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Dead Island Ravenous

Page 22

by Allen Gamboa

  “What now Sarge?” Franco asked, his voice reflected the pain he was feeling from his wounds.

  “We keep going Franco.” She glanced around the car filled parking lot. In the distance, several deaders were stumbling about, a couple of them started to take notice of the three. “We had a mission before we met them, we need to finish it.”

  “Copy that.” The Ranger nodded and moved slowly forward, checking the areas around him, rifle up and ready. Franco’s natural reaction would have been to join Kate in helping the two soldiers but the mission was what mattered. The ‘greater good’ bullshit.

  “You sure?” Kantner asked.

  “We’ve come this far Kantner. Now is not the time to go back.” She held the case up. “This is more important than any of us. This is the future.” The pilot just slowly nodded. “Good, we need to keep moving. Got some deaders to the right of us.”

  “Shit!” Kantner stumbled trying to get a good look at the flesh eaters.

  “Just keep moving Ace.” Franco told him. “Looks like slow movers to me.”


  Behind Thanks A Latte

  As the mercenary gave his last spiel to try and get them to surrender, the two soldiers were readying for another assault. Jefferson rolled over onto his back and turned himself so he could face the entrance to the alley. The Marine figured mercenaries would try to engage them from both ends if they could, the one running his mouth was just playing for time. Washington still had a good field of fire with both the vending machine and directory sign in his view. He just hoped that his partner was wrong about them attacking from behind since they were both low on ammo.

  “Come on.” Jefferson said impatiently as he waited for the imminent attack.

  “You think the others made it out?” Washington whispered.

  “I hope brother, or this is all for shit.”

  “Too bad. Kinda liked that Asian sergeant.” Washington smiled. “She was hot.”


  “You got a plan?” Washington asked.

  “Yeah,” The marine wiggled a few more feet on his back trying to get in a better defensive position. “Don’t die.”

  Jefferson rolled onto his stomach and readied for the oncoming firefight. “How many rounds you got left?”

  Washington ejected the rifles’ magazine, quickly gave the mag a once over then slammed it back into his weapon. “Maybe twenty. You?”

  “Same same.” The Marine said as he calmly grounded his elbows on the debris littered pavement, waiting for the other mercenaries to approach. “These guys aren’t taking us alive Wash. I get the feeling they mean to do heinous things to us.”

  “Roger that.” He said raising his rifle up to fire. “We kill these fucks and we go help the others, right?”

  “Yep.” Jefferson nodded as he watched the parking lot. Suddenly Kate sprinted into view of his optics. The Marine quickly dropped his weapon to his chest and waved for the firefighter to get down. Kate saw his hand motion and immediately dropped down behind the cover of an overgrown hedge. Jefferson gave her another signal to stay where she was. Kate nodded and slunk down farther behind the bushes.


  “Yeah?” The other soldier asked as he kept an eye on the mercenary’s positions.

  “Kate is back behind that damn hedgerow.”

  “What the fuck?” Washington turned and gave the Marine a puzzled look. Jefferson just shrugged and tilted his head towards the bushes. Washington rolled his eyes and returned to watching his fields of fire. “That’s your stray bro.”

  Jefferson sighed and slowly nodded. He tried to move closer to where the fire fighter was hiding when automatic gunfire erupted from the parking lot. The Marine instinctively brought his rifle up to a firing position at the sounds of a firefight.

  “The mercs are moving!” Washington shouted as he fired a couple rounds at the retreating gunmen.

  “Come on!” Jefferson shouted as he got to his feet and ran toward the back of the strip mall. “Cho’s in trouble!” As the Marine sprinted over to the hedge where Kate was huddled, an explosion rocked the parking lot.


  The Parking Lot

  “Maybe we can find you one of those ultra-lights to fly, Ace.” Franco chuckled as he scanned the parking lot for threats. “I hear those things are easy to fly!” Suddenly Franco flew back against the fender of a Toyota Corolla as three rounds from Cutter’s AK-47 slammed into his chest. The Ranger flopped onto the hood of the dirt covered vehicle and slid lifeless to the ground.

