Centaurs (Parallel Worlds)
Page 19
"Oh, yes, very much so." Susan said with a giggle. "Being as fond of eating horse balls as the Gogians were, and considering such delicacy as prime product once the males reached yearling size, we ended up with quite a few of them before they were castrated. So, afraid that they were too young to be released into the wilds, we kept them here together with females of their age who were never in the milking pens, and many of the recuperating old ones as well."
"Sensible setup, I'd say, to protect them."
"That's what we'd thought, but then we were surprised to see that most of the mares including the older ones, were being mounted by the young stallions. At first we thought that it was a remaining residue from the drugs that the older ones got but quickly realized that every one of the mares was being mounted, including the yearling females who had never been drugged."
"So all the mares went into a natural rather than induced estrus?"
"That's what's so puzzling because I doubt our horses, which aren't true equines, go into estrus unless it's chemically induced."
"Oh, my God. Which means that their Gogian ancestry dictates their sexual nature because they copulate by choice rather than by drug induced estrus?"
"That's what it looks like because quite a few of them are pregnant by now."
"Jesus, Sue, so we who are a hybrid human and centaur are even more prone not to go into estrus."
"You got it, Marty. Which is true about us women, who are just like them physically and can't go into estrus. And to confirm the similarities between us, it's a fact that once a mare allows a stallion to mount her she wouldn't do it with any other. In fact, it looks like each pair bonds once they make love for the first time, and I mean love rather then fuck since they become inseparable and keep copulating quite often."
"Jesus, Susie, they pair off just like we do now, and humans always did. And that means that centaurs were monogamous, a fact no one ever knew about."
"Sure, because the damn Gogians killed them all off."
"Then your discovery kind of blows a big hole in our belief about what's going to happen to the horses in the wilds when they discover their true nature."
"I'd assume some of it has already happened and, being intelligent creatures, they'll have to sort it all out amongst themselves."
"I sure hope so, for their sake."
"And on the same subject, there was another significant discovery we'd made last week that rattled us quite a bit. It seems that I suddenly got into estrus for the first time in over fifty years, which of course wasn't chemically induced."
"Jesus, Sue, that negates everything we'd just talked about."
"Not quite because it wasn't anything like before because I didn't secret anything like the old discharge, but Dave claims that the effect on him was just as powerful as it ever was."
"So how did you know that you were in estrus."
"Because my breasts, udder, and vulva all became somewhat swollen."
"You mean like we used to have just before getting our periods?" Nick asked.
"It's been so long ago that I'd forgotten about that. Yes, very much so. Anyway, we abstained until the swelling was gone and went to town last week to get the special pill that I didn't take before because I'd been infertile for over fifty years and didn't see the need for it."
"It must be that you didn't become infertile but that the Gogian drug had somehow effected you this way."
"Why d'you think so? It could've been something the butchers did to me when they removed my embryos."
"I doubt it because then you would've had a bad bleeding right afterward. Did you?"
"No, but I still continued ingesting the damn estrus drug with my food."
"Then it had to be the medication that because once you stopped taking it you got quickly back to normal old self."
"Then if the drug had that kind of effect on me it must've affected all the infertile girls the same way and they might get pregnant if they don't take the pill."
"I agree, so I better call Jenny right away and have her dispense the pill to all these women quickly."
After a substantial lunch, Susan and David continued the tour, which impressed Marty and Nick greatly in the farm's efficient running and the fact that the landscape was now dotted by many individual farms.
"How are the farmers doing, Dave?" Marty asked as they passed by one on the small skimmer that she drove.
"Quite well for the short time that they've been operating, I guess because they're earning a good income from their communal work since everyone shares in the literally instant proceeds from the merchants. We won't know for a while how they're doing on their private plots until their produce ripens and starts selling. By the way, they all plow their fields with the geldings' help but it would be much better if they could use a multi-plow setup with a tractor since it'll take only one day to plow their fields rather than a week of hard labor with a horse."
"I thought you got a whole bunch of little tractors that you'd remanufactured to suit the small farm needs."
"Oh, we did and it works great but we just can't spare them for the small farms. The problem we have is that the multiple-blade plows keep breaking down after only one turn of the field. I searched for a remedy by getting on the internet and looking for any advice on repairs that I could find but the problem is that our setup is much too primitive to ask someone how to fix it."
"Got a solution, though?"
"Sure, which is an even worse problem."
"Why is that?"
"Because the solution is to buy new plows that'll be sturdy enough to operate on our huge fields."
Marty chuckled. "And doing that will require lots of money and the means to deliver it to us here. Right?"
"Terrible, isn't it, that we got more gold than many countries combined have but we can't use any of it to buy a few stinking plows."
