Centaurs (Parallel Worlds)
Page 8
"That's right, which is so strong that it influences our minds to do things we would never do otherwise, and it's getting stronger. It wasn't too evident earlier this morning, only a bit of moisture between my labias, but by now it's become a literal discharge even after I douched."
"And Angie's, too, which was why I couldn't resist her. But it's terrible, to be forced to behave this way."
"It is, but we have no choice right now except go with the pheromone flow, if I can put it that way."
"You certainly can, and it makes me wonder if you have any idea about how and why we ended up in this crazy place and in these bodies instead of where and when we’d hoped to go."
"It’s been bothering me ever since I found myself in the corral and my mind's been going through a zillion possibilities ever since—on a secondary level while doing other things."
Nick chuckled. "You mean while being humped most of the day? Don’t worry about insulting me that you did because I’d discovered that I can do one thing while thinking about another without diminishing either."
"It’s called multi-tasking, and I’m sure that we can do more than double-thinking. Which, now that we talked about it I intend to check it out thoroughly."
"I’m glad you spelled it out for me because it bothered me a lot. About getting here, I think it’s our fault because we'd wasted time by talking too long as the parallel worlds were moving around us at a tremendous speed. Not only that, but we lost most of our mental energy at a very fast rate and couldn't influence our movements."
"It wasn’t our fault that it took us so long to figure how our minds were freed from our dying bodies, you know. The fact is that you realized it toward the end and hurried us into making the move, but by then too much time had elapsed."
"Exactly. At least we held hands when we plunged into the abyss of parallel worlds so that we ended up together in the first one that we reached. And then, in a desperate attempt to survive, we occupied the first available human brain each, regardless of whose it was, and quickly began to replenish our lost energy."
"So that’s how it happens that we became creatures we had always thought were mythical, and of opposite genders? Which I don’t mind too much because regardless of its weirdness I like being a female with all the strange feelings that are being evoked in me."
"Such as?"
"The fact that I'm covered with infinite erogenous zones, which constantly create almost unbearable sexual desires regardless of what I’m doing or thinking. Particularly now that I'm being influenced chemically."
"Same here, Marty, which I think is why the centaurs in Greek mythology had such a reputation as relentless tempters."
"And why everyone here is so utterly devoted to fulfilling their raw cravings at all times regardless of estrus. Us included."
Marty chuckled suddenly when she saw Nick's penis peeking out of it's sac. "Jesus, Nikki, you look like an aroused dog the way your cock is creeping out."
When Nick saw it, he stood up without a thought and a moment later panted with pleasure as their bodies were joined once again.
A while later, while soaking in the tub, Marty suddenly burst into giggles. "It’s kind of funny, Nikki, that our last activity as humans was in bed making love, and here we are doing the same thing all over again."
"Yeah, except that instead of having two weak old frames we ended up possessing these marvelously big and brawny bodies."
"That are supposedly one-year old. I love it. And talking about being brawny, mine needs to be fed very soon."
"Mine as well so let’s get out and dry out under the hot air jets, which I think is great to have when one is our size."
"Yeah, that’s for sure. But look at what happened to my pretty red tail ribbon."
"It’s a mess from all the poundings and soaking it got, so I’ll unravel it in a moment and comb your tail before we leave. And if you like wearing ribbons we can get you a selection at the gift shop in the cafeteria and I’ll show you how to braid them into your pretty tail. Oh, and into you beautiful long hair as well, which I'm sure will look great with one thick braid."
"Thanks, Nikki. I’d like that very much, and also wearing lipstick and earrings. But I’d like to wear a pair of studs in my ears instead of the hoops."
"It’s amazing how quickly you’re becoming a real female, Marty."
"It shouldn’t be, not after having been feminized by now by your superb manhood so many times."
"I guess so. I was wondering, though, how come our minds were able to get into these two beautiful centaurs' heads seemly so easily when you told me that in order to do so we needed to know how to connect ourselves to their physical sensory points. Or find and then enter our own predecessors' brains, which these youngsters certainly weren't."
"Very good question, Nikki, which I'd considered as well. The answer must be that, as I'd been told by Angie, living in the wild they hadn't had proper nutrition since birth and therefore their intelligence lagged far behind the under aged foals that we see all around us. So being underdeveloped mentally we were easily able to penetrate their heads and completely absorb their minds into our own."
"Which is why we were able to merge with their bodies without a problem and feel so natural within them?"
"That's how I see it, because we became real rather than simulated centaurs."
"Makes sense. But how did we end up here, and at switched genders?"
"Why here I have no idea. But I think that we'd changed genders because by the time we arrived here our energy had been so depleted that we were close to death, with you in an even worth shape than me. So the moment we found these two would-be hosts for our minds, I made you grab the one who was the stronger and waited for you to settle in his head and begin to feed on his energy before I took over the smaller female's body."
"Jesus, Marty." Nick said with a shaken voice. "So you nearly sacrificed your life for mine again and gave up your masculinity in the process."
