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Explosive Encounter (Task Force 779 Book 2)

Page 9

by KL Donn

  “Bite it, huh,” she says with a sexy little smirk of her swollen lips.

  “I was fucking kidding,” I grunt as she lowers her head, but she ignores me and does it anyway. “Motherfucker!” Her teeth wrap around the head of my dick, and the damn girl bites me. In the same way I like to bite along her neck. Enough to sting but not hurt.

  Why the hell does that feel so damn good?

  “I’m sorry,” she purrs, laying her head on my thigh and gazing up at me.

  “Yeah, you really look it.” She bats her damn lashes at me. “Do it again,” I dare her.

  A wicked grin crosses her face, and I know I’m about to be the one who gets played today.




  I should be disgusted. Running for the hills.

  I’m so turned on.

  I don’t know who this vixen is that has come out to play with Foster, but I’m really enjoying her. She knows how to have fun. How to tease a man.

  I can’t believe I bit him.

  And he wants me to do it again. Daring me, in fact.

  Holding his deep blue eyes with mine, I move forward and wrap my lips around his shaft and begin sucking, licking, and nibbling along his length. I’ve never done this before, so I have no idea if a man enjoys it, but from his tense position and constant stream of cursing, I think he does.

  I wasn’t sure I was the kind of girl into giving blow jobs, but Foster makes everything about discovering my sexual self so freeing. He not only pushes me for more but encourages me when I want to try or do something for him.

  Rising up, I grip his cock with both hands and slowly lower my mouth over the tip. His fists immediately grip my head and hold me still. Pressing my tongue to the underside of the head, I massage him gently. Wiggling my hips, he releases one hand to smooth down my back. Pawing my light pink thong, he rips the cute panties off my body. I jump a bit at the action, but I don’t move until he sits back.

  As I begin to work my mouth up and down his length with relaxing strokes, I meet his stare and watch in fascination as he brings my panties to his face and breathes in my scent.

  My entire frame vibrates from his action.


  Holy shit.

  He just did that.

  With a crooked finger, he waves me up to him. Regretfully, I let his cock slip free of my mouth with one last kiss to the head and stand in front of him. Waiting with anticipation for what he’ll do next.

  Without a word, he twirls his finger, wanting me to spin around. I do as he suggests, and immediately feel his hands grasping my wrists and pulling them behind my back. Gazing at him over my shoulder, I watch as he binds my hands with the torn panties.

  “Oh dear,” I whisper, and he grins. Foster stands and crowds into my back as he pushes his pants down his legs. The sound of them hitting the floor is loud in the room as one song ends and another begins.

  “Close your eyes, Evie.” I love how he always whispers in my ear.

  Doing as he says, I wait for an eternity until I feel his fingers trail tentatively across my shoulders, down to my collarbone, across the tops of my breasts, and in between. Drawing out the anticipation as he makes his way to my pelvis.

  The featherlight touches have me on the edge of a precipice that I’m barely holding on to. I don’t know when I’m going to fall, or how, but when I do, it’s going to be magical.

  “This sweet little pussy of yours is gonna feel so fucking good around this aching cock of mine, baby.”

  “Yes.” I love his dirty words.

  “You ready to take me? Hold me tight within your body?”

  “Yes. Please, Foster.” I’m barely keeping it together. If not for his hold on me, I’d be a puddle on the floor.

  “Tell me you want it deep, Everett.”

  “So deep.”

  “You want it hard?”

  “Mercy, yes.”

  “You want it bare? You want to feel every pulse of my heartbeat as I take you? Tell me you want it too, Evie?”

  I pause before I answer. Bare? I’m not even on the pill. He knows that after our last encounter. “Yes,” I blurt out without thought.

  His hand cups my pussy as he bends me over his desk, and I’m helpless. Unable to move.

  And I want so much more.

  Running his cock through my folds, he plays with me, amplifying the fervor I feel burning me from the inside out. I need him.


