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Our Great Hearted Men

Page 39

by Peter Brune

  3rd Div (AIF) Report, on intensity of fighting (31 Aug) 245

  3rd Div (AIF) Report on Operations, on American 27 Div (29 Sep–2 Oct) 347–8; slow progress on Hindenburg Line (30 Sep) 348–9

  3rd Div (AIF) Unit Diary, on attacking Bray (24 Aug) 208

  3rd Div (Canadian Corps) 135

  3rd Pioneer Btn (9 Bde) (22 Aug) 197, 199

  III Corps, at Amiens 132, 133, 147, 168–9; captures high ground north of Chalk Pit (24 Aug) 208; captures most objectives (22 Aug) 199; casualties (11 Aug) 185; fails to capture Chipilly Spur 159–60; fails to take sector of Hindenburg Outpost Line on 18 Sep 320; role reduced (29 Sep) 320–21; to advance (22 Aug) 196; to capture Bapaume (23 Aug) 201

  III Corps (British), Butler asks Monash for relief support 309–310; in Fourth Army offensive (18 Sep) 276; indifferently commanded and administered 263; plan to force Germans across Canal du Nord (2 Sep) 254; poorer performance than AIF 291; striking victories (31 Aug–3 Sep) 263

  Fourth Army (BEF) 105; 9 Aug attack mostly successful 182; ammunition supply at Amiens 143; artillery objectives at Hindenburg Main Line 322; at Amiens 129; at the Somme 33; casualties at Amiens (8 Aug) 158; guns at Amiens 142; III Corps to advance (22 Aug) 196; plan for 9 Aug 18 169; predicted fire by at Hamel 120; report on artillery advances 143–4; report on Tank Corps and MG positions at Hamel 125–6; secrecy plans at Amiens 147–8; section of Hindenburg Line to attack 269–70; significance of northern flank not emphasised 263; tanks used with 140

  Fourth Army (German), rolled back by Canadians at Rosières 176

  4th Bde (4 Div), at Pear Trench and Vaire-Hamel Wood 108; gained objective (18 Sep) 293–4; in Outpost Line attack (18 Sep) 282, 284, 287–8

  4th Bde (4 Div) Report on Operations, effects of artillery and surprise 284; intensity of fighting (18 Sep) 289

  4th Bde (AIF), casualties at Bullecourt (Apr 1917) 51; visit to Vaux 112–13

  4th Btn (1 Bde), in Outpost Line attack (18 Sep) 282

  4th Btn (1 Div), in Outpost Line attack (18 Sep) 285

  4th Btn (Vic Rifles, Melb Uni Coy), Monash enlists in (1884) 82

  4th Div (AIF), at Bullecourt (Apr–May 1917) 50; at Chipilly Spur 151; at ‘Hamel Spur’ 104; at Ypres (Sep–Oct 1917) 43; in attack at Amiens 137, 138, 147; battalion strengths (Sep) 280; Le Verguier as objective (18 Sep) 281; relieves 1 Div (16 Aug) 194; to act as Australian Corps depot division (Nov 1917) 89

  4th Div (AIF) Report on Operations 10–20 September, effectiveness of barrages 290; poor performance of 2 Bde (British) 294, 295

  4th Div (AIF) Report on Operations, dummy tanks 279; effect of artillery and surprise (18 Sep) 284; teamwork between artillery and infantry (18 Sep) 288–9

  4th Div (Canadian Corps) 135

  4th Infantry Bde (1st AIF), at Gallipoli (Apr 1914) 82; becomes part of 4 Div (Jun 1916) 82–3; Monash commands (Sep 1914) 82

  4th Tank Supply Coy, losses 167

  Fifth Army 17–19, 22; at Bullecourt 50 5th Bde (2 Canadian Div), at Villers-Bretonneux (9 Aug) 171

  5th Bde (2 Div), at Elsa Trench (1 Sep) 248; attack on Mont St Quentin 223, 231–3, 235–8

