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Van, Becca - Set Me Free [Pack Law 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Becca Van

  “Why d–do you all keep calling me that?”

  “What, darlin’?” Jonah asked.

  “That. Darlin’, baby, that stuff?” Michelle asked.

  “Because we like calling you endearments,” Jonah answered. “Michelle, I want you to listen to me and not interrupt until I’ve finished, all right?”


  “We are all werewolves, darlin’, and you are our mate. If we claim you by biting you, our saliva will change your DNA and you’ll heal much faster. You won’t be able to shift shape like we do, but all your senses and healing ability will work so much better. I can get Blayk to put a cast on your arm if you wish, but if you choose the cast you’ll be staying here so we can help you. Or we could bite you and by tomorrow your arm will be healed,” Jonah stated.

  “You’re fucking shitting me,” Michelle got out around her uncooperative tongue, and then burst out laughing. She should have known something was up with Jonah and his brothers. Why should she find a sane man who was attracted to her? No one else had ever bothered with a second look to see what was beneath the surface. He had to be crazy to believe the nonsense he was spouting. “You are fucking crazy if you think I am going to believe that crap. I knew this was too good to be true.”

  “I am telling you the truth, darlin’. I know it must be hard for you to comprehend normally, let alone when you’re doped up on pain meds, but I am being truthful with you. Brock, show her,” Jonah commanded.

  “And there she is.” Brock’s voice drew her gaze to his.

  Michelle gasped and covered her mouth with her hand as Brock began to strip his clothes from his body. His tight T-shirt came off first, and she let her eyes rove over his dark, tanned skin, his muscles rippling as he moved. His hands went to down to his pants, and he popped the button then lowered the zipper. He pushed his jeans down over her thick, muscular thighs, and she couldn’t help but snap her gaze back up to his crotch. The man wasn’t wearing any underwear, and his half-hard cock was huge as it hung between his legs. She licked her dry lips and watched as his penis twitched and began to fill with more blood. The sound of his voice had her eyes snapping back up to his.

  “You’re killing me, baby.”

  “What are you doing?” Michelle whispered, and then swallowed loudly.

  “I’m showing you it’s true. We are all werewolves and you are our mate.” Brock reiterated what Jonah had told her.

  Oh God. They were all delusional. Michelle watched Brock as he moved into the center of the room, totally confident with his own nudity. His now fully engorged cock bobbed and swayed as he moved. The man’s appendage was every bit as large as the rest of him. It was nearly as thick as her wrist and reached up to his navel. The air around him began to blur and shimmer. The sound of bones cracking and joints popping as his muscles shifted and his body contorted was sickening. She felt bile rise in her throat and swallowed. Her breath was panting out of her mouth, and she gave a scared whimper as Brock dropped to the ground on all fours. His spine rippled as his back arched, a tail forming at the end of his backbone as fur erupted from his skin and covered his body. She pushed herself back into Jonah’s embrace as the wolf who had been Brock moved toward her. She felt Jonah wrap his arms around her waist, holding her securely as the wolf stopped inches from her legs. He was huge. He towered above her while she sat on Jonah’s lap. She stared into his eyes and looked away, scared she was challenging him as he stood tall before her. She jerked when his cool, wet nose nudged her hand, then groaned in pain since she’d jolted her broken arm. She looked back down to her hands as Brock rubbed his face over her good hand and couldn’t resist reaching out to stroke him.

  She was surprised at how soft his fur was. She’d expected it to feel coarse like a dog’s fur, but it was soft and silky beneath her touch. She threaded her fingers through the strands then reached up and scratched behind his ear. He groaned with pleasure and leaned his head to the side, giving her easier access. She felt electricity pulse around him as he moved back from her touch, and she watched the horrible contortions his body went through as he changed back. It took a matter of seconds before he stood before her naked once more. She sighed with relief as he began to pull his clothes back on, covering his delectable nakedness from her eyes.

  “Fucking hell, you really are werewolves,” Michelle said as she tried to push off of Jonah’s lap, but he wouldn’t let her, and since she only had the use of one arm, she gave up the futile action.

