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The Captain of A Lady's Heart: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 8

by Alice Kirks

  Lord Sutton approached Robert, beaming with pride as he crossed the room. Robert held out a hand to congratulate him.

  ‘Well done Lord Sutton. I am truly happy for your good fortune.’

  ‘I have you to thank Captain Barkley. Right now, I feel like the luckiest man alive. And thank goodness, she said yes.’ He laughed excitedly.

  ‘Of course, she said yes. You two are a perfect match. You are going to be very happy together.’

  ‘Thank you, Captain. I truly hope so.’

  The day was spent with a more celebratory picnic on the terrace and Robert resolved to watch Lady Katherine carefully. Would she now, after the announcement of her sister’s engagement, suddenly recover her memory?

  He was surprised to discover, that she showed no such signs of recovery. In fact, to his growing astonishment, she continued, resolute that he was still her intended and they were engaged, even joking that they may have a double wedding.

  As she played a game of fetch with Hobbs, the family dog, Roberts doubt grew and he began to feel a certainty in his suspicions. To add to the other misgivings he already had, she had never forgotten his name either, nor where she hid his special treats.

  In the afternoon, the four took a leisurely stroll, entering the maze hedge together. Robert had decided he needed to confront her. If he was wrong, he could apologise profusely, but he needed to know. It did not take long for the couples to get separated. And once the giddiness of the ladies, pretending they would never be found, dissipated, Robert saw his chance.

  Katherine had linked her arm tenderly in his as they strolled easily, and glancing down at her, he doubted himself for a second. Even if she was pretending, was this situation so very bad? A beautiful wife, a wealthy family—it would solve so many of his problems. Quickly, he brought himself up short. No. He could not, in all sense of morality, go along with it.

  ‘I hope you do not take my enquiry to be rude,’ he began, ‘but I must ask you something.’

  ‘Of course.’ Katherine replied easily.

  ‘I do need complete honesty Katherine. It is something of a sensitive nature.’

  He sensed the easiness leave her, her arm tightening in his. She did not reply for a moment, and then eventually, smiled up at him. He had observed her genuineness enough to know, the smile did not quite reach her eyes.

  ‘Do go on.’ She said tightly.

  ‘I have noticed that, whilst at the beginning of your illness, you did not remember who your father was in the inn, that since being home, you have not really struggled in remembering other things.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘For example, all the servant’s names, or the pieces of music that you play so beautifully, or Hobbs and where you keep his treats.’

  There was silence for a long time. He had put his case forward, he now had to wait for her reaction. Either he was completely wrong, in which case, he would feel like a complete fool, or he had found her out. But would she admit it to him even if it were the truth?

  Eventually, he could take the silence no longer and stopped dead, Katie halting abruptly beside him. The high hedges of the maze surrounded them, hiding their intimacy from all others. ‘Katherine, I need to know.’

  She suddenly dropped her head and let out a whimper. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Yes what?’ He demanded.

  ‘Yes, you are right.’ She whispered. Her hands came to her face as she continued to gaze at the ground. ‘I am truly sorry. But I had to do it.’


  ‘Papa would have me marry Lord Sutton.’ She continued quietly, ‘And I have known for some time about Melinda’s love for him. I simply could not do that to her. I prayed that Lord Sutton would build up the courage to ask father for her hand, but whilst I am fond of him, he is a gentle soul and not one to speak up. My memory returned some time ago, but I was too afraid for Melinda, that if Papa found out, the engagement would be announced. I am truly sorry Robert.’

  Robert, whilst vindicated in his suspicions, suddenly felt empty. He had assumed that her pretence had been, for the most part, for the benefit of her sister. However, he could not help but be slightly disappointed, that a small part had not been for him.

  Katherine eventually lifted her eyes to him, a soft look of guilt, yet seeking repentance. As she gazed at him, her expression changed. A sadness and then supplication.

  ‘I am having such a lovely time with you Robert. I have enjoyed every minute we have spent together. I do care for you very much.’

  ‘I feel the same. I have relished our outings and the time I have spent with you. I too care for you also Katherine, but what are we to do about this now?’

  ‘I suppose I must tell everyone. I fear my father will attempt to marry me off to the next available suitor and that pains me so. I will be trapped, hemmed in, duty bound as a wife. I do not desire that at all. I want adventures and to travel, as you have and…’ she hesitated and looked shyly away, ‘to find love. To fall in love.’

  Robert smiled gently down at her, noticing the flush of her cheeks. She really was a beautiful girl, but he could not now tell her how he felt. Evidently, she did not love him as he did her, and he was certain he could not be rebuffed again in such a short period of time. His heart just could not take it.

