Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1)

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Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1) Page 9

by T. Saint John

  "What did you think she was?" I ask.

  "Beautiful, sweet, caring, quiet, and the great love of my life," he says.

  "Well why can't she still be all of those things?" I ask.

  "She has a son, Molly." Okay. I am confused.

  "Brayden, what does that matter? She isn't married. I got the impression that her son’s father isn’t even in their life."

  "I just thought when I had kids they'd be mine. My wife would carry my baby. Not have another man's." Okay I can understand where he's getting at.

  "Look we don't know the story. My suggestion is take the time to get to know her. I promise you she is still all of those things." I am almost begging.

  "Kids aren't a deal breaker. I just thought I'd know about them before I fell in love with their mother. Okay, can we move on? You got anything you want to tell me?" He asks.

  "Nope." I say

  "I'll let it go. Just so you know though, I am not blind. I don't know what's going on. I do know the genuine Molly smile and the fake Molly smile. Whatever it is, we can ride out our misery together."

  "Thank you. I just need to figure some things out." I say hoping he knows to drop it.

  We head back to work and I just want to go home. Where is a shooting when you need one?


  My workday is coming to an end. I hate leaving when there is so much I want to say to her. I watched her walk hand and hand with Brayden. It pisses me off. I wanted to go kiss her so he would know she was claimed. Sarah watched me watch her.

  "You sleeping with someone else?" she asks jokingly. I think she is conceited enough to think since I've been fucking her for six months that she is it for me. It's been a lot of someone else’s. Just none who've left me looking lost like Molly does.

  "It's none of your business who I sleep with," my voice shows my contempt.

  "Well as long as it isn't that trash. I mean who takes their shirt off for the world to see? Poor Brayden. He seems nice enough. Maybe we should warn him, but by the looks of it, might be too late." Could she really think this little of Molly? What a bitch!

  "Do you know her at all?" She takes in my expression. Sarah is a smart woman. I know right then she is seeing that there is something going on with Molly and me.

  "You are, aren't you? You want that? You make me sick." She storms off. Good. I'm done. I am done dealing with her and her pettiness.

  I need to leave. Heading out the door, I decide I need my brothers. I call them and ask them to meet at my house in about an hour. A little beer and a game will do us all good. Evan is the first to arrive.

  "Hey. How did Friday night go?" He takes in my expression and I know it's telling him the answer.

  "It went good until it didn't."

  "Are you going to fix it?" he asks seriously.

  "I don't know if I can," I say, because it's the truth.

  "What happened?" he asks.

  "I told her she had to keep us a secret."

  "You dumbass. No woman wants to be a dirty secret. A woman like Molly should never be kept a secret," he says pissed.

  "You think I don't know that? I said it because I..." I am so not going there with him.

  "You said it because our mom ran off. You said it because she didn't love us enough to stay. You don't need to tell me."

  I guess he's right to a point. Well, sort of. I also don't want complications at work. It's not that I'm concerned about her running her mouth about us, but as soon as people find out, I know she would be the topic around the nurses’ station. I don't want her to have to deal with those bitches day in and day out. Girls like Avery, they know how to keep the pot stirred.

  "Hey what's going on?" Maddox asks.

  "Just telling our brother what a fuck up he is for telling Molly she was his dirty secret," Evan says, and Maddox starts laughing. I want to kick him in the sac.

  "You didn't say dirty secret did you?" he is still laughing so I punch him in the arm.

  "No asshole! I didn't."

  "Well, I hate to add more stress to this situation. Before I say anything I want you to know I am on it." Maddox says.

  "Okay." I have a feeling I know where this is going.

  "Word is the Aryan brotherhood has a hit out on witnesses."

  "What does this mean for Molly?" Just thinking of what he is going to say gives me an uneasy feeling.

  "It means we keep a better watch on Molly."

  I don't know how, but I will protect her.