  “Yes we are, darlin’,” Jonah replied needlessly.

  “How is this possible? What do you mean I’m your mate? Who is ‘we?’?” Michelle rattled off quickly, her words blending together.

  “Mikhail, Brock, and I are all your mates, and we were born as werewolves. We are the same as you, darlin’, just with different DNA. We have a…little more than a human being,” Jonah explained. “Now, you have a choice. Do you want us to bite you so you can heal faster, or do you want Blayk here, who is a doctor I might add, to put a cast on your arm? Think carefully, Michelle. If you have a cast put on, you will be staying here until it comes off again. And if you choose to let us claim you, you’ll be moving in here permanently.”

  “What sort of choice is that? No fucking way am I letting you and your brothers bite me. I’ll have the cast and then I’ll be leaving. You can’t keep me here against my will.”

  “You’re right, we can’t. But think about how you’ll cope by yourself with a cast on your arm. You’re going to need help, darlin’,” Jonah declared as he bent his head and licked the side of her neck.

  Michelle felt her pussy spasm, and cream leaked out of her sex to dampen her panties. How the hell can these men turn my once sleeping libido, to a raging flame so quickly? She wanted to give in and let them claim her, bite her. The thought of having sex with three men at once had her body heating so hot, it was a wonder her blood wasn’t boiling. But everything she’d learned from the nuns at the convent whispered through her mind. She just couldn’t do it. She couldn’t take the chance and risk her true personality breaking free. If she did, she was scared she would never get her front back under control.

  “Please put the cast on,” Michelle said as she looked up at Blayk.

  “I’ll need you in the dining room. That way when I slop plaster on the floor, Angela won’t read me the riot act.”

  “All right,” Michelle replied, trying to get off Jonah’s lap, but he wouldn’t let her.

  Jonah moved her back on his lap, and she felt his hard cock digging into her hip. She tried to squirm away, but he moved an arm beneath her knees, the other around her shoulders, being careful not to injure her arm, and stood with graceful ease. Then he was carrying her into the dining room.

  He held her on his lap as Blayk gathered his supplies from a large cupboard off the side of the kitchen and she tried to regulate her rapid breathing.

  “How did you fall down the stairs, honey?” Mikhail asked as he pulled up a chair and sat down close to her and Jonah.

  “Uh, I don’t remember,” Michelle answered.

  “Are you lying to me?” Mikhail asked as he grasped her chin between a finger and thumb, turning her head toward him.


  “Don’t try and lie to me again, honey. I’m a werewolf, remember, I can smell it when you’re lying.”

  Fuck. Now what do I do? Michelle knew damn well she hadn’t slipped and she would bet on her life she knew who had pushed her, but she didn’t want to get the woman in trouble.

  She knew the woman had been nasty to her, but she had seen the underlying pain in the other woman’s eyes and didn’t want to cause her any more grief. She had finally worked out that Kirsten had feelings for Jonah, Mikhail, and Brock. She had remembered what the woman had said to her in the library, and she had felt angry and sorry for Kirsten on her behalf. No female deserved to be treated like a sex object. If she knew the Friess brothers a little better she might have already given them a tongue lashing, but she would bide her time
and give it when the opportunity arose.

  Well, the only thing she could think of in her defense was to say nothing at all. She pulled her chin from Mikhail’s grasp, compressed her lips tight across her teeth, and refused to answer. She sighed, relieved when Blayk pushed Mikhail out of his seat and commandeered it for himself. Saved by the bell, metaphorically speaking.

  Blayk worked on her arm, soaking the strips of plaster in a bowl of water, then wrapping it around her limb. By the time he was finished, she had plaster covering her palm around her thumb, over her knuckles, to just below her elbow. The plaster was still damp, and she shivered as goose bumps rose on her flesh. She watched as Blayk cleaned up his mess, came back to check she had enough room in her plaster in case of swelling, then left the room without a backward glance. She covered her mouth to stifle a yawn. The pain medication was making her drowsy. At least she wasn’t slurring her words anymore. She hoped.

