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Her Home Run Desires

Page 65

by Payne, Jenna

  “No need to be embarrassed!”

  Michelle teased as she walked a few steps ahead of them. Upon closer look, the man was revealed to be Matthew, Jackson’s golf buddy. Michelle was happy for Rachel and hoped the relationship would go further than this trip.

  As they finally reached the main spot for the party, strobe lights and nothing else lit up the room and booming music vibrated the walls. It was already packed and Michele figured it would be hard to find Jackson in the sea of people. The three of them figured they would go to the dance floor and look for Jackson later; he would have to turn up eventually.

  With a drink in hand, Michelle let the music flow through her as she moved her body with the beat. The alcohol settled in her stomach and warmed her body as she continued to move. As she danced, she felt a body come close to her causing her to turn around quickly to identify the person.

  Face fully covered in an elaborate red mask, Michelle searched for the eyes and found the green hue to be familiar. The man smiled and she instantly knew it was Jackson.

  Without a word, he turned her around and urged her to continue dancing, their bodies moved in sync with one another. Michelle just then felt a hard bulge press against her lower back and it urged her to dance hard against it. His hands snaked around her waist and pressed her closer to him.

  She felt him lean in, his hot breath against her ear.

  “Come with me,” he said in a low and hoarse voice before he grabbed her hand and led her away from the crowded scene.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Michelle allowed Jackson to lead her up the stairs and to his bedroom. She thought they would go to the bed but instead he took her out to the large balcony area. She allowed the night air to wash over her and walked over to the railing taking in the lights of the city far below.

  “Beautiful,” she said with a smile as she felt him come behind her and wrap his arms around her waist.

  “Not as beautiful as you,” he said as his lips went to her shoulder blade and nipped at it.

  “You do realize that you have a party to host,” Michelle said as she felt his hands roam her body.

  “They can wait,” he said as his mouth went to her ear and began nibbling on the lobe. Michelle let out a quiet moan, conscious of the fact that they were now outside and Jackson was going to do what he wanted to her.

  She felt his hands go to her dress zipper and heard the noise of it sliding down her back at the same time she heard the zipper to his pants go down to. She shivered slightly and felt his body press against hers instantly warming her up.

  With a nudge, Michelle’s dress fell off her body and pooled at her feet as he began to grind against her butt and run his hand up and down her smooth stomach. His hand went to her crotch and with one quick motion ripped her delicate lace panties off of her.

  Michelle let out a noise of protest which quickly transformed into a moan as his dick nudged at her opening. She widened her stance voluntarily and allowed him to push himself into her. The two moaned at the instant pleasure and Jackson began to thrust up into her. The spot he was hitting had Michelle leaned over the railing and clutching on for dear life.

  She tried everything in her power to quiet her moans and not to arouse suspicion from those below them. Jackson leaned over her heated body, his hand went to her chin and pushed it up so their lips could make contact. Her moans were silenced by the deep kiss he initiated, and his thrusts become more powerful.

  One hand rested lightly on her throat while the other snaked around her waist to hold her in place as he thrusted roughly into her. Michelle bit her lip as the feeling of pleasure and pain radiated from his thrusts.

  “Jackson,” she moaned as she felt herself unable to hold back anymore. He sensed that she was closed and leaned over her body again to whisper in her ear that he wanted her to come for him. With those very words, Michelle allowed herself the release and let the orgasm over take her body.

  As she began to slump over the railing, Jackson held on to her panting and semi-limp body.

  “I really am out of practice,” Michelle said still regaining her breath.

  Jackson chuckled and reached down to pick her dress up off the floor and put it on properly. He zipped her up and grabbed her shoulders so that she was facing him.

  “Still beautiful,” he said with a mischievous smirk.

  Michelle rolled her eyes making a mental note to scowl him later about ripping off her favorite and very expensive panties. She shook her head at his current appearance and proceeded to zip his pants back up and smooth out his wrinkled shirt.

  “Handsome,” she said with a smile before grabbing his hand and leading him back to his party.


  Michelle woke up in Jackson’s arms the next morning. She sat up quietly and smiled at the peaceful look he had on his face as he slept.

  Carefully rolling out of bed, she ran to her room to grab his birthday present. It was officially the morning of his birthday and with last night’s shenanigans she wanted to give him the present in private. When she tiptoed back into his room, he was sitting up on the bed rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes. Even just waking up he looked gorgeous.

  “Morning,” she said as she hid the present behind her back and hopped up on the bed beside him.

  “What have you got there?”

  Jackson stretched out his body and let out a powerful yawn. He must have still been tired with all the partying last night.

  “Your present,” Michelle said as she brought the small box to her front and placed it on his lap.

  “What is it?”

  Jackson held the box and shook it next to his ear.

  “Hey, stop asking about it, just open it!”

  “Okay, okay,” Jackson said as he unwrapped the box and opened it to reveal a beautiful silver watch. Jackson was silent as he held the watch in his hand.

  “Dad’s,” he whispered as he ran his fingers against the engraving on the back of the watch.

