Page 11
"Ye...ess,” I manage, “definitely, yes.” I honestly feel like someone's scooped out my insides and replaced it with warm caramel. I have no energy to even open my eyes. He lifts me in his strong arms and carries me over to the sink. I hold on to its cold ceramic rolled edge to keep me upright while he towel dries me with soft black towels with the familiar eagle and ship design woven into it. John Lewis don't sell personalised towelling do they? We get dressed, I am having a hard time standing. Laughing at me he puts his Rolex back on. He's ready.
MRXV extended walk.
I pull my achy legs into my beautiful boots, and find I have a renewed appreciation for beauty, it must be all the sex we just had. Such beautiful leather-work, happy I’m able to focus on important details I feel relaxed and must be grinning like a stupid person from ear to ear. Daniel is having to re-snap the wrist strap of his Rolex, it's aggravating him I can tell. Everything must do as it's supposed to, behave as it's supposed to, work every time.
“Speak to Blossom about your watch Daniel, before it slips from your wrist and you lose it.” He just nods to me, and pulls his boots on.
“I'll call Baby Chris today.” He replies, closing it again with an unsatisfactorily weak snap. He then grabs me and kisses me deeply and hard. “Nice.” And winks at me.
Note to self, eat more carbs, you’re going to need the energy!
"And now we work?" I ask him.
"And now we work."
Before K collected walk. What's the difference? I could never understand it, or more importantly, why it matters.
“Can we have tea too?” I laugh, but I’m completely serious.
“Of course baby, I have already sent Newton a message to get the kettle on.” I want to marry him.
I decide, I like that...'baby'.
Chapter seven, wonderful Tuesday:22ndoctober2013 – the next bit
I glance at my phone, several missed opportunities to connect with my people passed by so quickly today, I smile at the cause, quite pleased with myself. I decide to answer the important message from Mum.
EC: “Good luck on your first day honey, hope they’re not working you too hard” I shake my head, she has no idea thankfully!
TC: “Thanks Mum, love you Tx” I really want to spend some time with Mum.
Note to self, call Mum, book a table, she won't approve of my cooking.
When I get back to my desk I look at my own phone and notice lots more texts. The people who I couldn’t say goodbye to at my last job all wondering where I went and what I’m doing. With a mild sense of sadness I reply to some of them. I will miss a few but the majority? What did coco Chanel say? "I don’t care what you think of me, I don’t think of you at all." That about sums up most of the humans I conversed with there. Medium levels of intelligence very narrow minds. The more things changed the more they stayed the same and in some cases went backwards to fulfil a need to be in control, to know what’s coming, to be comfortable. But that’s not what fashion is about is it? It’s supposed to be intelligent, challenging and scary. At least that’s my version, good for the soul and cheaper than therapy, but that depends on how far your needs go I suppose. Clothes are civilisation. I need more than mediocrity, and Daniel is proving to be the career challenge I have been after all along. In more ways than one.
PF: “Babes, free tonight if you want to tell me about your day” where do I start?
TC: “Need an early one, perhaps tomorrow?” Just need a hot bath, lots of tea, a curry and some crime drama.
PF: “Sounds promising, spill it babes, I can tell when your stalling” she’s good.
TC: “I don’t know what you mean” I think I’m funny don’t I?
PF: “OK, babes, you win this round” phew! I haven't got the energy to argue.
PF: “But not for long…” she’s very good.
TC: “You’re the best” she is.
PF: “You’re welcome” I’m desperate to tell someone how happy I feel right now.
Deep breath, one, two, three….
Beep, there you go, she just can’t wait.
PF: “The lingerie worked then?” Bingo.
TC: “I’m not one to kiss and tell” I lie shamelessly.
PF: “Good girl, tell me all about it later” I will.
I promised I would tell her everything, where do I begin? And swiped my screen silent.
Now sitting at my new desk, in my new studio office, having just been wonderfully fucked by my new boss in this very building, in a secret underground sex dungeon. Is there any more? Oh, yes, I have a Jo Malone grapefruit candle lit and it smells wonderful in here too. I feel challenged and a little scared, but in a good way. My vagina is damp and tingling. My legs feel an ache, which for once isn't the result of schooling the horses, it's the sitting trot that does it you know? Well perhaps you don't, you'll have to take my word for it. Thank goodness I don’t have to ride until the weekend, my seat just wouldn’t be secure enough right now. And sitting trot? Well, I can forget that for a while.
