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ROMANCE: Regency Romance: Defiant Lords Complete Series: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-6 (Sweet Regency Historical Romance Short Stories) (Defiant Lords Sweet Regency Romance)

Page 8

by Rose Haven

  Peter loved how responsive Amber was to his touch. So unlike Helena, he thought. Helena considered it unladylike to respond too much in bed. Hell, he felt guilt washing over him again. But before it could affect him, he squashed the feeling. This night was all about Amber. He would consider the consequences of his actions tomorrow.

  Peter could no longer control himself. When he found Amber wet and ready for him, he thrusted into her in one swift motion. Amber loudly cried out his name. She felt a little pain initially but it was soon replaced with a pleasure so intense that she almost cried with joy. As Peter kept moving inside her, she felt a sweet pressure building inside her. When that pressure reached its peak, Amber felt that she could take it no more! She shut her eyes tightly and could see a million stars as she finally climaxed. Good Lord! It felt like she'd just been to the Heaven and back!

  Peter knew when Amber reached her climax. He reveled in the fact that he could give her so much pleasure. Her cries of ecstasy rang loud in his ears and a few thrusts later, he found his release too.

  They both lay breathless on his huge bed. Finally, their marriage was consummated. All of a sudden, Amber felt shy of her nakedness and pulled a blanket to cover herself. Peter looked at her. How beautiful she looked with her face flushed, her hair sprawled on the pillow and her eyes dreamy!

  "You don't need to hide anything from me, my sweet. I love the way you look when you are free from all those layers of clothing." Peter pulled down the blanket and admired her glorious body. He felt himself go hard again! Hell, what was wrong with him!

  "Ummmm....I think I should go back to my chamber. Rose sometimes does wake up at night and I don't want her to get scared," she said huskily.

  "As you wish, sweetheart! But before leaving, let me just taste you once more." Peter bent down and kissed her hard this time. "Please go Amber. Quickly. Leave before I am unable to stop myself from making love to you once again."

  Amber got up unwillingly and put on her nightdress. With one last look at Peter, she hurried back to her chamber.

  Chapter Nine

  Amber woke up with a sweet ache in the place where her legs met. It reminded her of the passionate night that she’d shared with Peter…her husband. Yes, he was now her husband in the truest sense of the word. She blushed profusely when she remembered all the wicked things he’d done to her.

  At last, she had succeeded in making Peter fall for her. The way he had kissed her, held her close in his strong arms….it proved that he had finally accepted her as his wife. Amber was ecstatic. She woke up Rose with a big smile on her face. Today, she would please him with her culinary skills, she thought. She planned on making his favorite raspberry tarts. After all, it had been rightly said that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach!

  When both Amber and Rose were ready, they proceeded towards the dining room for breakfast. She didn’t know why, but Amber had half expected Peter to not be there. But when she saw him already seated at the table, her heart leapt with joy. So, he didn’t feel guilty about what they had shared last night!


  Peter could not sleep after Amber left his chamber. He felt a strange restlessness in his heart. There was no doubt that he had fallen for Amber. She had aroused unmatched passion in his heart. But how could it be possible when he still loved Helena?

  After a few hours of tossing and turning, he finally got up and went down to the study. There in a corner lay Helena’s portrait. He had felt that he would not be able to look at Helena ever again after what he had just done. He had shared THEIR marriage bed with another woman!

  But to his surprise, there were no feelings of guilt in his heart. In fact, he felt at peace with himself. At least, his feelings for Amber were out in the open now. He looked at Helena once more. It seemed as if she was smiling at him.

  “I love you so much Helena, you know that. But another truth is that I’ve fallen in love with Amber too. You’ve seen how beautifully she is managing YOUR house and YOUR daughter. I know that wherever you are, you would wish to see me and Rose happy. And our happiness lies with Amber! Is it so wrong to love her back after all that she’s done for us?” Peter asked the portrait of Helena in front of him.

  There were tears rolling down his eyes. But he knew in his heart that those were not tears of repentance. Rather they were tears of goodbye…he was finally letting Helena go. He closed his eyes and waited for an answer.