  Chapter 16


  Tuesday... I make it through the day. I saw Noah a couple times, but only spoke to him when it was work related. I had lunch with Brayden. It provided the distraction I needed. He definitely makes me laugh. He hasn't quite moved past Missy having a child. I think he realizes that he needs to get to know more about her and not just the preconceived notions he had in his mind.

  After work, I decide to go for a run. It has been a great stress reliever. As I get into my run, I start to feel uncomfortable. I was always taught to trust my gut when things didn't seem right. I feel like I'm being watched. I hope I’m being paranoid, but I'm not going to take any chances. Maddox has warned me to stay vigilant, watching out for anything I think is unusual. The whole shooting stays in the back of my mind. That was such an emotional, terrifying day.

  I keep on running, scanning my surroundings, when I lock eyes with a man. He has a menacing look. My eyes are instantly drawn to his neck. I see that he has a swastika tattoo with AB under it, the same as the boy from the shooting. My adrenaline instantly spikes.

  He's watching me. Deciding it's time to turn around, I turn around and slowly start going faster. I don't want to bring any attention to myself. I've never been a sprinter. I prefer distance. I look over my shoulder to see if he is following me. Not seeing anyone, I slow down. I stop and bend over to try to calm myself down It could just be a coincidence. This has definitely not been the stress reliever that I was hoping for.

  Now I just need to get home and put this day behind me.

  After calming down, I decide to just walk the rest of the way home. When I get to the corner deli where Brayden and I have been having lunch. I can see my apartment in the distance. I notice another man walking in my direction; again, I see that he also has a swastika tattoo. Not a coincidence. I keep my eyes focused straight ahead. Just as we start to pass each other, he grabs my arm.

  "This is your only warning, Molly. If you decide to testify you won't survive it," his voice is seething with hatred.

  "I understand," I say weakly. Shit. This isn't good.

  "You tell the cops about this run in, then you will be seeing me real soon pretty girl. We know all about you Molly Madden."

  "Yes. Okay," I say. He lets go of my arm. I walk past him and thankfully, he doesn't follow.

  I can't let the shooter walk away. I know I have to tell someone in law enforcement, but they are watching me. I have to find a way at least to let Maddox know.

  After I get back home, I decide to call my parents and my best friend. I need to hear familiar voices. Nothing soothes a soul like your daddy calling you his baby, your momma telling you that you're beautiful, and your best friend telling you she's there for you.

  I go ahead and shower, wanting to wash away this awful day. I slip into my old Rams t-shirt and some jogging shorts. Comfort. My stomach starts demanding food. I've always been an emotional eater. Right now, I have the creeps. Chinese food is the best comfort food. Lucky for me, there is one only a few buildings down.

  When I get out of the door, I see Maddox in his cop uniform. Beautiful, just like his brother. He waves and runs over. Great. I am totally rocking the hobo look. Why can't these men ever see me on a good day?

  "Hey! Where you headed?" Maddox asks.

  "I am going to grab dinner," he raises his eyebrow.

  "You sure you don't want to order in?" He says jokingly.

  "Shut up. I'll have you know this is what all the cool girls are wearing. Besides, I'm getting
it to go," I laugh.

  "Okay, cool. You’ve got the homeless look down pat." Again, he's joking and I elbow him in the ribs.

  "Molly, give me your phone. I want you to have my number. You know, in case anything happens," he says.

  Geez. I totally have a knack for humiliating myself. Since I have no pockets, I reach into my sports bra to hand him my phone. He busts out laughing and I can't help it. I laugh too. I remember I'm being watched. I need to get away from Maddox.

  I don't want to put him in danger right now. I will figure out a way to let him know what happened earlier. Hopefully our conversation just looks like we are joking.

  "Okay, Maddox I need to go," I know I sound rushed. Please don't ask.

  "Molly, You went from smiles to fear. You okay?" He asks, truly concerned.

  "Really, I need to go. No more police outside my apartment okay."

  "Ok, here's your phone back. How about unmarked cars instead? You should go back inside and have it delivered," he gives me a reassuring smile.

  "Okay Maddox. Thanks, that sounds great. Have a good evening." I take his advice and walk back inside.