  5th Div (AIF), at Ypres (Sep 1917) 43; in attack at Amiens 137, 138, 154–5; attacks Hindenburg Main Line (29 Sep) 330; compensate for American inexperience (29 Sep) 341; front at Mont St Quentin and Péronne 227; gains Flamicourt and Chair Wood (3–4 Sep) 260; included in Australian Corps (Nov 1917) 89; leapfrogs Americans 315, 330; in Monash’s plan (29 Aug) 229; nearing bend in Somme (28 Aug) 212; in pursuit from Péronne (5 Sep) 274; reaches second Nauroy-Le Catelet Line (29 Sep) 343; relieves 4 Div (9–10 Sep) 276; relieves BEF 17 Div (18 Aug) 194; tanks allotted to (9 Aug) 169; tasks on 30 Sep 343; tasks accomplished (2 Oct) 351, 353; to capture ground east of Péronne (2 Sep) 254

  5th Div Artillery, appreciation of Hindenburg line defences 271–2

  5th Field Survey Btn, key role in artillery plans for 18 Sep 277; provides photos for Hindenburg Line attack 277

  5th Tank Bde, agrees to artillery absence (9 Aug) 173; at Amiens 140; challenges at Amiens (8 Aug) 166–7; demonstrations with 1 Div (AIF) (15–22 Aug) 202; formed 57, 104–5; in GHQ Reserve for repair and training 218–19; joint training with infantry 111; losses and rounds fired at Amiens (8 Aug) 155; navigation difficulties at Hamel and Amiens 150; performance (23 Aug) 206–7; petrol fumes inside tanks (23 Aug) 207; rest needed by (Aug) 195; tanks as finite resource 190; towing tanks with armoured cars 155; unsupported by infantry 292

  5th Tank Bde History, in Somme thrust (10 Aug) 184

  Sixth Army (French) 14

  6th Bde (2 Canadian Div), (9 Aug) 170–71, 172

  6th Bde (2 Div) 247; at Vaire Wood and Hamel 124–5; attack plan and outcome (1 Sep) 247–8, 250; captures Montbrehain (5 Oct) 353; consolidation of 248–50; joins fight for Mont St Quentin (31 Aug) 244

  7th Bde, artillery bombards Péronne (2 Sep) 258; at Morlancourt (10 Jun) 103

  7th Bde (2 Div), allows 14 Bde (5 Div) to pass through (31 Aug) 244–5; attack plan for Mont St Quentin 223; heavy casualties (2 Sep) 257; ordered forward (31 Aug) 244; relieved on 30 Aug 236; stopped by artillery and machine gun fire (29 Aug) 227; to cross R. Somme near Péronne (30 Aug) 231; to go to 2 Div front (2 Sep) 255

  7th Btn (2 Bde), advances to Lihons 176–9 7th Field Coy, reconnoitres Somme canal (29 Aug) 231; tries to construct footbridges (30 Aug) 232

  8th Bde (5 Div), advance on 29 Sep 330, 331; at Amiens (8 Aug 18) 154–5, 172, 174–5; moves to Joncourt (30 Sep) 343–4; passes through Joncourt and Beaurevoir Line (1 Oct) 350; in pursuit from Péronne (5 Sep) 274

  8th Btn, joint fight for Mont St Quentin (31 Aug) 244

  8th Btn (2 Bde), advance to Lihons 176–7; heavy losses to Lewis Guns 179

  8th Field Bde (3 Div AIF), at Hamel 119

  8th Tank Btn 104, 121–2, 122–3, 169; at Morcourt Gully 166; losses 167; provides 12 Mk V tanks (23 Aug) 202; report on anti-tank fire 333

  9th Bde (3 Div) 337; advances into mist, dust and smoke (22 Aug) 197–8; captures Old Quarry and Quarry Farm (31 Aug) 245; consolidate position (22 Aug) 200; exhausted (31 Aug) 246; near Hill 110 (29 Aug) 234; reduced to three battalions 197; reinforces Somme thrust 184

