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Her Home Run Desires

Page 134

by Payne, Jenna

  “You’re wet.”

  “You’ve done that to me more than once.”

  He growled softly in her ear, “Good to know. I promise to use my gift wisely.”

  Samantha giggled, feeling so naughty, floating above the town, with no one on the ground aware that she was half naked.

  “This is deliciously naughty. I don’t know if regular sex will be as exciting after this.”

  “I’ll make it my life’s work to make sure that’s not an issue.”

  His hand worked her while he talked, teasing her while he moved in behind her. She felt his rigid member press against her thighs and she spread her legs to accommodate him.

  She held the edge of the basket tightly as he slid inside her, slowly at first, then deeper until she’d taken him all the way to the hilt. He began to move against her, rocking his hips against the rhythm of the swaying balloon. He held the basket with one hand, his free hand resting low on her abdomen.

  As he thrust, he moved that hand down, dipping into the folds of her sex to search out the tiny nub. He stroked her with his finger while he thrust into her, matching the speed of his hips to the circles he made with his fingers.

  Samantha’s knuckles whitened as she gripped the edge of the basket tighter. She was so close to orgasm she could feel it building, her tightly wound body preparing to fly apart at any second. She kept her eyes locked on the scenery around them, arching her back and pressing her naked ass against him.

  She felt the wind swirl around her, licking her bare skin as he continued to dip into her. The tension was becoming too much, and Samantha wondered for a moment if anyone below would be able to hear them.

  “You don’t have to be quiet up here.”

  It was like he’d read her mind.

  With one mighty thrust, he pushed her over the edge and sent her body on wave after wave of delicious pleasure. Samantha cried out, not even attempting to hold back as she screamed his name in sweet, sweet agony.

  Blake held her for a moment, finally releasing himself powerfully, his voice joining hers to float onto the wind. He held onto her, his hips moving on their own as he pulled every drop of pleasure from her body.

  When he was finally spent he leaned against her, pinning her between himself and the basket for a moment while they fought to catch their breath. Samantha’s body convulsed around him, her legs trembling so much that she might have collapsed in a heap right there if he hadn’t held her so tightly.

  She was still breathing hard when she leaned against him, wrapping her arms around his and resting her head against his chest. She could hear his heart beating wildly against his chest.

  “That was amazing,” she said, her voice breathy and light.

  “Who says we’re done?”


  Later that evening, Blake pulled up to her house, walking her to the door as he did before. Her legs still felt like jelly, even hours after they’d finally touched down and come back to reality. After three rounds of love-making, Samantha wouldn’t have been surprised if she woke up completely unable to get out of bed in the morning. But she certainly wasn’t complaining.

  He kissed her deeply, arms wrapped tightly around her as if he couldn’t bear to let her go. When he pulled away, Samantha looked him in the eye, her smile a little sad.

  “Look Blake. You’re a really nice guy, but we both know this isn’t going to go anywhere serious.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  She held up her hand to stop him.

  “I’m okay if you want to keep dating, casually. I just don’t want to get my heart broken.”

  Blake took a deep breath.

  “Samantha. I wish I could convince you that I’m not what the tabloids make us all out to be. I’m in love with you. I’m not saying we should get married tomorrow, but I want to spend time with you. Lots of time.”

  “I’m just afraid it’s not going to work out and we’ll both end up wasting our time.”

  “So then, let’s enjoy the ride and let the pieces fall where they will. No pressure, no talk about the future. We’ll just enjoy each other and let our relationship evolve naturally. Deal?”

  Samantha looked dubious, but she couldn’t argue with his logic.

  “Alright, deal.”

  He kissed her again and she gave herself over to the feelings, her mind going back to that afternoon in the hot air balloon. Today had been the best day of her life, and she had no idea how anyone or anything could ever top it.

  But she was going to give Blake a chance to try. Even if it ended with a broken heart. It was about time she started living her life without worrying about what could happen. Blake Stemmons was a great guy. Even if they did breakup, at least she could look back on this time and remember feeling like a real-life princess.

  How many women could say that?


  The weeks became months and the months passed in a blur. While Blake continued to be the perfect gentleman, and an excellent lover, Samantha was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  Blake sent flowers once a week, and Marta had tired of teasing Samantha over her love life. Samantha’s life returned to normal, well as normal as a life could be when you were a mere call center girl dating a football player.

  Still, Samantha couldn’t shake the feeling that something had changed with Blake in the last few weeks. They were coming up on their six-month dating anniversary and he’d been uncharacteristically quiet. He blamed it on training camp and the impending football season, but Samantha wasn’t so sure.

  “Sammy, why are you borrowing trouble?” Jen asked her one day during their morning break.

  “This is real life, Jen. Someday, a better woman will come along and he’ll drop me for the next. That’s how these sports celebrities work.”

  Jen scoffed.

  “Even I know that Blake isn’t like the others. You’ve caught yourself a good one, Samantha. Accept it and let yourself be happy.”

  “I want to be. I just don’t want to lose him. When did I let myself fall in love with him?”