"Isn't that what people such as we are supposed to do for one another, Nikki, make sacrifices?"
Nick looked her in the eye for a moment with tears in his own, and then hugged her as tightly as he could without crushing her ribs.
Chapter 8
"You realize what’s going to happened in the cafeteria, don’t you?" Marty asked with a chuckle as they walked over.
"Of course, we’re both gonna get ourselves fucked like crazy."
"That’s right, and I’m looking forward to it."
"Me, too. Our desire and capacity for fornication is truly amazing but I guess our bodies and libidos were designed for endless sex just before and during estrus."
"Which I ain’t gonna complain about."
The cafeteria was full of people of all ages, some looking quite old and with gray hair, who still seemed very energetic. As they carried their trays and looked for a table, they saw Angie waving to them from a large stand-up table so they walked over to join her. They were greeted warmly and received by everyone with the customary hugs and kisses. Not surprising, the occupants were divided equally between males and females of various ages, including Jenny and Paula. They listened with great interest to the conversation at the table, which surprised them as it seemed to be quite serious.
"Sorry that we’re talking mostly about farm stuff and people that you don’t yet know, but it won’t take you long to learn all about us. Did you have a nice tour of the farm this afternoon?"
Nick, to whom Jenny directed her words while her hand caressed his back gently, responded. "Oh, it was great the way Angie took us first to the top of a high hill from where we could see many miles in every direction and were amazed by the extent of your cultivated lands. Then she showed us the fields and orchards from up close and explained how they're being tended. But I must confess that agriculture kind of bores me."
"And what, if I may ask, does interest you?"
"Oh, stuff like how we know what’s in our accounts and such."
Jenny burst into laught
er. "I see." Before she was able to say any more, Nick caressed her nipples which made her voice tremble. "And you’re also quite interested in making a girl happy, aren't you Nick?"
"That’s right, my dear. Should I show you how good I am at that?"
"Yes, by all means. Please do."
Jenny took Nick’s hand and led him to one of the grab bars on the back wall, which he now understood their purpose, and took hold of one as she turned her backside to him with tail held up high in the air. Nick, whose penis was engorged by then, mounted and thrust himself into her fiercely and everyone could hear her grunt with satisfaction.
Eldon, an older male who had been talking with Marty pleasantly but so far had not made any advances, suddenly reached under her belly and manipulated her extremely sensitive teats until she leaned against him with a demanding moan while gripping his penis. They moved to a metal rod next to an already busy couple and Marty caught her breath when he entered her and felt his penis reaching nearly to her human trunk once he was fully embedded within her.
They remained in the cafeteria for two hours as each used the grab bars time and again. Finally, as they returned to their table, both looked at each other and grinned.
"Shall we call it a night, Nikki?"
"Absolutely, but let’s stop at the gift shop on our way out."
They left after saying good night to everyone, and stopped at the store where Nick chose a box of pretty ribbons for Marty. She was totally surprised and happy to discover that they also sold a supposedly twenty-year old cognac which she bought with a set of proper balloon snifters.
"My God, Marty. This place isn’t that much different than anyplace USA, where you can buy such delectable items. And they also have purses where you can carry lipstick, a comb and brush, and my cigarettes and lighter."
"I saw a couple of ladies who wore them attached to the bottom of the trunks on a thin velcroed strap, which looked quite elegant, and they have them in red, which should look good on you. And one of their real expensive cigars to smoke on the way home."
"Yeah, an excellent cigar after a few outstanding fucks is perfect. And don’t make a face because I mean it honestly since I had a marvelous time tonight even if it wasn't on my own volition."
"I’m glad to hear that you did because so did I."
Marty lit her cigar when they came out of the building, inhaling the highly aromatic smoke with pleasure as they walked slowly toward the side entrance holding hands. They sat on the stoop for a while, deep in thought until Marty exclaimed suddenly.
"Well, at least now I know that we’re still on Earth, albeit in a different kind of world."
"How d’you know that?"
"Because I’m a Marine, silly, and had to learn all about navigating by the stars so I’m quite familiar with such things and according to their positions in the sky I can easily tell that we’re somewhere in the Mediterranean region around Turkey or Greece."
"How can you pinpoint it this closely?"
Marty pointed at her cigar. "Because of this, which contains a goodly mixture of Turkish and Macedonian tobaccos—the best there is."
"Actually, now that you mentioned these factors I’m pretty sure that we are on an island because I can easily feel the ocean breeze, which carries on it a heavy flowers scent."
"Excellent observation, Nikki, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re on Crete, which lies in the Aegean Sea between these land masses. Which may explain the existence of the centaurs on this island."
"A bit farfetched but possible. So we know where we are but still very little else, like why does everyone here speak English if we're in a region where they spoke various Greek dialects even a long time before the days of modern Greece."
"Which is another piece of the greater puzzle for the moment, but not for very long, I hope."
