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Modern Fairy Tale: Twelve Books of Breathtaking Romance

Page 49

by Kristen Proby

  “When I saw you two under the mistletoe,” I whisper, “I thought my heart was literally breaking. Like my aorta had twisted and my valves had clamped shut. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think.”

  “You have every reason to hate me,” he says, his eyes locked on mine. “Every reason to be angry. I have asked you to trust me, and then I betrayed that trust in the worst way possible. I’m sorry, Greer. I’m so very, very sorry. If this…changes…things between us, I completely understand. I’m at fault, and I deserve whatever you want to do to me.”

  Normally, I’d applaud a man who apologized without excuses, without desperate defenses of himself, but right now? Tonight? I want to know what Ash was thinking that night under the mistletoe, what he was feeling. I want him to fight and rage, argue and plead, so that my own tangle of emotions won’t feel so alone and outsized compared to this graceful defeat.

  “No,” I say. “I want more. You’re not supposed to give up. You’re not supposed to submit. You’re supposed to fight for me! You’re supposed to explain all this away and make me feel better!”

  His eyes search mine. “But I can’t explain it away. I did kiss Embry. I kissed him, and I enjoyed it. I kissed him because I’d just learned about you two sleeping together, and when I saw him that night, all rumpled and lost-looking under the mistletoe, I just…” He stops and shakes his head. “I’m not going to try to justify what I’ve done. It was wrong to kiss him that night, and it was wrong not to tell you. I’m so, so sorry.”

  I want to hit him. I want to scream at him. I settle for glaring. “Stop saying you’re sorry. I don’t want your sorry.”

  His eyebrows pull together. “Then what do you want?”

  “You. Him. Us. I want it all to make sense. Do you love him?”

  He blinks, the act making him look younger, more vulnerable. “Greer…”

  “I saw you that night, Ash. You weren’t kissing him like he was a friend or an old fuck, you were kissing him like you needed it. Like you’d been waiting months for it. You were trembling, and you looked at him like…like you look at me sometimes. Like you can’t decide whether you want to kiss me or make me cry.”

  He’s still blinking, those eyelashes long and dark, those bottle-green eyes bright and aching behind them. “Greer, this doesn’t need to be…what good will it do—”

  “I’m not the fucking public,” I say, narrowing my eyes. “I’m not a poll, I’m not a key demographic. Stop trying to spare my feelings and just tell me.” I pause, and then add because I think Ash needs to hear it. “Embry loves you, you know. He told me that too. He told me about the first time you were together, he told me that you were together after Jenny’s death. He thinks that you don’t love him back, and why wouldn’t he? With the awful way you’ve treated him?”

  Ash freezes, his hand still fisting my hair, his arm still anchoring me down against him. “What?”

  I’m simmering again, biting off words and not caring how they land. “You know what I’m talking about. He’s good enough until you meet a woman, right? You could fuck him until you met Jenny, and then you dropped him, and then after Jenny, you were back to using him again. Until you had me. Until you sent him to fetch me for you. How do you think that makes him feel? How could you?”

  Ash’s lips part and close and then part again. “Greer, I asked Embry to marry me. Twice.”

  I was all ready to continue with my excoriation on Embry’s behalf, but Ash’s words filter their way into my consciousness and stun me. “What?” I whisper.

  “I asked him to be my husband. Twice. And do you know how many times he said no?”

  I shake my head mutely.

  “Twice,” Ash says.

  “He—he didn’t say anything about that.”

  Ash makes a noise that could be called derisive—if it wasn’t so wounded. “No. I suppose he didn’t.”

  “When did you propose?”

  Ash loosens his grip in my hair, and unconsciously I reach back to make him tighten it again. This draws the first smile I’ve seen from him since I came in the room. But he stays on topic and answers my question.

  “The first time was in Carpathia. We’d been dating for two years. He insisted we didn’t tell anyone, and I agreed because I loved him. But I thought maybe if he saw how serious I was about him, how much I wanted to be with him, he wouldn’t be so intent on having a secret relationship. I had a buddy of mine buy a ring in Rome when he went there for leave and bring it back. I planned it so just the two of us would be out in Embry’s favorite valley by that base—you could stand at the top of this ridge and see for miles. I got down on one knee while we both had guns slung over our shoulders.”

