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Van, Becca - Set Me Free [Pack Law 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Becca Van

  He pumped his hips, sliding his cock in and out of her hot, wet cunt, and knew he was in heaven. With every forward thrust he picked up the pace until his balls were slapping at her flesh. He pulled her up with him as he now sat on the bed upright and wasn’t disappointed when she wrapped her arms and legs around his body. He clasped her buttocks in his hands and began to knead her flesh, spreading her cheeks, opening her ass, stretching her. He helped her rock against him, and when he felt her begin to ripple around him once more, he pulled her down onto his cock and held her still.

  “No. Don’t stop. I need you to fuck me,” Michelle sobbed out.

  “Don’t worry, honey. We’ll give you what you need. Just hold still for a minute or two,” Mikhail rumbled out.

  “Why? I need to come, damn it.”

  “And you will, baby,” Brock said. “I just need to prepare you so I don’t hurt you.”

  “What?” Michelle said with a frown, when Brock’s wet fingers massaged her ass. “No. You can’t touch me there.”

  “Sh, honey. We’d never do anything to hurt you. Brock needs to claim you, too, and we all know you’re already tender from Jonah and now me. If Brock fucks your ass, you won’t hurt as much,” Mikhail rasped out and held her hips still. He knew when Brock began to massage more cold lube into her ass because he felt her flinch.

  “Just relax, baby. No, don’t tighten up, it’ll only make you more uncomfortable,” Brock rumbled. “Yeah, baby. That’s it, relax that pretty little ass for me.”

  “Oh God. You’re too big. You’ll never fit,” Michelle wailed. “You’ll rip me in half.”

  “It’s all right, honey. Brock knows what he’s doing. Take deep breaths and relax,” Mikhail soothed, using a little of his Alpha power to help to get his mate to relax.

  “You’re doing great, baby,” Brock murmured.

  Mikhail knew Brock had penetrated Michelle’s anus because she had just gotten tighter around his cock. He ground his teeth together and gripped her ass cheeks a little firmer, but was careful not to hurt her. He spread her cheeks wide and knew his brother was pushing his fingers into their mate. The sounds she made and the feel of her flesh clenching around him was way too good. His was in danger of shooting off.

  “Michelle, relax, honey. I’ve got you. Just let go and let us pleasure you.” Mikhail groaned out.

  “Hold her still, she’s gonna go wild.” Brock panted.

  Mikhail heard his brother squirt lube into the palm of his hand, the moisture making a squelching sound as Brock covered his cock with lube. He felt Michelle flinch then moan as she pushed her forehead into his chest.

  “Oh my, it hurts. What are you doing to me?” Michelle asked.

  “Shh, honey. Deep breaths, remember. Just concentrate on my voice and relax those muscles. That’s it. Good girl. The pain will be gone in a minute and then we are going to make you feel so good,” Mikhail whispered against her ear.

  “Hurry the fuck up, Brock, or I’m not going to last,” Mikhail sent to his brother telepathically.

  “Me neither,” Michelle replied.

  “Honey, did you just hear me talking to Brock?” Mikhail asked, totally astounded.

  “Well, duh. I wouldn’t have answered if I hadn’t,” Michelle replied.

  “Baby, your ass is so tight, I can hardly stand it,” Brock stated in his mind.

  “Just shut up and fuck me, damn it. I’m so close,” Michelle pleaded.

  Mikhail couldn’t believe his mate had heard them through their telepathic link, but was not willing to discuss it with her now.

  “I’m in,” Brock groaned. “She gonna milk the cum from my balls, if she doesn’t stop squeezing.”

  Mikhail had to move. He was too far gone. He was so close to the edge, and he wanted to make sure Michelle reached her peak first. He slid his cock out and then surged back in, taking it slow and easy, letting their mate get used to having two cocks in her body. As he eased in, Brock eased out. They set up a slow, easy rhythm, not pumping into her too hard or fast. The sounds Michelle made as they loved her were a huge turn-on to him, and he knew Brock felt the same. He knew his face no doubt mirrored his brother’s as they made love to their woman. He could feel her internal muscles coiling around his cock, squeezing him harder, and knew she was close. He gave Brock a nod over her shoulder, and Mikhail picked up the pace of his thrusting hips. He and his brother pleasured their mate as well as themselves because they were now pounding in and out of her tight holes.

