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The Encounter

Page 16

by Norman Fitts

  He returned the hug. "You know, I had plans to wake you up in my own way."

  There was a knock on the door. It's Erma. "Breakfast is ready."

  "Thank you", Margaret answered over her shoulder and then to him, "Get dressed." She pecked him on the lips. "You're gonna have a lifetime to wake me up."

  She got up, walked to the door, opened it and looked back. She smiled at him and left the room.

  By the time Lawrence reached the outhouse someone else was taking their turn. He would have used any excuse to find someplace else to go. In his mind if the horses could piss in the alley it was good enough for him.

  He went to the washroom, stripped down, rinsed off and redressed. By the time he got to the table he was the last to arrive. John and Joseph had returned from the undertaker's and Sarah sat next to Margaret. Everyone picked at their breakfast, except for Sarah. She wasn't hungry. Lawrence sat down across from Margaret. Erma placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him along with a mug of coffee.

  John broke the silence. Looking at Sarah and Joseph, "Everything's ready for you to take him home.” Then to Lawrence and Margaret, “I think it'd be a good idea for you all to go. Before Ben Kramer and his bunch can start more trouble."

  Joseph and Sarah exchanged glances, and then Joseph looked at Lawrence. "You and Miz Casey are welcome to stay with Sarah and me for a while, if you want."

  Sarah looked at Margaret, "Please, I'd like you to stay."

  Margaret looked at Lawrence. He nodded. She looked around the table. "Well, I guess it's settled. We'll stay for a little while."

  Sarah hugged Margaret's neck and asked Erma for some eggs. Margaret wasn't all that fond of the eggs anyway and gave Sarah hers.


  Joseph backed the wagon up to the back door of the undertaker's. John and Lawrence moved the wooden coffin into the back of the wagon and raised the gate. Sarah and Margaret got in the back and Lawrence joined Joseph on the seat.

  John reached up and shook Joseph's hand. "I'm sorry there wasn't more I could do."

  "You have to believe", Erma added, "God thought it was time."

  John looked at Sarah, then back to Joseph. "You're the man of the family now. You take care of your sister, and if you need anything come see us."

  "We appreciate all you tried to do", Joseph said, but we'll be fine. We better get started, there's lots to do back home."

  Erma looked at Sarah. "Don't let these men fool ya. All of 'em need lookin' after."

  Sarah smiled at Erma. "I already know that." She glanced at her brother, and then leaned back against the side of the wagon bed.

  John and Erma stepped back from the wagon. John looked at Lawrence. "Mr. Casey", then at Margaret, “Miz Casey, it was nice meetin' you folks."

  "Same here", Lawrence replied. "I wish it had been under better circumstances."

  "One more thing", John added. "Keep an eye out. Frank isn't likely to forget what you did to him. Next time he might not care which way you're facin'."

  "We'll bear that in mind", Margaret answered.

  Joseph released the brake and slapped the horses. The wagon jerked forward and the trip back up the mountain began.

  Erma said, more to herself. "I wonder how she knew."

  "Knew what?” John asked, still watching the wagon.

  "Let's go inside. I got something to tell you."

  Martha put her arm around her husband and they went back inside.


  Jake had kept a close eye on what was taking place. He followed Joseph and John when they moved Martin's body to the undertaker's. He watched the coffin being transferred to the wagon and the McKenlys, with Lawrence and Margaret, start for home.

  His vigil had kept him up all night. He headed for the hotel to report what he'd seen.

  Jake found Henry in the middle of his breakfast in the hotel dining room. Henry raised his coffee cup and saw Jake standing across the room. He motioned him over. Jake joined him at the table.

  "Well", Henry asked, putting down the cup?

  "Martin's dead", Jake answered.

  Henry took a minute to digest this piece of information. "You're sure? You saw the body?"

  "I watched 'em carry him to the undertaker's. Then I saw 'em put the box in the wagon."

