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Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “Whatever happens, as long as we’re together, I don’t care.” Poppy kissed him and they left their room to find the rest of their family in the sitting room.

  Dawn pressed a bag of peas to one side of her face. Katie was nursing a stiff drink and sitting on William’s lap. Don stood by the fire and Robert stared out of the window. Adam was struck by how much his brother looked like his father in that pose. “How is Sophie?” he asked.

  “Sleeping and dreaming nightmares,” Robert said without turning around.

  “I take it you’ve got some news,” Jason sneered from his position in the corner.

  Poppy tightened her hold on his hand. Adam refused to take the bait.

  “Lewis, the old alpha of the Beyer West pack, left a son. He’s the one that is allowing James the power to control the pack.”

  “Great. A son no one has ever met.” Robert cursed from where he stood. “You’ve been on a fool’s errand. All of us have. The wolves are taking over and no matter what we do, they’ll win.”

  “What are you saying? We should just give up?”

  “No one asked you, necromancer.” Jason spat the words at her.

  “Careful how you speak to my mate,” Adam said, standing in front of her.

  “Mate? I don’t scent the blood bond.”

  “Because Poppy and I can’t have a blood bond. But we’re bonded, make no mistake. Rose has been taken by the wolves and you want us to give up?” Adam asked, outraged.

  “We’ve already lost too much.”

  “Bullshit. Rose is our sister. She deserves the same amount of attention to getting her back as Katie did.”

  “I’m with Robert on this one. As much as I love Rose, I think this battle is useless. We’re dropping in number and we haven’t got the power or the resources to save her,” William said.

  “No. I won’t accept this. I’m with Adam,” Katie said, getting up from her seat and moving to his side. “The wolves want us to be like this. They want us to be frightened and run off. They won this round but the war isn’t over until either all of us are dead or James is, and the son.”

  “Lewis told us that if we severe the connection between James and Lewis then he can see the lies he’s spun and take control of the pack. We need to get to Lewis, and then we take down James,” Adam said.

  “We can’t do this!” Robert roared as he turned to the room. “I’ve already lost a baby. I’m not losing anything else.”

  “I’m ashamed to call you my brother,” Adam said.

  “Well, get over it. I’m not risking any more. I can’t.”

  Adam paused, his anger so acute. “James was the son of the Beyer West pack. He brought great shame to his pack. Lewis, the original alpha, was a friend to our father. Don, he was friends with you. None of you can remember because his existence was wiped from our memories.”

  “I agree with Adam. I can’t let Rose die at the hands of the wolf.” Don stood and accepted Adam’s hand.

  Robert gazed at the room. “Are you all stupid? Our women could have died.”

  “But we didn’t, Robert,” Sophie said as she walked into the room. She laid one hand on her stomach. She walked past them all to stand in front of her mate. “If you let Rose go, you’re not the leader your father thought you were. James is doing this deliberately, to tear our family apart.”

  “I’ve got another question.” Cook, who’d survived the attack, walked into the room. All heads turned to the older human woman.

  “What is it, Cook?” Adam asked. He knew Cook and Rose had become friends.

  “I want to know why the daughter of two vampires—who has been cursed to live her life as a vegetarian never drinking blood—can drink the blood of a werewolf.”

  Outrage poured through the group.

  “Rose wouldn’t drink that stuff.”

  “You’re lying.”

  Cook held her hand up. “She came to me with blue lips and shivers gripping her body. I fed her the blood myself. For some reason, I had gone to a source and brought it here. Don’t ask me why I did it—I just did. I fed it to her two nights ago and she grew stronger. I’ve served the Valentines these past two hundred years and accepted blood to keep me alive. I want to know why the youngest daughter—whom I consider my own—can drink werewolf blood when all of you would die from a single drop.”

  “Because Rose is not just a vampire.” Mary had come unnoticed into the room. Don went to her and as she opened her mouth to say more, a flash of light erupted throughout the room. A naked woman lay sprawled on the ground covered in blood. Katie ran to her.


  The woman looked up and whispered, “Help me.” In the next moment, she collapsed in a heap on the floor.

  * * * *

  Adam and Poppy settled down for the night with more questions than answers. “I don’t understand what is happening,” she said, joining him in bed.

  “I think our lives are about to get even more complicated in the coming weeks.”

  “You’re right.” Poppy lay against him and kissed his lips. “As long as I’m with you, I don’t care how hard things get.”

  “You’ve got me, Poppy. For now, forever and for always.” He turned out the light and lay with her in his arms, thinking about what had happened. He knew hard times were to come about Rose, but for now he was happy knowing his mate and the love of his life was safe in his arms. For now, anyway.


  “You fucking, pathetic, idiots. Can’t I trust you with anything?” James yelled at the room, throwing a steel pole at one of the wolves. All of the wolves were bent down in submission to their alpha, whimpering. Lewis tensed as the pain cut him deep. The more he watched the rages on his father’s face and he sensed the wolves’ fear, the more he wanted to stand between them and his father and protect them.

  “We’re sorry,” another cried out only to have his heart ripped out and his head severed.

