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ROMANCE: Regency Romance: Defiant Lords Complete Series: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-6 (Sweet Regency Historical Romance Short Stories) (Defiant Lords Sweet Regency Romance)

Page 66

by Rose Haven

  “Dio Mio (Oh my God)! Is she still alive?” asks Mrs. Antoni.

  “Yes, she is breathing. Doctor, please see if she’s OK?” I am out of breath. I take her to my room and lay her on the bed gently. She looks so small in my giant bed.

  Dr. Bellini starts examining her. He cleans her forehead and she cringes ever so slightly. After a few more minutes of checkup, he informs us that the girl would live. She had a bad wound on the forehead but apparently, no other bones had been broken.

  “She seems fine as of now. I have cleaned the wound and bandaged it. Now let’s just hope there is no internal injury.”

  “Internal injury?” I ask.

  “Yes. Since she’s hit her head pretty bad, there is a possibility that her brain might have suffered some damage.”

  “Dio Mio” says Mrs. Antoni once again. She is looking like she herself would faint any moment. I ask her to get herself a glass of water.

  “How will we find out if….if her brain has been affected?”

  “To know that, we will have to wait until she regains consciousness.”

  Chapter Three

  The three of us stay awake the entire night hoping and praying that the girl regains her consciousness soon. At the crack of dawn, I ask Mrs. Antoni to go and get some rest while the doctor and I take turns in keeping a watch over the girl.

  At about five in the morning, she moves her hand slightly. I immediately call the doctor. Soon she opens her eyelids and looks around the room. Her eyes are the color of the ocean, deep blue. She looks from me to the doctor with a bewildered expression on her face.

  “Where am I? Who are you?” She tries to get up but then lets out a cry of pain and lies back again holding her head with one hand.

  “Please don’t get up,” Dr. Bellini tells her. “I am Dr. Bellini and this gentleman here is Mr. Alberto Graziani. Don’t worry, you are safe here.”

  “What….what happened to me?”

  Dr. Bellini looked at me.

  “Uh….you had a small accident. You were hit by a car, don’t you remember?” he asked her.

  “No, I can’t remember anything. I can’t remember anything. My head is hurting like hell……ahhhh!”

  “Try to relax. Here I’ll give you some pain killers.” Dr. Bellini signals me to get a glass of water for her. “No, I can’t remember anything. I can’t remember anything. My head is hurting like hell……ahhhh!”

  “Now the pain will be bearable for you. Close your eyes and try to get some sleep.”

  She does as told and Dr. Bellini and I move out of the room.

  “I think what we feared has actually happened. It looks like her memory has been affected by the accident.” Seeing the panic on my face, he added, “But it could be a short term memory loss. It happens all the time to people who’ve had head injuries. If that is the case, she will regain her memory in a matter of a few days or weeks.”

  “A few weeks! That is a pretty long time doctor! And where will she stay until then…..what if her family is looking for her?”

  “Well, in that case, I think you need to inform the Polizia. They will be able to trace her family and inform them about what has happened.”

  “I think you are right. I will do that.”

  “But remember Alberto, if the family of this girl comes to know how wealthy you are, they will most probably try to take advantage of the situation and try to accuse you of negligence. That will mean a lot of negative publicity as well as loss of money.”

  “I don’t care much about the money, you know that. As for the negative publicity, well, I have my ways of keeping their mouths shut.”

  “All the best to you,” he smiled. “Now I shall take your leave. Whenever she wakes up, try to ask her about her history….her name, where she lives and all that stuff. But don’t overdo it. She should not put any more pressure on her brain than is required……And give her these painkillers if the pain becomes unbearable again. I shall come back in a few hours to change her dressing.”

  I thank the doctor and see him off. I go back into my room and look at the young girl lying unconscious on my bed. What if I had actually killed her! I shudder at the thought.

  The previous night’s happenings replay in my mind. I remember her fear stricken face when she hit my car. It seemed as if she was running for her life. Could it be that someone was after her….someone who wanted to kill her? Hell, she was not even wearing her shoes!