  Henry took another sip from the cup, and then began to think out loud. "Maybe Ben's right. Lotta things could happen to those two children alone on that mountain."

  "They ain't exactly alone."

  Henry looked up sharply. "What? Who's with... Ah yes, the young gunfighter and his wife. Take a message to the Bar-K. Tell Ben Kramer we need to talk, tonight."

  "Yes sir."

  "Keep all this to yourself."

  Henry went back to his meal. Jake left to deliver his message.


  The McKenly wagon made its way back into the mountains. Everyone had settled back for the ride home. Sarah watched out the back. Margaret watched Lawrence. Lawrence made conversation with Joseph talking about this and that.

  Margaret's ears picked it up first. A few moments later the horses began to react to what was coming. It took Joseph another second to recognize it. He reined in the team and set the wheel brake.

  Sarah looked around. "What is it?"

  "Horses", Margaret answered. "A lot of 'em."

  The sound was plain now as dozens of hooves pounded their way down the mountain toward the road. Lawrence stood up. Margaret and Sarah moved around for a better look.

  Joseph looked back at Sarah. "Give me my rifle".

  "What", she answered?

  His face had no expression and his voice was firm. "Give me my rifle. Hurry..."

  Sarah picked up the rifle and passed it to him. "What are you gonna do?"

  Joseph didn't answer. He chambered a round. At that moment the wild herd, led by the stallion, burst from the trees and crossed the road. Joseph brought the rifle to his shoulder. He led his target. The team moved the wagon just as the hammer fell. The bullet smashed into a tree trunk just ahead of the horse. Before he could chamber another round the stallion was gone with the herd trailing behind him.

  Joseph stood up, fired the rifle into the air and yelled into the dust cloud drifting across the road. "I'll get you. I'll find you and I'll kill you."

  Sarah reacted. "No you won't. You leave that horse alone. He'll kill you too." Joseph still handled his rifle and watched the trees. Sarah climbed over Margaret and took her brother by the shoulders. "You hear me. You promise me... You promise me"

  Joseph shook her loose, handed the rifle to Lawrence and sat back down. He picked up the reins, released the brake and slapped the horses. Lawrence fell back in the seat. Sarah was still standing behind the seat. She fell back into Margaret's lap.

  Sarah wasn't through. "Listen to me, please. You didn't listen before and..." She looked at Margaret. "They didn't listen before. Make him promise."

  There wasn't much Margaret could say or do. Sarah knew that. She composed herself and moved off Margaret's lap. She'd think of something. There had to be someway to keep her brother away from that horse.

  Lawrence had seen the look in Joseph's eyes as he pulled the trigger. He was cool and calm. The need for revenge made him strong and gave him the strength of purpose to deal with everything else. The question was, what would happen after that need was satisfied?

  The rest of the trip back was uneventful until they topped the rise that led down to the house. The first thing Joseph noticed was the corral. It was empty.

  "Damn", he shouted, as he slapped the horses and brought the team to a trot.

  Everyone and everything was being bounced around as the wagon all but careened down the rocky road toward the house.

  Lawrence held onto the seat. "What is it? What's wrong?"

  "Indians", Joseph answered. "Thiefin' bastards."

  Joseph reined in the horses in front of the house. Clothes and furniture were strewn everywhere. Margaret and Sarah climbed out of the back. Margaret had her bag
slung over her shoulder. Joseph and Lawrence climbed down from the seat. Joseph had his rifle.

  Their mother's rocker lay on its side in front of the porch. Sarah walked over and tipped it up. Margaret moved some broken dish fragments with her foot. Lawrence picked up a pair of pants and a shirt on the ground in front of him. Joseph made for the house. Everyone followed him in.

  Almost everything in the house had been moved into the front room and piled against the table. The floor was littered with broken dishes, glass from the hutch and clothes from all the bedrooms. Sarah was almost in tears. Margaret put her arm around her.

  The storeroom door was open. Flour covered the floor in front of it and several cans had been hacked open.