  “Get down!” Cho shouted as he shoved the pilot to the ground. Dropping to a knee, the sergeant let go of the case and brought her rifle up to fire. Cho swung her weapon around looking for where the mercenaries were hidden. Before she could get a fix two more rounds struck her in the shoulder and right arm. Grunting, Cho collapsed hard onto the asphalt, her rifle falling from her useless hand. The sergeant tried to grab her weapon with her left hand but the pain was too much. The bullet that had hit her in the shoulder had done fatal damage to her insides. Cho could tell that she was dying by the blood loss and the excruciating amount distress she was in. The sergeant turned her head expecting to see that Kantner had safely crawled away but instead was met by his cold, dead stare. The pilot had been hit in the back and killed almost instantly. Franco lay on his side next to the front of the car. Mercifully his eyes were shut, the young Ranger almost looked like he was taking a peaceful nap. Cho knew that Franco’s mother and father were living in a safe zone. It saddened her knowing his loss would break their hearts. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she realized she had never found out what happened to her own family after the outbreak. More tears came as she thought about how she had failed her mission and all the soldiers that had died so she could fuck it up.

  “Aw, she’s crying.” Frog chuckled as he kicked away her weapon and stuck the barrel of his rifle into Cho’s shoulder wound. The Ranger held in a scream not wanting to give the mercenaries any more of a thrill.

  “Yah,” Cutter, a big Texan, nodded as he kicked both Franco and Kantners corpses. Satisfied they were dead he slung his rifle and bent down, scooping up one of the cases. Smiling, he set the container on the blood smeared hood of the Toyota.

  “Kill her?” Frog asked wiping some drool from his mouth.

  “No, Martone said he wants one alive.” Cutter gave Cho a lewd grin as he pushed the camouflage cowboy hat back on his head. The Ranger, despite her massive pain, stared him down. “Oh, Digger will love you. He likes a fight.” The mercenary started messing with the combination on the container. “You wouldn’t happen to have the combination would you luv?”

  “Go to hell!” Cho spat trying to hold it together.

  “Ah, never the mind.” Cutter pulled a small tool out of his pants pocket and held it up so the Ranger could see. “My universal lock pick.” He smirked. “Now let’s see what’s in here. Frog to your left!” The shorter mercenary turned to see a Deader running his way. Frog raised his AK to his shoulder and fired three rounds. Two hit the ground beside it while the third struck it in the neck almost decapitating it. The flesh eater was turned around from having its head knocked halfway off. With its head hanging by some sinew, the Deader stumbled away, blind. “You need more range time Froggy.”

  “It’s this damn gun.” The mohawked mercenary said as the flesh eater smashed into a car. “Piece of shit.”

  “Sure, it’s the gun.” Cutter said as he tried to pry the lid open. After a few seconds, there was a loud pop as the lid came free. “Here we go.”

  “No, no, no.” Cho whispered. She could feel the life draining away from her. She had to do something. Using her left hand, she slowly reached into her blood-soaked vest and blindly felt around. After a few long seconds, she found what she was looking for.

  “What the hell?” Cutter had pushed open the lid and was staring at the contents of the container.

  “What is it?” Fr
og anxiously asked as he stepped over Cho and walked over to the front of the Toyota.

  “Fucking Mountain Dew!” Cutter held up a can of the soda in a giant hand. “The whole thing is filled with Mountain dew!” He grabbed up another case and smashed it down on the hood. Quickly prying it open he found the same thing inside. “Mountain fucking Dew!” Cutter growled as he shoved the cases off the hood and replaced them with the third one. Full cans of the soda smashed onto the asphalt and rolled around. Cho smiled weakly as she watched Cutter open the third case.

  “Mountain Dew! Fuck!” The mercenary turned and bent down next to Cho.

  “Well, shit.” She chuckled weakly. “You really must hate Mountain Dew?”

  “Fuck you!” Cutter kicked her hard in the side. “Where is the vaccine?”

  “You’ve been had dipshit!” Cho smiled through bloody teeth happy in the knowledge that her mission was over and successful. “You know what the word decoy means?” She said spitting up blood.

  “We’re toast man.” Frog said grabbing Cutters arm.

  “No, this Asian bitch is going to tell us where the real stuff is.” Cutter knelt and grabbed Cho by her vest collar. “Aren’t you?”