"Come on Dave, don't be bitter because where there's a problem a solution always lurks around the corner. So tell me, did you find anything on the internet that you'd like to have?"
"Did I ever. Gee, Marty, I got on a site showing thousands of farm implements that I'd love to have, and learned that a lot has changed in the last three-hundred years in field cultivation. Like special tractors, plows, combines, fruit pickers, and a whole bunch of other stuff that allows a couple of people to handle a huge field in a couple of days for which we need fifty people to cultivate for a whole month. I know I can't buy or have this kind of equipment delivered here, but a person can wish that he could, can't he?"
"Let's take it one at a time, Dave. Did you find the kind of plow you need, and if so how much was it?"
"I sure did, one that we can easily adopt to be used with our special tractors. But it would be much more efficient if we could buy a tractor specifically made for it, though."
"Are you aware of the fact that such machines operate on diesel or gasoline, which we don't have available here?"
"Yes. It took me a couple of days to understand what the fuel means and that we have none here. But when we went into town I looked at the warehouse where the Gogians stored their equipment and found that they had hundreds of engines and replacement parts for what you call perpetual motion machinery. So I took one of their catalogues home and studied the pictures in the manuals that come with the same engine that's on the tractor I got. And then compared it to the one a company called John Deere manufactures and was amazed by how similar the engine and transmission mountings and connections were."
"Are you saying that you could replace the existing engine on the Deere with the Gogian one?"
"Absolutely. I even have a couple of kids from the compound who got great aptitude for understanding and fixing mechanical stuff, who studied it and claim that they could easily exchange engines with all the tools that we got."
"That's great, Dave, because being able to do that is part of the solution I've been thinking about. So let's get back to the house where I'll make a few calls to see what can be done to accomplish the solution
that we're looking for."
"How, Marty?"
"Let me worry about that. Is the camera that came with your computer hooked up to it?"
"Yes, and it operates quite well, too."
"Great. How about a blouse that I can wear to conceal the way I look, Susie?"
"Sure. I got a few that I wear when it gets cold, that looks quite earthy."
"Perfect." Marty said as she turned the skimmer around and drove back to the house.
"What are you gonna do, Marty?" Nick, whose curiosity got the better of him asked.
"Patience, my dear, patience."
Once in the house, Susan handed Marty a beautifully embroidered blouse which she put on and whistled in surprise at how her appearance was completely altered. "Jesus, everyone, I suddenly look like a rather business-like young lady from our time, especially if I put on a bit of makeup and lipstick."
"Yeah, as long as whoever you're gonna call don't see the rest of you." Nick said with a chuckle.
"Can I sit or stand in front of the computer so that only my face and chest can be seen, Dave?"
"Yes, give me a moment to adjust both and you'll appear on it like a normal person."
"Then please do it, but once I make the call you all better stand behind the camera."
"I see. No problem with that."
"Who are you going to call, Marty?" Nick asked.
"Remember Major Adam Marsh, who was my logistics officer for quite a long time?"
"Yes. Didn't he resign ten years ago when his father died and he went back home to take over the family business?"
"That's right. To Iowa City, where he owned a car and farm equipment dealership."
"Son of a gun, Marty, you always have answers for everything. But...."
"No buts for the moment, Nikki. D'you have a wish list of equipment that you'd like to have, Dave? Good, then let me have it."
"But why not use the cell to contact him instead of making it face-to-face?"
"Because Adam was always into electronic gadgets and he's sure to pick it up if I contact him this way. Besides, this is going to be a very complicated arrangement so it's better that he sees me rather than talk to an unknown person on a phone."
"I don't really understand it but you're going to go ahead anyway. Right?"
A moment later, her call was answered by a man nearing middle-age who looked quite well preserved and vibrant. "Marshson Farm Equipment, best prices on new and used. How can I help you Miss?"
"Martha Sherman, Mr. Marsh, and I have need for a few farm implements that I was told you'll have at decent prices."
Adam smiled. "Of course I do. But do you realize that it's past ten PM already in my neck of the woods?"
"It's early afternoon where I am, but I was told that you do your best work at night so I decided to call you now."
"May I ask who it was that recommended me to you, who knows my work habits?"
"Of course. It was my uncle who told me a while back that if my organization ever had any need for farm machinery you'll be the best person to contact."
"And who is your uncle, someone I know?"
"Yes, but unfortunately he's no longer with us--Major General Martin Sherman, who had passed away a few months ago."
"The General was your uncle? He was one of very few people in the world that I'd ever respected greatly, Ms. Sherman. So what can I do for you?"
"First thing is to call me Marty."
"Okay, Marty, then I'm Adam. Now, what exactly do you need of me?"
"Let me transmit it to you on the computer so we can both read from the same book."
"My God, you even talk like your uncle." He waited a moment once the list was being downloaded. "Okay, I got the list, which I'm happy to see is quite substantial."
