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Tainted Black

Page 16

by Shanora Williams

  “My naughty Knight,” he said, voice deep as he walked towards me. He stepped in front of me, still without a shirt. My eyes traveled down the length of his body, stopping right on the deep lines leading to his shorts. Reaching down, he gripped my hands and brought me to a stand. I didn’t dare stop him.

  With stifled breath, I watched as he observed me, his hand gliding down my back, landing right on my plump ass. “I’ve been dying to know what’s beneath this dress.” His voice was low now. With ease, his fingers curled around the bottom of my white cover-up dress.

  Bringing it higher, he gradually exposed the curve of my ass, my waist, and then my bosom. I lifted my hands, helping him get the dress off. He placed it on top of the table, but those smoldering brown eyes never left me. They roamed my slim body, a hunger present now.

  “My fucking goodness.” I absorbed the growl, his deep tone. He fought to hold onto restraint, keeping his hands steady as they pressed on the small of my back, right above my hips.

  “What?” I whispered, voice faint. I no longer felt wonderful. I felt incredible. The drink had hit me. Hard. Ugh, I was such a lightweight.

  “Tell me something,” he said, the tip of his nose skidding across my cheek, lips so close to my ear I could feel the heat of them. “Did you wear this for me or were you really planning to tan on my deck?”

  “I wanted to tan,” I said, feeling his mouth move to the crook of my neck. “Then I realized I forgot sunscreen. But I can’t lie,” I murmured. “This may have also been for you.”

  Theo chuckled, finding my response humorous. “I don’t think you’re gonna get around to tanning today, baby. The sun will be long gone by the time I’m done with you.”

  He leaned back, and the restraint he’d just had went flying out of Dirty Black’s window. His hands clutched my waist, and he swooped me up, my back hitting the plush cushion of the sofa.

  My patience failed me. I stuck my hands downward and unbuttoned his jeans, feeling as he searched for the clasp that kept my bathing suit bound at the top. Once he snagged the strap, my breasts bounced, on full display. He focused on them for a brief moment, eyes hooded. His thumb fiddled with my right nipple, and I sighed. Then, greedily, he sucked, his mouth going around my nipple and tugging with a gentle graze of his teeth until the flesh hardened. My moan was heavy as he moved to the other, licking and lapping his tongue around it, mouth sealing to capture a full taste.

  Once they were just the way he wanted them to be—solid, pointed, and erect—his head came up, and he towered above me. He watched as I slid his jeans down, hovering above my full breasts, eyes blazing.

  “This won’t be quick, Chloe,” he said, lowering his face. In my ear, he breathed, “I’m taking my time with you while I have you out here.” Fingers slid across the slit between my legs. My body jolted, and a faint smile touched his lips as he went on. “You can moan as loud as you want. Scream, if that’s what you wanna do. But what you will not do is hold back.” He gripped my face in his hands, brown eyes hard. “Understand, baby?”

  My teeth sank into my bottom lip, a mix of a sigh and a groan filling my throat, and instead of speaking, I nodded. But I wanted to shout yes to the rooftops repeatedly.

  Pleased with my response, Theo flashed a crooked smile, and his body started to lower, trailing down, damp kisses dropping on my skin. He took my bathing suit down with him, lifting my hips with ease and sliding the one-piece down my legs.

  I was completely naked before him when the suit was gone. He looked me over, studying the pink opening between my thighs. He observed it for a while, and I realized he’d never seen me in the light, so up close and personal with nothing to hold him back.

  No time to limit us.

  No one to bother.

  He liked what he saw.

  I may have purposely shaved for him the night before, knowing what was in store for later.

  I could tell he didn’t want to look away. See, the thing I knew about Theo was that he was good at this. I was sure he’d done this hundreds of times, but I had no clue what to expect. In a way, he was my professor and I was his student, eager and ready to learn. He was teaching me everything I needed to know, teaching me things about my body that I didn’t even know I would be capable of.

  Spreading my legs apart, Theo brought me to the edge of the sofa. His knees hit the floor and he bent over in front of me, head between my knees. A soft kiss was placed on my pubic bone. I shuddered, feeling his warm breath slither through the damp opening.