  As soon as I get inside, I look at my phone. I look out my window and see that he's still out there.

  I pull up his number and send him a simple text.

  I'm being watched.


  I guess I got what I asked for. Molly is keeping our night secret and been avoiding me in the process. She seems to be doing fine. I should be happy right? Why then am I so miserable? Being with Molly is not something I'm moving on from easily.

  My phone rings. "Hey Maddox," I'm happy he called. I was about to go into a self-hate tailspin.

  "We’ve got a problem. Molly is being followed. She sent me a text letting me know she's being watched." Shit, this is another thing I've been worried about.

  Maddox continues, "I saw her the other night going out. I stopped her to check on her. She asked me to stop having police outside her apartment. I could tell she was scared. I got her to go back inside and that's when she sent me the text."

  "Maddox you can't allow that to happen."

  "We are going to do unmarked cars. I gave her all of my numbers. I'm just telling you this so you can watch for anything unusual at the hospital."

  "When will this be over?" I don't want her to live in fear and I don't want to fear losing her.

  "Well, usually after someone is sentenced, the gangs move on. They don't waste their resources. The boy was just a recruit. We just need to watch and worry until she testifies."

  "Okay. I will try to talk to her. See if she can't stay with one of her friends,” I tell Maddox.

  I wish I could talk her into staying with me, however, I know she won't. She won't even look at me.

  The next day I wait for her to show up at work. I need to know what happened. I wondered if anything else has happened. We can't keep her safe if she doesn't tell us what we are keeping her safe from. She walks in and it's a punch to the gut. She's smiling and laughing with Missy. Why isn't she as miserable as me? I wait for them to separate.

  "Molly, I'd like to speak to you in the office." She's been called in here before so no one really looks up. I saw a couple of nurses' eyes roll. I feel a little humor as well. Molly sure knows how to wreak havoc.

  "Dr. Stone, did I do something?" Shit. How do I answer that?

  "Nothing major." I say it calmly so no one thinks she messed up. She glares at me. I know she is pissed. She also knows doesn't have a choice but to come in. She won't disrespect me in front of our co-workers.

  "Okay." She rolls her eyes at me and walks in the office. I follow behind, closing the door.

  "Molly, I've been wanting to talk to you." I look at her. She sighs and continues to look at the floor.

  She lifts her eyes to mine and says, "Dr. Stone, is this why you called me in here?" She sounds sad and annoyed.

  "Not really, but I've been worried. How are you?" This really isn't what I wanted to ask, but it's the only time I've had her alone.

  "I'm fine. Truly, I'm fine. Is this all?" She stands and starts walking to the door.

  "No. I was wondering if you've had any trouble since the shooting." I see her tense. There's my answer, something has happened.

  "I'll be fine. I can go now, right?" I want to yell at her and tell her to stop. I want to stop all of this nonsense.

  "Not yet. You need to talk to me. I want to protect you, but I can't fight a ghost. I need details." Fucking hell, she has one hand on the doorknob, looking at the door. I hear a humorless laugh.

  "Dr. Stone, I am NOT your concern! I've talked to Maddox. I'll keep better watch." She turns the knob still not making eye contact. I can't control my anger now. I stand up, putting my hand on the door, keeping it shut.

  "Molly, you're acting like a child. I am trying to help. You’re in a very dangerous situation. I want us to come to an understanding and move past this stiffness between us."

  "Child? I'm giving you what you asked for. I'm keeping us a secret. I need to get to work. Please, let go of the door."

  I still can't see her eyes, but I could hear the emotion in her voice. She's right. She is doing exactly what I asked. This is the first time I am not confident in my abilities to move on, to let go. It's a very unsettling feeling.


  Thank God, the week is over. I invited the girls for a night of drinks and fun. Kerrigan will be working so we plan to sit at the bar. I need to unwind. Noah is driving me crazy. He wants a secret and yet he wants to protect me. He wanted us to come to an understanding. What does that even mean? We certainly came to an understanding that night, one, done, and secretly gone.