  Mikhail felt Michelle jerk in his arms and looked down at her. She threw her head back, her cheeks a rosy-red hue with her passion, her face slack with pleasure, and she cried out as she tipped over the edge. She screamed long and loud, her muscles contracting around his and Brock’s cocks as she climaxed. He felt the tingling at the base of his spine and pumped into her harder, faster, and deeper. The feel of her massaging his cock as she climaxed was pure heaven. He roared as he felt his balls draw up close to his body, and then he was spewing load after load into his mate. The sound of his brother’s yell reached his ears, and he knew Brock had also found his own release.

  Mikhail wrapped his arms around Michelle’s waist and held her tight to his body as the last of her climactic tremors faded away. She slumped against his chest, and he breathed in her scent, which was now a combination of her, him, and his brothers. He held her tight and didn’t want to let her go, ever.

  Mikhail heard Michelle whimper, and he lifted his head to see Brock grimace as he withdrew his cock from her ass. His brother picked up their mate and walked to the bathroom with her in his arms. He glanced over to the side of the room when he saw Jonah move and stand from where he’d been sitting. Mikhail was in awe of the fact Jonah had let him and Brock pleasure Michelle by themselves. Usually his brother was the one directing their love play. But he knew it was different with their mate. They weren’t playing. It was for real and hopefully forever. Their mate had already wormed her way into their hearts.

  Chapter Eleven

  Michelle sat in the backseat of the large truck Jonah drove. Brock was in the front passenger seat, and Mikhail was in the back. They were on their way to her cottage to pick up some clothes for her. She needed them for work tomorrow since her arm was healed and she had won the argument with Jonah about her returning to work. She also needed clothes so she wouldn’t have to walk around in borrowed T-shirts. As much as she loved wearing her men’s T-shirts with their lingering scent on the material, she knew she couldn’t live in their clothes for the rest of her life.

  Michelle was surprised she didn’t need to direct Jonah to her place.

  “How do you know where I live?”

  “When I knew you were our mate, I looked up your employee information,” Jonah replied and looked at her in the rearview mirror. She could tell he was smiling by the crinkling at the corner of his eyes.

  “When did you know I was your mate?”

  “The night I found Mikhail bailing you up in the library parking lot,” he replied.

  Michelle turned to Mikhail. “It was you then and not a pet named after you?”

  “Yes, it was me, honey. I knew you were our mate as soon I scented you. I had gone out for a run and ended up in the trees behind the library. I smelled you as soon as you exited the library building.”

  “You scared the shit out of me. You bastard, I thought you were going to eat me,” Michelle said with a laugh and slapped Mikhail on the arm.

  “I was going to eat you, honey, and I did, remember?” Mikhail replied and waggled his eyebrows at her.

  “You are impossible,” Michelle said with a laugh and turned to look out the front windscreen as Jonah pulled the truck to a halt close to her house.

  Her three men were out of the truck before she was even unbuckled from her seat belt. Brock stepped back and opened the door for her. She watched as her three men growled low in their throats when they sniffed the air. She felt the fine hairs on the back of her neck rise at the sounds.

  “Stay in
the car, baby,” Brock advised with a growl. “Give me your keys.”

  Michelle handed her house keys over, then released the breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. Brock closed her in the truck, and she watched as her three mates cautiously kept sniffing the air. She saw Brock hand her keys over to Mikhail, and he disappeared around the side of her small house. She watched as Mikhail went to insert the key in the lock, but to her horror the front door swung open. Mikhail and Jonah disappeared inside. She cracked the door to the truck open just in time to hear angry snarls. She didn’t stop to think. She bolted from the truck and raced to her front door and into her living room. The sight that met her eyes nearly made her knees buckle beneath her.

  Everything was ruined. Her furniture had been slashed, the stuffing pulled out of cushions, and her stereo and television had been smashed to pieces. Nothing had survived. She walked down the small hallway and stood in the doorway of her bedroom. Her clothes were in pieces, her bed ruined. The smell of urine was strong in her room, and she couldn’t prevent herself from gagging. Her mates turned toward her, and the angry looks on their faces was her undoing. She began to cry. There was blood all over her walls. The fluid had dripped down the wall, but the words were still legible.