  9th Bde (Royal Garrison Art), guns at Mont St Quentin 237–8

  9th Btn (3 Bde), in Outpost Line attack (18 Sep) 286, 287

  9th Scottish Division 43

  IX Corps (46 Midland Div), audacious and brilliantly executed attack (29 Sep) 327–30

  IX Corps (British), advance on Joncourt (30 Sep) 343, 344; formed 268; joins Fourth Army 276; poor command decisions in 292; poorer performance than AIF 291; too great expectations of 294–5

  IX Corps (British) (1 Div), at canal crossing 319

  10th Bde (3 Div) 337; on 30 Sep 348; exhausted (29 Aug) 234; exhausted (31 Aug) 246; fighting on 30 Sep 349; held up (29 Sep) 338–9; progressing towards Bony (1 Oct) 351; south of the Somme (10 Aug) 183, 184; stalled at start line (30 Sep) 349; to capture Bray 208

  10th Bde (3 Div) Unit Diary, men’s attitude to disbandment (22 Sep) 302; resistance from other units to amalgamation (15 Sep) 301–2; Story’s protest about disbandment (13 Sep) 301

  10th Btn (3 Bde), in Outpost Line attack (18 Sep) 287

  11th Bde (3 Div) 337; at Hamel Village 108; held up (29 Sep) 338–9; held up on Bony Ridge (30 Sep) 349; progressing towards Bony (1 Oct) 351; in pursuit from Péronne (5 Sep) 274; reinforces Somme thrust 184; relieves 9 and 10 Bdes (31 Aug) 246; stalled at start line (30 Sep) 349; thrust to Bony Ridge (30 Sep) 348

  11th Btn (3 Bde), in Outpost Line attack (18 Sep) 282, 287; tactics used in advance (18 Sep) 283

  12th Bde (4 Div), gained objective (18 Sep) 293–4; in Outpost Line attack (18 Sep) 282, 288; to attack Hindenburg Line (18 Sep) 281

  12th Bde (AIF), casualties at Bullecourt (Apr 1917) 51

  12th Bde (AIF) Report on Operations 10–20 September, poor performance of 2 Bde (British) 294, 295

  12th Btn (3 Bde), at Brosse Wood and Grand Priel Wood (18 Sep) 283; in Outpost Line a
ttack (18 Sep) 282, 287

  12th Div (Third Army) advance (22 Aug) 196

  13th Bde, on north side of the Somme (10 Aug) 183–4; takes Villers-Brettoneux (24 Apr) 24

  13th Bde (4 Div), at front (10 Aug) 183

  13th Btn (4 Bde), outflank Le Verguier (18 Sep) 281, 284; outflanks Le Verguier and advances (18 Sep) 287–8; in Outpost Line attack (18 Sep) 282; visit to Vaux 112–13

  13th Btn (4 Div), at Amiens (8 Aug) 152–3

  13th Btn Unit Diary, conference on Battle of Hamel (22 Jun) 116–17

  13th Inf Bde, Monash commands (1913) 82

  13th Tank Btn 104; at Bayonvillers 166; losses 167; to provide 12 tanks in support (23 Aug) 202

  XIII Corps (British), reinforces Fourth Army 321

  14th Bde (2 Div), attack on Allaines (2 Sep) 257; enters Péronne (1 Sep) 252

  14th Bde (5 Div), at forward line (2 Sep) 259; attack along Railway Ridge and take part of Le Catelet Line (30 Sep) 343, 345–7; crosses Somme (31 Aug) 244; as Div reserve (29 Sep) 330; given huge task 250; held up on Bony Ridge (30 Sep) 349; Report on Operations reports success 350; stalled at start line (30 Sep) 349; sustains heaviest casualties at Péronne 262

