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Three Make a Ménage

Page 4

by Cara Adams

  By the time Dorothea brought out her luggage they were ready to go. She filled her locker, and Zane put her car in the barn where the RV had been. It only took up half the space, and looked just as bright a pink inside the barn as ever.

  Zane was to drive the first shift, with Dorothea riding shotgun. They’d left the laptop with all their maps downloaded and bookmarked on the backseat, in case the GPS proved unreliable. After all, it was a hell of a long trip, farther than he’d ever traveled before.

  They were all fairly quiet until they hit the interstate. In his role as helper, Ty unbuckled his seatbelt and walked though into the back of the RV to collect them each a can of juice and bottle of water. The chef had left them a pile of thick sandwiches for their breakfast, so he picked up three of them, wondering if they were all the same or if they had different fillings. Well, if someone didn’t like something, they had plenty of other foods he could get for them.

  Ty handed a can of juice, a bottle of water, and a sandwich to Dorothea, and then asked, “Do you want your breakfast now, Zane, or do you want to wait until it’s my turn to drive?”

  “Hell no. I’m hungry now. Can you pop the top of the juice for me please and put it in the cup holder? I’ll leave the water until after the juice is done.”

  “I’ll put your water in the cup holder as well. I can hold my juice and leave the water on my lap,” said Dorothea.

  Soon they were all biting into the rich, thick sandwiches and Ty was enjoying every bite. However he couldn’t get rid of the mental image of Dorothea’s bright pink car in the barn.

  “Dorothea why did you choose that color for your car? Is pink your favorite color?” he asked.

  “Call me Thea. We’re going to be together for a week, we may as well be less formal.”

  “In that case you should call me Ty.”

  She nodded, swallowed another bite, and then said, “The car. Right. My first two cars were stolen. The neighborhood I live in isn’t bad exactly, but it isn’t the sort of area where you can leave your lawn furniture out on the stoop overnight, either. But the only place to park is on the street. Anyway, after two cars had been stolen, the insurance company told me I had to take precautions against theft. They wanted me to find a lockup garage but there’s no such thing where I live. So I had this car painted pink. I figured no kid would ever want to go joyriding in a bright pink car. And it worked. I’ve had it for three years now which is six times longer than any other of my cars lasted.”

  “Why don’t you move to another neighborhood?” asked Zane.

  Yeah, that’s what he’d been thinking as well.

  “Where I live is convenient for my jobs. I’m an event planner. I move around a lot. I’m right by the on-ramps to all three freeways. I can be in the city in ten minutes. Moving would mean much longer commutes which I don’t want.”

  “Okay. I can see that.”

  Ty relaxed as they chatted together idly, finished their breakfast, talked about the route they were taking and then swapped out drivers.

  At first he was nervous traveling on the highway and stayed in the right lane, but after a little while he felt more confident and moved out to pass some other cars before finally sitting on the speed limit and feeling comfortable. He felt comfortable with Zane and Thea, too. It was almost like they were a family going on vacation. Actually, it was a vacation. He’d never been to Arizona before. Never even been to the desert.

  His mind switched to Thea now sitting in the backseat. She’d been so sweet and friendly, kind and helpful. He really liked her a lot. What would happen if he tried to kiss her? Would that spoil the relationship they’d built up between them? Or would she enjoy it, welcome it even? How would he know? Maybe he should approach her and see if she’d let him kiss her. Him and Zane. They were partners, men determined to share a woman. And right now, the woman he wanted to share was Dorothea. She’d been right there in front of his eyes all along, but he hadn’t even considered her until he’d gotten to know her. And now he wanted her. Just a kiss. That couldn’t hurt, could it?

  * * * *

  It was dark by the time they pulled into a truck stop and rest area, but they’d all agreed it was better to keep going until they arrived at a proper rest area as they’d be likely to get a better meal as well as having showers and bathrooms. The RV had a shower and toilet, but a decent shower took a lot of water, and with three of them needing to use their supplies they all agreed spending the night at a truck stop was a better decision.