  The sergeant gave him a red stained smile and whispered something. “What?”

  “It’s…” Her voice trailed off.

  “What?” Cutter growled as he pulled Cho closer. “Tell me bitch!”

  “In your ass….” Cho grinned and shoved her left hand down the back of Cutters vest. The mercenary felt the familiar shape of the grenade as it slid down the back of his shirt. Cho whispered as she wrapped her arms around him, keeping Cutter from reaching the explosive. “Bitch.”

  “No!” Cutter screamed as he shoved the mortally wounded soldier off him. Cho fell back against the side of the car and slid slowly to the ground.

  “Help me Frog!” Cutter yelled as he turned in circles franticly trying to pull the grenade out of his back. “I don’t wanna die! Help me!” The taller mercenary started to run in Frog’s direction as he alternately reached behind for the explosive.

  “Don’t fucking come near me!” Frog shouted as he quickly moved away from the panic-stricken Cutter.

  “Help!” The mercenary continued to charge in Frog’s direction. The other hired gun drew his side arm and pointed it at his partner. Cutter ignored the weapon and kept running in his direction. “Help me Froggy!”

  “Sucks for you mate!” The mercenary snapped off two shots and Cutter dropped to the ground grabbing his destroyed knees. Frog turned and leapt across the hood of an old Hyundai as the grenade detonated. A splash of blood and Cutters insides sprayed the side of the car. Ears ringing, Frog slowly got to his knees and peered over the crimson splattered fender of the Hyundai. Cutters blood soaked cowboy hat slowly drifted to the ground while the rest of him lay in a smoking wet pile of blood and intestines.His ballistic vest had suppressed a lot of the grenades blast in a very bad and nasty way. The mercenary’s head had been annihilated or blown from his corpse. It was such a mess he couldn’t tell. Getting to his feet he looked back over to where Cho was propped up against the Toyota. Angry, he stormed over to where she lay gasping for air.

  “You stupid twat!” He growled sticking the pistol against her bloody cheek. “You set us up!”

  “Nice haircut,” Cho chuckled at the green mohawked mercenary. Spitting up some blood, she tried to smile. “Make it quick.”

  “No bitch.” Frog quickly glanced around then shoved his side arm back into its holster. “It’s going to be real slow and painful.” He started to unbuckle his pants. “You won’t like this but I will.”

  “Looks like it’s going to be quick.” Cho wheezed as she smiled. Frog grabbed her by the legs jerking her to the ground. The mercenary climbed on top of the soldier and began pulling down his pants.

  “Smart ass bitch!” He yelled as he slapped her in the face. Cho shoved her left hand down his underwear and pulled him in close. For a weird second Frog thought the soldier was getting into it, then he felt the hardness of the grenade. The mercenary tried to push Cho away but it was too late. Screaming in fear, Frog punched and tore at the Ranger in a futile attempt to break away. The image of Cutters mutilated corpse appeared in his head as he desperately tried to escape Cho’s grip.

  “Don’t be a pussy.” Cho coughed up some blood and let out her last breath releasing Frog as she died. The mercenary frantically rolled off the soldier’s body and quickly reached down into his pants. Grabbing out the grenade, Frog still had a sliver of hope. Then the grenade detonated.


  The Parking Lot

  Martone and the other two mercenaries made a mad dash around the front of the strip mall over to the rear parking lot. The Armenian had heard the gunfire then the two successive explosions. Repeated calls to Cutter on the radio went unanswered. Martone knew that was bad news. Carefully entering the rear parking lot, the mercenaries scanned the sea of cars looking for the others. Like a signal beacon, a high-pitched screaming came from the right of them. Digger pointed to a blast damaged Toyota that was parked about a hundred feet away.

  “Sounds like someone is shagging a cat!” Digger said nervously raising his rifle to a combat positon position.

  “Watch our backs.” Martone told Ali as he waved the Aussie forward. The Iraqi nodded and dropped back away from the other mercenaries. Several of the undead were now starting to mill about the parking lot, drawn in by the gunfire and explosions. Ali raised his rifle up to his shoulder and began tracking the dead in his sights. As the screaming continued, Martone and Digger cautiously approached the Toyota.