  “You need a nap. When you wake up, we will have the answers we want, Michelle. I’m not letting you get away without telling us what happened. And I suggest you think about telling the truth,” Jonah stated firmly as he scooped her up in his arms once more.

  Arrogant asshole. Who does he think he is, ordering me about? I’m not one of his minions to follow along without question. She knew he was the leader of their group. She had ascertained that information easily enough throughout the day, by the way the others in the house seemed to defer to him. I’ll show him he can’t walk all over me.

  Chapter Six

  Michelle groaned with frustration when she realized she’d fallen asleep. She’d had no intention of doing so. She had actually planned on waiting until she was alone, and then she was going to try and slip out of the large mansion-style house unnoticed. She had no idea what time it was but knew it was dark outside. The curtains in the room had a small gap in the middle, and she saw it was pitch black outside. A small lamp on the bedside table offered muted light for her to see by.

  She sat up, groaned as her newly casted arm protested at the movement, threw the covers back on the bed, and swung her legs over the side. She dropped her head in her good hand when she realized she was only wearing her panties and a large white T-shirt. She wouldn’t be able to put her own shirt back on because she didn’t know where it was and she knew the sleeve wouldn’t fit over her cast. She looked around for her skirt but couldn’t find that either. A toweling robe was lying across the end of the bed, so she picked it up, carefully slid it over the cast, and then struggled to get her good arm into the other sleeve. She looked around for her flat slip-on shoes

  Michelle crept along the dimly lit hallway and then slowly descended the stairs. She kept a good grip on the banister this time, but she kept checking over her shoulder to make sure no one snuck up on her and pushed her down. She hesitated at the bottom of the stairs, listening to the rumble of masculine voices coming from the dining room. She figured it must be around dinnertime, but since she slept most of the day away and she was still in a bit of pain, she wasn’t hungry at all. Instead of turning right into the kitchen dining room, she turned left into the massive living room. She was relieved to find it empty. She walked into the room and sat down in the corner of the large sofa, her arm cradled against her chest because it was hurting something fierce. She curled her legs beneath her and rested her back against the arm and back of the sofa.

  She let her mind drift and wondered what it would be like to have so many people, family, around all the time. Of course she’d been around a lot of people in the convent and small families in foster care, but she’d never really felt as if she fit in. Then her mind jumped, and she gasped as she remembered Jonah telling her that they were all werewolves. She knew she’d laughed at him, and she remembered swearing. Shit. She let part of her true personality surface, while under the influence of drugs. The blurry image of Brock stripping down to his glorious skin and then changing into a wolf before her eyes flashed through her mind. She rose to her feet in agitation. She had to get out of here. She didn’t care that she was only covered in a T-shirt and robe. She was leaving. She could still drive but with only one hand on the wheel, which would be dangerous, but she would manage.

  Michelle ran to the door of the living room and cautiously peeked out around the jamb. When she saw no one, she quickly ran toward the exit she remembered Jonah leading her through when they’d first arrived. She kept her footsteps light and was pleased when she made it to the doorway without being caught. She reached out for the handle with her good arm and turned the knob.

  “Where do you think you’re off to?” Mikhail growled in her ear.

  Michelle screamed and jumped about a foot off the floor. She spun around, her heart racing and thudding in her chest. She placed her good hand on her chest, trying to stop her heart from pounding.

  “I…um…Look, you can’t keep me here. I want to go home,” Michelle said, raising her chin at him. She was getting a crick in her neck as she glared up at him and had to lower her head to ease the ache.

  “Jonah gave you a choice, honey. He told you if you didn’t let us claim you and you chose to have the cast put on, you would need to stay here so we can help you,” Mikhail reminded her.

  “You can tell me what to do all you like, but I don’t know you or your brothers. I think it would be best if I went home.”

  “I don’t,” Mikhail replied. “Look at me, Michelle.”