  Joseph stepped into the storeroom, then back into the front room. "All the smoked meat's gone."

  Lawrence walked over and tugged at one of the beds propped up against the table. "This is strange. Looks to me like someone was gonna start a fire."

  "So", Joseph answered?

  "So, why didn't they?"

  A commotion broke out with the horses outside. Everyone moved to the door. Joseph was out first. Two Indians were cutting the team loose. Two more were dragging the coffin out of the wagon. A dozen others, some with noched arrows, two with rifles, were mounted on horses forming a line in front of the house; a Crow raiding party looking for trouble.

  Joseph didn't hesitate. His rifle came up and he fired knocking down the Indian pulling on the back of the coffin.

  Margaret's hand came up and snatched the arrow, headed for Joseph's chest, out of the air.

  In the same instant, she reached into her bag and threw something toward the two with the rifles. There was a brilliant burst of white-hot light. The animals were startled and for a moment there were horses and Indians all over the place.

  At this point the Indians were more interested in hiding than fighting and several took cover behind the wagon. Others, trying to control their mounts, moved away from the house.

  Margaret stepped off the porch holding the arrow over her head with both hands. She yelled something in their native tongue and broke the arrow in two. She reached into her bag again and threw something at the wagon. There was another burst of light and the wagon box in back of the seat burst into flames. All of the Indians broke and ran, some on foot and some on horseback. Even the one Joseph shot was dragging a leg and bringing up the rear.

  Margaret looked back over her shoulder. Three sets of eyes were glued to her. "You better put out the fire."

  Joseph and Lawrence ran toward the wagon, Joseph giving Margaret a wide berth. They used handfuls of dirt to snuff out the flames.


  From that moment a paradox rippled through the time line. It had no significant effect until it reached the day after Lawrence and Margaret became part of Earth’s past.

  A small town in northern Europe woke to a day not much different from any other. In the hills, outside of town came a blinding flash of light. First the people in the streets began to stagger and fall. Those in the buildings only survived for a few minutes longer.

  Within a few hours the surrounding villages began to succumb to the virus. The virus was only supposed to remain lethal for a few hours. Within a day most of central Europe was silent and dead. Only human life was taken. The wildlife was spared.

  This was a stupid act of terrorism that had backfired. The virus continued to spread on the winds until it finally mutated into something harmless. All through the planet’s eastern hemisphere, cities, large and small, became the open graveyards for a third of humanity.


  Margaret stepped back on the porch and walked toward Sarah. She backed away from her. Margaret stopped, not knowing what to say.

  Sarah bumped into the wall, and then asked in a child like way, "Are you a witch? I mean, I'm guessin' if you are, you're a good witch." Then she thought about it, "If there are such things as good witches."

  Margaret smiled and watched her for a second. "I guess it must look like that to you, but no, I'm not a witch. Larry and I are just from another place and another time."

  Sarah cocked her head like a puppy trying to figure out what “fetch the ball” means.

  Joseph and Lawrence had managed to get the fire out. The wagon horses had headed for the barn when the fireworks started. They both stood at the corral fence. The loose Indian ponies headed for the mountain chasing the Indians.

  Joseph followed Lawrence back to the house. He wasn't sure what to do about what he had just witnessed. Whoever, or whatever, these people were he owed his life and probably the life of his sister to them.

  Everyone gathered back on the porch. Joseph went to his sister's side. "I ain't sure what's goin' on", he said, "but I think somebody needs to start tellin' the truth."

  Lawrence glanced at Margaret then back. "The thing is, are you willing to believe the truth?"

  "I'm willin' to listen", Sarah broke in. "Daddy always said, the truth has a way of makin' itself known and I think we just saw part of it."

  "Alright", Margaret answered, "but first let's look after your father and then get this place put back together."


  A funeral was held on top of the hill behind the house. Their father was laid to rest next to their mother and grandparents. Joseph said some words. Sarah stood with the Lawrence and Margaret, her head down and her hands clinched together in front of her.