  “I have my guesses, but I’m going to keep them to myself.”

  “He’s just been so weird lately. I don’t know if he’s falling out of love with me. What if he was never in love at all? I was trying not to get my heart broken.”

  “You’re doing it again, Sammy. Stop it.”

  Samantha sighed, trying to push her thoughts out of her mind and focus on the positive.

  “Are you coming to the game tonight? I have great seats, better than usual even.”

  “I am. Are you? Have you even gone to a game since you two started dating?”


  “But it’s been months.”

  “I know. I just feel weird; knowing that women are there just to see him. I don’t know.”

  “Well, you better go tonight. I’m not going without you.”

  “I am. I promise.”

  “Do you need me to pick you up? Doesn’t he have to be there a few hours before the game?”

  “Yes, he does. That would be great.”

  “I’ll be at your house by six.”

  “Thanks, Jen. You’re a good friend.”

  “You have no idea, sister.”


  Samantha sat beside Jen, nervously clutching the armrests on her premium seat near the field as the players rushed the ball towards the infield. Helmets cracked together loudly as bodies rushed towards the ball, looking to stop its mad-dash towards the goal posts.

  Only a few seconds remained until half-time, and Samantha was chomping at the bit.

  “Were you always this nervous before?”

  “No. I guess it’s different when you know someone getting sacked.”

  “I guess so.”

  The buzzer sounded, announcing half-time and Samantha let out the air she’d been holding.

  “Want to get something to eat, Jen?”

  “No. I just want to stay here and relax. You look a little pale. Ma
ybe you should relax in your seat.”

  “You’re right. Besides, I want to miss the restroom dash and I’m not really interested in paying twenty dollars for a beer.”


  The sports commentator announced the half-time show, and Samantha perked up a little.

  “I love watching the cheerleaders. I always wanted to be one.”

  “We’ll need a volunteer from the audience,” the voice said over the loud speaker.

  Thousands of people stood in their seats, waving frantically. Several of the cheerleaders used miniature canons to fire balled up t-shirts into the stands above, but a small group ran towards the premium seating.

  “Why aren’t you raising your hand?”

  “They never pick me.”

  “Well, they’re coming this way, Sammy, so maybe now is a good time to jump up and down like you actually want to be chosen.”

  Samantha smiled.


  She jumped up, waving her arms to get the cheerleaders’ attention. To her surprise, they headed straight for her.

  “What’s your name?” the blonde in the front asked.

  “Samantha Banks.”

  “You’re perfect. Come with us, doll.”

  Samantha looked at Jen, who threw her the thumbs up and smiled wide before sitting down. Samantha followed the girls onto the field, feeling entirely overdressed in her jeans and team jersey featuring Blake’s number on the back.

  “Stand right here, doll,” they instructed, forming a circle around her as the camera rushed in to get it all on the Jumbo Tron.

  What did I get myself into? she wondered.

  The crowd grew hushed and the cheerleaders pointed behind her. Samantha turned, afraid of what she would find.

  She wasn’t expecting to see Blake there, in his uniform, holding a microphone.

  “Hi Samantha,” he smiled at her, his hand over the mic so their conversation would be private for just that moment.

  “Blake, what’s going on?”

  He winked at her, pulling the mic up to his mouth and looking into her eyes.

  “Samantha Banks, from the moment I first saw you, I knew you were special. When fate snatched you away and then brought you back again, I knew we were meant to be.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes. She couldn’t help it. Suddenly, his recent behavior, his contemplative moods all made sense.

  Blake reached out, wiping a tear from her eye before he continued.

  “You didn’t make it easy, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. We never appreciate what we don’t work for, and courting you was by far the most intense thing I’ve ever done. But you’re worth that and so much more.”

  A man stepped forward from behind the cheerleaders, and Samantha was surprised to see her dad step up to Blake, handing him a tiny box as Blake knelt to the ground. He grabbed Samantha’s hand before stepping back into place beside her mother. Even though she suspected it, her eyes still grew wide and her heart jumped in her throat. Her parents smiled at her, and Samantha couldn’t imagine a more perfect moment.

  “Samantha Evelyn Banks, will you marry me?”

  Samantha looked at her parents, who smiled encouragingly. They both mouthed I love you to her as the tears ran freely down her face.

  Too emotional to speak, she nodded her head vigorously, a nervous laugh escaping her as he slipped the ring on her finger. He stood, his face filled with love as he pulled her to him, dipping her as he had on the dance floor all those months before and kissing her deeply.

  The crowd in the arena erupted in applause as they walked off the field hand in hand, her parents and Jen close on their heels.

  “I’m going to say that’s a yes folks!” the announcer declared.


  One year later

  The bell over the door chimed and Samantha hurried from the back to greet the customer.

  “I’ve got it, Sammy. You need to slow down.”

  Her friend stared pointedly at her swollen belly, slipping past her and to the front counter.

  “Never mind,” Jen called out. “It’s Blake.”