  Thea was driving and she drove all around the enormous parking lot before choosing where to stop. She wanted to be reasonably close to the bathrooms but not right beside them either, and not next to another truck if possible. Finally she parked in the center of five empty parking spaces in a direct line with the diner but in the farthest row away from it.

  Climbing down from the cab, Thea took a moment to stretch her arms and legs, to wiggle her shoulders, and to loosen up all her muscles.

  “It’s been a long day,” said Zane, watching her.

  “Yes, but we’ve done well. The traffic wasn’t too bad and there were no real holdups. We’re on track to arrive the day after tomorrow.”

  “Let’s not get too excited about that yet. I’ve never been to the desert, far less driven there. We might need to go slow on that final section,” said Ty.

  They entered the diner and read the menu board while standing in line. Thea was hungry. The sandwiches and fruit they’d eaten had been delicious, but right now she was ready for something hot and filling. Truck drivers burned a lot of calories so truck stop diners were usually a great place to eat and be assured of an inexpensive but tasty meal.

  The scents of roasting meat and onions had her licking her lips and swallowing a mouthful of saliva. Thea inhaled a deep breath. Damn, that smelled great!

  After eating they walked around the parking lot for a while, but it was starting to get cold and Thea wasn’t dressed for that. She had a coat in her locker, aware that desert nights could get quite icy, but it wasn’t going to warm her sitting in her locker.

  Thea had piled the sheets and pillowcases on the bed above the cab so now she pulled down all the bedding to make the bed properly. She had to climb up on the ladder to reach so Zane, who was almost a foot taller than her, stood beside her to help.

  Next she kneeled on the floor to make the bed where old Mr. Patterson would sleep. This bed was the one originally meant for two adults, but it was at the back of the RV offering a window to look out of and at least some privacy, so would suit him best. He could lie down as they traveled if he wanted to, especially if he was tired or unwell.

  “I wonder how sick he is. If he’s in a lot of pain, Oscar gave us pain medication for him. I hope the jolting of the road doesn’t put him to unnecessary stress.”

  “I can’t answer for the roads into the desert, but most of the journey is on the interstate which is smooth enough,” said Ty.

  She sat back on her heels. “Neither of you have seen the desert before. Is that what you said?”

  “That’s right,” said Zane.

  “What kind of vacations do you usually take? Do you prefer the beach?” she asked.

  Zane shook his head and Ty said, “The old Alpha didn’t approve of vacations as such. Most people go on vacation in summer which is the busiest time on a farm, and in winter it’s too much effort. Just keeping the driveway and farm roads plowed takes everyone’s time.”

  “Are you telling me you’ve never been on vacation? You’re what, twenty-eight, thirty, and have never had a vacation?”

  “We’re both thirty, born two months apart. And it depends on how you define vacation. Each year once the harvest was successfully in and sold, the pack hired a couple of buses and we’d all go to a lake for a picnic. There used to be a treasure hunt for the children, races, games, and enormous amounts of food. It was like a celebration that the hard work was done for another year,” said Ty.

  Zane added, “As well as that, on years
when the crops were good and the pack did well, we used to have a party for Thanksgiving. Every child was given a gift and the adults got bonuses. Unfortunately in recent years the pack hasn’t been doing so well so the kids of today don’t have the memories we do.”

  “Are their girls in your generation?”


  “And how many males?”

  “Seven. Yes, we’re almost exactly the average. Two males born for every female. That’s why Walter and Joseph agreed to come to the DADISP, I think. They both want to be married,” said Ty.

  Thea sat more comfortably on the floor. “So the lack of females in your generation is the same as everywhere else. Are there no humans in your pack?”

  Zane shook his head violently. “The old Alpha was very opposed to interspecies marriages until all three women married men not his sons. Only when he realized his precious sons would never marry and he’d have no grandson to carry on the pack, did he start to come around to the idea. Of course, he had to step down when the majority of the pack could see we needed to make changes to survive. We now advertise our produce on a website and do a lot of business correspondence by e-mail. We pay our bills by direct debit, all that sort of thing. Writing checks and snail mailing letters every day was losing us business hand over fist.”

