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The Captain of A Lady's Heart: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 21

by Alice Kirks

  ‘Have I not played this piece for you before?’

  ‘Yes, you have.’

  ‘Ah,’ she smiled a reply. ‘I wish I could remember…’ She began.

  ‘Remember…?’ His smile was now broad.

  ‘Yes. For it seems now, like a lifetime since our only kiss.’

  Pushing himself from the door-frame, Robert walked across the room towards her, stopping beside the pianoforte.

  ‘Our only kiss?’ He repeated.

  ‘Yes. On our wedding day.’

  ‘That was hardly a kiss. I recall it being a small peck to keep up appearances.’

  ‘Oh, I see.’

  ‘I think I would like you to have a more memorable kiss for you to remember me by.’

  Katherine’s heart beat a little harder at his sultry tone, for his intent was clear and she was terrified and thrilled in equal measures.

  ‘And yet, I have no memory,’ she whispered, ‘for I have never experienced it.’

  ‘Something I feel it is my duty to rectify.’ Robert growled, as he lowered himself beside her on the cushioned seat, his eyes near glowering with desire.

  Lifting his hand to her throat, her skin tingled, feeling his fingertips stroke up her neck and over her cheek bone. Her breathing now shallow, she turned her head to face him, regarding the closeness of his lips and the depth of his brown eyes.

  His strong hand, tenderly tilted her face away, and feeling his warm breath on her skin, a sudden sensation flooded through her, as his lips trailed over the tenderness of her neck and throat.

  Closing her eyes, she gave herself to him, surrendering any resistance, for her desire matched his. Robert’s kisses followed a path up her throat and over her jawbone, bringing her face back towards him, until they found her mouth, and softly, his lips caressed hers.

  Katherine let out a groan from deep within her, for no stories that she had ever read could prepare her for the feelings that rushed through her body at that moment. A warm flush exploded in the deepest parts of her as she melted beneath his caress. Leaning into him, his hard body supporting her, she never wanted the sensation to end.

  But end it did, as slowly, he pulled himself away from her. Gazing up at him, almost dazed, she unconsciously brought her fingers to her swollen lips. He returned her gaze with a passion in his eyes she had not seen before, it only added to the emotions that raged inside of her.

  ‘I have waited so very long to do that. Far too long.’ He breathed huskily.

  Katherine would like to have replied, but there were no words. Her face flushed and cheeks hot, her voice seemed somehow caught in her throat, the overwhelm of the feelings suddenly rushing around her physical body, withholding all ability to speak.

  Robert continued to gaze at her, but his eyes softened, the glowering passion easing into a gentler expression. An expression of his love for her, the undeniable look of adoration. The deep brown of them almost beckoning her in until she was all but overwhelmed, lost to her surroundings, swallowed into a world where only they existed.

  After what felt like an eternity, Roberts deep, velvet voice broke the spell.

  ‘We must go now Katherine, and speak to your father.’

  ‘But I do not want to leave this moment. I almost fear that there will not be another like it.’

  ‘There will be plenty more like it,’ He smiled gently. ‘That, I can promise you with my whole heart and soul.’

  As Katherine had expected, her father did not receive the news well. A fact that she struggled to understand. Her parents wanted rid of her, here the opportunity was being handed to them, and yet, Lord Ennis’s uncertainty was near palpable.

  ‘And am I to expect you to deliver my daughter back to me in another few months, when you cannot look after her again?’

  ‘Lord Ennis, we are both aware that you know the facts to that situation. This, however, is completely different.’

  ‘Is it?’ He scowled. ‘And I am to know that, how?’

  ‘I am in love with your daughter, there really is no greater reason.’

  ‘Love, pfft.’ The older man retorted. ‘Love is for fools.’

  ‘Then I will gladly admit, I am one.’ Robert replied without hesitation. Katherine almost giggled at his retort, for her father could not argue.

  ‘Maybe so, but I am unsure if I am completely happy with my daughter marrying a fool, Captain.’

  ‘Father.’ Katherine interrupted. ‘You yourself agreed, that I would be married to the first person who asked. Are you now going to go back on your word?’

  Lord Ennis paced heavily back and forth in front of the hearth. His frustration, not at all hidden, as he fumed at the situation. Was it really that he worried that Robert may return her again, or could it be, he just could not bear to see her happy? That he knew well, Robert would gladly allow her whims and fancies, and he could do little about it.

  ‘Father?’ Katherine pushed.

