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Secrets of the East Wing

Page 1

by Gina Hollands

  Table of Contents

  Secrets of the East Wing

  Publication Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  About the Author

  Also available

  Also available

  Thank You

  Secrets of the East Wing


  Gina Hollands

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Secrets of the East Wing

  COPYRIGHT © 2018 by Gina Hollands

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information:

  Cover Art by Diana Carlile

  The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  PO Box 708

  Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

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  Publishing History

  First Scarlet Rose Edition, 2018

  Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-2369-5

  Published in the United States of America


  For my lovely friend, Nome x.

  Chapter One

  The stallion’s muscular body was rock hard between Molly Bucklington’s legs. She pressed her thighs around him a little tighter and signaled for Serge, her beloved steed, to break into a gallop. With a steady grip on the reins, she closed her eyes, trusting him to navigate back toward their home—the formidably beautiful Croft Hall.

  She tipped her head back and savored the rush of the wind running through her already unruly ginger curls. James hated it when she didn’t wear a helmet, but she’d been riding since she was a little girl. His concern showed how precious she, as his wife, was to him, but she was more confident at riding than anything else in life. And besides, he didn’t need to know. He wouldn’t be home until tomorrow.

  Her bra-less breasts bounced up and down with the horse’s rhythm. She hadn’t bothered with underwear today. There seemed little point when there was no one but her rattling around alone in the huge manor house. The sensation sent zings of pleasure all the way down to where her body made contact with the beast. With Serge, she didn’t need a saddle; he always responded best to her riding him bareback. She loved to feel his velvet coat against her thighs, which were exposed under her short cotton skirt.

  A pang of guilt entered her conscience. The only time she ever felt any sort of sexual excitement was out here, in the hectares surrounding Croft Hall, when she was riding. She was starting to wonder if there was something wrong with her. Maybe this was what agreeing to a chaste marriage did.

  Back at the stables, she groomed Serge’s coat, massaging the powerful animal with the brush until his hair shone. She patted him goodbye and strolled back to the manor house. There was still a faint buzz between her legs from the thrill she’d experienced. Her sex was hot and sensitive, responding to the friction of her thighs brushing past each other as she walked. Waves of lust flooded her nerve endings, and she considered what to do about it.

  Even if James were here, she couldn’t expect him to respond to her need; not with the arrangement they made five years before when she accepted his conditions of marriage. With every step she took, the burn at her core intensified. She would have to satisfy it somehow. Should she touch herself like she had done a few times before?

  She forced the thought from her head. Being brought up by strict, traditional parents meant on the odd occasion she had succumbed to the lure of self-stimulation, she’d been consumed with guilt. No. She’d get herself a cold drink and settle down with a book. That would take her mind off things.

  A repeated banging distracted her, and she looked up to the source of the sound, shielding her eyes from the glare of the sun, which scorched the sky over Croft Hall’s turrets. A window had been left open in the East Wing. Its wooden frame clattered against the pale stone of the building, and the white curtain danced in the gentle breeze, like a captive ballerina vying for escape. She sighed. That drink would have to wait. James must have left the window open before he departed this morning. She’d better go and close it before swarms of mosquitos found their way in from the river on the estate.

  Molly entered the house, flung off her riding boots, and jogged across to the grand staircase. The flagstone floor was freezing, despite the relentless sunshine outside, and gave her welcome relief from the stifling heat of the day. She sprang up the first flight of stairs on the balls of her feet but paused before taking the second flight, which led to the next floor up. She had never been up to the East Wing bedrooms. It was part of her and James’ nuptial agreement.

  She’d liked James, the handsome and somewhat maverick son of the Earl of Croft Hall, from the moment she met him. When he asked her to marry him, she’d seen no reason to refuse. Unconventional their marriage might be, but it brought benefits for both of them. When James had requested she never enter the East Wing bedrooms, she had accepted the condition without asking any questions. He’d told her he was different. Sexually different. He made it clear he didn’t expect her to get involved in his deviance, and they’d both agreed their marriage would remain sexless, to allow him the freedom to explore his “obscurity,” as he’d laughingly put it, while the wider world would see him as a married, upstanding earl.

  Despite their lack of physical intimacy, she knew James loved her, and she loved him. They’d known each other since they were youngsters, after all. He was good to her, looked after her, and let her live the life she wanted. In return, all she had to do was respect his privacy.

  Accepting his proposal had been a no-brainer. She didn’t care what his deviance was. Being the wife of the young new earl meant she got to stay, live, and work with the animals she loved, the animals she’d nurtured since they were foals. Being chaste was a small price to pay.

  “Oh, come on, Molly, for goodness’ sake,” she said out loud. “All you’re going to do is run up to the master bedroom, close the window, and leave straight away. James isn’t here, and he wouldn’t want his window open all night. What if there’s a storm later?”

  She took a deep breath and began to make her way up the stairs toward the forbidden East Wing.