  Thea was thinking as she spoke. “In a way I feel sorry for Walter and Joseph. They are a product of their father’s training and haven’t been exposed to the real world enough to show them his ideas are outdated. But I can’t countenance the risk to the DADISP. If our management of the event isn’t above reproach no Alpha will recommend it to any human or part-human women he knows. The women’s safety and need to be cared for has to come ahead of the needs of men, even good men, wanting a mate.”

  “Is that how you feel about us? You’re sorry for us?” asked Tybalt. His voice was steady, but sounded harsher than normal and his green eyes were dark with pain. A stab of regret sliced through Thea’s heart. She’d hurt their feelings with her casual words. “Of course not. I like you both very much. I did feel sorry for you when I saw you all tied up and shoved in the closet in the cabin, but that was a momentary thing. I was more interested in learning what was happening back then. Now I know you as friends.”

  Zane held out his hands and tugged her to her feet. “We’d like to get to know you much better than friends.”

  Lust surged through Thea. She did like these men, very much. They were kind and helpful and always charming. Not to mention a treat for the eyes as well as heart-stoppingly handsome. Her breathing became heavy and her pulse raced. The three of them were alone in a comfortable RV where she’d just made up two cozy beds meant for more than one person. Really, it seemed a shame to waste those crisp fresh sheets, and hot hard bodies.

  “I’d like that, too.”

  * * * *

  Ty thought his dick might drill a hole right through his jeans it was pressing so hard against the worn denim fabric. The more he got to know Thea, the more he liked her and wanted to know her even better. He thought that not until he knew her fully and completely would he be able to love and appreciate her as she truly deserved.

  She hadn’t exactly said they could fuck her, but the thought must have crossed her mind. They’d just be making up the beds after all. But certainly some kisses seemed a good place to start. He watched as Zane very gently pulled her forward against his body, just using her hands. That was a good move. She could easily have pulled away if she changed her mind. Not that Ty wanted her to change her mind. What he wanted was her throwing her clothes off and jumping into the nearest bed.

  But the choice had to be Thea’s. They had just the next two days to show her how they’d love her and cherish her always, if she’d let them. After that they had the old man to care for and his granddaughter to assist. Thea would be chaperoning the girl so she couldn’t really be even kissing them in front of her. Not the way he wanted to kiss her anyway. That was definitely not appropriate family viewing. He pictured Thea naked, her legs sprawled wide apart, his mouth on her cunt, his hands on her hips, kissing and sucking her until she came screaming her release to the world. And only then would he and Zane fuck her to two more orgasms. One each.

  Zane lifted his lips from Thea’s and Ty smiled. She looked very hot and bothered. Her eyes were heavy lidded. Her breasts rose and fell with her quick breathing and she looked a little wobbly on her legs. It was good to know his best friend still had the best kissing skills ever.

  Ty moved to stand behind her, reaching his arms around her waist and unzipping the fly of her jeans. He tugged on the fabric, relieved that the jeans were stretchy enough to pull straight down her legs. He removed her shoes and socks, then helped her step out of the jeans. As he stood up he trailed his hands over her skin. It was soft and warm and he spread his palms across her hips, wanting to hold more of her as he bent his head to kiss her.

  His hands roamed her back stroking up under her shirt as he straddled her legs, pulling her body closer to his, wanting her to feel how hard his aching dick was, and how much he needed to slide inside her.

  She wiggled against him so he took that as approval. Thrusting his tongue into her mouth, he began to fuck her in the one place he was allowed to reach right now. But all too soon he had to pull away from her so they could breathe.

  He blinked. Zane was now naked and holding a string of condoms and a jar of lube which he placed on the floor beside the bed. Of course they’d gone to the DADISP with everything they thought they would need to woo a woman. But lube was a big step when she’d only just given them permission to kiss her. Still, he couldn’t fault Zane for planning ahead.

