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Her Home Run Desires

Page 83

by Payne, Jenna

  “Separatists, Your Grace?” Melissa asked softly. He looked grieved.

  “Yes, somehow the separatist group calling themselves Earth Only managed to get through the security. It is doubly sad that an Ilona group, Ilona First, struck at the same time. Our shame is double because of this and I wish you to know we will spare no expense or effort in finding the culprits and bringing them to justice. Your Captain Lancer has assured me your government is taking the same stand,” he gestured back to Lancer and he came forward. He was limping and looked exhausted.

  “Yes, it is a shame for us as well and we wish to redress the hurts done and begin our relationship with your people again,” he said formally.

  Captain Lancer was a tough looking man. He was a career soldier and Melissa knew he was agonizing over this as much as she ever could. It was his people who had been attacked.

  “How many did we lose Captain?” she asked. It was the question she had not wanted to think about. He grimaced a brief second and then his face went blank.

  “Half of our troops were killed in the attack. Half of those remaining are in serious condition Assistant Mac,” he answered and Melissa closed her eyes and fought back the urge to cry out. Melissa had not known the men and woman well; they had always just been around. Now she was feeling the loss and her own shame that she had never bothered to get to know those people. The people who put their lives on the line for her. She took a deep breath to steady herself and opened her eyes.

  “And your people, King Remole?” she asked.

  His dusky skin paled slightly.

  “A similar number was lost and injured. It is unheard of in the history of my people. We are grieving and restoring ourselves for the tasks ahead. Your government has been amazing in their concern and their strength. They honor us. They have told me they wish to keep the Embassy opened and not to give into separatist pressure. It is a brave and important step. We wish you to know we agree and will do our best for the alliance. They understand the situation here and are awaiting your call once you are settled. I will leave you now and Captain Lancer can escort you to your new home. Be well, Assistant Melissa Mac,” he told her with a bow, and turning quickly he exited before she could frame an appropriate response. Melissa saw the nurse leave after him. The formal expression on Lancer’s face dropped to one of anger and concern.

  “The king was correct. The Earth Federation wants us to continue our mission so we are to go to the new residence as soon as you are ready. I have our security on alert as do the Ilona. I will be working with them in the investigation and they truly are being completely open and willing to allow us to take part in the hunt for the separatists. Theirs and ours,” he said grimly.

  Things were moving way too fast for Melissa, but she knew it was not time for her to grieve, not yet. So she swung her legs off the bed and the captain helped her stand. She was surprised she had the energy to do so and was actually feeling better just moving around.

  “I brought some clothes earlier while you were out. I knew you would want them,” he told her and gestured to a familiar suitcase behind her bed. She had not noticed it before.

  “Thank you Captain. The king did not say when I can see the ambassador,” she said absently as she began going through her case. She found some clothes and Lancer turned his back to give her privacy to dress.

  “No he didn’t. I have seen her through a glass wall. She is in a chamber and no one can go in. The air and energy used, they say, cannot be contaminated. The home office doctors assured me it is standard Ilona treatment and were enthusiastic about how well the healing techniques work. I am not concerned. They say she should be whole and hearty in about three days. When you speak to the federation they are more than likely going to advise you to make sure everything is ready for Ambassador Torrance and to begin whatever your duties would normally be. Since my people will be on alert, however, I will keep you informed of any changes in the investigation,” Lancer finished.

  Melissa nodded as she stripped quickly and then dressed just as quick. She pulled on a casual white sleeveless and legless bodysuit, and some red leggings. Just moving around was making her soreness and pain fade. She then put on a button up green dress that fell to her knees. She tied a red sash around her waist and put her messy hair back in a ponytail.

  “Have you seen the accommodations Captain?” she asked him, putting her damaged clothes back in the bag.

  “Yes. They are luxurious. Not the same ones we initially were allotted. While you were unconscious they moved all of us out of the city to, what can only be described as, a country villa. It was done in complete secrecy for our safety. No one but us and the local village actually know where we are. Once we round up the separatists we will, in all likelihood, be moved back to the official embassy residence.”

  Melissa was glad for the safety precautions and let the captain know she was ready and sympathized with his position.

  “I understand Captain, you must be eager to see me settled so that you can get on the investigation,” she stood straight and tried to be formal. “I grieve with you, for the loss of your men…our men and woman. Anything you may need from me, if I can do it, I will,” she told him. Her voice became a little shaky and her eyes moistened. His chiseled features softened briefly in acknowledgement of her concern.

  “Thank you Melissa, be assured I will not hesitate,” he answered softly. They stood staring at each other for a moment of silence. Then he coughed.

  “Ok then, let’s get you settled so you can reassure yourself with a call to the Home Office,” he said. He had guessed her primary concern. If she could not see the ambassador she very much wanted the support of the office. She allowed him to escort her out.

  She saw the master healer on the way out and he proclaimed her healed and ‘released’ her to good health and fortune. Melissa thought it was a quaint way to see a patient off. She walked down the stairs with Captain Lancer and there was a sled like vehicle at the bottom of the steps. Two men were standing next to it and there were several of the captain’s guards around the perimeter of the area. As she approached she was greeted.