  And he seems to sense when my patience has reached its max because he enters my body in one rough thrust of his hips. Forcing me to raise up to the tips of my toes as a silent scream releases from my chest, and my eyes roll back in my head.

  Sweating, heart rate beating out of control, I try to catch my breath as his hips continue to pound in quick motions. Sliding in and out with a control I lack.

  “Foster,” I cry out. Unable to hold my silence any longer.

  “Scream for me, baby. Let me hear how much you love my dick.” He’s filthy.

  My moans are uncontainable as he loses control, and we’re in a race to the finish line; only neither of us wants it to end.

  My orgasm hits me out of nowhere, and I’m flying high into the sky as his hips quicken, and soon, I feel the warmth of his cum releasing into my body.

  Our panting breaths are like thunder in a storm.

  Our hearts pound like a stampede of wild horses running through the hills of Montana.

  Our pleasure leaves me a twitching mess in his arms.

  “That was fucking beautiful,” Foster murmurs into the back of my neck as he unties my wrists and helps me stand. Turning me around, he grips my cheeks in both hands and devours my lips. Leaving me a completely satiated woman in need of another nap.



  Momma Bear: Eve, sweetheart, please answer me!

  Momma Bear: I need to know you’re safe.

  Momma Bear: Please, Eve. Just one phone call. I’m so worried.

  Tears hover on the cusp of falling as I stare at my phone. Same messages all in various stages of duress.

  I know I should answer her. It’s the responsible adult thing to do, but I don’t know what to say to her. With so many unanswered questions, I’m not sure how to respond without giving away the new information I’ve learned.

  Foster said I could message or call her if I wanted to but cautioned about letting her know where I am or that I know about my mysterious past.

  “Alright guys, we’ve got 17 hits for missing kids matching Everett’s description from 1995 through 1997,” Ryder speaks up from his spot at a large conference table in what has been described as their training center.

  I can feel all eyes on me as I sit and stare at my phone on the opposite end of the table. I want no part of this particular search. It’s all still so surreal to me. Less than twenty-four hours ago, I was the only daughter of Jessica Gaines. Now, I don’t know who I am, let alone who she is.

  Within minutes, that could all change. My entire life could spiral into something dark and sinister, and I won’t be able to stop the motion of events that follow.

  What if I’m the reason "my mother" goes to jail? What if I belong to someone horrible and she rescued me?

  What if…

  There are so many.

  More than I wish to delve into.

  “I can’t,” I mumble.

  Silence washes over me, and I struggle to keep my composure.

  “Everything will change. I’ll no longer be Everett Gaines. I won’t be the lonely girl from Phoenix. I’ll be the stolen child of someone else. I’ll have a new name. I’ll have so many unknowns unleashed in a matter of seconds, and I simply can’t. Not yet. I’m not ready.” Pushing my chair back, I stand, turn my back to the room, and leave before anyone can stop me.

  Realization strikes, and I have nowhere to go. I don’t know Charleston; I can’t just walk out of this building and leave. I can’t go home. I can’t run away.

sp; I desperately want to.

  My phone vibrates in my hand.

  Sperm Donor: Call your damn mother and stop being so selfish.

  I should probably change his name. He’s no longer anything to me but a bossy pain in the ass.

  Me: Selfish is keeping the truth from me my whole life.

  I change his screen name as he types back to me.

  Dickhead Fake Dad: Get over yourself. It shouldn’t have been a shock that I wasn’t your father. I was never around.

  Me: Then who were you two before your fake marriage certificate was filed?

  They obviously have no idea I know about this, or he wouldn’t be so cavalier. The phone rings in my hand, but I have no interest in speaking to him or her.

  Not when I’m feeling so raw inside.

  Pressing the button to switch my phone off, I lay it on the pool table and walk over to the large bank of windows facing into what I realize is a gun range.

  I feel Foster’s presence before he makes a sound or places his hands on my shoulders.

  “Doesn’t it get loud when you’re shooting?” I don’t want to talk about why I walked out.