"You betcha it is, and I expect you to give me the best possible prices because I'm working for a special consortium that's trying to help African nations become fully self sufficient."
"I see. Are you by any chance working for the same people that the General did?"
"I don't work for anyone, Adam. And the answer to your question is a maybe. So what I'd like you to do is come up with the best prices you can and availability if you want my business."
"Gosh, now I know for sure you're related to the General--same hardass he was without any doubt. Where d'you want it to be delivered and how will you pay me?"
"To a warehouse in Baltimore, from where we'll ship it overseas."
"Where exactly is the place?"
"Oh, you should know it well from your days as a logistics boss for my uncle. It's building 15-789 at the port, which I'd like you to rent for six months."
"Gee, Marty, you're kind of scary with the things you know that you shouldn't. Anyway, the warehouse is perfect because the delivery trailers can drive right in and offload your stuff. Now, how about payment for both the equipment and service that I'll have to provide you with?"
"Payment will be for brand new equipment that's been fully tested, with tanks topped off, and five one-thousand gallon tankers full of diesel, and I want each of them hooked up to a tractor and ready to be moved. I'll pay you in a cash transfer into your account once I get a bill of lading. I can send you a deposit of fifty grand as good faith before you even start if you give me an account number and location."
"I like that, but you'll get in trouble with customs because you can't ship stuff like this with fuel in the tanks."
"I appreciate your concern but don't worry because your responsibility ends the moment your people deliver it to the warehouse. Oh, and I'll want two spares for each part per piece of equipment and an appropriate toolkit for each. And two sets of tires and tracks for each as well."
"That's gonna run the bill up considerably, Marty."
"Yes, but it's a must-have where the stuff's gonna end up eventually, so I got to have it."
"Okay. How soon d'you want me to get back to you on everything?"
"Yesterday, Adam. I'll be around my computer until tomorrow morning so it'll be nice to hear from you by then."
"Okay. It might take me all night to set up but I'm sure I'll be able to let you know by then either way on everything."
"I figured you would, being the night owl that you are."
Adam chuckled. "Which is why my second wife up and left me a year ago since she wanted to have a normal life."
"Sorry to hear that but I guess she wasn't the right woman if she didn't like your lifestyle."
"Right you are. I'll talk to you later, probably by midnight your time wherever it is that you are."
"Jesus, Marty." David burst out the moment she disconnected. "Does it mean that I'll get my entire wish list and then some?"
"Looks that way."
"But how will you pay for what I'm sure will amount to at least two-million dollars, what warehouse in Baltimore, and how will it get here?" Nick asked.
Marty grinned. "Well, a while back I was investigating a terrorist group that was operating out of Chicago, recruiting members and gathering large funds in preparation for an attack on us during the traditional gatherings on July Fourth all over the country. I brought it to the attention of Homeland Security and they were literally horrified that I dared accuse such a well-known patriotic Arab-American benevolent group. So, having no way to do anything about it legally, I took it upon myself to decimate them on my own by blowing up their bomb factory while their leadership visited it just before dispersing the stuff to their suicider cells all over, which horrified everyone when it happened."
"Jesus, Marty. And you stole their funds afterwards?"
"Appropriated was more like it--over ten-million bucks. Which I couldn't very well turn over to the government and admit that it was me who blew the bastards all to hell. So I moved the money to one of my covert accounts where it's been sitting all this time since."
Susan burst into laughter. "You're quite a ruthless operator, Marty. What about that warehouse you were talking about?"
p; "Oh, it was one of the secret locations where Adam used to gather equipment prior to any of our units going out on an operation. It's a perfect place to bring the equipment into and pick it up when everything's been assembled."
"Pick it up? How will you do that?" Nick asked.
"Since the dimension travel tunnel that we'd used to get here is located in New York, where the Gogians tried to do their final recruiting and failed, by the way, is quite close to Baltimore, I figured that I'd move its entrance to the warehouse and then move everything out to over here."
"Where to exactly?"
"It should go to the repair yard that the Gogians had so conveniently provided us with, where we'll sort everything out. The single bladed plows should go to the small farmers, and the multiple bladed ones to the communal fields where the need for them is quite urgent according to Dave."
"I wholeheartedly agree with that, Marty. What about the tractors and vehicles that we're getting?"
"We should leave most of them in the repair yard so your people with mechanical aptitude can start working on replacing their engines. And the rest will go to the fields to start working with their diesel engines running, which was why I'd ordered all that extra fuel. We'll have to make sure that the yard is empty of people and cleared of everything when the equipment arrives so no one gets hurt."
Nick whistled loudly. "Gosh, Marty, I didn't know you have the capacity to move the tunnel around, nor that you can bring all that equipment from there to here."