  Afterwards, everyone walked back to the house and set about putting things in order. That took the rest of the daylight and very little conversation.

  Sarah broke down and cried over the loss of so many of her mother's things. Margaret wanted to comfort her, but wasn't sure Sarah wanted her to, so she left her alone.

  The Indians hadn't left much, but Sarah managed to put an evening meal together. When everyone had finished, it was time for the truth.

  Lawrence sat down his coffee mug. He looked at Sarah and Joseph, then at Margaret. "Well, the truth... This is what I'm gonna do", turning his attention back to the kids. "I'm gonna run through this. Most of it's gonna be hard to swallow. Hell, it’s been happin’ to me for days and I'm still havin' a hard time believing it. One thing, let me finish, and then we can talk. Okay...?"

  Sarah and Joseph both nodded.

  Lawrence took a deep breath and began. "Maggie and I, neither one, belong here. We're both from the early twenty-first century." He paused to let that sink in.

  Sarah listened like a kid being told a bedtime story. Joseph wasn't so sure it wasn't.

  He continued, "I'm from this world. Maggie isn't..."

  "Wait...", Joseph broke in. "What are you tellin' us?"

  "What he's telling you", Margaret answered, "is the truth you wanted. I'm from another star system on the other side of the universe and we're both from the future."

  Joseph figured he'd heard enough of this and started to get up.

  Sarah put her hand on his arm. "We agreed to let 'em finish."

  He looked at his sister and sat back down.

  Margaret looked at Lawrence. He knew what she wanted to do. "Go ahead", he said.

  She stood up, turned her back and pulled her shirt out of her pants.

  Joseph was a little uneasy with this. "What's she gonna do?"

  Lawrence looked at Joseph. "Show you some proof."

  "I've already seen this", Sarah said. "You said it was a... a..."

  "A birth defect", Margaret helped her, as she removed the shirt and dropped it. She had on her insulated underwear. She moved her hair out of the way and pulled down the top to her waist, exposing her back. She had Joseph's attention. She looked back a Sarah. "That was only part of the truth. I was born this way, but it's not a defect." She unfastened her pants. Joseph began to fidget. She slipped her thumbs into the waistband. "You didn't see this." She pushed down the pants and underwear far enough to expose the rest of her back.

  Sarah and Joseph were both staring. "What's that hole in your back", Sarah asked?

That's like the one you have in front", Lawrence answered. “Here's something else you haven't seen."

  He pushed up his shirtsleeve. He had put his watch back on. Margaret pulled her clothes back in place. He took off the watch and handed it across to Joseph. Margaret sat back down not bothering with the shirt. Joseph looked at it, and then showed it to Sarah.

  Sarah took the watch in her hand. "The little numbers keep changing."

  "Those are the seconds", Lawrence explained. "It's keeping track of the time second by second. Press the little button on the upper right side."

  She did. "A light." She became exited and showed it to Joseph. "Look..."

  Joseph took the watch and looked at it.

  Lawrence watched him. "That's something that won't exist in your lifetime."

  Joseph handed back the watch. "So, how come you're here?"

  Lawrence took the watch. "That's a long story."

  Sarah and Joseph just looked at him. They were all ears.

  Margaret moved close to him and took his arm. "You might as well tell them. To use a human phrase, we're already in deep shit."

  Lawrence looked at the kids. "Twenty-first Century slang for a lotta trouble... Well, I am from Texas. Houston, Texas to be exact..."

  Lawrence ran through the past seventy-two hours. Margaret filled in where she needed to. Sarah and Joseph never interrupted them.

  When the story was over Sarah asked, "Then by helpin' us you may have changed the future?"

  Margaret picked up on that. "Every time we interact, do things involving others, we probably change it a little. What we're concerned about is doing something that will filter back to our time. If that happens, then Larry or myself could be affected or even killed."

  "What about the ones chasin' you", Joseph asked? "What are you gonna do about them?"


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