  Ash smiles at the memory, but then his smile falters. “Embry said no. It wasn’t legal then, you see, and I think—I don’t know. Maybe he was worried about our careers or maybe what his family wanted. He didn’t give me a reason. He just said no and told me we should stop seeing each other.”

  Even now, seven or eight years later, I can hear the bitter heartache in his voice.

  “Merlin introduced me to Jenny not long after, and we gradually fell in love. She wasn’t at all like Embry, she wasn’t at all like you, and maybe that felt safe to me. She wasn’t the strange girl who coaxed my darkest self to the surface, she wasn’t the man who’d faced death with me. She was…easy. Uncomplicated. She loved like normal people loved, she desired like normal people desired. With her, I was a different kind of man, a kind that didn’t have such twisted feelings inside. After I’d been wrapped up in you so long, only to have my first real relationship end like that…well, I guess I’m just trying to explain why I fell in love with Jenny when I was still in love with both of you.”

  I turn that over in my mind for a minute. So many networks of love and heartbreak, so many deep folds and layers to a person’s heart. But it made a strange kind of sense to me, that he could love me and Embry and Jenny all at the same time. Not very many people love like Ash loves, as fiercely and fully, and maybe one person alone could never have held all that he needs to give.

  “And then you proposed to him again?” I ask, trying to figure out what happened next.

  Ash lets go of my waist and rubs his forehead with his thumb. “After Jenny died. That night Morgan took me to the club and had me flog her, I left and I went straight to Embry. He gave me so much that night, more than any person should have to give another, because I unleashed it all on him. My grief, my pain, this new sister that was also his sister whom also I’d fucked…I was a tornado. And he welcomed me.”

  I pull his hand away from his forehead so I can see his eyes. My touch stirs him; he shifts in the chair and meets my stare again. “He wanted to keep us secret again. Merlin wanted it to be secret. But it was legal now and I didn’t fucking care about the election—but I did care about him. Five months ago, I asked him to marry me again. I thought for sure this time…” He trails off and gives me a watery smile. “Well. The best laid plans and all that. And then I saw you in that church a few weeks later and it felt like fate. I wanted to see you, and the moment I told Embry about it, he volunteered to help me. I thought he wanted to make amends for rejecting my ring a second time…of course, now I know better. He wanted to see you.”

  “Oh God, Ash,” I say, my chest hurting for him. This incredible man who’d been rejected twice by the person he loves.

  “Greer, I’m—I’m not telling you this so that you feel like you were in any way a second choice. You know that I love you, that I’ve been obsessed with you for years. But I just want you to know that what I had with Embry was serious to me. It was the realest thing I’d ever felt until I finally had you. I didn’t kiss him because I wanted to hurt you, I kissed him because even though he’s broken my heart twice in ten years, I still think he looks beautiful in the winter moonlight. Because sometimes I think I might literally die from wanting to feel his lips on mine.”

  A few heavy minutes pass as snow blows against the window next to us. />
  “Okay,” I say in a whisper after I can’t stand the quiet any longer.

  “Okay what?”

  “I think I understand now. You and him. Us.”

  His hand leaves my hair and traces a warm trail from behind my ear to my shoulder. “I deserve the worst, Greer, but I don’t want it. I don’t want you to leave me.”

  I startle. “Who said anything about leaving?”

  He frowns. “You were so angry—and with good reason—I just thought—”

  “That I’d leave you? Like Embry did?”

  “Yes,” he confesses.

  I squeeze his hand. “I’m angry. I need to be able to be angry sometimes. I need to be able to demand answers. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to stay.” A deep breath with the next admission. “Especially because I love Embry too. He and I haven’t…please believe me, Ash, we haven’t touched since that night in Chicago.”

  “Oh, I believe you,” Ash says in a voice I feel down into the pit of my stomach. “That’s something neither of you could hide from me.”