  However, he could try and help her. Stop her from being married off and feeling trapped for the rest of her life. For well he knew the desire of freedom and adventure. Maybe, under the circumstances, they could help each other.

  ‘Then let us for now, not be rash. I am the only one who knows that your memory has returned. Let us leave it that way.’

  ‘You mean, just carry on?’ An excitement danced in her voice.

  ‘Indeed. Why not? We are not hurting anybody.’

  ‘Oh, really Robert. You would do that? Thank you. I think it is a brilliant plan.’

  ‘As do I. It will also give me time to get to know you better, I would like that very much. It will give us both some time to sort out what needs to be dealt with, for I too, am being pressed into a service similar to yours.’

  ‘And I would like to get to know you better too.’ She smiled softly, before her expression changed to a more curious look. ‘Tell me about your situation, what is it you are being pressed into?’

  Once again, Robert gently linked her arm in his and they began a gentle stroll. ‘You know of my brother’s death of course, but I am afraid his death is only the beginning. Being away at war, I had no idea what was going on, the responsibility of managing the manor was always left to George. When your father mentioned the other night of the debt that now plagues me, unfortunately, not only is it true—but it was my brothers own doing.’

  ‘Oh, dear.’ she said sincerely

  ‘Yes, indeed. I wonder now if, because he was loaded with such responsibility at such a young age, he suddenly began reliving a youth that had been lost. Impulsive decisions that led to our debt.’

  ‘What happened?’

  ‘Greed. That is what happened. The gambling tables lured him in. Comforting him with a winning hand, only to dash his hopes to pieces in a losing one. In his wisdom, he decided to mortgage Winfield Manor, my home, to continue his addiction, and now, in less than three months, if we do not pay the debt owed, the manor will be auctioned.’

  Katherine gasped and brought her hand to her mouth in shock, glaring up at him. Robert shrugged a resigned acceptance of the situation.

  ‘My sister will lose her home. I am not as concerned for myself, travelling with the army I can lay my head anywhere. Alison is but 16 years old and I cannot know what her future will be. Of course, once the knowledge gets out that she has little to no dowry, it will prove difficult to find her a suitable husband, for that is what she wants. My fear is she gets swept up by some ogre who I will have to hunt down and smite!’ He looked down at her and chuckled, trying to lighten the situation.

  Katherine smiled at his attempt, but concern returned swiftly. ‘Oh, poor Lady Alison. Robert this is terrible. W
hat are you to do?’

  At the mention of his sister’s dowry, an idea began to formulate as they continued through the maze. The dowry from Lord Ennis would solve both of their problems. Perhaps, they could go one step further.

  ‘What if we announce our engagement?’ Robert said suddenly. ‘I swear to you I will repay you once the estate has been freed from this debt, but with the dowry from your father, I could pay off what is owed. It would save the manor, you would not have to marry the next suitor your father could find, and my sister would have a chance at a wealthy husband.’

  ‘Announce our engagement.’ She repeated gently.

  ‘Yes. When everything settles down, and the focus is no longer on you, we can get an annulment. Just think what you could do with your life Katherine. The adventures you could take, the places you could see if you had the freedom to choose. No one to tell you what to do, no more feelings of confinement, or duty or societies expectations. You would be free.’

  Robert watched as the idea played its way through her mind. For this, after all, was everything she had told him she wanted. The freedom to be her own woman, for adventure and travel and to explore the world. Though it pained him to imagine her not beside him. It pained him to think that the only way he may have her in his life, would be some false pretence, until, he would have to let her go.

  Lord Sutton had not been mistaken in his observations. For Robert was well aware that, over the past couple of weeks, he had already fallen deeply for her. This delicate creature walking beside him, occupied almost every waking minute of his day.

  When he was not beside her, he wanted to be, and when he was, he did not want to leave her. However, she was not a soul to be tied down. Freedom was obviously her heart’s desire, he had only to look at the lengths she had taken to save herself from marrying a man already.

  Robert gazed down at Katherine, and whilst his feelings raged within him, he was aware enough to keep his expression neutral. No matter his feelings, he refused to put her into a position of pity. He did not need that.

  ‘I think this is a great plan Robert, and I have no doubt that you will use [MJ5][pm6]the dowry to the use you offer, nor do I doubt that you will repay it. Your brother made mistakes, that I am certain you will not make, but…’ she dropped her gaze as she hesitated. ‘Marriage. Marriage is a huge decision.’

  Walking a little way from him, Robert remained where he stood, watching her as she considered his proposal.

  ‘It is all so sudden.’