  “Not really. It’s soundproof.”

  “Does it help?”

  “Help what?”

  “Relieve stress?” I look up at him.

  “Want to give it a try?” He grabs my hand before I can answer, and soon, he’s scanning his palm, and we’re entering the range. He picks out a gun for me and hands it over. “This is a Glock 43. Perfect for small hands and the kickback isn’t too bad. Six rounds in the magazine, drop it by pressing this.” He pushes a little button, and it drops into his hand before he slams it back into the chamber.

  “Are you sure about this?” Guns have always made me nervous.

  “Positive. Put these on.” He hands me a pair of goggles and earmuffs. I place them over my head as he gives me the little gun. “Always hold it downwards and never with your finger on the trigger unless you’re ready to shoot.” I nod and follow along behind him as he grabs a larger gun for himself.

  Taking the weapon from me as we enter the room with rows of cubbies for shooting, he places both on the table in front of us.

  “I’ve never done this,” I say. As if it weren’t obvious enough.

  “That’s okay. We all start somewhere.” I guess. Placing his hands on my shoulders again, he turns me to face downrange and watch as he whips a target down the line. “Watch me,” he directs. “Feet shoulder-width apart, arms up. One hand on the grip, the other over top of this hand to hold you steady.” He mimics the action as he speaks and points his hands towards the target.

  I do as he instructs, and I feel foolish at how long it takes to measure my feet the proper distance. But he doesn’t laugh. Foster watches me with intense scrutiny as I find a comfortable position and copy his stance.

  “Good. Now”— he grabs my mini Glock and offers it to me. Once I’ve palmed it, he stands behind me and wraps his arms around me, cradling my entire body in his large frame as he holds my arms up—“the key is to remember not to squeeze but to pull the trigger. Let it do the work for you. You just give it the force it needs.”

  “Like this?” I ask as I place my finger on the trigger and attempt to do as he says. My arms fly up as the weapon discharges, and I’m happy for the earmuffs as the sound is still loud.

  “Close.” He grins. “Take your time, take a few deep breaths and pull the trigger on the exhale. Watch me,” he says again, and I put the gun down and step back, so he has more room.

  The comfort in which he stands while shooting a gun is an incredible turn-on. The veins in his hands and arms pulse with every breath before he pulls the trigger. He gets this sexy little smirk as the bullet flies from the barrel, and I want to lick the small dimple that appears.

  “Got it?” His turns as he asks, and I struggle to remember what we were discussing. My brain is fogged by the delicious image he made while shooting a deadly weapon. “Ev?”

  “Yeah?” The air leaves my lungs in a whoosh, and he chuckles.

  “Gotta focus here.”

  I lick my lips. “Mmmhmm.”

  “Christ, woman,” Foster groans as he places his gun down and strides towards where I’m leaning against the wall. I don’t know when it happened, but I do know I can’t hold my own weight up any longer.

  Foster traps me in a box as he rests his arms on either side of my head and leans forward. “You’re fucking adorable when you’re turned on.”

  “Adorable?” I scrunch my nose.

  “Adorable,” he confirms.


  “Sex and guns are dangerous,” Theo comments as I’m about to lean down and kiss Everett.

  “Fuck off, Theo. You’re always raining on someone’s parade.”

  “Hey, if I ain’t gettin’ any then neither are you.”

  “Ask the fucking girl out then,” I say. I’m the only one who knows his secret, and he fucking hates it.

  Nix has a younger sister by about eighteen years, and Theo has been hard up for the girl since the day she turned seventeen, but he won’t touch her. At least, not yet. Lola knows how Theo feels, too, and she pushes his buttons every chance she gets. But the man never budges.

  He’s pissed at himself for feeling that way about someone so much younger than himself. Love is love, though. As cynical as I might have been before I met Everett, I’m beginning to see that you just need the right person.

  Even if you need to convince the stubborn woman.