  He looked up, brown eyes focusing on me. Then, one of his thick fingers slid in, diving deep. A sharp breath passed by my parted lips, and I adjusted my hips, moving closer to his face. He didn’t budge. He fingered deeper, producing soft moans.

  I swallowed hard, shutting my eyes, seizing each feel so I could remember later on.

  “Don’t look away from me, Chloe,” Theo commanded, eyes trained on me as he shifted. “I need you to look at me while I taste you—while I eat this glorious, wet pussy like it’s my only meal of the day. Can you do that?” I nodded, my eyes popping open again. “Answer me, baby. Speak.” His voice still held an edge of demand. “You know I love hearing you.”

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  His finger came out and ran up to my clit. He pressed on it, and I bucked a little. He chuckled. “I’ve been dying to taste this sweet pussy for years, you know that?” His question was rhetorical. With hungry, fierce eyes, Theo watched me as I writhed around two fingers now. His nose ran up my thigh, and when he adjusted himself, his nostrils flared. “I hate stalling.”

  And then he devoured, his tongue pressing on my delicate nub. He circled it with no manners at all, fingers driving deeper, curling just enough for me to feel him inside and out.

  “Oh my god,” I cried. I could surely feel him. His satin-like tongue ran over my clit, his thick fingers running in and out, producing moisture, tampering with my g-spot. His eyes never left mine, and I feared looking away. I knew he’d stop if I did.

  So I watched him—watched as his mouth sealed around my clit and his elbow moved forward and backwards. He tunneled to my core, my mind on the edge of a cliff. I was about to tip over and land in hot lava, and Theo was right behind me, pushing me right over that cliff, sparking every single fiber within me.

  I shuddered as I let out a cry, and since I was no longer able to control myself, I squeezed my eyes shut, breathing, “Theo, Theo… oh, God, Theo!” as his mouth lingered.

  He groaned in response but refused to pull away even though I’d cum recklessly, my essences all over his mouth and chin. Gradually, his fingers drew out, and after providing another kiss to my sacred area, right between the lips, he pressed his palm to my thigh, running his tongue across his mouth.

  He licked away the remainder of my sweet nectar, eyes intense. And then he stood, and before me was the longest, thickest erection I had ever seen in my life. I wasn’t quite sure when he’d gotten rid of his briefs, but it didn’t matter. His cock pointed right at me, as if it had chosen me itself, demanding me to come forth and accept him.

  Using his right hand, Theo stroked the hard flesh between his legs, moving closer. “Damn, baby,” he murmured, his left hand going to the back of my head. “You came so hard for me.” He palmed the back of my head, but there was no need. I wanted to taste him. Swallow every last inch of him, along with the hot liquid that would soon follow.

  I pressed my palms to his waist, my face moving forward. Dropping my chin, lips parted, I ran my tongue from the head to his shaft, and he stiffened. When I glanced up, his nostrils were red from flaring. His head went into a slight angle, and he brought my head forward again, leaving me no choice but to take his entire cock into my mouth.

  “This isn’t just about pleasing me,” Theo told me. “Play with yourself. Show me what you like.”

  I paused, drawing back. “I’ve… never actually done that in front of anyone before.”

  He leaned down, and with a deep, core-clenching rumble next
to my ear, he said, “Let me be your first again.”

  I blinked as he stood up straight. This was new, very new, but with him I wanted to be brave. I wanted him to know I wasn’t just some little girl with no skill. I wanted to experience it all with him, learn new things, and figure out exactly what it was that pleased both him and myself.

  So, I dropped to my knees, and Theo moved back half an inch, watching as my finger came to my sex. Wrapping my lips around his smooth tip, I thrust my finger in deep and then brought it out again while drawing him further into my mouth. His hardened flesh touched the back of my throat, and I gagged. He palmed the back of my head again, refusing for me to move away.

  “You look good gagging around my cock, baby.” He stroked deeper, and I gagged once more before he eased up, smirking down at me. Those brown eyes were hard to ignore. So demanding and full of lust and need.