  “Hello Assistant Melissa Mac. I am Fonte and this is my fellow liaison Cardel. We are assigned to you and yours to make sure the cultural education your embassy requested goes through smoothly and well. We also would like to extend our regrets and grief at the loss of your people. We hope nothing like it will occur ever again,” he said formally. They were handsome specimens of the Ilona race. Easily six feet tall, well-muscled and healthy. Fonte’s hair was an emerald green and Cardel’s hair was a deep red. Other than hair color they looked like they could be related. Both of them had a startling light blue eyes. Then Melissa remembered that the way the Ilona bred might make physical appearance immaterial in that respect.

  “Thank you for your kindness, you honor us. Are you our escort to the residence?” she asked politely. She glanced at the captain and he gave her a hand signal indicating it had been cleared.

  “Yes. We also will be staying at the residence in case any urgent need you may have becomes apparent. We also have a full household staff willing to see to your needs as well. Please, have a seat and we will take you home,” Cardel said. His voice, like Fonte’s, was a deep, yet smooth baritone that was soothing.

  “Thank you, we would be delighted,” she said. Melissa felt better even than when she had walked out. The air was fragrant with a perfume like smell and the bright colors perked her up considerably. She sat where indicated with the captain next to her and the two Ilona in front of them. The soldiers had their own vehicle and followed behind.

  The vehicle made no sound and seemed to hover as they traveled down a woodland path. Melissa was further distracted from her worries by the amazing flora they traveled through. Flowers towered over them brightly at eight to ten feet. Tiny bushes of light blue and green were as noticeable as the flowers. The path was covered in the greenest grass she had ever seen and she could not help marveling at the new surroundings s
he found herself in. There were people along the side of the path as well, equally as noticeable and bright to her eager eyes. Part of her wondered if she was trying to forget the horror of the attack.

  Ilona came in all shapes and sizes. They stopped and waved, greeting them with smiles and bows of respect as they moved past. All of them were scantily dressed and seemed to stand close to one another. Bare shoulders touching, or holding hands. She understood it was their way. They believed in freedom and empathy. Part of that was embracing who they were. It was why the separatist movement had risen so quickly.

  The separatists believed that the Ilona were immoral. Showing that much flesh and being so open and honest about all things was considered indecent. Melissa felt a little uncomfortable herself when seeing so many people dressed so provocatively. Unlike the separatists she did not find it offensive, merely different.

  Fortunately, most humans felt that way. It was a good thing that the separatists were such a small group or this meeting of cultures between the Ilona and her people would never have happened. Not only was it good for Earth and the federation to mingle and learn from new races, the Ilona also had resources they were willing to share for the betterment of the two races.

  Melissa waved back and said hello, trying to be a good representative of her people. She was a little surprised to see a woman who looked a lot like Melissa herself except she was wearing nothing more than tiny shorts. Her tanned skin shone with health and wellness. In fact, all of the people she saw were obviously in the best of health. It was a comfort to Melissa and eased her worry for her ambassador.

  They arrived at their residence and it was some ways off of the main path. It was a huge rambling building of natural wood, surrounded by palm trees and huge ferns of green and blue. It was an enchanting place and she was relieved to have arrived. Knowing it would be her residence reminded her she had a call to make.

  “I need to contact my people, can you show me to the communications equipment please?” she asked of Fonte and Cardel. They nodded and led the way while two women house staff took the bags to her rooms. She was led to a large office with a wide window facing out on a lake of crystal blue water.

  “This is the ambassador’s office. It is the only place with the equipment in it. Will this suit?”

  Melissa nodded. She was sure Rosanna would love it.

  “The ambassador will be pleased. It is a little unseemly for me to be using her office, however, would it be possible to get a communication link in another office?” she asked.

  “We can have that done if it is necessary. It may take some time, but if you feel it must be done we will see it done. May I ask why it is unseemly? As her assistant, do you not know everything she does so you can assist her better?”

  Melissa agreed. “I do, but I am not of her status. It is how we arrange our lives. This will work for me for now since it is important I make the call. I guess we have much to learn of one another,” she told him.

  “Agreed, we will leave you to your call. When you are ready we will escort you to your quarters,” Cardel told her and the two handsome men left. Melissa shook her head wondering why she kept thinking about how good the two men looked to her. She pushed it out of her mind and tapped in her communication code from memory. She was immediately transferred to the Earth Federation Council member in charge of embassies.

  “Hello Melissa. It is fantastic to see you! How are you feeling?” Mr. Geraldo asked her.

  “Much better sir. I wanted to check in and let you know they have settled myself and the soldiers now. You have probably heard it will be a few days before the ambassador is healed,” she said.