  You will die, bitch!

  Michelle bolted from the room and ran to her kitchen. The sound of broken crockery crunched beneath her feet. Nothing was left. Her whole life ruined in an instant by some sick bastard. She turned the cold faucet on and splashed water on her face and let the cool, soothing liquid run over her wrists. Who would do such a thing? I don’t even really know anybody, besides my mates and Kirsten. No, she couldn’t have done this.

  “Michelle, are you all right, darlin’?” Jonah asked from behind her.

  Michelle turned the faucet off and turned to face him. “Who would do such a thing? It took me years to get all the things I had and now they’re all ruined.”

  Michelle stepped forward into Jonah’s arms and hugged him tight. She hadn’t even realized she was shaking until her body came into contact with his.

  “Darlin’, I know you’re devastated about your things, but I’m just glad you weren’t here when they came. You could have been killed. Your things can easily be replaced. You can’t. I don’t know who did this, but I do know what,” Jonah said, and she heard the fury in his voice as he snarled out the last.

  Michelle leaned back to see his face and would have cringed if the ire on Jonah’s face had been directed toward her. “What do you mean, ‘what?’?”

  “Wolves,” Jonah replied.

  Michelle knew her face showed her puzzlement as she frowned up at him, and then light finally dawned. “Werewolves did this? Why? What have I ever done? I didn’t even know werewolves existed until recently.”

  “It’s all right, darlin’, I’ll get to the bottom of this. It has to be rogue wolves, and when I find them I’ll rip them apart. This is my territory, and no one is allowed on my land without my permission. Whoever it is will be found,” Jonah stated, leaned down, and kissed her on the temple.

  Michelle leaned her forehead on his chest and sighed. She knew there was no way she could talk him out of finding the wolves. He was an Alpha, and his job was to protect his own. Even she knew that. This was different from what Kirsten had done, and she didn’t feel an ounce of empathy for the rogue wolves. They deserved everything they got.

  “Come on, let’s get you out of here. I’ll take you into town, and you can pick out some clothes,” Jonah suggested as he scooped her up into his arms.

  Michelle didn’t protest at being carried this time. She was still too distraught, and her knees were still shaky. She snuggled into his neck and sighed. Who’d have thought she’d ever be in a relationship with one man, let alone three?

  Jonah placed her on the backseat of the car and gave her a peck on the lips. He made sure she was buckled in then closed the door. She watched the sinuous grace of his muscular body as he walked around to the driver’s door. He slid in behind the wheel and started the vehicle. Michelle saw Brock and Mikhail exit her house, closing and locking the door behind them. They got into the truck, Jonah shifted the gear stick, and they were off. They drove in silence, and Michelle wondered what was going through her mates’ heads. Nothing good, she was sure.

  It didn’t take long before Jonah was pulling the truck into a parking space, and he turned off the ignition, turning toward her.

  “I want you to pick out anything you need, and I don’t want any arguments about the cost. We are quite well off and can afford for you to have anything you want and need. Okay?”

  “All right,” Michelle replied, and then Brock was helping her down from the truck. He clasped her hand in his own and led her to a small boutique-type store. As soon as they walked through the door, Michelle knew this wasn’t an ordinary store. The place screamed wealth, and she knew the clothes would be designer label. She looked up at Brock but didn’t get a chance to protest.

  “You already agreed, baby. You can’t back out now. Go and pick out some clothes and don’t look at the price tags,” Brock said and gave her a smile.

  Once she let herself go and began to choose clothes, she felt like a little kid in a toy store. The quality and the cut of the clothes were superb. She decided since she was now mated, that there was no need for her to choose uptight schoolmarm clothes. She picked a few dresses which she knew would fit like a second skin, short thigh-length skirts, stretchy tops, and lingerie. Lingerie was one thing she’d never skimped on before, and she didn’t plan to start now. The young woman behind the counter had come out and helped her choose clothes. By the time she was finished, the sales counter was piled high with outfits, shoes, and lingerie. Her men had even added a few pieces to the pile themselves. She stared in horror at the cash register as the woman rang up the sales. Mikhail must have seen her looking, because he walked up behind her, wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and began to steer her toward the shop door.

