out, pointing in the direction of the incoming attacks. In the distance, a dark wave of clouds was beginning to form.

  Before this, he had been entirely focused on observing their enemy, forming new attacks, and defending from the incoming ones, which was why he didn’t immediately notice the approaching sandstorm.

  The timing couldn’t be worse... Velator almost winced but kept his composure. He shouldn’t express his annoyance during a fight; even more so in front of his subordinates. Is this their plan? Is this what they’ve been buying time for? To hide in the storm and leave? Quite possible. I need to hurry up...

  “Target danger level increased to red. Perhaps they are the ones behind the attack on the base. They might have several unique Royal-rank artifacts in their possession,” Velator said. “Follow my orders. Your task is to deliver this to them.” He pulled a disposable paper seal from his Ring. “With it, you can temporarily stun the Tyrant that’s defending them. Just attach it to the monster or the barrier. Leave anchor marks along the way. As soon as you complete the task, use the extraction amulets to get out of there.”

  The three Exorcists saluted with a loud “Yes, Lord Velator!” and turned to leave. Elize followed them a little belatedly.

  “Do we stand a chance against them? Against a Tyrant and unique artifacts... How are we going to approach them?” Jiang Suin inquired, confused.

  Velator looked at him. Jiang Suin was a student of the new Seventh Son of Niagala, which meant that he could get in trouble for shouting at him for asking stupid questions and doubting his leadership.

  “I’ll cover you, don’t worry. Also...” Three lights lit up right in the air at once and took the form of mighty armored warriors armed with shields and swords. “They’ll accompany you. Now, go!” he ordered, adding the Master’s Will to his voice.

  The Exorcists saluted, and then, along with the Fiery Guardians, left. They didn’t worry about using movement techniques as Velator had already made enough noise to attract all the monsters in the area.

  Launching another series of attacks, Velator prepared to cover his men.

  They must get there before the storm and before I break the barrier. It’d be dangerous for me to go there on my own. Who knows what other artifacts those guys have? My life is worth much more than the lives of a handful of Exorcists. If things go wrong, I can at least save Jiang Suin. The rest will have to be sacrificed...


  “Great! A sandstorm! Just what we needed!” An’na cried out, being the first to notice the approaching wave. She then turned to Guts, blinking out the sand that got in her eyes. “Can we hide in it and fly away?”

  “That’s not a bad idea.” He chuckled. “But we have to hold out until it covers us.”

  Shacks fired another shot, stopping the enemy attack, and then turned around with a shout.

  “Five Exorcists and three... artificial Spirits or something are heading our way!”

  Another explosion rang out, causing the fourth crack to appear on the barrier’s surface.

  “They are up to something,” Malvur spoke, his low and rumbly voice barely discernible in the cacophony. “We can’t let them come close to us.”

  Ranmaru nodded in agreement.

  “We have to get rid of them somehow.” An’na looked at Malvur, Ranmaru, and Ailenx, and then turned her gaze to Shacks. “Can you defend yourself on your own?”

  Shacks fired again instead of answering. This time, he directed the projectile not at the attacker, but at the approaching group. However, his attack was shot down by several accurate and powerful techniques.

  Since the bastard is covering them, he has to forget about us for now, Shacks concluded. So...

  An explosion interrupted his train of thought. There were no new cracks on the barrier, but one of the old ones widened slightly.

  “Oh, I see what he’s doing... He’s good at multitasking. It won’t be easy to distract him. Fine...” Shacks muttered and then finally answered An’na’s question. “I’ll use a defense artifact. You guys can go deal with those idiots. When I give you the signal, close the distance as quickly as possible. Their boss won’t attack if you’re near them.”

  “And if he doesn’t care about his men?” Ailenx asked.

  “Then you get the hell outta there as quickly as your little legs can carry you! C’mon, people, you’re students of the Cloud Abode! Don’t embarrass me! Besides, the storm will roll in whether he kills them or not, and the survivors will flee. I’m pretty sure he’s after something that was in that base,” Shacks said and looked at Guts. “Or to kill whoever’s responsible for the massacre... Now shut up and get ready!” Shacks shouted, activating a defense artifact, and shot at the approaching group of enemies.

  The four, who had run out a moment earlier, felt the heat of the blow hit their backs. Instead of hurting them, it gave them a little boost.


  Another attack came. Despite his best efforts, the shockwave hit Velator’s group, slightly slowing them down.

  Elize, Jiang Suin, and three other Exorcists almost reached their target when a group of four cultivators approached them at lightning speed. A blonde girl was the first one to attack, slashing one of the Guardians in half.

  Her dash was followed by the arrival of a tall, broad-shouldered giant. With one powerful attack, he destroyed another Guardian. The last to arrive were an elf and a half-breed.

  The four of them simultaneously tried to destroy the last Guardian, but it managed to defend itself. It absorbed the power of its destroyed brethren, becoming three times stronger and twice as large.

  Blocking the attacks with a huge shield, the Guardian attacked An’na with its broadsword. She dodged, and the blade released a stream of fire upon hitting the sand.

  “He’s mine!” Malvur shouted to An’na and Ranmaru, assuming his true size, and prepared to attack. “Take care of the others!”

  Without a word, the two immediately switched their attention to the group of enemy cultivators just in time to avoid one of their attacks.

  An’na’s Will of the Sword and Ranmaru’s Desolation of the Weak were about to reach the cultivators when the amulets around their necks shone. They easily dodged An’na’s invisible attacks and simply ignored Ranmaru’s attempts to drain their ki.

  Do t
hese amulets protect them from abilities based on the Master’s Will? the two of them wondered, having never heard of anything like this before.

  While Malvur fought against the Guardian, slowly beating it, An’na clashed her blades with the three Exorcists who had apparently decided that she posed the biggest threat. And even though An’na was a true genius, even she couldn’t effortlessly deal with these guys.

  All three of her opponents had a foundation score of seven. In their past, they could’ve even become Holy Lords. Unfortunately, due to various difficulties on their cultivation paths, each of them reached the peak of the Exorcist Stage only after a hundred years. By that time, their souls had already entered the decay phase, leaving only a ghost of a chance to someday become an Elementalist.

  Still, the three were talented cultivators who studied many techniques, mastered a large number of cultivation styles, and had a perfect understanding of the Forces of Fusion of their elements. Unfortunately for An’na, they were more in tune with their elements than she was with hers.

  In addition, they had been working together as a team for a while now, so they knew each other’s strengths and weaknesses and how to compensate for them. But most importantly, all three have lived for more than two centuries, which meant that they had an enormous amount of combat experience.

  On the other hand, An’na’s unusual cultivation state made it impossible for her to properly hone her skills in real fights and gain first-hand combat experience.

  But An’na had trained like crazy for the past seven months in the Cloud Abode for a reason. Thanks to all her hard work, she managed to turn the tide of the battle, breaking the enemy formation.

  Ailenx was up against Elize, while Ranmaru faced Jiang Suin. And although Jiang Suin was the biggest talent in the Seven Blades Clan, he couldn’t beat Ranmaru. The difference in Forces, techniques, skills, and combat experience turned out to be too great.

  Velator’s men were losing, and they were well aware of it. But the task had to be completed.


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