  Gently he turned Thea into Zane’s arms again, while he stepped back and stripped. He didn’t bother to fold his clothing. The floor was right there and he could deal with folding stuff later.

  Even so, by the time he turned around Thea was naked and lying on the bed with the blankets pushed off the end. Zane was lying over one side of her, his leg wrapped around hers and his mouth and hands paying attention to her breast. Ty was touched at Zane’s honor. He had taken exactly half of Thea. Almost as if he’d drawn a line down her center he’d confined himself to one breast and one leg. A man couldn’t wish for a more considerate friend.

  Ty slid onto the bed and lifted Thea’s other leg high, licking and sucking the soft inner skin of her thigh and then the line where her body and leg joined. Her cunt was wet, her cream gleaming in the soft light from the RV and the sweet taste of her essence on her skin, mingling with the tang of her salty sweat.

  When Zane possessed Thea’s mouth again, Ty licked along her slit, savoring the richer flavor of her here. Then he nibbled her pussy lips, wanting to add the smallest shards of pleasure-pain to their lovemaking. Her lips were soft and plump, and so deliciously coated with her cream. She was very wet and ready for them, but Ty wanted to give her an orgasm first, before one of them fucked her. Finally he ran his tongue all around her clit before flicking the tip over the hot little button. She was hotter than hell, her hips were thrusting up into his face demanding her do more, but she hadn’t come yet, so his work wasn’t finished.

  From time to time he glanced at her face. Zane was squeezing and sucking her beasts, and kissing her as well. She had her fists full of his friend’s blond hair and was trying to direct him where to touch her. Ty was certain Zane would be doing his very best to send her over the cliff. As he should be doing right now.

  Ty lowered his head again and sucked her clit hard before sliding his tongue as deep as it would go into her cunt and tongue-fucking her. Once again he licked and nibbled over her pussy lips and then he bit her clit. Not hard, but a definite nip.

  She gave a startled little squeak as cream gushed from her. Ty licked and petted her silky soft skin, and then leaned back to let Zane slide between her legs.

  He passed one of the condoms to Zane who sheathed himself and then threw both Thea’s legs over his shoulders before sliding his dick into her cunt.r />
  Ty’s own dick hardened. He knew exactly how hot and wet she was, but now he needed to concentrate on kissing her. He hadn’t even touched her breasts yet and that was an area he longed to play with.

  * * * *

  Dorothea lay back on the bed, breathing hard. Fuck! She hadn’t come that hard from oral sex ever before. Hell, she hadn’t come that hard from being fucked sometimes either. She was very nearly thirty and hadn’t been a virgin since the night of her prom. Her date had expected more from her than just a blowjob after he’d hired a tux and a limo, and had bought her flowers, and she’d been ready to find out what sex felt like.

  It felt pretty good. Over the years sometimes it’d been better than good. But never earth shaking, so she figured she ought to be grateful she could even climax from a cock since some women apparently couldn’t. The last few years though, she’d relied on an excellently designed vibrator that gave her a good orgasm every time. Thea loved her job, but the constant traveling around and working with different people made it hard to sustain a relationship. She was never able to commit to being there for a partner.

  Thea’s eyes were closed and she was still reveling in the wonderful release she’d had when a thick hard cock pushed into her cunt. Her eyes snapped open and she looked down at Zane. The man must be hung like a horse. Her tissues were stretched wide to accommodate him and he was still driving his way deeper inside her. Fuck! He was huge. And he felt amazing inside, even better than her BOB.

  Ty slid onto the bed by her head, and lifted her head onto his lap, stroking her hair back off her face and then kissing her eyebrows, her nose, her cheeks, and finally her lips.

  A shiver raced through her as she recognized the taste on his mouth as her own cum. He’d been tongue fucking her and now his kisses tasted of her as well as of him. Honey flooded her cunt at the sheer eroticism of his kisses. Now she could smell her essence mingled with the male scents of both men. There was sweat and man, but another scent as well. One she had no name for, but which was the combination of the three of them together. Awesome.


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