  “We’ll be at the diner. I think an early lunch is in order,” Mikhail said and then steered her out the door.

  “But…” Michelle began.

  “No buts, honey. Let’s get some food. I’m hungry.”

  “You and your brothers are always hungry. I can’t believe the amount of food you eat. You should all be fat.”

  “We’re werewolves, honey. We have fast metabolisms,” Mikhail said with a grin.

  They walked for half a block, and then Mikhail steered her through the door of the diner. He led her to a booth in the back and held her elbow as she sat down and scooted around the long curved seat to make room for him. Besides, Jonah and Brock would be joining them soon, and she loved to feel safe and secure, surrounded by her men. She’d never had that before and intended to relish the experience. Michelle looked at her watch and was surprised to find it was nearly noon. She had no idea so many hours had passed. She looked toward the door of the diner when the bell above gave a tinkle and watched Jonah and Brock stroll toward her. God, are they hot. I can’t believe they are my mates. They make me horny when I just look at them!

  “We’re glad you think so, darlin’. I can’t wait to get you back home. We are going to fuck you until you’re deaf and blind,” Jonah replied through their new link.

  “I can’t believe you heard that. Are none of my thoughts my own?”

  “Yes, your thoughts are private, but you shouted that thought in your head. We couldn’t help but hear, baby,” Brock replied.

  “Get out of my head. I don’t want you in there all the time,” Michelle protested indignantly.

  “You’re the one in our heads, honey. Don’t worry, we’ll teach you how to keep your thoughts to yourself,” Mikhail said and gave her a sexy wink.

  Michelle squirmed in her seat, trying to relieve the ache in her clit and clenching pussy. She felt a gush of fluid leak onto her panties, making them wet.

  “I can smell your cream, baby,” Brock said as he sat down and slid around to her side. “Spread
your legs for me.”

  “What? Oh no way. Keep your hands to yourself,” Michelle shrieked and slapped at Brock’s hand as it wandered up under her new thigh-length skirt. A waitress came to take their order, and Michelle was relieved when she left, because Brock had taken advantage of her distraction. He slid his hand further up beneath her skirt.

  “Will you cut that out?”

  “No, baby, I can smell your need. What sort of mate would I be if I left you this way?”

  “One who does what his mate asks of him?”

  “Spread your legs and let Brock pleasure you, darlin’,” Jonah stated through their mental link as he looked at her with determination.

  Michelle complied without hesitation, then snapped her legs closed around Brock’s hand as he reached the juncture of her thighs.

  “You can’t do this. Everyone will know what you’re doing,” Michelle gasped.

  “Then you’ll just have to keep quiet, won’t you, darlin’?” Jonah replied.

  “Oh my,” Michelle said as Brock’s hand slid under the elastic of her panties. She couldn’t contain her gasp as the pad of his finger slid up through her folds, gathering her juices, then began to stroke over her clit.

  “You like that, don’t ya, baby? You like it that we could get caught. That someone could see my hand in your pants. Oh yeah, that’s it, squeeze my fingers.”

  Michelle couldn’t believe Brock was fucking her with his fingers. He’d moved from the top of her slit and thrust two fingers deep into her pussy. He moved his thumb to her clit and began to rub the hard little nub as he pumped his fingers in and out of her cunt. She could hear the wet sucking sounds her vagina made as he fucked her and hoped no one else could. She was so close. He had taken her from horny to the precipice in moments. Her eyelids slid closed, and she felt the internal tremors as her walls tried to suck his fingers in deep. She opened her eyes and looked at Brock with desperation. She was about to come and didn’t know if she could keep quiet. Brock shifted in his seat, leaned down, and slammed his mouth over hers. He was just in time to muffle her shriek of completion. She felt her body jerk as her pussy gushed her release onto her panties and Brock’s hand. The sexy bastard shocked her when he brought his hand to his mouth and licked it clean. He had a shit-eating grin on his face, and his eyes were feral with his desire.


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