  His hips swiveled. I moaned as salty liquid crept down my throat. I worked hard, fingering myself and bringing my other hand up to stroke and suck at the same time. He was pleased to see this. He released the back of my head, and his fell back, a sigh tunneling out of him as I pumped rapidly, the sucking so loud it created a wet noise.

  I listened to waves crash outside the boat, remembering just where we were and that nothing could interrupt us.

  It was me and Theo.

  Fucking and sucking.

  Moaning and groaning.

  Getting however much we wanted out of each other without the fear of reality cutting through.

  Knowing this, I came around my finger again. I made a noise around his cock, one that hummed and garbled, and he looked down at me. I felt him get harder, and knew right away that he was about to cum, but he yanked out of my mouth, gripped my wrist to bring me to a stand, and then bent me over the sofa. My ass was pointed in the air, face down, and he was behind me, his massive cock sliding in from behind.

  My sex showed no resistance to this beautiful man’s member. My girl accepted him, knowing he’d been there before. Knowing his cock was the one that made her become a woman.

  Theo sighed and then moaned as he slammed, grasping my thin waist and pounding.



  “This. Fucking. Pussy,” he growled. I could hear him reaching his brink. “Is. So. Fucking. Good.” He couldn’t hold off much longer, no matter how much he wanted to keep going in order to please me.

  He let out a gratified roar, squeezing my waist tighter as I squealed. His hands went to my thick hair, gripping tight and tugging back. My eyes shot up to the ceiling, and I hadn’t realized before that there was a mirror above us.

  My word. I could see everything. His hard body behind me, owning every limb, dominating with every inch stroking in and out. Watching us go at it like this sent heat traveling through me. I felt all of him. I saw how focused he was, his attention fixed on the back of my head. His face, as well as mine, oozed with ultimate, undeniable pleasure. His mouth hung open, and he went deeper each time, as if he couldn’t get deep enough.

  In that moment, I could read Theo Black as clear as day. He loved being inside me. He loved fucking me. He loved owning, dominating, and penetrating me ‘til my eyes rolled to the back of my skull.

  And that was exactly what happened. Only, he was no longer behind me. He was on top now, thrusting hard, one of my legs in the air and his thumb pressing down on my clit, circling with steady rhythm until I quaked and shuddered. He drove harsher, deeper, and then he slowed down, wanting me to feel everything.

  With my back arched, I cried his name again, his power twisting his name from me in an entranced wail. He grunted in response, fell forward, and came with his mouth around my nipple, his thumb still pressed on my swollen nub.

  “Damn, baby.” His voice was loud, cock pulsating. I whimpered, but not out of defeat. I whimpered because, shockingly, I wanted more. So much more. We were far from finished.

  “The sun is still up,” I told him, teasing.

  He looked up, laughing hard, forehead damp with sweat. His hair was glued to his face. The sunlight beaming in struck the glistening sweat on his neck, illuminating the tattoo on his neck—Fearless. It was tatted in Latin. He told me the meaning of it a long time ago, back when I was fifteen. I had no idea how I remembered the meaning.

  I traced the pad of my finger across the black script. This piece of inked real estate was his trophy after winning some brawl at a motorcycle club. When he told me about that, I knew instantly that Theo had a wicked and dark side to him.

  Sitting up, he raked his fingers through his hair, looking down at me with half a smile. “I know the sun’s still up,” he responded. “But we both needed to get that quick fix in.”

  I sat up on my elbows. “I agree.” I tugged on his arm, bringing him back down. His landing was soft as he dropped on top of me. His eyes softened as I cupped his face and then slowly kissed him. My hips worked on their own, thrusting against the warm flesh that dangled between his thighs. I wanted him to feel everything—all of me. The tender neediness in my kiss, the ache centered in my body. I needed filling… lots of filling.

  He didn’t stop me. He returned the affection, working up his own thrust. I knew how men worked. It would take a few minutes for him to be fully restored and ready, but I just couldn’t wait. I was an eager, horny, little girl.

  “Patience, babe,” Theo murmured between kisses. “The sun may still be up, but we aren’t leaving anytime soon.” His lips met my cheek, hooded eyes hooked on mine.