My signature for my email now set: Tharie Charles, Denim Designer: Milk&Honey, a small quote underneath: 'you can never be overdressed or overeducated', Oscar Wilde.
I have a meeting now in the office next door, so my happy little calendar on my computer tells me, a weekly fix here. We all sit around the table, note books at the ready, teacups steaming into the air sit on rubber embossed coasters, waiting anxiously for Daniel to arrive. It's a much smaller room than mine, but shares the window along the back wall. James is on the phone, he is whispering into his handset and smiling at it conspiratorially, he catches me watching, smiles and spins round, it’s a secret, not a very good one.
I get another message.
LC: “Just spoken to 'Stinky Pete', can he have tickets to Henry's show?” of course, he gets us discount on all our perfumes and colognes, one good turn deserves another.
TC: “I'll get a pair biked over once I’m out of this meeting” note to self....
James is still on his phone.
“OK babes” he says to his palm, a coughed splutter, “that sounds incredible.” Not quite quietly enough. “See you as soon as I can get out of here.” He swipes his phone off and looks at me guiltily, my own phone vibrates, its Pete, of course.
PF: “He’s just told me to get naked and wait for him.” I can't help looking up from my phone at the very guilty looking face of James Pearce. Lucky swine, what am I complaining for? I’m still sore from lunch.
TC: “Do it” good girl.
PF: “Already done it and opened the wine” nice.
TC: “So proud” true story.
PF: “So keep the meeting short so he can come round!” bingo.
I chance a second conspiratorial glance at James, he’s watching my fingers over the screen of my phone and guesses rightly I’m talking to my friend, the object of his attention. We smile in understanding.
Steffi just sits quietly, I'd almost forgotten she was here at all, we don’t notice her fuming, in fact, we don't really notice her at all. I feel the temperature in the room raise as Daniel walks in. He flicks me a conspiratory glance. “Sorry to keep you waiting,” he says, Newton follows him in with a fresh cup of tea and a plate of digestives, chocolate ones, I approve. He lays them onto the table in front of Daniel and withdraws from the room quickly. “Let’s do diaries please.” He begins opening his organiser, it’s embossed with the company logo, and he hands me one of my own as he sees me watching him. His eyes bore into mine, and his hand slips under the table top and onto my leg. Bloody hell. “Firstly Tharie and I will be in Tokyo from tomorrow, we’ll be back early next week.” His hand slides gently up and down my thigh, I’m loving it, and writing in my diary, well trying to.
Steffi adds, “I’m on holiday for two weeks from tomorrow.” I’m not sure why, but this pleases me greatly.
“James? Anything from you?” Daniel asks him, his fingers wraparound my thigh, between my legs, forcing their way up to part my thighs further, I manage to stifle
a gasp of pleasure. I pretend to make notes, but it’s just my usual doodle of skulls and swirly lines, which reminds me...
“I’ll be doing some input, I need a logo for Milk&Honey” I interrupt, to give me something to focus on that isn’t Daniels fingers.
James glances disapprovingly, “I’m starting the email cascade of the new wave of RANDom developments, there’s twelve pairs as yet with no place to live.” James smiles at me and Daniel, he knows what his Brother is doing to me, he coughs for Daniels attention, and Daniel withdraws his hand.
Throw a bone and be nice, “Steffi, are you going somewhere nice for your holiday?” I ask her as sweetly as I can manage, and fail completely, because she swipes me a loathing look in answer.
She almost spits the words, “somewhere hot, and away from here.” She answers with venom. I didn’t think it was possible to inject so much bile into a simple answer, but clearly I am wrong. Daniel sends Steffi a warning glare, it’s not the first-time she’s taken a dislike to someone in Daniels life I’d guess, she appears to deflate, collects her diary and notes, takes her tea, mumbles something under her breath which sounds like Spanish, but I'm not sure, I don't do languages, and she leaves.
K proceed in collected canter left.