  “Yeah, he was getting it polished before he died; my mom finally went to get it after his funeral but couldn’t bring herself to give it to you,” said Michelle.

  Jackson looked up at Michelle as a smile graced his face. He took her hand and pulled her into a hug.

  “It’s yours now Jackson,” Michelle said into his chest as she felt the emotion going through him. He pulled her away to place a kiss on her lips. The two smiled at each other unable to get over the happiness that they were experiencing finally coming to terms with their feelings. Jackson brought Michelle back to his chest as they looked at the watch that wrapped so perfectly around his wrist.

  “I couldn’t have asked for a better present.”


  Bonus Story 19 of 40

  Capturing the Cyborg’s Heart

  As she sprinted across the sidewalk, dodging people expertly along the way, her feet pounded on the pavement soundlessly, thanks to the "silent boots" her long-time friend Stan had invented. He was in his forties now, ten years older than her and a loyal member of the Last American Renegades. He was in hiding. She didn't know where he was, nor had any idea how he was sending her all the stuff.

  Her long black hair flew around her shoulders as she ran as fast as she could, zipping into alleys that she had long memorized and leaping from roof to roof with the use of her makeshift electronic wings. She had picked up the wings a few months ago from the government warehouse she'd broken into, which had wreaked havoc and stirred ire among the officials of the New Government.

  Her name, Micah Morgan, had immediately been splashed across physical and virtual bulletins alike. The media had feasted on her photos and background before she and her family had joined the remaining group of renegades that still fought against the new rule.

  She hadn't cowered in fright like her mom had when the group had been exposed. She hadn't gone into hiding like her dad and their friend Stan. She hadn't burst into uncontrollable fury and lashed out
at the government and their cyborg police force as her younger brother had done before.

  Micah had been the most intelligent, patient, and calm among her family members. As she had been growing up, she'd developed a strong body, impressive stamina, fighting skills, and a sharp mind. She had quiet strength and a sort of eerie stillness that made people admire and follow her. Her amazing abilities and unique ideas had also made her popular within the group. It hadn’t been a surprise when she had eventually been elected Renegade Leader.

  The Metropolis was currently teeming with locals, young and old, all smiling and getting along nicely. Some were traveling in electric cars on winding roads that all intertwined into a well-organized traffic system. There were streets crisscrossing in between buildings and also pathways that seemed to float in the sky. Meanwhile, other folks were heading to their destinations on hover boards, moving swiftly in mid-air. It was a picture-perfect urban community situated within an ultra-modern city with stylish glass and steel skyscrapers. It all seemed so beautiful on the surface. But she knew better.

  Dashing in and out of buildings, jumping over fences and climbing walls like Spiderman's futuristic female counterpart, which she was actually known for, she was finally able to lose the cyborg soldiers who had been hot on her trail. They were probably already calculating her moves and analyzing the city map, utilizing the computer chips that had been installed into their brains. Apart from the unusual strength they possessed because of their metal body parts, some of them also had built-in heat trackers to detect human and animal life moving within their 3-meter radius.

  But she was well-prepared for all of their tactics. Clothed in completely black technologically advanced gear that let her move about with great ease and flexibility, the material had also been designed to cover up her natural body heat and deflect her movements to cause confusion. It was something she and Stan had come up with long ago.

  Micah stood still on the third floor of a mid-sized tower, her feet planted on the thin ledge outside a huge window, her arms outstretched for added balance and also to allow her to grip the edges of the window frame. Her bright green eyes were wide and alert. She was trying to catch her breath after the chase, already planning her next move. She couldn't let these cyborgs find her and stop her from fulfilling her mission- expose the evil plans of the New Government and bring down the manipulative and abusive officials. She wanted to destroy the entire system, but she would only be able to accomplish it if she could gather enough evidence against them.

  She didn’t feel any fear at all- no fear of the government and the cyborgs, not even fear for her own life. But if there's one thing that truly terrified her, it was to completely lose the people she loved. She couldn't bear the thought of seeing them lose their humanity and become robots of the vicious rulers. She just couldn't let it happen without putting up a fight, even if she was all on her own. She couldn't let them win that easily, and if it meant risking her own life, so be it.

  A few minutes passed. Her arms and legs felt as heavy as lead. Her muscles were tense from being stuck in the same position for a long time. But she was used to the pain, so it didn't bother her much.

  After a while, she slowly edged toward one side of the ledge, very well aware that one wrong move could send her toppling down the side of the building and breaking all her bones upon hitting the busy street below. Then she activated her electronic wings with one click, making the improvised metal pieces spread out and start whirring with life. She took a deep breath and jumped forward into the air.

  Micah began flying upward with the help of the wings. But then, she was halted by an invisible force. She could not move further. She was stuck in mid-air.

  "What's happening?" she wondered aloud. And upon turning around, she noticed the almost invisible string that had wrapped around the huge metal wings. She was being pulled down quickly.

  "Damn," she muttered, as she spotted the tall, bulky cyborg in navy blue uniform waiting for her below. She didn't panic, but calmly let herself get pulled down. When she was safely near the ground she detached herself from the wings and dropped down on her feet, running at once after landing.

