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Accidental Family

Page 15

by Kristin Gabriel

  She moved toward him. “Have you changed your mind about the banana split?”

  He swallowed, finding it hard to think with all the blood in his body rushing south. “What?”

  A smile played on her lips. “I’ve got plenty of whipped cream...if you’re interested.”

  “I’m definitely interested.” Alan pulled her to him, cupping her face in his hands. “But not in whipped cream. I just want you.”

  “Show me,” she whispered.

  So he did. With his mouth. His hands. His body. A few moments later, it was as if that tense drive from the dance had never happened. They were as frantic for each other as they had been on the dance floor. Together they pulled off coats and gloves and hats in their need to come closer. He stifled a groan as her hands circled his neck and she pressed her body against him.

  Was it possible this gorgeous woman could want him as much as he wanted her? Alan didn’t take time to question it, he just indulged in the taste and feel of her, knowing he could never get enough.

  Rowena unknotted his tie, then took his hand and led him to the thick woven rug in front of the fireplace. She reached for the top button of his shirt, slipping it out of the hole with excruciating slowness, a seductive light in her eyes. She destroyed him one button at a time. His body was on fire an eternity later as she parted his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. Her hands caressed his bare chest.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked, needing to know now, before it was impossible for him to stop. Her touch almost made him dizzy.

  “I want to make love to the father of my baby.” Then she leaned forward and flicked her tongue over his flat nipple. Alan tilted his head back and closed his eyes as her mouth dropped dewy kisses over his chest.

  Rowena explored his body with her hands, first pushing him down on the rug, then molding her palms against his chest and sprinkling sweet kisses over his face. When she nipped at his earlobe, her warm breath sent a tingle throughout his entire body, inflaming him even more. He pulled her on top of him, welcoming the weight of her body against his straining flesh. Blood pooled low as he captured her lips with his mouth.

  His tongue swept inside her sweet mouth, pouring all the passion, all the longing that he’d stored up for a lifetime into that kiss. Going slow wasn’t an option. His fingers found the zipper on the back of her dress and slid it all the way down to her waist.

  When he broke the kiss, she rolled off him, then rose to her knees. Meeting his gaze, she slowly, seductively pulled the straps off her shoulders and let the dress shimmy down the length of her body, revealing the red silk bra and panties underneath. Then she unhooked the front clasp of the bra, and her generous breasts spilled out.

  He knelt before her and cupped her breasts in his hands, molding and shaping them until she tipped her head back and emitted a low, wanton moan. The sound almost drove him over the edge.

  His hands slid downward, over the gentle slope of her belly to the waistband of her panties. He rubbed his palms over the silky fabric, loving the way her eyes glazed at the sensation. He leaned down to kiss her again, tracing the seam of her lips with his tongue. She opened for him, and he groaned when he entered the silky haven of her mouth.

  Their tongues tangled and tantalized, heightening the tension between them to a fever pitch. No longer could he indulge in a slow seduction. He wanted her with an urgency that seemed to match hers.

  In the space of a heartbeat, he shed his slacks and shoes. Her gaze slid over him like warm honey, and he hoped she wasn’t disappointed in what she saw.

  “Oh, my,” she breathed in appreciation, her eyes widening a fraction. Then she lay back on the rug and held her hand out to him.

  He joined her there, savoring the skin to skin contact. The heat from the blaze behind him was nothing compared with the fire building inside him. She whispered what she wanted in his ear, and he made it his mission to fulfill every wish.

  When he couldn’t wait any longer, he sat up to drag her panties off. Then he leaned back to savor the sight of her completely naked, her perfect body basking in the firelight. She was like a fantasy come to life, and he hoped like hell he wasn’t dreaming.

  She held out her arms to him, her long blond hair splayed over the rug. Hovering above her on his elbows, he let the moment linger between them.

  But he couldn’t wait long. He had to kiss her. To touch her. To be so close to her he couldn’t tell where he ended and she began. He’d never desired that kind of intimacy before and it rattled him a little, but he was too caught up in the passion between them to care. He bent to worship the nipple of one breast, swirling his tongue around it until it formed an erect peak. He closed his lips over it, sucking gently, and her fingers plucked at his hair, her head thrown back.

  He moved to the other breast, giving it the same undivided attention. His hand moved lower, sliding over her body in a way that drew a delicious moan from deep in her throat.

  At last she looked into his face, her lips parted. “I love you,” she breathed, then gasped aloud when his fingers touched just the right spot. “Oh, Alan. Now. Please.”

  He didn’t wait for a second invitation. Sheathing himself inside her, he groaned with satisfaction as she wrapped her long legs around him. His lone conscious thought was not to put too much weight on her stomach. Holding her tightly in his arms, he turned so that both of them lay on their sides.

  “You’re incredible,” he rasped, unable to keep from moving inside her. He wanted to savor this moment. The feel of her around him. The sparks of desire in her eyes. The soft press of her breasts against him. But he couldn’t think about anything when she writhed her hips to bring him even farther inside her.