That woman is poison. Note to self, stay as far away from her as possible.
Daniel and James look at each other and James rolls his eyes, “OK” he says closing his diary, “that’s what happens when you keep ex’s around.” What?
“Stop it” Daniel tells him....And, what?
“Didn’t I tell you to get rid of her Danny, she’s a weird one, and that’s no lie, remember…?” Daniel cuts him off before he can finish, James shuts down the thread of conversation.
“Not now Jim, please.” He turns to indicate there's another person in the room. Daniels phone vibrates, “I have to take this” he tells us walking out of the room, but not before shooting James a warning glare, we can hear him talking on the phone.
“She was obsessed with him Tharie” James tells me conspiratorially in a whisper, “they dated for a couple of months.” Why is he telling me this I wonder? “It ended badly” he leans into me and lowers his voice even more, “she followed him home and slept in her car in his driveway, every night for a week until Stan found her.”
I don’t know what to say. So I don't. For a while.
“Why are you telling me this James?” I close my notebook, “I can tell she doesn’t like me, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.” I sound surer of that than I feel. “Daniel must keep her around for a reason?” James is looking at the phone in his hand, likely he feels I deserve an explanation because of Pete. But that might be reaching?
“She got weirder, followed him everywhere, he broke it off it was only casual, she went mental. Broke down, had to be admitted to a clinic” he looks down at his hands, he wants to tell me everything, I’m not sure why. Perhaps Pete has spoken to him about me?
“And?” I help.
“Danny paid for her stay, said it was his fault, which of course it wasn’t.” He looks up at me, “but he ignored all our advices on the matter, and his guilt about the whole affair made him offer her a job here.”
“I can't believe he did that?” How lovely is this man? And also, how dumb.
“She’s a good designer Tharie, she’s been getting slowly and steadily better, for months they didn’t talk, but it’s been good lately. We hear Daniel wrap up his conversation, and he glances toward the door, he doesn’t want to upset his brother. “But the last few days, the old Steffi is emerging, making secret phone calls, furtive looks, behaving nervously. Then this morning, after you arrived, she books a holiday right out of the blue.” He raises his brows to me as Daniel walks in, “no notice even.” Daniel looks at us both, one face to another, aware we’ve been chatting. Well, we’re hardly subtle are we?
“Jim, please don’t,” Daniel sits down, “leave it.”
“OK, OK, once more I’ll keep quiet about it, but that girl, she’ll break one day, and it won’t be pretty.” He stands to leave, “let her go Danny.” And he leaves us alone.
Newton leans in through the door, hanging on the frame, “there’s a call for you Danny,” and he passes Daniel the office handset, and leaves immediately. Daniel holds the handset to his chest, kisses me on the head and leaves. I take this to mean meeting over, and head back to my own office to absorb this information, put my phone in the docker and hit play shuffle. You never quite know what you’re going to get, but it starts with Killswitch Engage, so I’m very happy.
That’s why Steffi has taken an instant dislike to me, she thinks Daniel and I are together, well maybe we are, but I’m not sure ‘together’ is something Daniel does. He likely just wants a fuck-buddy, well that’s nice and uncomplicated for now, but knowing me, I’ll get bored waiting for something more. I look over the balcony outside my office into the cavernous hall below, Steffi glares up at me, she's on the phone, I take that as a cue to leave.
TC: “Boys are odd aren’t they?” True story.
EC: “Your Dad was, it’s why I loved him” I recall.
TC: “And did you ever get closer to understanding him?” I certainly didn’t.
EC: “Nope, but I always had spare pants, a plastic spoon, a OS map of the Lakes, and a snakebite kit with me, just in case” she's not being funny, that my friends, is a bloody true story.
Be Prepared, it's the Brownie motto after all.
TC: “Love you” true story.
EC: “I miss him too Catharine” I know you do Mum.
Daniel is still at his desk typing at his computer, I move over to my screens, and they pop to life, lighting up my face, it feels warm. I sit and stare at the huge screen, an email appears its little icon bouncing merrily at the bottom of my screen, it's from him. I smile sweetly as I open it.
Dear Miss Charles,
I would like to thank you for a most invigorating discussion at lunch, perhaps we could do that again...soon.