  And there’s something about the way he says that, possessive and omnipotent and maybe a little cruel, that sends cold bolts of fearful desire through me.

  “So what happens now?” I ask. “Where do we go from here?”

  “I don’t know,” he admits.

  “Where do you want to go from here?”

  He looks up at me, and then all of a sudden he’s standing with me in his arms and we’re walking toward the bed. He lays me on my back and crawls over me, brushing the hair out of my face as his hips settle into the cradle of mine. I try to stifle my moan at the feeling, but it doesn’t work.

  “What else were you feeling that night?” he asks.


  “On Christmas Eve. You said your heart was breaking, but what else did you feel when you watched Embry and me? Did you feel…” his fingers dance down from my face to my breast, where my nipple hardens instantly through the soft chiffon “…curious? Did you wonder what it might feel like to be in between us? Did you wonder what it would look like to see Embry’s mouth wrapped around my dick?”

  I don’t know how to answer, I don’t know which answer is best for our future or what he wants to hear, so I tell him the truth. “Yes. Yes, I was curious. I was—” Ash’s fingers are moving down to my hip now, burning warm trails through the fabric, and it’s hard to concentrate “—I was turned on.”

  “Did it make you wet?”

  “Yes,” I whimper.

  “Are you wet right now?”

  But he doesn’t wait for me to answer. He finds out for himself, and I can tell by his pleased grunt that he likes what he’s found. I spread my legs wider for him, and within a few heartbeats, he’s got his flushed erection in his fist, stroking it and kneeling up over me.

  “On your stomach,” he orders. I flip over, shivering when I feel my dress dragged up over my ass, and shivering even more when I feel the fat tip of his cock against my folds. He pushes in, just the right amount of rough, and I practically purr with the sensation of his thick shaft spearing me.

  He brings his body down over mine, his lips near my ear and his arm under my breasts so he can grab and squeeze all he likes. Only his hips move, deep and powerful, all muscle and deliberate, unhurried strokes.

  “I don’t know what the future looks like,” he says, his breathing still calm and even, as if he were sitting on a couch and not shoving eight inches of hungry flesh inside me. “I don’t know what we’re supposed to do next. The three of us are never going to stop loving each other and we’re never going to stop being jealous. But at least we all know now.”

  He shifts the angle of his hips and I gasp, and then the hand that was plumping my breast slides down to my clit and starts rubbing. I bury my face in the covers and moan.

  “Would you like it if Embry were here right now?” Ash asks. I can hear the smallest ragged edge in his voice, as if he’s aroused by his own words. “Underneath you while I’m on top? The two of us pressing against you, demanding satisfaction and attention? And when we’ve taken everything we can from you, would you like to watch us fuck each other? You should see how fast Embry comes when he’s being fucked, Greer, it’s really quite something.”

  I’m moaning almost non-stop now, squirming into the blanket, the image of the three of us fucking too much for me to bear. The image of Ash buried in Embry’s ass lighting me on fire. I come suddenly and hard, clenching around Ash’s cock as my hands claw at the blankets.

  “Oh, so you do like that,” comes Ash’s voice in my ear. I can tell by the erratic thrusts of his hips that he’s getting close himself. “I like it too. The thought of you two together makes me so fucking hot—” He breaks off and pulls out, and the bed shakes as he strokes himself to a hard, furious finish.

  He lets out a rough groan, and wet heat shoots onto my ass and the small of my back, and I realize I’m smiling into the blankets. I don’t know if it’s the catharsis of Ash and I coming clean with each other or the mild display of dominance or just the good old-fashioned sex hormones, but all the feelings from earlier tonight are washed clean and hung out to dry. Still there, not vanished, but no longer so dirty and unsettling, no longer secret.

  Something cool and silken dabs at the semen on my skin, and I turn my head to look up at Ash. “What are you using to do that?” I ask scoldingly. “It better not be your bow-tie.”

  Ash gives me a sweetly sheepish look and tosses the stained bow-tie onto the ground. “Oops.”