  She secured the latch on the window, and the sound of the flapping curtain ceased, only to be replaced by something that made her blood run cold. Male voices came from the closed door at the far side of the room.

  It must be the en suite, and someone’s in it.

  One of the voices belonged to James, but the other she didn’t recognize. What was James doing here? He told her he wouldn’t be back until tomorrow. He must have returned when she’d been out riding Serge. Adrenalin raced through her body, leaving her doused with dread.

  Shit. I shouldn’t be in here.

  Heart pounding, she snapped her head around the room. She spotted a vintage dressing screen in the corner and darted behind it. A beat later, the en suite door opened. Through the fold in the screen, she saw James emerge from the steam-filled bathroom. It was the first time she’d seen her husband in any state of undress. The scrap of a white towel covering his modesty showed off a slim but toned torso. His six pack came as a surprise. She hadn’t expected him to have one, but then she hadn’t given much thought to what lie beneath her husband’s clothes, knowing it wasn’t on offer to

  His sun-streaked brown hair, which was usually side-swept and flopping lazily over his forehead, was wet and slicked back, revealing intense brown eyes.

  God, he’s hot!

  Funny how she’d never noticed just how much before. Perhaps it was a good thing. No point wishing for something you could never have.

  A second man, who was completely naked, came out of the bathroom. He was taller and broader with fair hair cropped so short she could imagine him in the Royal Marines. Marine Man came up behind James and kissed his neck. Molly’s stomach turned. She squeezed her eyes shut, wishing she’d left the damn window open and not stepped foot in the East Wing. She had never known what James’ deviance was, but it hadn’t occurred to her he could be gay. She didn’t really care if he was. That was his business, but she didn’t want to be witness to it.

  James’ moan spiked her interest, and she couldn’t help but open her eyes to see the source of his pleasure. Marine Man’s hand was stroking the front of James’ towel. He took his hand away to massage his shoulders, and Molly’s eyes widened as, beneath the material, James was hard. Still nibbling James’ ear, Marine Man removed the towel from James’ body and let it fall to the floor.

  He reached around James’ front and began to massage his impressive erection. The nausea in the pit of Molly’s stomach lifted and became a light flutter. Christ, was she sick? Was she actually enjoying watching her husband being stimulated by another man?

  She should turn around and put her fingers in her ears. Silently, she turned her body around and faced the corner of the room. The paint was peeling. They really must redecorate. Perhaps she should speak to Bernice, the housekeeper about…

  A deep groan cut into her thoughts, and she spun back around. I’ll just risk a peek to satisfy my curiosity, that’s all.

  The groan came from Marine Man, who was now locked into a deep French kiss with her husband. James’ arms were wrapped around the other man’s strong neck while Marine Man held James’ face in his hands. The pair broke apart, breathing heavily. Molly saw their cocks, both standing proudly, rubbing against each other.

  James said something to Marine Man she didn’t catch, and following his instructions, the bigger man lay face down on the huge bed. James strode over to the bedside drawer and retrieved something Molly couldn’t make out from her hiding place. James climbed onto the bed and straddled his lover. Uncertain if she was quite ready to watch her husband have sex with another man, she held her breath. James took the lid off a bottle and poured some of the contents into his palm.

  Oil. It’s just oil. James rode his hands up and down Marine Man’s back, thumbs pressing into shoulders and fists pummelling from his backside all the way up to the nape of his neck. Marine Man groaned deeply and murmured his praise for the massage.

  If this is as saucy as it gets I can probably cope.

  Molly’s body began to relax, which intensified the shock of Marine Man’s next move all the more and caused her heart to thump inside her ribcage. Remaining underneath James, he flipped onto his back. Grabbing James by the buttocks, he pushed him up his own body until James was straddling his face, with his hardened cock directly over Marine Man’s mouth.

  Her clit tingled. She was about to witness oral sex performed on her husband. She ought to be sickened, jealous even, but to her own surprise, all she wanted was to see the pleasure on her husband’s face as Marine Man sucked him.

  The all-too-familiar wave of guilt washed over her. She was a nice girl. A wholesome girl, who was only interested in looking after her horses. Sex hadn’t featured in her life since the time she’d lost her virginity with a local boy when she’d come of age. He’d fingered her. He’d seemed to enjoy it, but it had done nothing for her. She let him get on with it because she wanted to see what all the fuss was about. The only thing satisfied by the experience was her curiosity, and she’d never felt the need to repeat the action with anyone since. This was the first time ever she’d been turned on by anything other than the fantasies that existed in her head. And even they were lacking detail, due to her limited experience.

  Marine Man grasped the base of James’ erection and took his length into his mouth. James leaned forward, using his arms for support, and moved his hips slowly up and down, allowing his cock to slide in and out of the other man’s mouth. He moaned his approval with every downward plunge.

  Marine Man’s groans grew louder, although they were stifled by having James in his mouth.