  “I don’t care what you all have to say. Out of all of the Valentines in that house you didn’t kill a single fucking female and you bring me back the weakest of all.”

  Lewis stared at the female vampire chained to the wall. The metal cuffs looked disgusting against her pale skin. He’d done this. He’d brought her here.

  James went over to Rose and pulled her by her long, thick black hair. Lewis fisted his hands at his sides, trying to keep down the need to protect her.

  Her screams echoed off the walls, cutting through to his heart.

  “Tell me your name, you little bitch,” he said, tugging at her hair.

  “Rose,” she cried out between chattering teeth.

  “What you’ve brought me is nothing more than a weak vampire. No one protects her because no one is stupid enough to waste valuable energy on her.”

  He threw her to the ground and stormed out of the room. Other pack members followed but Lewis stayed. He watched as she sobbed in the corner of the room. The white dress she wore was marred with the dirt from the floors. She didn’t deserve this and he was sick to his stomach for being the one to bring her here.

  He went over to her and touched her arm. She flinched from his touch.

  “Get away from me,” she screamed.

  Lewis closed his eyes as a flash of her smiling face came to mind from the lake where they’d taken a swim.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  She looked up and he saw her eyes change colour. They went from a cool green to the black of the night. The transformation startled him. He knew his eyes turned black with the height of the full moon.

  “You charged into my house, and beat my family when the men were gone. You’re nothing but cowards. Stealing me has achieved nothing for you.” She sniffed and rubbed her nose.

  “We’ve got you.”

  “My family won’t come for me, Lewis. Is your name even Lewis?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry I lied to you.”

  “Was any of it real?” she asked.

  He wanted to take her face and force
her to look at him. As much as he thought it wasn’t real, in his heart he knew it was. He remained silent.

  “I didn’t think it was.”

  “What makes you think your family won’t come for you?” He tried to get her pain out of his mind.

  “Because once you see how useless I am, you’ll get rid of me.”


  “I’m not a full vampire. I’m weak and useless to you. After all, how much can you torture a vegetarian vampire?”

  Lewis stood away from her.

  What the fuck had he done?

  Also available from Total-E-Bound Publishing:

  Love and Death: Love, Death and Justice

  Sam Crescent


  Chapter One

  Someone was chasing her. She didn’t know who or what it was, but the unmistakable urge to look back overcame her. She glanced back and there they were, following close behind. She shouldn’t have been there—her sister had warned her to stay clear of the club and warehouse—and now she had just watched her sister being murdered in cold blood.

  Catherine Hart suppressed a sob. For months her older sister, Sidney, had been caring for her, helping her get through university free from debt. If only she’d known before that Sidney had been selling her body to the highest bidder to care for her. To pay all of her student fees. Catherine would have told her she was crazy and she shouldn’t be using her body—she should be out enjoying life and love. Catherine didn’t need education—it was something their parents had wanted for them.

  Catherine turned down a darkened alley and ran straight into a muscled chest, then her arms were roughly grabbed and squeezed tight. Catherine couldn’t control the sobs escaping her mouth.

  “Please, don’t hurt me,” she begged the unmoving man.

  “You got her?” One of the men who’d been following behind her panted as they caught up.

  “Of course I did. Unlike you two, I don’t fail my boss.”

  Catherine was shaking. They were going to kill her, she was sure of it.

  “Let’s get her back to the club. Kill anyone who looks a little too closely,” the one who held her ordered the two men.

  The club in question was a nightclub known for strippers, prostitutes and many underhanded dealings. She cried out as they forced her inside a black car, the windows blacked out so no one could see in.

  After all her years mocking these situations in movies, Catherine couldn’t believe she was now living it. Her heart was racing and her stomach doing somersaults with every speed bump they passed, taking her closer to the monster who’d killed her sister.

  Sidney. All the memories she’d had of the woman who’d cared for her since her parents’ death came swimming to the surface, threatening to suffocate her.

  I’m so sorry, Sid. I should’ve listened to you.

  A few nights ago, Catherine had dressed ready to go out for a night on the town with her sister. Sid had been furious and had refused to let her leave the apartment.

  “I’m working, baby, and I can’t do my job if I’m worrying about you.”

  Not understanding her sister’s words, Catherine had refused to speak to her. Then tonight she had decided to follow her.

  The biggest mistake of her life had been believing that Sidney could pay for things and take care of her without getting into trouble.

  The car stopped round a back entrance and the same man who’d forced her into the car now pulled her out. Her fear returning—along with no common sense—she kneed the man who held her in the balls then used the small opportunity, when he let go to cup his crown jewels, to try to run.

  Another of his men grabbed her, hauling her back. The man she’d kneed dealt her a stinging blow across the face.

  Pain shot through her head, making her heave.

  They pulled her into a hectic kitchen of what appeared to be a busy club then into an office. Her fear spiked to unimaginable proportions. Two huge men with guns and foul expressions greeted her at the door with a sneer and she was dragged further into the room. Behind the desk, holding a phone to his ear, sat the monster—the murderer who’d taken her sister’s life.

  Oh, Sid, why?

  For the rest of her life, Catherine would never understand what had pushed her to make money in this way.