  Her eyelids fluttered closed as they moved together in a timeless rhythm. He watched her, cradling her face in his hands, loving the play of expressions on her beautiful face.

  When her breathing quickened, he shifted slightly and saw her gasp with pleasure as she reached out to cling to him. When he heard her cry out his name, he pulled her on top of him and triggered a second climax deep within her moments later. Then he released his last thread of control, losing himself inside her.

  And finding a love he didn’t know existed.

  * * *

  ROWENA LAY SHELTERED in Alan’s arms as the fire cast a golden glow over their naked bodies. His lips nuzzled her hair, and she closed her eyes, trying to preserve this perfect moment in her memory.

  She feared this tranquil peace between them couldn’t last. They’d still made no decisions about the baby. Was this the lull before the coming storm? But instead of battening down her heart to minimize the damage, she let her love for him flow through her with the full force of a gale.

  “So tell me the truth,” he murmured in her ear. “Am I better than Sloane?”

  She laughed as she turned in his arms to face him. “I think you’ve been watching too many of those Another Dawn videotapes.”

  “Too many of him kissing you, anyway,” Alan bent his head to brush his lips over her brow. “I suspect the guy threw in a few extra kisses that weren’t in the script, didn’t he?”

  “Of course not. He was a professional.” Her eyes widened as she looked at him. “Are you actually jealous of a character on a soap opera?”

  He scowled. “Hell, no. I just hate his guts.”

  She smiled as she snuggled closer to him. “If you were a true fan of the show, you’d know my heart really belongs to Derrick.”

  “Not anymore,” he said huskily, tightening his arms around her.

  “No,” she breathed, “not anymore.” It was time she finally faced the truth. She loved Alan Rand. Loved him more than she ever thought it was possible to love a man. Now she knew why she’d waited thirty-six years to let someone into her life. She’d been waiting for this. Waiting for him.

  “Now answ
er me another question,” he said, his hand trailing over her hip.

  “Anything,” she said, her body softening under his tender touch.

  He reached up to cradle her cheek, turning her face to him. “Will you marry me, Rowena?”

  Thunder rumbled in her soul as she looked into his warm brown eyes. “I...don’t know what to say.”

  “Say yes,” he entreated, a smile tipping up one corner of his mouth. “It’s the perfect solution to our problem. The perfect gift for our baby.”

  The perfect solution. Despite the heat from the fire, a chill swept through her. Was she a problem he’d been unable to solve until now? Did love for her even enter into his equation? But that wasn’t fair. She’d considered him a problem, too. One that seemed to get bigger with each passing day. One that now seemed gargantuan after what had just taken place between them.

  “You’re making me nervous,” he said, tilting her chin with his finger. “Just for your information, I’ve never proposed to a woman before. But I don’t think it’s supposed to take this long for her to answer.”

  She licked her dry lips. “This is so...sudden. We’ve only known each other a few weeks.”

  He brushed his thumb over her lower lip, sending a tingle straight down to her toes. “I already know I want to spend the rest of my life with the two of you.”

  The two of you. Despite what he’d said about fate earlier this evening, she couldn’t help but wonder if he was only with her because of the baby. How could she possibly accept his marriage proposal without knowing for sure? But she couldn’t reject it, either. Not when her heart yearned for a future she’d only dared dream about. A future with the man she loved.

  “May I have some time to think about it?” She hedged, hating herself for wimping out. But she couldn’t bring herself to destroy this sweet intimacy between them.

  He leaned over to kiss the tip of her nose. “Of course you can have some time. I’m not going anywhere.” Then a crease furrowed his brow as he studied her expression. “Is something wrong, Rowena?”

  She nestled closer to him so he couldn’t see her face. “So much has happened lately. I just don’t want to rush into anything.”

  His body relaxed against her. “You’re right. The last thing I want to do is add more stress to your life.”

  Too late.

  Rowena closed her eyes, wishing she knew the right thing to do. There were no soap opera writers around to pen a happy ending to this story.

  She had to figure it out by herself.


  ROWENA FOUND HERSELF alone in the house the next afternoon. She and Alan had made love again in the early morning hours. The passion between them had been so intense, she’d almost flung her concerns aside and said yes. Almost. What had held her back? Fear? Common sense? Lingering doubts about the man she loved?

  That man had been hit with a sudden inspiration to make a cradle today. He’d taken off a couple of hours ago for the hardware store in New Ashford. Since he’d just been complaining about all the work piling up in his briefcase, she thought it sounded more like procrastination than inspiration. Especially since Alan had sheepishly admitted to her that he didn’t have any carpentry experience.

  But it touched her all the same. She might question his feelings for her, but his love for the baby was obvious. He’d make a wonderful father. She just wished that was a good enough reason to marry him. After watching her parents’ marriage fall apart, Rowena knew that nothing but the strongest love could lead her to that kind of commitment. The risk was too great.

  Rowena walked into the kitchen and filled the teapot with water before setting it on the stove. The granite counters and stainless steel appliances gleamed. She was amazed at how immaculate and organized Alan had kept her home while she was confined to her bed. Even more amazing was that he seemed to enjoy it.