  Whoever he was, he must have seen her colliding with my car and thought her to be dead. Who was this girl? Was she some criminal or a victim? By the clothes she was wearing, one could easily guess she was not from a well off family. And the area where the accident occurred was notorious for crime and gang wars. Only the less fortunate people resided there.

  I should not go to the Polizia after all, I decided. If that person, whoever he is, comes to know that she is still alive, he may come after her again. No, I would rather hire detectives to find out about her background. Yes, that would be ideal. Lost in these thoughts, I don’t realize when I fall into a deep slumber.

  Chapter Four

  A slight movement in front wakens me up. I see the girl sitting upright and looking at me with fear in her eyes. She looks like a deer caught in headlights. I try my best not to frighten her.

  “Oh! So you are awake, I see. How does your head feel? Is it still hurting much?”

  "Ummm...yeah! My head does hurt still, but not as bad," she replied meekly.

  "That's good news!" I say enthusiastically. "The doctor said you'd be absolutely fine in a week or so."

  She gives a small smile.

  "Uhhh...what is your name?" I ask cautiously.

  She looks at me confused. "My name? What is my name? Wh...what is my name...I can't remember... I can't remember anything", she cries out, a little alarmed.

  I try to pacify her. "It’s’s OK if you can't remember all that stuff right now. It happens when you have a head injury. You'll be alright in a few days, I promise."

  She does not look convinced but calms down nevertheless. The forlorn expression on her face pulls at my heartstrings. I truly feel sorry for her.

  "Uhhh...please don't think too much about all of this. You are most welcome in my home and you can stay here as long as your memory doesn't return.....or as long as we don't get any information about your family." Her ears perk up when I mention about her family.

  "Are you...are you trying to find them?"

  "Uhhh, yes. You want to go back to your family, don't you?"

  "Of course! But...but how will I recognize them, I don’t even know who I am!"

  "Don't worry about that. I am thinking of hiring some people to trace your family. I will personally confirm if they are actually your folks and only then I shall hand you over to them."

  She nods her head and looks at me with a sad smile on her face.

  "Thank you Mr. Graziani."

  I am amazed that she still remembers my name. That means her memory isn't that badly affected, after all. She seems to have forgotten everything that happened prior to the accident, but recent things, she did remember!

  “You are most welcome, mia cara,” Mrs. Antoni says walking into the room. “I am Mrs. Antoni, the caretaker of this house. You need anything, just let me know!”

  “Mrs. Antoni, you are family and NOT the caretaker of my house, why don’t you get that?”

  “Oh, come on, Alberto. You are always too kind to me,” she smiles at me and then turns towards the girl sitting on my bed. “You know cara, I was his mother’s best friend. I even helped her in birthing him,” she chuckles.

  “And now since I just heard that you can’t remember your name, what shall we call you….ummmm…how about Gemma? I love this name and would have definitely given it to my daughter, if I had one… you like it cara?”

  “Gemma? uhhh….yes, I love it!” the girl smiled. It was the first true smile she had given and it sort of lit up the entire room, not to mention that she looked ab
solutely adorable with that smile plastered on her face.

  “Alright, it’s final then!” Mrs. Antoni clapped her hands. “We shall call you Gemma until you can remember your actual name, right Alberto?”

  “Ummm….yeah...right, Gemma huh? Nice name!” I say looking at her. She looks at me once again with her big blue eyes and flashes her smile at me. I am mesmerized by her beauty. I have seen some of the most beautiful women in the world but still I am awestruck by her raw beauty. This Gemma is truly a gem, I think to myself.

  “Now Gemma, if your head is not hurting too much, let me help you with cleaning yourself a bit. You look as if you’ve been playing around in mud for hours!” says Mrs. Antoni playfully.

  Gemma chuckles and I politely excuse myself from the room. As I am about to exit the room, I hear Mrs. Antoni calling out to me.