  After I caught Tamara cheating and tossed her out of my house, she tried to take everything from me. What she didn’t realize was that we were fighting in the Army courts. They weren’t about to let her take me to the cleaners, even if I didn’t care.

  So, she got a few grand and the clothes she had and was kicked to the curb. I sold the house and shared some of that profit with her because I’m not a complete dick. Now she’s remarried to some rich guy who doesn’t care what she does when he’s not around so long as he has arm candy at his fancy events. The woman got everything she deserves and so much more.

  “Are you coming or what?” Theo smirks when I glare at him.

  “Apparently not,” I mutter, and Everett tries to hide her giggle. “Come on.” I nod towards the door and grab both weapons as I follow her and Theo out.

  “Look,” Nix begins, “we need you to search through these photos, Everett. You’re the only one who will recognize you as a baby.”

  “Alright,” she sighs, and I can hear the pain in her tone. “Have you found anything new on Van?”

  Ryder nods this time. “Yeah, what you found was enough to lead me to a name. Does the name Max Drift ring any bells?”

  “No, I never met anyone who was associated with Van. I couldn’t even tell you what he does for the CIA.” She shrugs.

  “That’s easy. He’s a paper pusher with a fancy name. He assigns tasks and oversees a few missions. He’s not nearly as important to the company as he likes to believe,” Ryder explains, and I’m not at all shocked.

  “Has Asher chimed in on anything that's been going on yet?” I look to Nix. He would have more contact with the man than any of us. He shakes his head no.

  “The pictures?” Everett speaks up, dread in her tone as Ryder offers her his chair. She closes her eyes before taking a deep breath and sitting down.

  “When you’re ready, just scroll through. If you recognize anyone, I’ll dig deeper,” Ry says softly.

  “And if I don’t?” She wonders.

  “Then we let it go for now,” I respond.

  “Eventually, I want to bring Jessica in so we can have a chat with her. She has some things she has to answer for.” Nix’s hard voice has Everett’s eyes snapping open and a fierce light entering them.

  “Listen, I appreciate everything you’re doing for me, but under no circumstances does she come in here until I say so. I want to be the one to explain what’s been revealed because I will know better than you if she’s lying ab
out something.”

  Nix narrows his gaze and holds her stare for a minute, waiting for her to squirm under his scrutiny before he says anything. “Fine, but when she comes in, you watch. No interaction. Go it?”

  “Yes.” Her jaw clenches. It’s not a matter of if we bring Jessica in so much as when. Same with Van, which is why Asher is working with us on this one.

  “Search through those pictures. Boys, we need to talk.” From Nix's tone, I can tell it’s serious. After getting Everett set up with the computer, we follow him into his office. Weston closes the door behind us. “We have a job.”

  “Son of a bitch,” I mutter. Exactly what I didn’t want to happen.

  “Where?” Theo asks.

  “Yemen. There’s been a kidnapping. The rebels are holding fifteen oil workers hostage. They’ve already killed two and plan to take out another in twenty-four hours if their demands aren’t met.” Fuck.

  “When do we head out?” I ask. Reluctant to leave Everett so quickly.

  “Four hours.” Nix’s tone leaves no room for argument. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t. This team is my life, and if I want Everett to be a part of it, I have to learn to balance the two. “You gonna have your game face on?”

  “I’ll be just fine,” I grit out.

  Ryder claps my back as we turn to leave. “She can stay with Codie. My girl will help her out.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  “Evie?” She looks up at me, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. “I have a mission.” She sits up straighter. “I’ll be gone a few days, but Ryder says you can hang out with Codie, she’s gone through this a time or two already.”

  She waves a hand in front of her face. “Oh no, I’ll be fine. I don’t want to be a bother to anyone.”

  “Not a bother!” Ryder calls from the weapons locker. She blushes.

  “Come on, I’ll drive you over, and then you guys can head back to my place to grab your stuff when you’re ready.” Not giving her a chance to argue, I close the laptop and grab her hand, dragging her behind me to the parking garage.


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