  Before Samantha could waddle up to the counter, Blake met her in the back. As usual, his face was colored with worry.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Maybe it’s time to stop working and let Jen take over the business while you rest. Don’t you like the bakers I hired?”

  “I do. I’m just not ready yet.”

  “You’re due any day now. How ready do you need to be?”

  He shoved his hands into his hair nervously.

  “You’ve got to calm down. Stress isn’t good for you.”

  “I don’t know how you can be so calm. Impending fatherhood is hell on my nerves.”

  “Everything is fine. This time next week, you’ll be old hat at this fatherhood thing and you’ll wonder how you ever lived without your little princess.”

  “This time next week?” He looked genuinely perplexed and Samantha waited for a full beat before realization dawned. “Wait. Is she coming now?”

  “Feels like it.”

  Blake went into a panic, and Samantha reached out, her hand steady on his arm.

  “Slow down. Relax, we’ve got this. Remember to breathe,” she said, mimicking the breathing technique they’d learned in the birthing class.

  “Wait. I’m supposed to keep you calm.”

  “Well, I guess this time, I’m going to take the lead in our relationship.”

  She pulled him in for a kiss, groaning into his mouth as a contraction tore through her body.

  He released her, gently brushing her silky hair out of her face and lightly touching the thin scar on her forehead.

  “I was wrong, Blake.”

  “About what. You’re not in labor?”

  “Oh no. I’m in labor. I was wrong before. This is real life, and I am a princess in my own fairytale.”

  Blake smiled, kissing her lightly on the cheek.

  “It’s about time you realized how lucky you are.”

  She elbowed him in the ribs, and he laughed. Threading his fingers through hers, he took her hand, leading her to the car and the rest of their lives knowing that they were destined to live happily ever after.


  Bonus Story 39 of 40

  Making the Cut

  Vienna Rhett stepped out onto the ice early Monday morning, watching the Zamboni as it bounced down the ramp and out the door. The tiny ice rink’s sound system was still shot, so Vienna was forced to clip her micro MP3 player inside her costume to practice. She threaded the plug of her earbuds through her tight braid and plugged it in, hoping that her first axel wouldn’t send them flying.

  She stretched her arms over her head and behind her, glancing down at her well-worn skates to make sure they were tied tight. The ice was like glass, freshly shaved and watered. There was nothing Vienna liked better than being the first to hit the ice.

  Pushing play, she got into place and waited for the music to start. Vienna flowed through her program with ease, sticking all her landings and pushing herself to go beyond the minimum requirements. If a double was required, she threw in a triple. She followed her triple toe loop with an immediate triple Salchow.

  The music played on, and Vienna swayed gracefully to the piece. Her final movement was a spin series that started with the layback and ended with an elegant sit spin that she’d perfected the week before. As she prepared for the movement, she smiled broadly.

  The World Championships qualifier was at the end of the week, and Vienna had never felt so ready for anything in her life. If she could skate half as well at the competition as she did on her home ice, she’d make it in with no problem.

  She swung into her layback spin, reaching back and grabbing the blade of one skate behind her head to up the difficulty level. A flash of red sped by her, startling her and making her lose her balance. She stumbled out of the spin and face-planted on the i
ce roughly.

  Vienna sat up, looking around the rink and trying to find the culprit. A man in jeans and a loose red hockey jersey was skating around the edge of the ice, practicing his foot work while chasing a puck and tearing up her fresh ice.

  “Hey!” she shouted, still pulling herself from the ice and groaning at her skinned knee.

  The man turned, skating backwards and looking at her without a hint of remorse for what he’d done. He continued around the rink’s edge, twisting and spinning in little hops, his clunky skates chipping the ice up and ruining her smooth surface.

  Vienna’s face colored and she stood, skating so that she met him halfway around the rink.

  “I’m talking to you,” she shouted.


  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Practicing. What does it look like?”

  “It looks like you’re tearing up my ice.”

  “Your ice?” He laughed, blue eyes twinkling merrily, “This is a public rink. This ice belongs to no one.”

  “I rented this time slot and for the next two hours. That door was supposed to be locked.”

  “It was locked. But everyone who lives in Chehalis knows that all it needs is a good yank and it opens right up.”

  His smile was wide and friendly. Sandy blond hair peeked out from beneath his helmet. Vienna could see that he thought he was quite charming.

  “That doesn’t make it alright. I rented this time and you need to leave. You’re ruining my ice. And you knocked me over.”

  “I wouldn’t have been that close to you if you’d been in the center where figure skaters belong.”

  “I rented the ice! The entire thing! I belong wherever my program takes me. This isn’t open skate at the mall. I’m a serious competitor and I’m preparing for a competition.”

  “Me too,” he said. He held out his hand and offered it for her to shake.

  “My name is Ethan Hayes. It’s nice to meet you, Miss…”

  “I’m not here to make friends. Now please leave.”

  “No. I won’t be leaving.”

  “Why the heck not?”

  Vienna was starting to get angry.

  Ethan shrugged.

  “Because I don’t have a ride. My friend dropped me off and left. He won’t be back for at least an hour.”


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