  14th Bde (5 Div) Report, on violence of fighting at Péronne 251

  14th Btn (4 Bde), securing Hindenburg Outpost Line (18 Sep) 281, 288

  15th Bde, performs well in spite of difficulties (2 Sep) 259–60; reaches Bellicourt Tunnel (29 Sep) 332; takes Villers-Bretonneux (24 Apr) 24

  15th Bde (5 Div), on 30 Sep 343; difficulties (29 Sep) 331; Somme crossing and fighting 251–3; to clear Péronne and move beyond (2 Sep) 258; to follow 8 Bde to Hill 80 223; tries to clear Cabaret Wood Farm (30 Sep) 347; Unit Diary report on front (30 Aug) 236

  15th Bde Unit Diary, Elliott resolves 59 Btn mutiny 307; Elliott’s address to 60 Btn on mutiny (26 Sep) 303–4; grievances of 60 men in 59 Btn (Sep) 307–8

  15th Btn (4 Bde), outflanks Le Verguier and advances (18 Sep) 281, 284, 287–8; in Outpost Line attack (18 Sep) 282

  15th Tank Btn, at Cerisy Valley 166; gets Mark V One Star (Mark V*) tanks 140–41; losses (8 Aug) 167

  16th Btn (4 Bde), mopping up Le Verguier (18 Sep) 284, 288; to capture Le Verguier (18 Sep) 281

  Seventeenth Army (German) 4, 7; withdraws to Hindenburg Line (3–4 Sep) 268

  17th Armoured Car Btn, at Amiens 141, 155–7, 163–4, 167, 270; in changes to Monash’s plan (18–19 Sep) 318

  17th Btn, at Warfusée (8 Aug) 153

  17th Btn (5 Bde), in Mont St Quentin attack (31 Aug) 239, 241; ordered to attack Mont St Quentin on 31 Aug 237; reduced strength (end Aug) 215; rum issued to fatigued troops (31 Aug) 239

  18th Btn (5 Bde), as Bde reserve on 31 Aug 237

  Eighteenth Army (German) 4, 7; withdraws to Hindenburg Line (3–4 Sep) 268

  18th Div (Third Army) advance (22 Aug) 196

  18th Lancers 66 19th Btn (5 Bde), attack on Mont St Quentin 242–4; ordered to attack Mont St Quentin on 31 Aug 237; progress arrested (29 Aug) 227; to be disbanded 300–301

  20th Btn (5 Bde), abandons Feuillaucourt and digs in at Older Trench (31 Aug) 241–2; ordered to attack Mont St Quentin on 31 Aug 237; reduced strength of (end Aug) 215

  21st Btn (6 Bde), at Hamel 125; at Mont St Quentin (1 Sep) 248; clearing Anvil Wood (31 Aug) 244; to be disbanded 300

  22nd Btn (6 Bde), clearing Anvil Wood (31 Aug) 244

  23rd Btn (6 Bde), at Mont St Quentin (1 Sep) 248; clearing Anvil Wood (31 Aug) 244; hard fighting at Mont St Quentin (1 Sep) 247–8

  24th Btn (6 Bde), attacks Mont St Quentin (1 Sep) 248; clearing Anvil Wood (31 Aug) 244; halted by machine gun fire (1 Sep) 247

  25th Btn (2 Div), reaction to disbandment order 303

  25th Btn (7 Bde), assault on Allaines (2 Sep) 155; to be disbanded 300

  26th Btn, tries to cross R. Somme (30 Aug) 232

  26th Btn (7 Bde), heavy casualties (2 Sep) 257

  27th Btn (7 Bde), assault on Tortilla Trench (2 Sep) 255; under shelling and machine gun fire (29 Aug) 227

  27th Div (American) 337; attack on Outpost Line (27 Sep) 324–5; attacks (29 Sep) 330