  He thought he heard a low whisper…. “I am so happy for you, Peter. Amber is a good girl. Always keep her happy. I wish you both all the best…. Goodbye!” He opened his eyes and again looked at the portrait. He knew his Helena had been here. And she was happy for him!

  Peter felt a sense of relief washing over his entire body. He was finally completely relaxed. He lifted Helena’s portrait and put it back into the cupboard. Lord Peter Bryton had finally found the closure that he badly needed. He promised Helena that he’d always keep Amber happy, come what may!

  Chapter Ten

  Amber was ecstatic to see Peter at the dining table, smiling at her.

  “Hope you slept well, sweetheart,” Peter said, grinning.

  Amber felt herself blush to the roots of her hair. She wanted to pinch herself to make sure it wasn’t a dream! Peter calling her sweetheart! Yes, he had addressed her thus last night too, but the circumstances then were so different. Finally, she saw in him the husband that she longed for.

  “I slept pretty well, thank you,” she smiled back. It seemed as if Rose too sensed the happiness around her and started clapping her hands with joy.

  “Good morning to you too, my love,” Peter held out his hands for Rose. She immediately ran to him and both father and daughter shared a kiss.

  Amber felt tears of happiness forming in her eyes. She blinked rapidly and joined her husband and daughter for breakfast.

  After Peter left the manor later that morning, Amber decided to make raspberry tarts for him. She sent the new kitchen maid, Nancy, to collect fresh raspberries from the market.

  “Lord Peter has strictly banned raspberries in the manor’s kitchen. Are you sure you want to use them?” Mrs. Beatrix asked Amber apprehensively.

  “Don’t worry, Mrs. Beatrix. I know Rose is allergic to them. I’ll just make a few tarts and keep them aside for Peter. We’ll make sure that Rose doesn’t get anywhere close to them.”

  “As you wish, my lady.”

  Soon, Nancy was back with a basket full of raspberries.

  “Here are your raspberries, my lady. You should have seen how little Rose relished them!” she said laughing.

  Amber and Mrs. Beatrix were mortified.

  “You fed her these raspberries,” Mrs. Beatrix almost shouted.

  “Uhhh….yes. She was playing in the hall and when I came with this basket, she ran to me and picked a few of them,” replied Nancy, a little alarmed. Amber was too stunned to move.

  “And you let her take them, you fool!” This time Mrs. Beatrix actually shouted.

  “Why? Doesn’t she like them? She seemed to relish……..”

  Mrs. Beatrix and Amber didn’t wait for her to finish the sentence. They ran to the main hall and there lay Rose, unconscious and covered with dark red spots!

  “Michael, MICHAEL!” shouted Amber. “Rush to the doctor. Call him immediately. Say it is an emergency.”

  Michael ran as fast as he could towards the stables. He sent one of the stable boys to fetch Peter and himself hurried towards the doctor’s house.

  Amber carried little Rose in her arms and took her to the nearest room. She was crying uncontrollably. What if something terrible happened to her! How would she face Peter? It was all her fault! She had insisted on making those goddamned tarts!


  “Who dared to bring raspberries into this manor,” thundered Peter.

  “Peter, I just wanted to make a few tarts for you…..”

  “Mrs. Beatrix, didn’t you tell Amber t
hat the damned fruit was banned in the kitchen?” Peter was angry beyond measure.

  Mrs. Beatrix remained silent, with her head down.

  “Please calm down Peter. Rose will be alright. Mrs. Beatrix did tell me about Rose’s allergy to raspberries but I thought……………..”

  “And you still brought them in here! How irresponsible can you be?” Peter shouted.

  “I am so sorry, Peter,” Amber was crying hard.

  “Sorry! You are sorry, Amber? What if something happens to Rose? You know what! I made a mistake! I made a huge mistake by marrying you and trusting you with Rose,” said Peter pointing his finger towards Amber. “This is the difference between a mother and a step-mother! Helena would never have risked Rose’s life like this on purpose,” continued Peter bitterly.