  If only I could forget about it. Forget his touch, forget his kiss. I might have felt pain at first, but Noah gave me everything I wanted. We had one perfect night. At least for me it was. Maybe I was boring. Is that the reason? He said he didn’t want experience. Probably after it was over he realized that’s exactly what he wanted. UGH! I infuriate myself. What is wrong with me? I need to forget. I need to let go. Tonight, I am doing just that.

  I walk into Hansons and see Lani at the bar talking with Kerrigan. They both smile brightly at me.

  “Damn girl! You look hot. I thought this was going to be a girls night.” Lani says.

  “Oh, it is. I’m here to drink, get drunk, and have a good time.”

  Kerrigan says, “I don’t think that’s a good idea with you wearing that mini skirt. It makes your legs look a mile long. The boys are going to love those toys.”

  “That’s exactly why I wore it.” I’m not looking to hook up with anyone. I want to feel wanted, maybe a dance with a guy who won’t hide me.

  “Well then, don’t let me stop you. Here you go,” Kerrigan hands me a shot.

  “Lani what’cha drinking?” I ask.

  “I just came to hang out, no drinking for me. I have to work early.”

  “I’m not the only one drinking tonight, am I?”

  “Nope, I’m joining you,” Missy says while coming in for a hug.

  “That’s what I’m talking about. Bad week for you too?” I ask.

  “Bad no. Confusing yes.”

  “Well, lets get this night started. Wait, where’s Jessica?”

  “She’s been working out of town a lot helping out a new art gallery in Boston. She is loving it,” Lani explains.

  Good for her. I raise a glass towards Missy then we both down a shot. My second. Her first. It’s going to be a good night. I feel it. We, I mean I have another two shots. Finally, I’ve got a buzz started. Missy starts talking about men and how she can’t understand them. I soon realize this conversation is going to shit. I take another shot.

  “Why do guys make everything so hard?” I ask.

  Missy just looks at me and says, “I have a better question. Why are men so misleading? I mean he flirts with me, pulls me to his lap then absolutely nothing. No how are you doing, screw off, nothing. I don’t get it.”

�ll drink to that.” I raise another glass. Missy takes her second shot.

  “Alright. That’s your limit on shots girlfriend. Beer and water for you the rest of the night,” Kerrigan says.

  “What? Why?” I ask.

  “Because this is Chicago, not Kentucky.”

  “What do you mean? I won’t be driving. I live like a block away from here.” My words are a slurred mess.

  “Driving isn’t the only thing you have to worry about. Look around girl, these boys are just waiting for you to get drunk enough to pounce,” Lani says.

  “Fine, give me a beer, then I’ll be done.”

  I see Dr. Hotty Asshole’s brothers walk in. Shit. I notice that Kerrigan is looking the other way.

  “What’s up, ladies?” Evan says in his smooth voice. It sounds so much like Noah.

  “It’s a girls night. I’m here letting loose, and letting go.”

  “Letting go?” Maddox questions.

  “Yep. Moving on.”

  “Molly, how much have you had?” Maddox ask

  “What does it matter to you? Come on girls, lets go dance!” I grab Missy and Lani and head to the dance floor. Before I do, Evan grabs my arm and leans in to whisper.

  “Molly, what are you doing? Why are you doing this?” Evan asks.

  “I’m having fun. By the nights end I hope to be experienced. You know so I won’t have to be someone else's dirty secret.”

  It’s not true. I just say it because I want to feel better about myself. Not that looking slutty would make me feel better, but a guy enjoying a dance with me in public would help boost my recently bruised ego. I have never had confidence issues. Then again, I’ve never had boy troubles. I see compassion in Evan’s eyes. The same I saw the night he took me to Noah’s. When I see it, I know I am being childish. This is what a lot of college freshman girls do. I’ve never in my life just let go.


  I love working on nights like this. The E.R. is busy. Nothing too serious, still enough to keep me busy and keep my mind off Molly. My phone keeps vibrating, but I don’t have time to answer it. My patient got nailed in the eye with a paintball gun.


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