  27th Div (American II Corps), faced great challenges (29 Sep) 335–6; offered to Monash 315; reduced role for (29 Sep) 321

  28th Btn (7 Bde), tries to cross R. Somme (30 Aug) 232; under fire from Mont St Quentin (29 Aug) 227

  29th Btn (8 Bde, 5 Div), crosses start line (29 Sep) 330; forced to withdraw (29 Sep) 331; push towards Brie (29 Aug) 227

  29th Btn (8 Bde), at Amiens (9 Aug) 175–6

  30th Btn (8 Bde, 5 Div), in reserve (29 Sep) 331

  30th Bty (8 Field Bde AFA, 3 Div) 119 30th Div (American II Corps), attacks (29 Sep) 330; effect of fog, mist and smoke on troops 330; offered to Monash 315; poor communication from (Sep 29) 331; reaches second Mauroy-Le Catelet Line (29 Sep) 343; some compensation for inexperience (29 Sep) 341

  30th Field Art Bty, at Amiens (8 Aug) 148– 50

  31st Btn (8 Bde, 5 Div), push towards Brie (29 Aug) 227; supporting advance (29 Sep) 330; Unit Diary (29 Aug) 227–8

  32nd Btn (8 Bde, 5 Div), on 30 Sep 344; at Amiens (8 Aug) 154–5; crosses start line (29 Sep) 330; stalled by machine gun fire (29 Sep) 331

  32nd Div (BEF) 350; on 30 Sep 344; in contact with 4 Leicester (British) (29 Sep) 331; leapfrogs 46 Div to capture Magny (29 Sep) 329; in Monash’s plan (29 Aug) 229; nearing bend in Somme (28 Aug) 212; in pursuit from Péronne (5 Sep) 274; relieves 2 Div (AIF) (19 Aug) 194; support 46 (Midland) Div (29 Sep) 341; tanks in support (23 Aug) 202; to leapfrog 46 Div and seize Le Tronquoy Tunnel 318–19; to thrust south of Somme (23 Aug) 201

  33rd Btn (9 Bde), advance (22 Aug) 197; Report on barrage and casualties (22 Aug) 198; thrust to Bony Ridge (30 Sep) 348

  34th Btn (9 Bde), on 22 Aug 197, 200; clear Hindenburg Outpost Line (30 Sep) 348

  35th Btn (9 Bde), at ‘Happy Valley’ (22 Aug) 197, 199; thrust to Bony Ridge (30 Sep) 348

  35th Btn (11 Bde), thrust to Bony Ridge 348

  36th Btn (9 Bde 3 Div), disbanded (30 Apr) 297

  37th Btn (10 Bde), on 29 Sep 338; in attack on Bray (23 Aug) 208; men’s attitude to disbandment (22 Sep) 302; Story writes letter of protest about disbandment 301; to be disbanded 300

  38th Btn (10 Bde), on 29 Sep 338; toll taken on (26–30 Aug) 234–5

  39th Btn (10 Bde), on 29 Sep 338

  40th Btn (10 Bde), on 29 Sep 338; attack Bray (23 Aug) 208; Lewis gunners break up counter-attacks (31 Aug) 245

  41st Btn (11 Bde), clears Hindenburg Outpost Line (30 Sep) 348; reaches Benjamin Post trench system (29 Sep) 337; report on disorganised Americans 337–8

  41st Bty (AFA), in support at Outpost Line attack (18 Sep) 288

  42nd Btn (3 Div), thrust to Bony Ridge (30 Sep) 348; to be disbanded 300

  43rd Btn (11 Bde) 200–201; thrust to Bony Ridge (30 Sep) 348

  44th Btn (3 Div), on 29 Sep 332, 338; forms joint HQ with 59 Btn (29 Sep) 333

  44th Btn (11 Bde) 200–201; forced to dig in (29 Sep) 332–3

  46th Btn (12 Bde), in Outpost Line attack (18 Sep) 288

  46th (Midland Div) (British), on 29 Sep 343; attack well-supported (29 Sep) 341; audacious and brilliantly executed attack (29 Sep) 327–30; deployed in canal crossing 318