  ‘I understand.’

  ‘I think perhaps, it best if I at least discuss it with my mother. Do you think me cruel for not giving you an answer straight away? Obviously, I will tell her nothing of our discussion today.’

  ‘I am sorry Katherine. I have imposed too much. I can imagine you not wanting to marry any man. I know well, your thoughts on your freedom and adventure. Please forgive me.’

  ‘No, please do not think that way. I just…need time to think.’

  ‘Well, whatever conclusion you arrive at, I will respect your decision. Of course, whatever happens, our discussion here today will remain completely confidential.’

  Meekly, Katherine nodded, but looked uncertain, and Robert felt the idea crumbling before his very eyes. Of course, the idea would terrify her. He had not spent so very long in her company, but he knew enough of her already to understand, the answer would more than likely be a negative one.

  ‘Well, I suppose we ought to be getting back. I am sure there are enough tongues wagging already.’

  Chapter 11

  Katie found her mother in the drawing room, arranging flowers that had, as usual, been carefully selected from the garden. The room was large and long with several windows, and it was evident, she had already arranged another vase that now sat proudly on a round table near the hearth.

  Lady Ennis turned when she heard Katie approaching. ‘Ah, my dear, you are returned from your walk. We were about to send out a search party.’

  ‘I hardly think that would be necessary, Mama.’

  ‘Oh, I do not know. Melinda and William have been back a while. I know it is a maze, but having spent your childhood hiding in it, I am sure you know your way around it by now.’ Her mother smiled, knowingly.

  ‘I am sure I do. I had not realised my time was under such scrutiny.’ She muttered.

  ‘Oh, do not be so petulant Katherine. Anyway, let us not argue. We have much to celebrate. Is it not marvellous news for Melinda? I am thrilled for them both. Her being the quiet one, I thought we may never get her married off. Of course, I had my suspicions.’

  ‘You had your suspicions?’ Katie asked in disbelief. ‘What, of Melinda and Lord Sutton?’

  ‘Well, of course.’

  ‘And yet you were happy to push for me to marry him instead. Mama, how could you?’

  ‘Oh well, your father did not know, and I suppose, maybe I thought the idea may make Lord Sutton realise what he really wanted; to make a decision for a change. That man needs to find his voice. It appears to have worked.’

  Katie could hardly believe what she was hearing, but really, ought not to have been surprised. Hardly the maternal type, it would appear her mother cared less for either daughter’s happiness, as long as they were both wed. Was it any wonder she hated the idea of marriage?

  Well, no matter, she would have to bring it up now, for she had no one else to ask. Melinda was too deliriously happy and Katie did not want to take away from that today with her doubts about Roberts proposal, and besides that, her mother was the more practical to talk to.

  ‘Yes, well, about that. I need to ask your advice.’

  ‘Of course, my dear,’ her mother gracefully lowered herself onto a chaise lounge, patting the seat beside her. Katie moved across the room and sat down beside her mother, wondering how on earth she was to begin to explain how she was feeling. There appeared no easy way to start, so she just began.

  ‘With all this talk of weddings and marriage, it was not going to take long before it came into the conversation between myself and Robert.’

  Her mother swiftly grabbed her hand. ‘He has proposed?’

  The question took her a little off guard and it took a second for Katie to remember that, if he were her intended, then he must have surely done that already.

  ‘Mama, of course, or how would he be my intended?’

  ‘Oh, yes, yes. Of course.’ The older woman stammered, forgetting herself.

  ‘Robert told me that he had not yet announced it because of the accident. Apparently, we were to announce it, but he felt it would be too much for me until I recovered.’ Katie hardly knew where her ideas were coming from as she made things up in the moment. ‘But he wonders now if I am up to it.’

  ‘And?’ Her mother pressed.

  ‘Well, I am uncertain. It is a huge step and I do not yet know if I am ready.’

  ‘Of course, you are ready.’ Her mother stated, her lack of empathy evident as always. ‘You must marry before Melinda anyway. The oldest daughter must marry before the youngest.’

  ‘Oh mother, that is a ridiculous, outdated custom. Would you try and move with the times? It is 1815 for goodness sakes.’

  ‘It is a time served custom and we will abide by it, just like the many other customs we abide by.’ She spoke adamantly. ‘You would not have Melinda waiting, would you? Putting her happiness on hold because you are not sure that you want to be married. Do you not think that is a little selfish Katherine?’

  Again, Katie struggled to comprehend what she was hearing. Her mother, lecturing her on being selfish. The woman who did not care who would be married to whom, as long as there were wedding bells and brides. What hypocrisy!


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