…are you wet for me again I wonder? I’ll come up and find out.
Kind regards,
Daniel Pearce: Founder RANDom Denim.
"Oh, god" I say audibly to myself, and see him approaching from the stairs. He leaps up the last two stairs like a kid, he's right, I am wet. Thinking practically, as is quite normal for me, I’m going to have to keep spare knickers here, days of the week ones. It'll help me keep track. He slides the door open in one quick movement, shuts it behind him. Strides purposefully over to where I’m standing my insides begin to stir again. How much more can I take? I ponder that I’m about to discover the answer. He smells so delicious. Standing with his body close to mine.
"What are you doing to me Tharie" he breathes into my hair, "I can’t take my hands off you." He slides his hand down the front of my jeans again to show me what exactly he means by that. “I can smell you on me.” Forcing his hand against the tight denim, into my underwear. “I can taste your mouth.” He kisses me deeply. “You're special” lower still, and lower, “you’re very,” lower, “very, special” my eyes are shut. I make no resistance. Round to my arse and “I felt it the first time I saw you,” he chews my lobe, “in that ludicrously clean wine bar.” What! Cupping my buttocks, and sliding back round again. “You were there to eyeball me,” against my neck, his breath hot on my skin. Forcing his hand against the restraint of my still buttoned jeans. “Did you like what you saw?” He's kissing my throat, my jawline, trailing along to by ear. His fingers are gentle and agonisingly slow, “did I come up...” his fingers slip inside and quickly out again...”to scratch?”
He expects an answer? Bloody hell.
“Mmmmmmm...I, ah... thought,” god this is hot, “this place is terrible,” oh god yes, “but you, you were not bad at all.” Oh, that's good. His fingers linger further, slower, gentler, he's going to drag this out for me. “But who am I?” His eyes blaze into mine, very nice, getting faster, “no one, a stranger.” Getting harder. I breath
e the words, too engrossed in my own feelings to answer coherently. “Nothing special Daniel,” I am holding onto my table for support, his fingers slipping inside me harder, my legs have lost all their strength, “what are you doing?” I blink at him, barely able to keep my eyes open. “I read about your life, I’m not your type.” He shoves his fingers inside me angrily, his eyes ablaze, it feels so good I could cry out.
“Don’t believe everything you read baby.” He breathes into my ear and my whole body shudders with pleasure.
“Oh god!” I gasp.
“Nothing? You’re wrong,” his fingers move faster as if to demonstrate his point, and I can’t wait to feel his point. Please say you know what I mean otherwise I'm wasting my time.
“You could have anyone” I gasp, I can barely speak, so why am I here? I just need to know, my mind needs rest.
“Did you read I always get what I want?” Yes. He stops momentarily, “I want you baby.” And continues in perfect rhythm. A knock at my door, and Steffi puts her head in. She must notice, but our lower halves are hidden behind my huge screens. Daniel undoes my jeans again, and slowly unzips the fly, his plan doesn’t falter the whole time.
“There's a call for you Danny.” Daniel continues his beautiful torture of me. His hand, forced against the tight denim is deep inside my knickers, as he listens and answers. Bloody hell. I can’t believe myself, I want him so badly that I just stand there melting from the inside out while he has a conversation with someone, this is not like me, what has happened?
“Take a message Stephanie, I’ll call later.” His fingers sliding up and down into my knickers and out again. “Please.” The effect he is having on my body is incredible, flicking and teasing as they go his fingers don’t pause or slow down, then inside me, feeling every inch as they penetrate, in and out of me so easily now. Steffi pauses, anger flies across her face in an instant, and looks questioningly at us, first Daniels face, then mine. His thumb is circling my clit now with such skill and practised technique and it's all I can do not to exhale a loud satisfied noise.
“Anything else Stephanie?” I manage to stifle a groan as my clit is worked expertly. Daniel has asked in a friendly tone and not at all in any hurry, determined to test me. His fingers moving faster and faster, driving me insane, he's enjoying this, so am I. I am smiling at Steffi trying to conceal a look of intense pleasure on my face, but I find I don’t really care if she guesses what’s going on.