  ‘Oh, for heavens’ sake!’ He near bellowed. ‘Fine. Fine. Get married and move to Kent. Certainly you most definitely deserve each other!’

  Katherine beamed at Robert as he walked across the room to her. Her father’s words were not meant as a compliment, but she did not even care. For she was to marry the man she loved so very dearly, and who loved her the same.

  Chapter 29

  Katherine sat gazing at her black jewellery box with a soft smile. All the pieces she had left hidden in Roberts bed so many months ago, had been returned. It made her wonder how he had saved Winfield Manor, but she did not dwell on it. For today, was a very special day, and there were many other things on her mind.

  Selecting her pearl necklace, she draped it around her neck and fastened the delicate clasp. The shine of the pearl complimented the white satin sash that tied around the waist of her pale blue wedding gown. The bottom detailed with a deep lace hem. Katherine stood and turned to look at her sister.

  ‘You look so beautiful my darling.’ Melinda breathed, a slight tear in her eye.

  ‘Do not even think about crying, you are not permitted to have red eyes on this day.’

  Melinda laughed and approached Katherine, smoothing out the veil over her sister’s shoulders. The tears brimmed, but today, they were tears of joy. After all the two sisters had come through, it was happiness they now shared.

  ‘I will try.’ Melinda smiled. ‘But I can make no promises. For I did not ever think I would see this day, and seeing you now, I am overwhelmed with delight my darling sister.’

  ‘Thank you. Thank you for being there for me all of this time. I could not do this day without you.’

  ‘Well, you could.’ Her sister smirked.

  ‘You know well what I mean.’

  ‘Come, they are all waiting. It is time for us to go.’

  With arms linked, the sister’s floated down the stairway together. At the bottom, a dashing looking William stood waiting, and Melinda handed her sister over.

  ‘I will see you over there.’

  William smiled. ‘You look so radiant Katherine. Robert is a lucky man.’

  ‘Thank you, William.’

  The nerves that bubbled in the pit of her stomach as they walked over to the small chapel, did not feel too different than the night of the ball, only, this time, instead of fighting snakes, they felt more like a basket of butterflies.

  Robert had wanted a short engagement, and Katherine had agreed. Desperate to have her as his wife, it was now less than a month since he had asked for her father’s permission to marry his eldest daughter. He had made it clear, he had lost her once before, but now he had found her again, he was impatient to whisk her away, to have her all to himself.

  Unlike the first time they had married, the chapel was packed with people. Friends and family from both sides as well as many officers in uniform, happy to celebrate their Captain’s happiness. Alison and The Duchess had travelled from Kent and even Kitty was present. It was not a usual custom, but Robert insisted.

  The Duchess met her at the
door, and for the first time, Katherine witnessed a genuine, warm smile.

  ‘You do look quite beautiful Lady Katherine.’

  ‘Thank you, Your Grace. I am truly happy that you are here.’

  ‘And I am truly happy to be here. After all the two of you have endured, this will be a wonderful union. Your marriage will be strengthened by the love you both evidently have for each other.’

  ‘I know this to be true, Your Grace.’ Katherine agreed.

  About to continue into the chapel, Katherine suddenly turned again to the older woman, for she could not help herself. ‘Your Grace, do you know, from where Robert sourced the funds to save Winfield?’

  The older woman dropped her gaze and as she turned to walk away, said. ‘Oh, I am not too sure, sometimes, these things just arrive at the right time.’

  Katherine smiled widely as The Duchess walked into the chapel before her. She could not know her true reasons—but it was evident that the Duchess had provided the money to save the manor. Robert was not a fool, from wherever the money had been found, he would have known that his aunt had given it.

  It felt as though it were the last piece. A piece that slotted into place that completed everything. Their happiness, their future, all the adventures they were about to discover. And as Katherine walked down the aisle of the church, her future husband turned and warmed her already expanded heart with the most open and adoring smile.

  Finally reaching him, his gaze captivated her. He looked handsome and dashing in his full dress uniform, and in that moment, she could not imagine her happiness could ever be as great.

  ‘You look so beautiful.’ He whispered, gazing down at her. ‘But then, you always do.’

  Katherine blushed and beamed, her heart beating hard, as he took her hand in his. ‘I love you.’ She replied.

  ‘I know.’ He grinned.

  After the exchange of rings and the signing of the register, the large gathering made their way back to Spencer Manor for the wedding breakfast. A vast spread had been laid and a fruitcake, smothered with icing was handed out to all in attendance. Katherine nibbled but could not eat much.