  His words stunned Amber. She felt as if she had been slapped hard. Her entire world came crashing down in a few seconds. Was he really accusing her of risking Rose’s life on purpose? She could not believe her ears!

  “My lord, there is nothing to worry about. Rose will be perfectly alright in a few hours. I have given her some sedative so she’ll be asleep for a couple of hours,” the doctor informed Peter.

  “Thank you, doctor. Thank you so much.” Without a single glance at Amber, Peter rushed in to see his daughter.

  Chapter Eleven

  Amber thanked God a million times that Rose was safe. As much as she wanted to see her once, hold her close to her heart, she could not do so. She must leave……at once!

  Amber hurriedly packed her belongings. Mrs. Beatrix and Michael tried to stop her but to no avail. When Peter no longer trusted her, considered her a threat to Rose’s well-being, how could she stay back in this house? Now that she was assured that Rose would be alright, she had to leave. With tears rolling down her eyes, she looked at the manor one last time and then left with a broken heart.


  Peter knew that Amber was leaving. But he couldn’t bring himself to stop her. Hell, he could not even face her after all the cruel words he’d inflicted upon her. Peter hated himself! When had he become so cruel, so bitter? He thought he’d finally accepted Amber as his wife. Then how could he accuse her of all those horrible things? And that too, after everything she’d done for him and Rose!

  Peter poured himself another drink. Just then, Michael announced the arrival of Her Grace.

  “Peter, are you alright? You look awful,” exclaimed his mother.

  “Mother, what a pleasure to see you!”

  “What have you done to yourself? You promised me after Helena’s death that you will stay off alcohol.”

  “Yes, mother. I have broken my promise. But you know what, I’ve broken another promise too. I promised Helena that I’d keep Amber happy. And look what I’ve done! I have hurt her in the worst possible manner! I am not a good man mother, I am not a good man!” Peter was miserable.

  “Oh Peter! You ARE a good man. You said all those things to Amber because you were scared…scared of losing Rose! I am sure you didn’t mean them.” Lady Bryton could feel her son’s pain.

  “Still, mother. I had no right to talk to her like that. She filled this empty house with love and what I gave her in return? Misery! Contempt! She has every right to hate me.”

  “Who says that she hates you? Peter, the love that I’ve seen in her eyes for you and Rose, it can’t be diminished by a few misunderstandings. I am sure she’ll understand if you go to her and confess your love. You do love her, right?” Lady Bryton asked softly.

  “I love her, mother. I love her with all my heart! After Helena, I had thought that I’d never be able to love again. But she proved me wrong. I love her so much that her absence is killing me.”

  “Then go, my son. Go to her and apologize for your behavior. Don’t hesitate in letting her know how much you love her!”

  Chapter Twelve

  Amber had been crying the entire day. Just when she thought that her life had become perfect, everything scattered like a pack of cards. She loved Peter so much that the contempt that she saw in his eyes literally shred her heart into a million pieces.

  “Amber, are you awake, my dear?” her mother asked softly.

  “Yes, mother.” She quickly wiped her tears. She had not yet told her parents what exactly happened at the manor. Her mother was thinking that she’d had a small fight with Peter and had even admonished her for coming back like that.

  “Peter is here to see you.”

  Amber immediately got up from her bed. Peter had come to see her! Oh God! She hoped Rose was alright!

  She rushed to the door where Peter was standing and asked, “What happened? Is Rose alright?”

  “Yes. She is perfectly fine,” he smiled and gave her the small bouquet that he held in his hands.

  Amber’s mother asked, a little confused, “What happened to Rose?”

  This meant that Amber had not yet informed her parents of the fiasco.

  “Nothing, Aunt Wikfield. She’s just down with a little fever,” lied Peter.

  “Oh! I’ll leave you two here now so that you can pour your hearts out to each other. Peter, Amber has been very upset since she arrived this morning. You better cheer her up,” she said in mock anger.

  “I am here to do just that.”

  As Amber’s mother closed the door behind her, Peter looked at Amber and said, “Amber, I know that I don’t deserve it, but yet I ask you to forgive me for all those hateful things that I said to you. I didn’t mean a single word of what I said. I just got…I got scared. I thought I would lose Rose.”