  She flung the wings over her shoulders at the cyborg as she took off. He was fast though, ducking and evading the wings that could have knocked him down.

  She was back on the run, just as she'd become accustomed to over the past years. But for the very first time, she was not able to get away. His strong arms grabbed her shoulders and yanked her back before she could get away. His hands slid down to her wrists, violently rammed them together and snapped a pair of handcuffs on her. "Micah Morgan, you are under arrest."


  Micah's emerald green eyes fluttered open. In an instant, she remembered everything that had happened. She'd blocked out after getting caught and hit by a member of the cyborg police.

  Her eyes roamed around the tiny room filled with thick, white padding. There were no windows and no furniture. She found herself lying on the similarly padded floor with nothing but a white blanket covering her body.

  Micah quickly sat up, realizing with shock that she was completely naked. All her weapons had been stripped away. "Damn that cyborg," she muttered. "And he had the nerve to undress me!" The thought made her blood boil and she couldn't wait to face him and give him a piece of her mind.

  Despite her situation, she was able to calm herself. She looked around without any desperation, forcing her negative emotions away in order to clear her mind and think of ways on how she would escape.

  A thorough scan of the room told her the room was secure. But she had never been one to give up easily. She walked around the space slowly, running her hands across the walls and the floor. She touched and groped everything she could reach, looking for some way out. There wasn't even a door, except a locked opening on the high ceiling which would be impossible to reach without any of her or Stan's gadgets.

  She was pacing back and forth, the white blanket wrapped and tied around her body, when a creaking noise made her stop and look up. The locked opening began sliding open. The gap soon revealed the face of the cyborg who had captured her. She was not surprised to find that he was very good-looking, with strong features, light brown hair in a military haircut, full red lips, and intense dark brown eyes.

  Many of the cyborgs she'd encountered before were handsome, muscular, and alluring just like this one. She was only interested in one thing, and that was to destroy the New Government and help give back the freedom and natural humanity of people.

  "I see you're awake," the cyborg called down to her, his face expressionless. "Want something to eat?"

  Micah did not want to eat. She only wanted to punch him in the face and get out of there. But of course, she knew that if he brought her food, she just might have a better chance to escape. She silently nodded her head then sat down and waited patiently.

  He was back in five minutes. But to her dismay, he used a special device to send down a bowl of porridge. The device looked like a metal tray attached to a long pole.

  As he was sending the food down, she reacted quickly and jumped up and jerked on the pole violently. Swinging her body up sideways, she kicked against the wall to hoist her body up higher. At the same time, the sudden strong jerk had surprised the cyborg and caused him to lose his balance.

  He plummeted down through the opening, missing her by an inch. But he was quick too, throwing his arms upward and grabbing the pole to keep from falling to the ground. He reached up and tugged at Micah's foot hard. She tried to kick him free but his grip was too firm.

  "Let. Me. Go!" Micah shouted resolutely, kicking hard with both feet as she struggled to keep holding on to the shaky pole.

  After a minute of struggling, she was able to boot him against his forehead. He yelled, but did not let go. Instead, it motivated him to pull himself up after her, putting all of his strength in his grip of her foot. The weight of his body forced her down hard, causing her to tumble down. She grabbed his neck and br
ought him down with her.

  They landed with a thump on the padded floor, with the cyborg landing on top of Micah's slightly naked body. The blanket wrapped around her had loosened and was barely covering the top part of her body.

  She didn't care. She was very much alert, and the slight flicker of his eyes onto her almost exposed breasts, did not escape her attention. Now she knew one of his weaknesses, and was going to do her best to use it against him.

  For the moment, she simply wanted to tease him. Quickly she arched her back, crying out in pain pretentiously. Her breasts rose up and pressed against his chest. His eyes shot wide open, making him push himself away from her awkwardly and get onto his feet hurriedly.

  He quickly regained his composure, standing tall and glaring at her. "I see you are what they say you are," he said with bitterness.

  "And what is that?" she wanted to know, one side of her lips turning up in a semi-smirk. She was still in a lying position, the luscious flesh of the top of her breasts very well exposed. Her long, firmly shaped legs were also out in the open.

  He turned away, ignoring her question. She could take him down then, but both of them knew that they still needed each other to be able to leave that room. "Get dressed," he barked with his back to her.

  "With this blanket?" she asked in an unbelieving tone. "Go get me my clothes."


  "Well, why don't you turn around?" she demanded. "Don't even pretend to be a gentleman now because you’ve already seen my body."

  "I was not the one who undressed you," he answered quietly, his breathing becoming steadier. "It was my sister, Shelley. She's probably on her way here now to bring you something to wear."

  Micah didn’t say anything. She was quite impressed that this cyborg seemed to be different from the others she'd encountered who were more brash, ill-mannered, and sometimes quite disrespectful of women. But at the moment, she was more interested in the new piece of information. He's working with his sister. She found that odd. Maybe she's part of the cyborg police force too? Or perhaps they wanted the glory and honor of being the ones to bring her in defenseless.


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