  “Promise?” I whispered, placing another kiss to the corner of his mouth.

  He did the same. “I promise.” I drew his bottom lip between my teeth, gently grazing. He laughed behind the tiny bite. “Naughty Little Knight,” he exhaled before consuming me. We kissed passionately, tongues twisted, until his cock became rock-solid again. With our focus on nothing but each other, he slid in, taking me raw beneath the streaming sunlight.

  The boat swayed. The waves crashed. The sun was bright, expecting and beckoning for me to make an appearance. Although it would have been great to take the sun up on that tan, no amount of summer bronze could compare to my lifelong crush and my first officially making me his Little Knight.

  Absolutely nothing.


  Funny, she thought I was fucking around about making her mine ‘til the sun went down.

  I watched as she passed by me, connecting her phone to the stereo system. Her hips swayed as she hummed to a song stuck in her head, and once the music filled the room, her back straightened, and she turned my way.

  The only piece of clothing she wore was the white dress that covered that sexy ass bathing suit. The bathing suit had been put aside a long time ago. The sun was now setting, and she started a slow dance to Own It by Drake.

  The tune was fitting, slow at first and then it would pick up. Lifting my hand, I gestured for her to come to me with my forefinger. With a coy smile sweeping across her lips, she strode my way, breasts bouncing beneath the see-through dress with each slow yet deliberate step.

  Stepping between my legs, she climbed on my lap, adjusting her perfectly round ass on the center. She swung her hair aside and her arms hooked over my shoulders, fingers entwining behind my neck.

  “Can I show you something?”

  She bit her bottom lip, and my cock twitched. “Show me what?” she murmured.

  Without minimal thought, I reached down and pulled her dress over her head. Her arms lifted to make it easier, and once it was gone, I had full sight of her tits. My mouth ached for a taste, but I remained patient, lifting my hips and pulling my briefs off.

  Chloe’s hand ran down my chest, her skin soft and smooth as she sat back and wrapped that same hand around my cock. Her eyes then flickered up, watching mine, breath bated. “Show me what?” she breathed again.

  I glanced down, pulsing as she stroked me. Her thumb skimmed over my tip, and I groaned quietly, shutting my eyes for a brief moment. I had to collect myself. This girl—s
he made me so fucking impatient. I wanted to tear her pussy up, make her sore for days.

  But I had to remember, she was just a girl that was still learning, and I was a man who knew exactly what he liked. So, I stopped her from stroking and gripped her waist to lift her a few inches. Her mouth fell open as I slowly slid her on top of my cock. She was right on the head, but the fullness had obviously consumed her. Her eyes closed, and her chest heaved with deep breaths.

  “Look at me, Chloe.”

  Her eyes fluttered open. I brought her down a little more, and a sharp breath passed by my ear as she leaned into me.

  “Watch me,” I demanded. “Feel me, baby.” I watched her face drip with pleasure. “You feel me, Chloe?”

  “Yes,” she breathed. “I feel you.”

  I dropped her down, completing the slide, and she gasped. Sitting her upright on my cock, I studied her, loving the expression she put on when every last inch of me was buried deep inside her. I was balls-deep, the sensation of her warm, wet pussy enveloping me whole. I wanted so badly to cum, but I kept it together.

  “Ride me.” She looked down at me, collecting all of her hair on one side of her face. She was unsure, a minor look of fear present. I palmed her ass, comforting her and drawing her in closer. “Here,” I murmured, squeezing her ass-cheeks in my hands, “let me show you what a real man likes.” My hand slid across her smooth skin, stopping at her waist, moving her hips forward and backwards. Her pussy swiveled on my cock, and she panted as she grinded with me.

  When she finally got the hang of it, knowing exactly what I liked, she moved my hands away and straddled me, dipping low, her breath snagging as she sank. Damn. I swear it was better than I ever thought possible.

  Her slender body moved up and down, bounced, and rotated. I sucked on her nipples to prevent myself from fully focusing on the sensations she brought my cock, groaning around them, and then she lifted my head, her warm breath skimming across my lips. Our mouths barely touched, and something about that made fucking her even sexier.


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