  Amber watched him in silence.

  When she didn’t respond, Peter continued, “You have taught me how to love selflessly, Amber. And I promise you I’ll always love you, no matter what life throws our way.”

  “What did you just say? You…you love me?”

  “Of course I love you, sweetheart. And I am so sorry I gave you reason to doubt that!” Peter moved closer to her and put his arms around her waist.

  He still loved her! Amber didn’t know how to respond to that.

  “Please tell me that you still love me….that you still want to be with me. I need you Amber…and Rose needs you too. Our lives are incomplete without you.”

  “I love you Peter, I do. I’ve loved you ever since I understood the meaning of love,” replied Amber with tears in her eyes.

  “So does that mean you’ve forgiven me for being a brute to you?”

  “Yes,” laughed Amber. “And you must forgive me too. Whatever happened today was my……”

  “Let’s just forget about all of that! And focus our energies on what is going to happen next,” said Peter with humor in his eyes.

  “And what is that?” Amber was a bit confused.

  “A deep, passionate, mind numbing, nerve wracking kiss!” he laughed.

  And they both made sure that it did happen!




  The Unforgettable Billionaire Brothers

  Book One

  Violet Walker

  The Unforgettable Billionaire Brothers: CHASE

  Chapter One

  “Dammit!” Chase slammed down the phone in his office and turned to look over the rain soaked city. His father had a way of ruining his plans without really trying. He needed to get the acquisition of Steele Tech complete by the end of the week, what he didn’t need was to drive two hours into the countryside for whatever new decree Vance Silver would make. Chase knew it would be a decree of some sort because his father Vance loved to make his boys dance, loved to tell them how to run the business even though they had been running it—successfully—for years with very little input from him.

  But Vance was also his father and he was getting old, so they all conceded to his wishes. He ran his hands through wavy brown locks and dialed for his assistant. “Brooke I need a moment, please.” Please dear god don’t let her be wearing another of those tight sexy librarian
skirts. Chase didn’t know when it had happened but sometime during the past year he’d begun to notice his assistant. Hell, more than notice her. After five years working closely together he couldn’t stop thinking about her at work, or at home. In his dreams. Every. Single. Night. The way those skirts hugged her luscious ass and those fuzzy sweaters that clung to her breasts and small waist, all of it drove him mad. So he started coming in early so he wouldn’t have to see her sparkling green eyes and plump pink lips curved in a smile just for him. He hadn’t seen her at all today and he was grateful for that, only now he had no choice. What a fucking joke, he thought to himself, remembering the handful of assistants that had come before Brooke. They were all interested in Chase and had gone to creative lengths to get his attention.

  “What’s up Chase?” Brooke walked, no she sauntered in and carefully sat down at one of the chairs in front of his large oak desk. His eyes were glued to her legs as she crossed one over the other. Brooke opened her tablet in a few swipes and looked to him for direction. “Chase? Sir? Is everything alright?”

  He was startled out of his daydream and pinched the bridge of his nose. “No Brooke I’m not alright. Vance called.” She nodded her understanding and he continued. “He has summoned me and my brothers to Silver House.”

  “Your country estate?” She had seen photos of the outside of the famed mansion in a gardening magazine at her grandmother’s house. There was a lavish rose garden, a wild English garden and a greenhouse. It was magnificent. She knew this trip to the country couldn’t have come at a worse time for them. “I’ll reschedule your meeting with the Steele brothers and have the financials couriered to you as soon as they arrive.”

  He watched her swipe and tap the screen of the tablet resting on her lap, the perfect picture of efficiency. “Don’t bother. You can do it on the road. You’re coming with me.” Chase groaned at the seductive picture she presented, her flushed cheeks, those moist lips, the breathy gasp that left her succulent mouth. He felt his pants growing tighter under the desk and began to rethink bringing her with him. But he needed her. “Sorry Brooke but I need to work on this Steele Tech deal and I can’t do it without you. Who knows what Vance wants or how long we’ll end up staying.”


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