  Michelle automatically responded to Mikhail’s command, then berated herself for doing so without putting up a fight. The heat she could see in his silver-gray eyes as he stared at her was enough to singe her hair. She felt her breasts swell and her nipples harden. Her clit began to ache, and her pussy throbbed. She felt her cunt release a well of cream and felt her panties becoming wet.

  “I can smell your need, honey. We could give you relief if you’d only let us.”

  “What?” Michelle asked. She nearly groaned at how breathy her question sounded, even to her own ears. She stepped back as Mikhail moved in closer to her, and her back thudded against the door behind her and the door handle dug into her flesh. She moved to the side, trying to see a way around Mikhail. She wanted to run, but the fire in her body prevented her from moving. She stared into Mikhail’s eyes as he leaned down toward her.

  Michelle’s whimper sounded loud even to her own ears. She wanted to reach up and push him away, but she also wanted to grab hold of him and lay her lips on his. Her mind was at war with her body. His face was only inches away from hers, and she could feel his breath on her forehead. He reached out to her and drew her up against the length of his body. The top of her head only reached his collarbone. She had never felt so small and fragile. He wrapped one of his muscular arms around her waist and placed a hand beneath her ass. He lifted her up until they were face-to-face. She stared into his eyes and saw his pupils dilate. His breathing was as choppy as her own, both racing in and out from between their lips. He pulled her in closer, and she felt the huge bulge at his crotch against her thigh. She tried to wriggle away, but he held her fast.

  Michelle heard him groan as he moved the last few inches and covered her mouth with his own. She tried to keep her body stiff using all her concentration, but her natural instinct won and she found herself wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He licked along the seam of her lips with his tongue, making her whimper with desire. She opened her mouth to him and moaned into his mouth as he slid his tongue between her teeth. He swept into her mouth, tasting and exploring every inch of her moist depths. She gave herself over to him as fire raced through her veins.

  Michelle felt her back connect with the door behind her and mewled as Mikhail curled his tongue around hers, drawing the muscle from her mouth into his own. The feel of his lips closing around her tongue and sucking made her rock her hips against his belly. The friction of her wet panties sliding between them was so good, she didn’t want to stop. Mikhail released her tongue and swept his tongue along the inside of her cheeks, over her
teeth, and to the roof of her mouth. She threaded her fingers through the silky strands of his hair and groaned as he withdrew his tongue to nibble on her bottom lip then slowly licked and kissed his way along her jawline to her ear. She thrust her hips against him and whimpered as he pushed his tongue into her ear, sending shivers of need racing up and down her spine.

  She could feel cream leaking from her slick folds, her panties now soaking wet as he moved his mouth to gently nip on her earlobe. She felt him shift beneath her arms, and his body arched as he pulled her crotch against his own. He grasped her hips and helped her to rub herself over his hard cock, bulging beneath his jeans. He humped her, slamming his groin into hers as she rocked her cunt up and down. Her womb was heavy with desire, her clit aching with need, and her pussy clenching open and closed. She was coiled as tight as a bowstring and only he could give her relief. He pressed his cock into her crotch hard one last time, and she screamed. She threw her head back, making a loud thud as the back of her head connected with the door, her liquid release making her body jerk and shiver as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over her.

  She clung to him and buried her face in his neck. She couldn’t believe what she had just done. Her broken wrist was throbbing like a bitch, and she was too shocked by what had just happened to look at him. She clung to him tighter as he tried to draw her away from him.

  “You have nothing to be ashamed of, honey. It’s natural for mates to want to fuck. It’s only going to get more intense as we spend more time with each other,” Mikhail advised.

  Michelle sighed and slowly released her hold around his neck. The pain in her arm was so intense now she was beginning to feel ill. She pulled her injured arm against her chest and cradled it with her good one. Her back and ass were still against the door behind her, and only Mikhail’s arms kept her from sliding down. She caught movement off to her right and turned her head. She met Jonah’s and Brock’s eyes as they stared at her. The fire in them had her libido twitching to life again, but the pain in her arm tamped it down.


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