  “Fuck me.” The Aussie said staring at the bloody scene of carnage. The screaming was coming from Frog, who was writhing on the ground in extreme pain. Digger noticed that Frog’s right arm and most of his right leg had been blown off. The hired gun was covered in blood and pieces of his own intestines.

  “Help me Martone!” Frog cried, his once spikey green mohawk now lifeless and limp and covered in blood and bits of flesh. “The bitch blew us up!”

  “What the fuck happened Guy?” Martone asked staring down at the wounded mercenary.

  “It…it was a fuckin…. trick!” He spat up some blood and continued to cry. “There was just soda inside. No fuckin…no fuckin…She blew off my dick man!”

  “I’m surprised she could find that tiny thing, guy.” Martone said dropping his rifle to his side and taking stock of the open and damaged cases. The Armenian noticed the Mountain Dew cans that hadn’t been destroyed in the explosions. While Frog continued to cry about his exploded prick, Martone did the math of mission failure in his head. It wouldn’t be good. The only solace he had is that Dolan would ride most of the heat for this. The Armenian might be out of a job but Dolan would more than likely lose his head for this cluster fuck. “This was all a distraction. Those fuckers used us.” The mercenary said more to himself then the other mercenaries that were preoccupied with pleasure and pain. He absentmindedly fondled his gold chains as he shook his head. “Someone else has the vaccine. Son of a bitch.”

  “Martone, she blew off my dick man! Help me for fucks sake!” Frog whined grabbing at the Armenians pant leg with his left arm. “Help me!”

  “She did your prick a favor, guy, thing probably would have rotted off from all the shit you put it in.” The Armenian said annoyed at Frog’s whining.

  “Fuck Martone!” He screamed. “Help me please!”

  “Sure Guy.” Martone glanced back over at the empty cases as he pulled the trigger on his rifle. Frog suddenly became silent.

  “Shit Martone.” Digger was kneeling next to Cho’s body, ignoring Frog’s newly headless form.

  “Scared the crap outta me.” The Armenian dismissed Diggers mindless chatter as he walked over to the open cases and kicked one over. A Mountain Dew can rolled out.

  “She’s still warm man.” The Aussie said lustily, as he started to pull off the Rangers vest. Martone ignored him as he cl
icked on his radio.

  “Dolan, this is Martone.”

  “You get it mate?” The mercenaries voice crackled over the speaker.

  “Yeah guy, we got it.”

  “Get your asses back here. I’ll call for exfil!”

  “Good.” Martone grinned as he shoved the radio into his vest. “Time to go guy!”

  “What? I haven’t even started yet!” Digger groaned as he quickly buckled his belt back up. “I never get any fun Martone.”

  “Shut the fuck up guy unless you want to walk home.”

  “What about the cases?”

  “What about them?” Martone gave him a hard smile as he gave one of the cases a booted kick. A small explosion tore the hood of the Toyota. The mercenary instinctively dropped to a knee. He brought his rifle up to his shoulder and aimed in the direction of the gunfire. Several more of the hungry dead were now heading straight for their position.

  “Shit!” Digger scrambled off Cho’s unmolested corpse and dove for the asphalt as rounds smacked against the sedan. Ali was already moving backwards and returning fire in the direction of the rear of the mall.

  “Get your ass up Digger!” Martone shouted as he fired a burst towards a big Ford F-150 the soldiers and the firefighter were hiding behind. The Armenian followed by Ali and Digger, made a sprint for the front of the mall, away from the range of the weapons and undead.


  Check Point 101

  “What the hell?” Cross stood behind the open driver side of the SUV, M4 tucked into her shoulder and scanning the remains of the military checkpoint. Since they had left the area twelve hours ago, the small outpost had been all about destroyed. The Stryker vehicles were gone but two Humvees, still burning, remained. At least two hundred Deader corpses were spread throughout the area of the checkpoint. To the sergeant, it looked like the soldiers had been overrun by the ravenous dead. Hale and Duley cautiously moved forward through the fresh carnage rifles up and ready. Doc was on the Hummers 240 machine gun providing over watch for the others. Vannelli and Berry kept a guard on the teams rear in case this was some kind of ambush. After a few minutes of searching, Hale turned and signaled Cross and Berry over to him.


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