  47th Btn (12 Bde 4 Div), disbanded (31 May) 298

  47th Div (Third Army) advance (22 Aug) 196

  48th Btn (12 Bde), in Outpost Line attack (18 Sep) 285

  48th Btn (AIF) 1; at Bullencourt (Apr 1917) 51

  52nd Btn (13 Bde, 4 Div), disbanded (16 May) 297–8

  53rd Btn (14 Bde) 350, attacks on Péronne (1 Sep) 250–51; navigation problems on 30 Sep 346

  54th Btn (14 Bde), attacks Péronne (1 Sep) 250–51; clears Péronne and mops up (2 Sep) 258–60; to be disbanded 300

  55th Btn (14 Bde), on 30 Sep 346; at Péronne (1 Sep) 250–51; north of Péronne (2 Sep) 260; occupies Brickworks (2 Sep) 258

  56th Btn (14 Bde) 350; attacks Péronne (1 Sep) 251; north of Péronne (2 Sep) 260; only 35 men (2 Sep) 258
br />   57th Btn (15 Bde, 5 Div), at Estrées (29 Sep) 331–3

  58th Btn (15 Bde), on 29 Sep 338; at Péronne (2 Sep) 258, 259; crosses Somme and withdraws 252–3; forced to dig in (29 Sep) 332; handicaps (9 Aug) 171–2; in place just in time 171; in reserve then to attack Estrées (29 Sep) 331–2, 333; slow advance (9 Aug) 174–5

  58th Btn (15 Bde) Report on Operations, Germans not mopped up by Americans (29 Sep) 335

  59th Btn (15 Bde), advances along railway (1 Sep) 252–3; at Estrées (29 Sep) 331–2, 333; medical report on men ordered by Elliott 309; mutiny by 60 men (5 Sep) 306–8; north of Péronne (2 Sep) 259–60; suffers loss of direction (29 Sep) 332; to move north of Péronne (2 Sep) 258

  60th Btn, in place just in time 171; slow advance (9 Aug 18) 174

  60th Btn (15 Bde), Elliott speaks to mmutineers (26 Sep) 303–4; handicaps (9 Aug) 171–2; north of Péronne (2 Sep) 259–60; slow advance by 174; to be disbanded 300; to thrust north of Péronne (2 Sep) 258; to transfer to 59 Btn (26 Sep) 303

  61st Casualty Clearing Station, Geddes sent to 216

  62nd British Div, at Bullecourt (Apr–May 1917) 50

  74th British Div, in Outpost Line attack (18 Sep) 287; takes Hindenburg Outpost Line then withdraws 311

  74th Yeomanry Div, attack on Canal du Nord (2 Sep) 254; pushed back (2 Sep) 257

  137th Bde, 46 (Midland Div), attack by (29 Sep) 329

  301st Tank Btn, tank losses in advance (29 Sep) 336

  A Coy (16 Btn), in reserve at Le Verguier (18 Sep) 284

  A Coy (29 Btn), advance beyond Vauvillers (9 Aug) 176

  B Coy (16 Btn), at Le Verguier and Fort Bull (18 Sep) 284, 285

  B Coy (32 Btn, 8 Bde, 5 Div), at Amiens (8 Aug) 154–5

  C Coy (10 Btn), captures trench system (18 Sep) 287

  C Coy (16 Btn), at Fort Bull and Le Verguier (18 Sep) 284–5

  D Coy (16 Btn), overruns Fort Bell and Orchard’s Post (18 Sep) 285

  Accroche 150

  Acquaire Woods 150

  Adler, Gnr, wounded in Tank 9044 (4 Jul) 122

  Advanced Section of tanks at Hamel (4 Jul) 106

  Advanced Stores system for tanks 56


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