  As she leaned against the counter, waiting for the water to boil, her thoughts drifted to last night. No man had ever touched her that way before. Just remembering the things his hands did to her sent a delicious shiver through her body.

  But were they moving too fast? He’d only arrived in Cooper’s Corner a few weeks ago. She’d waited thirty-six years to find Mr. Right. How could she be certain Alan was that man, just because he was kind and handsome and caring and sexy? An aspiring cook and housekeeper who not only picked up after himself, but her, too. A fantastic lover. Rowena smiled as the teapot began to whistle. Most women would kill for a man like that. So what exactly was she waiting for?


  One simple word. When Alan proposed to her last night, he hadn’t mentioned one word about love. Worse, he’d told her that marriage was the best solution to their problem.

  She’d given him her heart as well as her body last night. Even told him she loved him. But he’d never said a word about her declaration. At the time, she’d been too caught up in the moment to notice. But now his silence on the subject seemed deafening.

  The telephone rang, breaking her reverie. She reached across the counter for the receiver. “Hello?”

  “Is this Rowena Dahl?” asked a cheery masculine voice on the other end of the line.

  “Yes.” She retrieved a tin of hot chocolate from the cupboard.

  “Hello, there! This is Daryl Tubb.”

  It took her a moment to place him. Daryl Tubb. Burt and Lori’s son. A real estate agent from Williamstown who always came on a little too strong—especially to young, single women. She’d only spoken to him once or twice in her life. So why was he calling? “Hello, Daryl.”

  “How is everything in Cooper’s Corner?”

  “Same as always.” She poured hot water from the teapot into her favorite ceramic mug. “Is there something I can do for you?”

  “As a matter of fact,” he replied, “I’ve got a couple of prospective buyers who might be interested in your shop. They’re looking for a good property to open an antique store. So if you can tell me what you’re asking—”

  “Wait a minute,” Rowena interjected. “What makes you think my shop is for sale?”

  “My dad mentioned something about it when I called home last weekend. Said he heard it from the guy you’re living with—that you’re planning to move to Canada.”

  Her hand tightened around the receiver. “Alan told your father my barbershop is for sale?”

  “Why else would I be calling?” Daryl asked. “Now, look, I’m sure we can negotiate a selling price that will make everybody happy. I can bring my clients down for a walk-through at your convenience. They’re eager to get their business started, Rowena. This could be a great opportunity for you.”

  “Hold it, Daryl,” she said, still trying to comprehend what was happening. “I’m not interested in selling.”

  “I can get you top price,” he persisted.

  “Cooper’s Corner is my home,” she replied, frustrated with Alan for putting her in this position. And with interfering in her life. “I’m not planning to go anywhere.”

  Had Alan told the whole town he was moving her to Toronto? Without bothering to mention it to her? Maybe that’s why so few of her customers had called to make appointments now that she was back on her feet. Were they already looking for another barber?

  Daryl sighed. “Well, if you change your mind, you know who to call.”

  “Thank you,” she said blankly, then hung up the telephone. Perhaps she was overreacting. No matter how it sounded, she shouldn’t automatically assume the worst. She knew how easily rumors grew in Cooper’s Corner. There was no proof that Alan had tried to sell her barbershop. No proof that he was trying to control her life.

  But her fingers still shook as she pried the lid off the tin of hot chocolate. She turned and pulled open the silverware drawer to retrieve a spoon.

  That’s when she saw it.
/>   A small wedge of powder blue paper sticking out from underneath the molded silverware tray. She lifted it and pulled out an envelope addressed to Savannah Corrington. Something cold and heavy settled in Rowena’s stomach as she looked at it. The seal was unbroken, but it was postmarked over a week ago. She slit open the envelope and pulled out the letter inside. It was written in the same creepy style as before.

  Dear Savannah,

  You know how much I adore you, yet you continue to ignore me. I won’t stand for it. You belong to me. We are meant to be together. What must I do to convince you we are soul mates? How much more must I suffer?

  Do you ever think of me? Ever mourn our love? I count the days and the hours until we can be together again. Don’t make me wait too long, my darling. Don’t make me sorry I gave you my heart.

  All my love, Sloane

  She dropped the letter on the counter, feeling sick inside. After all these years, why had Max Heller suddenly come back into her life? Rowena stuffed the letter into the envelope, knowing she didn’t have any choice. She’d have to go to the police.

  The front door opened, and Alan called, “Wait until you see the great pattern I found for the cradle. It looks a little complicated, but I’ve got almost five months to figure it out.”

  She walked into the living room and saw him stomping snow off his boots, his arms full of lumber.

  “I’m freezing,” he said, smiling at her. “Are you interested in warming me up?” Then he saw the expression on her face, and his smile faded. “What’s wrong?”

  “I found the letter.”

  His brow furrowed. “What letter?” The confusion in his eyes cleared when he realized what she meant. “Oh, right. The one from your old boyfriend.”

  She didn’t know which surprised her more. The fact that he so openly admitted to hiding the letter. Or that he knew Max had sent it. But how? “The letter wasn’t opened. How do you know it’s from Max?”


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