  He’s turned on just by watching James.

  Molly was impressed at the display of selflessness. Marine Man’s own erection was huge, prone, and ready. Still clutching James’ cock with one hand, he clasped his own with the other and began to stroke himself. Molly’s breasts ached, and she couldn’t resist reaching up to touch one of them over the top of her thin cotton T-shirt. She was glad she hadn’t bothered with a bra this morning. Her boobs felt swollen and tender, and underwear would have made her uncomfortable.

  Touching herself over the top of her clothes was good, but it wasn’t enough. Without taking her eyes off the live show playing in front of her, she moved her hand under her T-shirt and squeezed her naked breast. Her nipple was hard between her fingers. She stroked it with the pad of her finger and her core twinged in response.

  What if they find me here? And worse still, what if they find me here, and I’m touching myself?

  Molly froze, laying her hand flat over her breast and reminded herself what a dangerous situation she was in. Her nipple was still under her hand, pushing itself into her palm for attention.

  There’s no way they’re going to spot me. They’re having far too much fun.

  She began caressing herself again, tentatively at first, then allowed herself to apply more pressure, and her pussy fizzed with gratitude.

  The show got a whole lot steamier when James pulled away from Marine Man, spun himself round to face the other way, and reinstated himself back into the man’s mouth. Rather than pulse up and down as he had been doing, he leaned forward over Marine Man’s upright cock. He circled his tongue over the tip of the other man’s erection, round and round, teasing the giant until he was pleading for more.

  “Shut up and suck it,” James barked, taking Molly aback with his masterfulness. James was a gentle, caring soul. He treated everyone with the greatest respect, befitting any revered English earl. She’d never heard him talk like that.

  Marine Man liked it though. Moving his hand away from the base of James’ shaft, he took him deeper inside his mouth and massaged James’ buttocks firmly with his big, strong hands.

  James continued to tease, mercilessly. He traced his tongue up and down Marine Man’s cock, lapped at it like a cat delicately drinking milk, but never did he put it fully in his mouth and treat it to the suck-off he himself was enjoying.

  “That’s enough,” James said.

  He jumped off Marine Man and stretched across to retrieve some of the items he’d taken from the drawer earlier and discarded on the bed. Without any further word between them, Marine Man knelt upright and accepted the items from James who got on all-fours in front of him. One of the items was a condom packet. Marine Man tore it open and sheathed himself before unscrewing the lid of the other item. A tube. He squeezed the substance onto his fingers and coated his cock in it.

  Oh my God. They were going to have sex.

  A thrill ran down Molly’s spine. It might not be right to be turned on by watching two men about to make love, especially when one was her husband, but she couldn’t deny the effect it was having on her. Unable to restrain herself any longer, she put her hand up her skirt, inside her panties, and down to where her folds were slicked with her natural lubricant.

  Marine Man held James’ hips steady and pushed his cock into his backside. Molly didn’t know if she liked the sound of their grunts or not. There was no softness to them; they were purely animalistic. Each man was a beast, on the hunt for orgasm. Marine Man’s thrust deepened and quickened. He’d
caught his prey and was beating the pleasure into him. James took it like a man. He twisted his facial features and bared his teeth.

  Was he enjoying it, or was he in pain?

  She paused her own gratification. She drew the line at finding pleasure in someone else’s pain. Should she announce her presence, jump out from behind the screen, and order Marine Man out of there? She might not have a sexual relationship with James, but she loved him all the same and wasn’t prepared to stand by and watch him get hurt.

  “Harder,” James grunted at Marine Man. “Stop playing with me. I want to feel you in there.”

  Molly relaxed her shoulders. Her husband was in his element, pain or no pain. Marine Man responded with even harder thrusts. The sight of the two of them rejoicing in each other’s bodies made Molly’s sex swell beneath her fingers. The rhythm of her rubbing mirrored Marine Man’s as she stepped up the pace, chasing her own sweet ending.

  James arched his back and gave an ecstatic cry. He’d orgasmed? How? He was taking it, not giving. She hadn’t even known that was possible. Watching her husband buck under the hedonistic pleasure of anal intercourse sent her body into sexual overdrive. Her hand slid over her pussy, drenched with wetness. She suppressed a moan and stepped back to lean against the wall, steadying herself. From this angle she could no longer see the pair through the gaps in the dressing screen, but she’d seen enough to leave her body in a frenzy.

  It was the sound of Marine Man’s orgasm that tipped her over the edge. He uttered an expletive as he came with a coarse, grainy roar. The moment she heard that primal sound escape his lips, the first wave of orgasm shot through her. She screwed her face up to keep herself from making any noise and opened her mouth wide to allow the force of breath out. Wave after wave enveloped her whole body and made her want to cry out in joy. It wasn’t her first orgasm. She’d experienced others on the odd occasion she’d touched herself. But they had been pathetic next to this one. This was something else entirely.


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