  “Shh.” He crawls up next to me, sliding a hand under my stomach and turning me so that I’m facing into his chest and his strong arms are wrapped around me. “Stay here with me a moment.”

  “My shoes are still on,” I protest. “And we’re sideways on the bed.”

  “Don’t be so conformist. And about the shoes…” I hear a clunk followed by a second clunk as he toes off his dress shoes, and then he tugs off my high heels with his feet. “Better?”

  I flex my toes. “Much better.”

  “Good.” He pulls me tight, kissing my hair, and for a few moments we just hold each other and listen to the wind blowing off Lac Léman.

  I press my lips to the exposed slice of skin near his collarbone. “What are we going to do?” I ask again, my whisper barely audible over the wind.

  Ash’s hands rub my back, and when he speaks, he speaks slowly, like he’s still figuring it out for himself. “I don’t think we can decide that without Embry. Whatever happens next, it should be a decision between the three of us, something that the three of us can agree on and live with. If you’re still going to have me as a husband and I’m still going to have him as my Vice President, then we’re stuck together. And I think until this conversation happens, we should make sure there’s nothing physical or even verbally sexual transacting between anyone other than the two of us. Embry is off limits until we sort this out.”

  I nod against him. He’s right. He’s almost always right.

  “Also—until we can find a time for all three of us to talk, I want the two of us to be honest with each other. I made the mistake of hiding and lying before, and I don’t want to do that again.”

  “Honest like…?”

  “Like when we’re thinking of him, we tell each other. No more hiding our feelings for him, even if it feels wrong to admit them out loud. Because really, who would understand better than me how you feel?”

  I sigh-laugh. “I guess that is true.”

  “I know it is.”

  “Okay,” I agree. “I trust you, and I think you’re right. You and I will be honest and we’ll only be sexual with each other until we talk with Embry.” I chew on my lip. “Does that mean…after we talk, you want to be sexual with him?”

  “Honestly? I want the three of us together. But I also want you all to myself. And I want him all to myself. My feelings are very intense and wildly inconsistent about this. All I know
is that it’s not only up to me. And not only up to you or Embry. It has to be together or not at all.”

  Tiredness hits my body all at once. There’s been so much to unpack tonight, so much that I’ll still be processing it for weeks to come, and there is so much work ahead. But if that work means the three of us could—

  No. I refuse to entertain fantasies about it or about Embry until things are settled. I’m engaged to Ash, and even if we have a non-traditional dynamic beginning to flourish, I’m still determined to remain emotionally dedicated to him until we openly decide otherwise.

  I yawn and Ash starts stroking my back again. “There’s one more thing,” he says, and he sounds as tired as I feel.

  “What is it?” I ask over another yawn.

  “I want you to be careful around Abilene.”

  I definitely wasn’t expecting that. “Abilene?”

  I can feel Ash hesitate next to me, his body going still as he searches for the right words. “She accosted me tonight at the dinner, after I’d spoken to Merlin. She…well, this is uncomfortable and awkward to say, but I think she has feelings for me. She tried to kiss me and she told me—it’s not important what she told me, actually, but it gave me the impression that she’s not going to look out for your best interests.”

  Oh, Abilene. No wonder she seemed so nervous when I went to pick up my suitcase.

  “What did she say?”


  “Please, Ash. She’s my cousin and my best friend and if she’s harassing you or disparaging me, I need to know.”

  He relents with a sigh. “She said she’d make a better wife to me than you would. That she could make me happier. And I told her that simply wasn’t possible. You are the perfect woman, objectively speaking, and also the perfect woman for me, and I told Abilene that. She was understandably upset, and I’m guessing humiliated. She left me without another word.”

  “Oh my God.” I roll away from Ash to stare up at the ceiling. “I’m so mortified. And I’m so sorry.”

  “You had nothing to do with it.” Ash is still on his side, and he twirls a tendril of my hair around his finger. “And I am endeavoring to forget about it. But I thought you should know that she seems to harbor some deep resentment of you. I tried to make it unequivocally clear that I loved you and nothing would change that, but I don’t know if it will be enough.”


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