  “I’ve got a guest right now, but you can tell Mr Clay he’ll be supplied plenty of girls… Sorry—one girl. No problem. I want this business to work.” As she listened to his conversation, she wondered who would choose to do business with the creep.

  The phone was slammed down and the man stared at her—his eyes dead and the look he gave menacing. Her fear doubled. There was nothing to stop him from killing her right now.

  “So this is the sister?” His voice commanded attention and the men stood straighter as he got out of his chair and came round to her.

  The guy behind her tightened his hold while the boss moved closer. She struggled, unable to help the instinct inside her to get away from him.

  He was a killer. She loved her sister dearly and would miss her…but, God help her, she didn’t want to die.

  “She’s prettier and would bring a few bob for our trouble.” The monster stroked a finger down her cheek and Catherine sobbed. Danger was calling out to her and she wasn’t able to handle it.

  “You killed my sister,” she accused.

  He sighed and fisted the hair at the back of her head. He was taller than her and he pulled her up against him, grabbing her chin roughly.

  She gasped and tried to pull away but all that did was cause her more pain.

  “Do you know who I am?” he asked.

  She refused to answer, sending him a glare.

  The man let go of her chin long enough to deliver a stinging slap before grasping her chin harder. “Answer my question or I’ll hand you over to my men. It’s been a while since they’ve had some fresh meat.”

  Catherine knew what he meant—they’d rape and beat her. To be handed around four men and whoever else, as opposed to answering his questions? She would rather go with the latter.

  “I don’t know who you are.”

  “Sidney was a fool. You’d certainly bring in the cash, but no… Little sister had to stay at home and study.” He slid his hand down her body, cupping a breast and squeezing it tightly. She whimpered from the bruising pain. “But Sidney helped my businesses. Do you know what your sister did for me?”

  The tears were falling freely and she openly wept. Her life and her entire belief in her older sister were being smashed apart. The man in front of her grabbed her roughly, pulling away from the hold of the one at her back.

  He whispered against her ear. “She fucked my clients senseless and, because of you, my most valuable asset is now dead. I’m Cyril Woods and you owe me, sweetheart.” He thrust her away and she stumbled into a heap on the floor.

  His final sentence penetrated her thoughts. Cyril Woods. His crimes came in a long list and he was notorious throughout the whole of the city. Murder, prostitution, drugs, fraud, blackmail. Everything with a name and a crime to match could be brought back to his door.

  “Ah, I see you’re not completely brain dead and all of Sid’s hard work has, in fact, paid off. Excellent.” Cyril pulled her up off the floor and dumped her in the nearest chair. He knelt in front of her. He took her hands in his and stroked. Each word and touch made Catherine shake inside. His behaviour was like the calm before the storm.

  “Let me go,” she begged.

  “No, I can’t do that.”

  She sniffled and hated herself for the show of weakness. Her face and head hurt. She just wanted to rewind the whole night. In truth, all Catherine wanted was her sister to tell her it would all be all right.

  But Sidney was never coming back.

  “You see, Sid owed me big time, and, because of your interference, my business deal has been postponed.” His hand went to her face as though to gather her attention. Cyril Woods had all of her focus. She wouldn’t dream
of giving him anything less.

  “I’m sorry.” What more could she say?

  “I’m sorry doesn’t even begin to make up the money I’m losing.”

  “I don’t know how to help you.” Her thoughts were filled with memories. The shock was finally kicking in.

  “You’re a girl and I’ve got a man with the need of some company. You’ll go and treat this man to the night of his life, and in return I get my deal. Afterwards, you can leave. Fair?” Cyril sounded so earnest and blameless.

  “Treat a man to the time of his life? Do you mean to take him out to a bar and get him drunk? A movie and a bag of chips at the end?” In her heart she prayed it was as innocent as it sounded.

  The men in the room chuckled and scoffed at her.

  “No, sweetheart. You’re…twenty-three, twenty-four?”

  Catherine didn’t want to give him any personal information, but his eyes held a hardness, and she knew deep down she’d have no choice.


  “Still so young, but to some men a little too old. You should be pleased Mr Clay is not so inclined. I want you to get spruced up. Lee over there will get you ready and set up at the hotel. I want you to fuck Mr Clay into oblivion so I can get my business settled. Quite simply, honey, spread those little thighs like your sister did for many clients of mine and suck him dry.”

  Repulsion settled in her stomach. Everything coming out of his mouth was vulgar but she knew she didn’t have much choice.

  “You can’t make me do that. I’ll go to the police…”

  “Lee? Show the girl I mean business.”

  A knife pressed into the delicate column of her neck, making her gasp in shock and pain as the tip bit into her flesh. A gun was placed at her temple, the intention clear.

  “Which way would you like to die, Miss Hart? Slowly, bleeding out all over my carpet, or quickly, but still as messy? Your life can be gone just like that.”

  Catherine cried out when he clapped his hands, the sudden sound frightening.

  “Or you can agree to keep your mouth shut, fuck my client and walk free.”

  The pressure from the weapons didn’t ease up. Was she sick for wanting to live even if her sister was dead to the world?


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