  Once before her appetite had been affected to her detriment, but on this occasion, it was not misery or unhappiness that caused her lack of hunger. Instead, it was the joy and excitement and exuberant expectation of their journey together.

  There was a whole life to live with Robert by her side, but as a surprise, he had organised their honeymoon in London. A place she had longed to go for many years and, something she had mentioned to Robert when he had been first invited to Spencer Manor to prevent Katherine’s fictitious breakdown.

  Katherine near squealed with delighted when he told her.

  ‘Well, I did promise I would take you there one day.’ He smiled, as he brushed his fingers across her cheek.

  ‘Thank you. Sometimes, I cannot believe how fortunate I have been to have found you.’ She breathed.

  ‘The feeling is mutual.’


  ‘Oh, but he is so beautiful.’ Katherine crooned.

  Gazing down as she cradled her new-born nephew, Katherine, though having stayed with her sister for a couple of weeks already, could still not quite believe how tiny everything was. Tiny fingers and tiny hands and tiny, pudgy, fat feet. Thomas, for they had named him after William’s father, held her gaze; gurgling unintelligible sounds, seemingly content in her arms.

  ‘Yes, well. He is not so beautiful when he keeps me awake half of the night needing me to lullaby him back to sleep.’ Mel rolled her eyes. ‘Did he not wake you last night?’

  Katherine chuckled at her younger sister. ‘No, as I have already told you, I am grateful that William, in his wisdom, set me up in the farther wing of the house.’

  ‘It is a shame I was not there with you.’ Her sister smirked.

  ‘The joys of motherhood my darling.’

  ‘Your turn will come.’

  ‘I hope so. But I do need Robert for that part.’ She winked at Mel.

  ‘When will he return from his tour in Canada? It must be soon, for he has been away almost from your wedding.’

  ‘He is due home soon and I can hardly wait. That is why I must leave you tomorrow. I want to be there to greet him.’

  ‘You must miss him terribly.’

  ‘I do of course, just as he misses me.’

  ‘I know how he feels,’ Melinda threw her sister a sad smile, ‘I will yearn for you terribly when you are gone. These two weeks seemed to have passed by in a blink. William and Thomas are so important in my life, but it is just not the same without you here.’

  ‘As I miss you my darling, and it will pain me to leave you, but I too have a husband who needs me now, and though he has written me nearly every week, I am sure he will be glad to be home.’

  ‘I cannot imagine. William too has received many letters from him. Do you think he will stay when he returns?’

  ‘Truly Mel, I do not know. We talked about it a little before he departed last time, but I am not sure he had come to a full decision.’

  ‘Well, he is a Duke now. Surely, he ought to be home, looking after his estate.’

  ‘Something I will be sure to remind him when I see him.’ Katherine smirked.

  ‘Will you visit mama and papa again before you go?’

  Katherine frowned and shook her head. ‘I think not. Those few days before I arrived with you were enough. Nothing has changed.’

  ‘Oh, I am well aware. They arrived here not long after Thomas was born. Father could not stop commenting that for William’s sake, I would need to produce another son and mother spent her time complaining when the baby was sick on her good clothes.’

  ‘That comes as little surprise to me.’

  It had been nearly a year since Katherine and Robert’s wedding day and time had passed by so swiftly. Melinda could not have known that on that very day, a tiny human was beginning to grow inside of her and to the joy of all, gave birth to the first grandchild for their parents only a month and a half ago.

  Robert, not long after the wedding, had been ordered to Canada, and whilst they had thoroughly enjoyed a most adventurous honeymoon in London, it had come and gone so very quickly.

  Katherine found herself once again, back at Winfield Manor, much to the delight of Alison and Kitty. In Roberts absence, Katherine and Kitty had collaborated and made some refreshing changes to the manor that gave new life to the huge home.

  At the same time, Katherine had used her time wisely with Alison not only in her education with history, languages and art, but in the ways of the world, for the child had been so utterly protected, she would need to see what she was about to venture into.

  They had also enjoyed much fun in taking adventurous rides in the country and previously near afraid of mounting a horse, Alison became quite proficient and comfortable in her riding skills.

  The Duchess had visited and stayed with them for some weeks at Michaelmas, but the older woman was becoming frail. Her sharp tongue softened; she had spent the mornings enjoying the ladies’ company and many afternoons sleeping.


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