  “Yes, the Ilona have been very open. It is a relief that if something like this is going to happen we have such a good friend in the king. He spoke highly of you, by the way and has complete confidence you will be able to continue your duties without delay. I must say, I share that confidence Melissa. I know you are a great comfort to Rosanna. Were you informed of the path we have chosen?” he asked her.

  “Yes I was sir. We are moving ahead as planned. I am glad to hear it,” she told him.

  “Yes, we let it be known that we will not bow to terrorists, even if they come from within the federation. So you are to continue with the building of a relationship with Ilona people, and study of their culture. Do not worry about anything else. That will be Rosanna’s job when she recovers. Stick to your duties, understood?” he asked.

  “Of course sir. I will do my job. I have already requested some changes for decorum’s sake that will be necessary.”

  He beamed at her words.

  “Good my dear. You will do fine. We will contact you as soon as we hear any news about Rosanna. We have instructed all information come through here for security and, as you say, decorum. Do not worry Melissa, we have everything under control,” he told her and then signed off.

  Melissa sighed. She had hoped for more information but was not surprised. She was pretty low level and would find out what she needed to know when she needed it.


  “Here you go Miss Mac. I have a bath ready for you. It will help release any tension and lingering sadness from the horrors you witnessed. We use natural oils for fragrance and good health. I hope you enjoy and feel a restorative release from the experience,” staff member Lenah told her. Lenah was Melissa’s own assistant, granted by the Ilona. The woman was determined to make sure everything Melissa needed was available.

  “Thank you Lenah. It looks and smells heavenly, exactly what I desire. Your people have been good at anticipating my needs so far. I have no doubt all will be well.”

  The tall thin woman smiled hesitantly.

  “It is our way Miss. It is believed that one must deal with tension and grief for it to transform into a free heart and positive action,” the woman said and bowed her way out of the huge bathing room.

  Melissa stripped down, removed the wrapping on her arm and lowered herself into the big tub of fragrant water. Except for a twinge and a small scar, her arm felt fine now. She sighed and lay back against the bath pillows provided. There was a shelf within reach with a pitcher of water. She could feel her muscles loosening and as she relaxed and it opened her up in other ways. Lenah speaking of the horror she had seen had started her mind working and her memories quickly became clearer. She felt tears coming to her eyes. As her tension released she had no defense and just let them come.

  She remembered clearly the flames and explosions. She could see in her mind the bodies of the dead littering the once beautiful parade ground. Screams, she thought, so many screams! She somehow could remember them all and she shook as she began sobbing. She pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. Crying out her grief and despair with a force she had never felt. It was like a sharp pain stabbing into her deepest being. Her soul shuddered as the memories ran through her mind and she grieved for them all. It had taken such a short amount of time in her life yet she grieved for every second and hurt until it seemed to pass. Her tears lessened and she was soon able to breathe evenly again. She reached over and took a long drink of the cool water and it was a relief on her throat. She lay back and sighed again, closing her eyes.

  Melissa had never in her life cried like that and was a little embarrassed. Yet the embarrassment was nothing compared to the relief she felt. Her grief and anger was still there, but it simply was not as debilitating as she was sure it would have become if she had not dealt with it. She felt excited now, ready for the future. Ready to help fix things and build a greater understanding between her people and the Ilona. When she got out of the bath she was smiling. She was ready for the rest of the day.

  One of their mandates had been to assimilate as much of the culture as they decently could, so when she stood naked in front of the closet she went as far as she dared. Instead of a body suit she picked a white half top, sleeveless and snug. It held up her large breasts nicely and then she added matching white shorts. She smiled remembering the nurse Kolly.
Melissa giggled and felt she needed more though and looked through her own things, plus the local clothes provided for her. She found what she wanted. A long white blouse, sleeveless and to her knees. It buttoned only over her bare middle. So her breasts half bulged out and the bottom half opened showing her shorts. The blouse was an off white so the bright under clothes stood out, while she remained covered. A nice compromise, she thought to herself.

  Running her hands over her arms she was pleased. Her skin was incredibly soft, and looking in the mirror as she brushed out her hair she decided she was sexy. She had not thought of herself in that way since she had come of age six years previous. She put a red silk head band around her brow to hold her hair back, and with hands on her slightly wide hips smiled at herself. Yep, she thought, I am ready to take care of business.


  “How are your wounds Assistant Mac?” Fonte asked as they ate lunch on the back veranda overlooking the lake.

  “I am feeling one hundred percent better thanks to your master healer. I must remember to thank him. You can call me Melissa if you like. We are going to be working together and even the ambassador was open to familiarity in private settings,” she told them as she bit into a small grain cake. The food tasted wonderful to her and she sipped from her glass of juice. It had a tangy flavor that complimented the cakes perfectly. She had never tasted anything like it.

  “Thank you Melissa. It is a name as lovely as you are,” Cardel remarked with a smile before dipping one of the cakes into a vegetable sauce and taking a bite. Melissa blushed slightly and laughed softly.

  “Well, if you say so Cardel. I appreciate the compliment. How are your people doing after the attack?” she asked, reaching for another cake and dipping it into a different sauce.


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