"That's a good possibility because I gleaned an important bit of information from Paula when I asked her how I can find out my total earnings and she told me that the desk in our room contains a monitor and keyboard that's connected to the farm’s main CPU. She didn’t call them exactly that but it was obvious to me what she had meant. According to her it’s basically for entertainment purposes with hundreds of fun games that everyone loves to play, but that if you're literate it will direct you to any information that you might be interested in. It's supposed to be simple to operate according to her."
"Jesus, Nikki, that’s marvelous. How do we access it?"
"First thing you do is press a button next to the drawer and the system pops out in the center of the desk, and you turn it on by pressing the 'on' button on the keyboard. She volunteered to teach me all about it if I was interested."
"In exchange of pinning her to the wall a few times?"
"Of course. Which I told her I’d love to do with her because she’s such a great piece of ass. Which she really is, just like her mom and sister are."
"Gosh, Nikki, you sure are turning into quite an operator."
"Even though I’m not a Marine?"
"Neither am I any longer, but we both possess the right mindsets."
"Thanks for saying that. And I did notice you sap Eldon for information whenever you weren’t being humped."
"I’ll have you know that the crafty old goat is a master fucker besides being one of the top executives of the farm, whatever that means."
"Which I guess we’re going to find out tomorrow morning when Paula comes to pick us up for a meeting with Jenny and the committee, which is scheduled for ten o’clock."
"Should I make myself scarce just before she’s supposed to come over?"
"She offered to come thirty minutes early to show me the basics of how to use the computer."
"And get herself a quickie, I imagine. Good, so I’ll take a walk when she gets in."
"No need to because she offered to show it to both of us. As for pushing the wall, as I like to call it, you already know that no one here insists on their privacy, from crapping to screwing and everything in between."
"That’s for sure. Even douching after a screw, which is done in a wide open cubicle."
"Of course. Shall we go in? It’s been an exhausting day and I must get some sleep."
"It has been, and I’m too tired even for any more hanky-panky."
"Or trying out the computer?"
"Not tonight. But how should we sleep position-wise with these big bodies of ours?"
"Good question. How about lying down facing each other on the platform with our legs folded? Or if that doesn’t work, we’ll lie front-to-back."
"That might work, and this way we’ll still sleep in each other’s arms just as we used to do in the old days."
When they woke up early in the morning they found themselves entangled while positioned face-to-face in a tight hug. Nick got out of bed first, giving Marty an uneasy look as he stood by the open trough.
"Come on, Nikki," Marty said. "Don’t fuss about doing your business in my presence because that’s the world we’re in and it’s the way it’s done here."
"I know, Marty, but I’m still a bit uncomfortable. Oh, hell, I got to get used to it."
Marty stepped out of bed while Nick brushed his teeth and they showered together while lathering each other, which both enjoyed. After drying herself Marty attempted to comb and brush her luxuriant long tail and found that it was fairly easy to do by turning her upper body around. She also learned, with Nick’s help, to braid it with one of her new ribbons while raising her tail and bending it backwards.
"Gosh," She said when she was done. "It seems our tails are almost prehensile the way we can move and bend them in every direction."
"They sure are, but it also looks like all females have beautiful and long haired tails. And yours in black is really looking magnificent with that blue ribbon that you'd braided into it. Not only that, you did great with the hair on your head, braiding it with the wide red ribbon."
"Thank you, Nikki. And you, even without any appearance enhancements look outstandin
gly handsome with your wide chest and thick muscles rippling under the skin with your every move."
"In a very horsey kind of way? And I don’t mean it derogatorily because I’m starting to appreciate the way we both look, especially since we’re naked at all times. Heck, particularly you with your superlative breasts that didn’t diminish in size even after you'd just drained them. And, believe it or not, I'm starting to really adore watching your udder swaying to-and-fro in a very sexy way."
"I appreciate what you’re saying, and I think it all has to do with the fact that our upper bodies are still human looking."
"Probably. Anyway, let’s go stuff ourselves."
"Did you notice that there’s barely any screwing going on this morning like it was on our previous visits here?" Marty asked as they lit up after eating.
"I did, but paid it no mind. Why d’you think everyone stopped it suddenly?"
"Possibly because of the impending arrival of estrus. And the reason I think so is that my secretion has diminished considerably by this morning, which must be what happens on the day before its arrival."
"You mean restraining everyone’s desires considerably on the day before it shows up so the males won't hurt anyone?"
"Must be. And I really resent being in utter control of whomever these monsters who do it to us, and I intend to do something about it very soon."
Nick took her hand in his. "I agree, Marty, but promise me not to let your anger take over because it might be dangerous for you with these ruthless bastards."
Marty gave him an utterly malevolent grin. "Not to worry about my wellbeing, Nikki, because it’s a cold and highly calculating kind of anger. As to ruthlessness, the bastards have never run into the kind of brutality that I'm capable of inflicting on them."