  “Alberto, I’ll be going to the market later this day to get her some fresh clothes. Until then, can I give her one of your shirts to wear?” Without waiting for my reply she adds, “I would give her one of my dresses but you know that they are big enough to accommodate three girls of her size!”

  I laugh out loud at her statement. Mrs. Antoni has acquired the role of mother hen and now she’ll go to any length to make Gemma comfortable in her new surroundings.

  Chapter Five

  Gemma has been resting peacefully for the past three hours. After giving her a bath and some breakfast, Mrs. Antoni is now off to the market to get her some fresh clothes. I have called the office to let them know that I would be working from home for the next few days.

  I am working in my home office on the new project when I realize that I have left some important files in my room. Initially, I hesitate in going there but then I think that Gemma might be asleep and I would just quietly get in and retrieve the files.

  I knock gently on the door and when I hear no reply, I assume that she’s asleep. I quietly get inside and move towards the dressing room where I have kept those files. To my surprise, I find that the door is locked. It meant that Gemma was inside. I quickly turn back to leave when the door opens behind me.

  “Mr. Graziani?”

  I turn back slowly to find Gemma standing before me wearing nothing but my oversized white shirt. With her blonde hair falling over her shoulders in waves and the shirt ending just around her creamy thighs, she looks like some sexy seductress. The light from the dressing room makes the shirt almost transparent and I can clearly see each and every curve of her body.

  I feel my throat dry up. God, I was in deep trouble. I had to get out of the room, NOW!

  “Uhhh….actually I needed some files I had kept in my wardrobe there,” I point towards the dressing room.

  “Oh, okay. I just needed to use the washroom for a while….ummmm…is this your room?”

  “Yes,” I reply without looking at her. I quickly move to my wardrobe and start looking for the files.

  “I….uhh…I wouldn’t want to be of any inconvenience to you any more than is required. I can move into Mrs. Antoni’s room if…..”

  “Gemma, you can stay here until Mrs. Antoni gets back from the market. Then we can decide which room you can shift to,” I reply quickly. I most definitely do not want her moving about in this house wearing what she was! Of all the shirts that I had, Mrs. Antoni had to pick this one! Hell, now I could not trust myself around her!

  Just then, the doorbell rings. I am relieved that at last, Mrs. Antoni is back with some decent clothes for this little temptation.

  As I open the door, I find Dr. Bellini standing there. Good Heavens, now HE will see Gemma in that white shirt too! I don’t know why, but the thought of Dr. Bellini seeing Gemma in that transparent thing doesn’t go down too well with me. Why am I feeling this way? There has to be something wrong with my head!

  “Is she awake?” he asks.

  “Uhhh…no! She is sleeping. Mrs. Antoni helped her freshen up early this morning and she has been resting since then,” I lie.

  “Ok. We’ll have to wake her up now. I need to see her wound. Did she recall anything about herself?” Dr. Bellini starts moving towards my room.

  I immediately step before the door and stop him from entering the room. He looks at me questioningly.

  “Let me just see if she’s awake or not?”

  “But you just said that she’s sleeping.” Good Lord! Dr. Bellini must think I have gone mad!

  “Yes…yes, she was when I saw her last. But she might be awake now. I just want her to be mentally prepared to see you. I mean, you are the doctor, right? And generally, people are afraid of doctors…you know…injections, medicines, and all that dangerous stuff.” That sounds disgustingly stupid to my own ears!

  But apparently Dr. Bellini has the good sense to ignore my eccentricities. I quickly get inside the room while he waits outside patiently.

  “Gemma, Dr. Bellini is here to see you.” She is already sitting on the bed with her feet dangling in air. She looks at the door and when no one comes in, she looks at me.

  “I told him to wait outside.”


  “Uhh… He likes to see his patients sitting properly in bed…you know…pillow at the back, body covered with blanket.”

  She looks surprised but thankfully gets into the bed. I adjust the pillow at her back and pull up the covers on her bare legs.

  “Come in, Dr. Bellini,” I shout.

  After changing her dressing and asking her a few questions, Dr. Bellini concludes that Gemma has indeed lost her memory in the accident.

  “Her wound will heal in a matter of few days but the memory loss….I really can’t say when she’ll start remembering things. It could be in a few days or even in a few months. It would be better if you start looking for her family right away.”

  “I have already sent her picture to my private detective. He will go to the place where the accident happened and try to collect as much information as possible.”

  “Good luck to you. Do let me know if she starts recalling anything. And keep asking her questions related to her past now and again. Sometimes such questions can resurface a memory hidden in the brain.”

  “I’ll do that doctor.”

  Chapter Six

  It has already been two weeks since the accident. Gemma has almost recovered from the wound on her forehead but her memory is still not showing any signs of returning. The detective has hitherto failed in gathering any information regarding her family. And strangely, there has been no report of a missing girl anywhere in the newspapers either. Mrs. Antoni and I have started to believe that she is an orphan.

  Gemma usually stays at home the entire day and helps Mrs. Antoni in her day-to-day routine. She has turned out to be an amazing cook. And thank God she no longer roams about semi clad in one of my shirts. Mrs. Antoni has brought her a few modest dresses that do a good job of hiding her luscious curves.

  I have asked her a few times to accompany me to parties but every time, she politely refuses. However, she does accompany Mrs. Antoni on her grocery shopping trips. Mrs. Antoni tells me that she has visited the nearby chapel two times in the past week. Probably, she is praying to God to reunite her with her family.

  Often, I find her deep in thought with a melancholic expression on her face. It looks as if her heart is aching for something….or someone. Could it be that she had a lover? Or was she married? No, she looks too young to be married, hardly eighteen or nineteen.

  I cannot stop my attraction towards her that seems to be growing day by day. I have actually started looking forward to going home after the office. And though I would not like to admit it, I have seriously cut down on the parties that I used to love attending. Sharing a cozy meal at night with Mrs. Antoni and Gemma has started appealing to me more than those loud, meaningless parties.

  I have often caught Gemma stealing a few glances at me while the three of us are sitting together. I love how her cheeks blush deep red when I catch her looking at me. She is so unlike any woman I have met in the past. No pretens
es, no lies. Her face is like an open book. You can guess what is going on in her mind by just looking at her face. And those eyes of hers…..I can easily drown in their depths!

  Though we both are living under the same roof, our interaction has always been very platonic. I deliberately try to keep my hormones in check whenever I am around her. I don’t want her to think that I am trying to take advantage of the situation she is in. But keeping my hands to myself whenever she is near me is proving to be a task day by day.

  One morning, I go to the kitchen for a glass of water when I see her kneading some kind of dough. A wisp of hair keeps falling on her face and she keeps on pushing it back with the back of her soiled hands but to no avail. I don’t know what comes over me but I move closer and tuck that stray lock behind her ear. My brain shouts at me to turn back and get out but my heart apparently has other plans. I turn her face towards me and she looks at me, a little startled at first. Her ocean blue eyes start weaving their magic on me and her full pink lips look too inviting to ignore. After looking at each other for a few long seconds, I slowly bend my head towards her mouth. She begins to close her eyes and her lips part slightly. I somehow feel she is as eager for this kiss as I am.

  Chapter Seven

  “Gemma, Gemma where are you?” Mrs. Antoni’s loud voice shatters our little moment. We both spring apart as if we have touched a live wire. Once again I see that deep blush on her cheeks and she avoids my gaze.

  “I am in the kitchen, Mrs. Antoni,” she calls out, ignoring me completely. Once again, she has resumed the task of kneading that damned dough.

  “There you are! Why, Alberto, you are still here? Don’t you have that ‘very important meeting’ you were talking about this morning?” Mrs. Antoni is a little cross with me. She had asked me to accompany her and Gemma to the Chapel today but I had refused.


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